Post Vacation Blues...What Is Your Cure?


DIS Veteran
Mar 9, 2005
Boy this is a subject that we all can relate to! As a matter of fact I'm in the car now driving to Tampa to stay with friends for the next to weeks while I try and find employment so that I can move my family here.

The Podsquad brings up a very valid point though about how our Disney/Flodida vacations are an escape from reality and moving here doesn't mean that you can stay on vacation. I do realize that this will be home and all that comes with it. I've taken a long hard look at just why it is that I want to live here and although I love VA, the consistent warm weather, quick access to both coasts and the Dis parks are just to compelling.

I do have to agree with Kevin & Pete that planning my next Florida trip gets me through the depression. That S.A.D sure is a killer though.

Share your story......
When I'm feeling especially homesick for WDW, I usually get on here. :goodvibes Or maybe watch one of the Travel Channel shows. I have several Disney CDs I can listen to & daydream about our next trip. Lately, I've been doing some initial money crunching to see where we want to stay next trip. The weekly podcasts certainly help. 2008 will be our first non-Disney year since '01. :scared1:
Nothing beats booking another trip! I am a cheapskate, so I always wait for a discount code. When one comes out for the date I'm looking for it's like Christmas morning! :banana:
This always reminds me of someone I used to work with who was always sad unless she was pregnant or had a newborn. This is such a comfort to me, because in comparison, wishing you were on a trip is a little less kooky. That's what I tell myself anway. :rotfl2:
Thanks for starting this thread!

I'm the podcast listener that called in with the question.... I came home from my trip in September and just felt blah.

I felt the same way after I planned my first wedding. We had a huge wedding and it took a lot of planning... when it was over, I was like, "this is it??? I planned for 9 months for this?"

I appreciate any suggestions you can give!


Come on here and comiserate with the family!

I only get to go every four years! (stupid atlantic ocean!)

I plan my next trip (2009 with my mom, then 2010 with DBF)

I am also helping my parents plan their trip this september, i keep giving them podcast tips!

Otherwise i watch Disney movies and music etc. I also talk to one of my friends off Disboards (that i actually know in real life, i know a scary thing!). Shes going for her 11th time in 2 weeks, i pale in comparison with my 4 but we still have a nice chat!
I have the same problem. I planned for our 2006 trip for 3 years and then the week before it got here I was so depressed. I know it was because I was already thinking that it is almost over. When we got back and I went back to work anytime I would hear any Disney music I would almost start crying. I kept thinking last week or last month at this time I was at WDW.

I have started scrapbooking my pictures but it is taking a long time because I just can't get into the mood to do it. I listen to a lot of Disney podcast (DisUnplugged is #1) and I read lots of Disney message boards which really helps. I also love listening to DisRadio but sometimes that still makes me start crying because I miss WDW so much and it just brings back so many memories of our great trip.

When we came back we decided we would go every 5 years. I was OK with that because I was the Disney lover and this was my husbands first trip. I didn't know how he would like it and luckily he loved it. After being home for a couple of months he decided he wanted to go every 4 years . . . great! Well, he loved it so much that now within the past year we are down to going every other year :banana: .

Knowing that I have a trip to plan now for 2009 has been a lifesaver for my post trip blues.
Depression that ends up in the psych ward :confused3 I end up babbling about Mickey Mouse and cistenes?? :lmao:

I am down because I can't even begin to plan my next trip :sad2:

But this is really BAD! My DS4 came to me yesterday soo sad just crying and I asked him what was wrong.....he said

"mommy I miss Disney World, I want to go back!"

Yea, I did it now huh?!
Thanks for starting this thread!

I'm the podcast listener that called in with the question.... I came home from my trip in September and just felt blah.

I felt the same way after I planned my first wedding. We had a huge wedding and it took a lot of planning... when it was over, I was like, "this is it??? I planned for 9 months for this?"

I appreciate any suggestions you can give!



I have the same problem except it's every month. I own a home in Central Florida (about 30 minutes from Disney). I consider Florida "home". I go "home" every month for about 12-14 days. Unfortunately, because of work (I own a business in Maine), I have to return to the cold and snow every month.

You may be thinking that I am lucky that I can go right back to Florida every month but consider that the "depression" you experience will typically fade with time but I go through it every month.

