Postcard Exchange sent/received

I got my elf postcards today from Carrie (NiteOwl71). The postcards are of her beautiful Chicago area. Thank you for the postcards.
Come on postcards, start arriving:rolleyes: It's pathetic how slow the delivery of them is.
I can't believe how slow these postcards are going. Mine should have arrived by now!
I just mailed a set yesterday, hopefully they will arrive by the end of the week.
We received 2 envelopes TODAY!!!!!

One from Ambersmom DD from España.

She send 3 postcards to Ilse.

:) Benalmadena Costa Beach! 5 minutes walk from her house :) lucky you, beautiful place.

:) Costa del Sol, beautiful village.

:) Benalmadena Costa--- La Isla de Puerto Marina. Nice!

Thanks Ambermom.
The other one is for Shawny from Molly in the U.K.

:) Warwick Castle ...Shawny loves castles this one is just amazing.

:) Beautiful Warwickshire ---Shakespeare's Country----

What a lovely place, hope you get to visit soon.

:) Historic Coventry

Thanks little Molly, I hope you can come back to Disney World pretty soon, and tell you Mom that I love her hand writing (sp?) so neat.

Thanks, and I know I still missing at least one or 2 more envelopes, I'll find them and post them. And I hope the cards we send get there soon!

mickeyfan2 said:
I got my elf postcards today from Carrie (NiteOwl71). The postcards are of her beautiful Chicago area. Thank you for the postcards.
I can't believe that they took that long :confused3 I mailed them the same day I mailed the Keep Me Cool exchange.

I should have put them in the package :rotfl:

I am glad you got them and you are welcome :thumbsup2
Updated list of those who are still waiting on some postcards..

Kirby 1 envelope

ForTheLoveOfDisney 1 envelope

Nite0wl71 1 envelope

Amazing-Grace 1 envelope

Yyx99 1 envelope

Ambersmom 1 envelope

SandraVB79 1 envelope


Stacey (Nite0wl71 DD) 1 envelope

Emily (Mom2Em DD) 2 envelopes

Lyssa (Reese DD) 1 envelope

Carys (Astrid DD) 1 envelope

Cute Holly 1 envelope

All cards are in the mail.. some must be literally walking to their destinations or taking the slow boat to china with a leak. The length of time it is taking for some of these cards to be delivered is shocking.

Hopefully there will be some deliveries very soon.....:wizard:
I guess that one envelope has found a better plac to end up at... I'm sure it's somewhere at the beach, near a cocktail bar, bwahaha!
Hope it comes soon Sandra... it was posted ages ago too. I really don't know why it's taking so long for the cards to arrive.. this exchange should really have been all wrapped up by now.. but the way it's going, it will be another week maybe more until all cards have finally been delivered.:confused:
PixieDust32 said:
I also received cards from the U.K but sorry no sender name on the envelope or cards!

She send me....

"H.M Tower of London"
"Prince Harry and Prince William" ( William looks just like his Mom)
"La Gomera" (Beautiful!!)
"Lychgate St Nicholas Church: (where she got married)

Thank you so much, I love the stories also and the cards.

These are from D15NEY
Friday is a holiday here, so if it doesn't arrive today or tomorrow, it will at least take until next week. Not that I am in a hurry, it's too darn hot to stress about things like this :)


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