Powered formula


Earning My Ears
Aug 19, 1999
Was curious if anyone using powdered formula with their baby is having a hard time getting it into the parks? I'm also worried about how to travel with it on the plane. I've been considering either spending more $$ and buying the individual packets or ready made bottles or switching my DS, who will turn one on the trip, to whole milk early. Any advice from those who have recently returned?
I hadn't even thought about powdered formula, but it's what I use for my 3 mo. old and we're travelling next month, so I guess I'll have to. I think I will pack two unopened cans in the luggage and bring ready-made bottles on the plane with me. Thanks for bringing it up. I probably wouldn't have thought about it beforehand and been stuck at the airport.
If you're worried about travelling with the powdered formula or even worrying about packing it (after all, those bags DO get tossed around, you'd hate to have powder all over your clothes!) I can suggest trying Netgrocer.com They sell large cans of powdered formula, the individual packets, and even bottled water. If you are staying on-site at a Disney Resort, they can deliver it directly to you. It is expensive mind you, the cost of convenience I'm sure:) Just a suggestion!!!! I have a DD who will be 6 months when we go in Dec and I am planning on Netgrocer myself!
Bringing powdered formula will take up a lot of room in your luggage, but otherwise shouldn't be a problem. If you child is only a few days away from making the switch to whole milk I would suggest either making the switch a few days before the trip or deal with the extra bulk in the luggage. I wouldn't make any drastic changes in a one year old's diet during a trip in case his GI tract revolts. Traveling is stressful enough for a little one without having to deal with other changes as well.
What we did was pack enough formula for the plane ride and some extra bottles, and just bought formula when I got to Orlando. We stopped at the Publix on the way from the airport, and it was very convient!! What I do for the parks is I bought at Target a powdered formula carrier. It's a small plastic container, divided into three sections, each which, holds 4 scoops of powder. Much more convient, and cheaper than the individual packets or the individual bottles. I also use bottled water, since the water in FL is different than the water here, and I don't have to worry about that upsetting his stomach. I also plan on doing this on our next trip!!!
Thanks for all of the responses. I was actually more concerned about all of the anthrax scares and packing "powdered" formula. I thought that it might be considered suspicious on the plane or bringing it into the parks. I think since my son is only drinking about 12 oz. a day, I will just invest in the individual 4 oz. packets and use it with bottled water. Thanks again for all of your responses.
when my youngest was on the bottle at wdw, we used the enfemil easy ones packets. i filled the bottles at the beginning of the day with the water then added the powder as my son needed it.

however if you child is turning one on your trip, switch to milk. hes old enough as early as 10 months.
I would not even worry about it. If there was any question just make sure that you are taking a new can that is still sealed. On the way home just toss what is left.

We could not make it through the park without powdered formula. Although you child is a little older than our infant was at WDW... going all day without the possiblilty of a bottle on such busy days was not realistic for us.

Sometimes the switch between powder and liquid makes it taste just different enough that maybe your child will not drink it. On a long day in a park you want you child to have what it takes to be comfortable. I am talking infants here - my 5 and 7 year old just have to deal with it.
we were on vacation while our son turned one & we stuck with formula. Switching to milk might not be good for his stomach, especially with all the excitement of WDW!

the easy ones packets are great, and even if powder wasn't a security issue, I'd recommend them for your trip.

I hope you have a great time :)
I wouldn't worry about it. I'm sure alot of people are entering the parks with powdered formula. I assume it won't be a problem as long as your DS is with you.

When our DD was younger, we brought a large can of powdered formula to WDW on the plane. Each day at the parks, we would measure out the powder and put it in the bottles. At the parks we would just add water. Plane ride home, all the unused powder fit into one unused bottle.
Even in these days of tight security, I can't see airlines or Disney arguing with you over powdered formula, as long as you are traveling with an infant.

If I were you, I probably would not switch to milk, because I found the powdered formula to be some much easier than milk. As posters have said, you can carrry the bottles of water and mix in the park as you go. (like a previous poster, I loved the three part powder holder!). With milk, you have to worry about keeping it cold or buy it in the parks.
whos going to know you have powdered formula in your bag until you pull it out to use in which case you can tell whoever the freak is that asks about it to wait a sec and they can watch you feed it to your baby and arrest you for killing your own child at wdw if its anthrax.
I feel that I have to respond to the new post on this thread. I am one who TRIED in vain to breastfeed both of my children and was unable to lack of milk production. To just place a post that the answer to this posters question is to breatfeed I feel is insensitive. People make their choices and that's what they want to do. I know breastfeeding is better than feeding formula, but for some people it's not an option. Either we are unable to due to physical circumstances, or can't due to medication. I'm sorry if this is a post that will elicit a debate, and it isn't meant to be, but I just want it known that some people HAVE TO use formula, and those who CHOOSE to shouldn't be told "breastfeed, breastfeed, breastfeed"
I didn't mean to hurt any feelings by saying that, I will not even begin to debate that topic on a WDW BB. Sorry if you feel I offended you.
Just to let you know, I was there last weekend and I ran out of formula at the Marketplace so I went into the gourmet pantry to see if they had any. I was shocked to see that an 8 oz can of ready to drink isomil or similac was $3.25 a can. I decided to take the boat back to the hotel to grab some instead - wasted time, but saved money since I needed two more feedings worth. No problems with security checks and powdered formula in the little formula containers.
My Wal Mart has prosobee powder packets for travel. You get a box with packets that when mixed make 4 oz. of formula each. They are long and narrow about the size of a tooth brush holder. THey are great and you just pack what you need for the park. I also used the premixed 8 oz cans they are about 6.00 for six I think.
Now this is a second-hand story, so take it with a grain of salt. A friend of my office-mate was traveling from Denver to North Dakota. She had powdered formula in her carry-on bag. They made her remove it. They allowed her to make up two bottles (probably not enough for a 3+ hour flight with a couple hours of layover) and they stored them in their fridge on the plane. I guess she was quite flabbergasted to say the least. I would say be prepared for anything what with airline security as it is today.


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