I could sell my business and maybe move down here (I'm in Florida right now) but that wouldn't be a smart move so I'll continue getting my Disney fix while in Maine by doing what everyone else does. Read all the post on the DISboards, listen to the podcasts, read as many Disney books as possible and just wait until the next trip to Disney.

Thanks for starting this thread!

I'm the podcast listener that called in with the question.... I came home from my trip in September and just felt blah.

I felt the same way after I planned my first wedding. We had a huge wedding and it took a lot of planning... when it was over, I was like, "this is it??? I planned for 9 months for this?"

I appreciate any suggestions you can give!


When I heard your voicemail I was truly able to feel for you and remembered just exactly how I felt about a month after me and DS first trip to WDW in 2001. We never, ever thought we would be able to go and one weekend my ex-hubby had DS he lent me his laptop, just for fun. So I went to WDW website and did a pretend vacation (7 nights value) a year out-not realizng I could do that but hey? I was able to. And....found out it was only going to cost us around $1600 including airfare from CA. I started playing with $$ numbers and figured a year ahead making payments I could do this!:yay:

So a year later we go, have the time of our lives, come home, everything is fine and about a month later it starts. The sadness, depression-OH MY GOSH! It was like someone hit me over the head with something. I couldn't stop thinking about WDW and I needed to go back-desperately. It was actually kind of scarry. Then, one night I went on my computer and googled "Walt Disney World". Hmm! Interesting the things that came up. the first I went to was a trip report. A trip report? What is that I said. I soon found out. :) Then I discovered one of the terrific WDW/Disneyland info sights that has links to many other sights and one of which led me to the "DIS". Well, when I clicked on the link that said "Disboards" it was all over for me. I was in :love: . I soon found myself spending hours, and hours and .......... on the Dis. I figured out how to plan trips in advance without spending a dime which cured my sadness and depression. I don't know what I would have done had I not found this board but Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.

Pete said my answer word for word... I deal by planning the next trip!!! Half the fun of going is planning it!! I HAVE to have a trip planned... or at least I am planning to plan my next one LOL. My addiction started when I went in 2004 with some extended family, my DD was 9 (her 1st time), we took off alone together for a while at MK and had sooo much fun alone, I came home and planned a 10 day for 2 months later! :banana: Since then, we go two times a year. I am lucky in the fact that DH is not into WDW, so I can afford more trips because it is just us two. We dubbed them mother/daughter trips ;)

I havent been without a trip planned for more than 2 months, and in that 2 months, I was working on what month we could work one in.

I think part of the problem that makes us Disney vacation fans get so depressed when we get back, is that while at WDW or DL, you are so out of the loop of regular life and so into the Disneyish life, that you really are taking away. Like a good movie gets you totally out of reality, well Disney does that- but for days on end!! So coming back to real life- harsh reality hits fast and it kinda knocks you off your Disney high way too fast.

The only solution I have is to plan another. :confused3

After one 10 day trip, we both felt we got our fill. Well NOT, we got home and in no time where wanting to go back NOW! LOL

DD is 14 and she still loves to go. I feel blessed because some kids hit that age and feel over it. Or they want a friend to go. But she is still loving our time together there- so I am eating it up while she is still willing!

We do play a game when we are home... it is a "today is a _______ day" and we pick a park, she may say "today is a MGM day" I either agree or say my choice. Thats gets us talking about what we would be doing if we where there at that moment. Its fun.

We also say things like "some lucky person is on TOT right now" or "someone is eating at Chef Mickey's right now sitting right where we did, near the...." stuff like that. It kinda brings back memories and gets the whole Disney thing going. :thumbsup2
I was the same when I got home from our trip in Nov/Dec. I had spent so long planning that it was like a leg had been cut off when I got back. As it costs a large fortune to get there from Australia and takes so much time, I new it would be a while before I could get back. Apart from spending my time now scrapbooking my photos, I am also planning another trip (for Sept. 2010) It seems like a long way from now (I guess it is really) but it keeps me going.
After our first trip in '05, I was pretty down too. I immediately began using Microsoft Movie Maker to assemble my pics into a slide show. I worked on that for a good 3 days non-stop and then found out I was pregnant. I didn't worry about WDW anymore. :rotfl2:

By the time I'd had said baby (DS, now 2 yrs, 4 months), it was time to plan another trip. We've been going every 6 months since then and after the December 08 trip, it'll be time for another baby and we probably won't go again unto '10.

