Prayers and Pixie dust please for my mom


Big hug :hug:
I'm thinking about your mom and about you!!!
I'm home. Mom isn't. They aren't sure what went wrong. And the diagnosis from 2 years ago was one of those vague ones when they don't know what happened. All they could say was they wanted her to stay overnight for observation because there is a possibility a stroke could follow within 24 hours. She said the only reason she stayed was because of me. She knew I would worry all night. I'm going to work a half day tomorrow and then go to the hospital and see what's going on.

Thanks for all the prayers and good thoughts.


She must be doing alright, she knows you would worry about her. Glad you have a job that allows you to be flexible like that. Keep us posted, please.
Still wishing the best for your Mom and her medical team. :flower3:

You stay strong and take care of yourself, too.
Well, Mom is bored out of her mind at the hospital. I didn't sleep last night thanks to Molly. She wouldn't settle so I couldn't sleep. I fell asleep around 3:30 and the neurologist called at 5:30 with questions that he got the same answers from my Mom. So I'm home trying to get a nap before I need to go get her. They have no clue what happened and they really didn't have a clue last time. She needs an MRI, but with extreme claustraphobia, she needs an open one, so we will need to find one. Just to be sure.

Thank you again everyone for your prayers and pixie dust.

I'm just seeing this, Kim. Please take care of yourself too. Thinking good thoughts for you and mom.
Thoughts and prayers going out to you and your Mom, Kim. :grouphug:
Prayers and Pixie Dust to you and your Mom. I hope the doctors can find out the issue and take care of it.
Hope you get a good night's rest.
And your Mom finds good health! :flower3:
Hi, Mom is home and resting. Hospitals just really tire you out. No real diagnosis. More test as an out patient. I don't expect a definitive diagnosis. Just the tests saying the is nothing wrong.

Thanks for all the prayers and good wishes.

Hi, Mom is home and resting. Hospitals just really tire you out.

My Mom used to call her times in hospitals and rehab/nursing homes as "incarceration" and she couldn't wait to break out.

Hope you and your Mom have soem good days ahead. :flower3:
How's Mom doing today? Hope they can diagnose and treat her quickly! Prayers going her way.
Hi, Mom is home and resting. Hospitals just really tire you out. No real diagnosis. More test as an out patient. I don't expect a definitive diagnosis. Just the tests saying the is nothing wrong.

Thanks for all the prayers and good wishes.


Just catching up..

I hope she is still doing well.

I just saw this as well. I hope that your mom is doing well today and that the tests she will need will pinpoint something. ((hugs)) Pixie dust headed your way.


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