So, my answer: plan another trip or have a baby! :rotfl:
When I'm feeling especially homesick for WDW, I usually get on here. :goodvibes Or maybe watch one of the Travel Channel shows. I have several Disney CDs I can listen to & daydream about our next trip. Lately, I've been doing some initial money crunching to see where we want to stay next trip. The weekly podcasts certainly help. 2008 will be our first non-Disney year since '01. :scared1:

Bingo, gotta love Tivo/DVR. I keep a copy of the Travel Channel Disney episodes and watch them with the wife and kids every now and then. I pick up something new from the show every time, either I'm an idiot or there's a good amount of information that it just can't be taken in over one sitting. They are airing some new specials early April, something to look forward to :-)

Become a Pod-O'-haulic like the rest of us! I take more walks now than I ever did in order to make time for the 8-9 different shows I listen to. Good for the health thing as well!

Oh, and rum, like previously mentioned... ;-)
I know it's tough. I always get After Disney World Depression (ADWD) after a trip, sometimes worse than others. Kevin made a good point about the weather. I usually go to WDW in spring, but I went to Orlando the first week of Feburary this year and it was 85 and sunny blue skies every day...coming back home to cold, gray and snow was AWFUL. It definitely made for worse ADWD.

Anyway, after I get home, I give myself like a week to adjust. I even stay off the DIS boards! :scared1: For the first week, I just can't handle it. After that though, I start missing the boards and I start reading them again and posting tips and things I found out from my most recent trip. After the first week the DIS really helps, but the best thing for me is planning another trip, mine or someone else's. I am constantly planning a trip these days. I'm going back in October, so I'm working on that and also a trip for a friend of my sister who is going in May and another one for a co-worker.

Another thing I do is write my own trip report. I don't usually post it on the boards, but I keep a notebook with me on a trip and every night I write down things that happened that day. When I get home I re-write the whole thing from my notes and it does help. I sort of "re-live" the trip and it usually lifts my spirits.
I'm with a lot of the other posters. I try to think and plan ahead for our next trip, listen to Disney music, watch the Travel Channel Disney shows, and of course, get my daily fix of the Disboards!! ;)
I felt the same way after I planned my first wedding. We had a huge wedding and it took a lot of planning... when it was over, I was like, "this is it??? I planned for 9 months for this?"

That's how most guys feel before the wedding.

(of course my wife is not on this board)

I think the Scariest thing is that the OP started this thread while driving to Tampa.:eek:
I also have to take a bit of time off from disboards, i get annoyed by other peoples tickers! What?!?!?! They get to go in a month!!!!

Oh well, just put my new ticker up! Woo 1 year, 6 months and 4 days!
I am glad i am only a week behind Mrs Grumpy! I was worried i was putting it up too soon!
This is an interesting topic. Here are my thoughts: If I can, the best way is what Pete said - to start planning a next trip (even if it is far off). One thing you can do is that before you go away, try to plan something for a week or so after you get home, like buying tickets for an event or a show. This way even when you get home you still have something fun to look forward to - its not like everything is completely over.
Thanks for starting this thread!

I'm the podcast listener that called in with the question.... I came home from my trip in September and just felt blah.

I felt the same way after I planned my first wedding. We had a huge wedding and it took a lot of planning... when it was over, I was like, "this is it??? I planned for 9 months for this?"

I appreciate any suggestions you can give!

Maiziezoe -- for 14 months I planned each and every day for our Disney wedding - it was an AMAZING day but then we ended up on our honeymoon - a 7 night Disney cruise. The cruise is amazing - Disney certainly didn't do anything to cause me to be in tears for the majority of my honeymoon. But I was just so depressed because the wedding was over - the planning had consumed my life and now that the day was over, there was nothing left. When I plan our Disney vacations I run into the same problem. So, like Pete and everyone else said, I deal with it by planning another vacation. And when I get home, I make photo books with my vacation pictures, edit my videos into DVDs, and obsess over the travel channel for Disney Channel shows. I also listen to my Disney music and of course, read the Disboards and listen to the Podcast. It makes it a bit easier to cope that way ;)


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