Project Runway Season 16

Do you think the twins get an entire episode because they are twins? They've had sudden death before and it has always been done at the end of the same episode.
Yes, I do think they were probably hired because they were twins who sew and are dramatic and opinionated! It will be interesting to see when and IF one of them gets fired!
I was really hoping for a double elimination this past Thursday so I was pretty bummed that not only were they given another chance, they carried it over to next week. I will be really annoyed if one of them is not eliminated at the top of this week’s show.
Not a twins-only episode. I just watched the preview on LifeTime, and while it started with the on on one, it also had Tim and a guest addressing all the designers and telling them the challenge
Wow! Claire wins? I'm sorry, her "outfit" looks like a teenager's idea of "fashion".

And I can't believe people are "not wanting to throw others under the bus". That attitude would never had flown on past seasons.

Is Claire going to be outed as using an outside source for her design(apparently she was measuring her personal wardrobe pants back at the hotel to know how to put her outfit's pants together)? That's cheating. People in the past were sent home for using books and other materials on how to make clothes.

I don't think Margarita really has much of a leg to stand on about "so much going on in the design room". I mean "her" design that Claire started with was changed. She needed to get her head back in the game.
But Michael and Margarita were nasty little brats in the workroom. Claire does have talent but her sister held her back because she did so much for her. And now on her own she is more competition. Does she drive me batty yup but her work was way better than Michael and margaritas. And I saw 4 in the bottom
Margarita has no one but herself to blame for this week. She was acting like a high schooler, along with Michael. If you aren’t willing to speak up, get over it and move on.

However, if Claire actually was measuring another pair of pants she really needs to be expelled for it. I thought she had actual talent but now I think the bloom is off her rose. And seriously, they both need to cut the cord from each other. I bet they talk in secret twin talk at the supper table lol
The judges are so inconsistent with their critiques.
How can they say Michael's was "just too much" and that he didn't take into consideration the model's proportions and then love Kentaro's dress? Yes it was pretty but she was a very petite woman and that dress was just too much on her.
Also, Brandon's bottom half of his design was very similar to Michael's.

Once again I liked Claire's the best.
I agree that Margarita was acting like a high schooler. After Clair changed the shirt (which was 1000 times better than Margarita's design) that should have been the end of the drama. Margarita should have spoke to Claire when she was designing the look alike and handled it like an adult. She didn't and Claire changed the design all on her own.
I do sometimes have to remind myself that this isn't reality though, we see the edited version of what happens not what really happens.

I would love to see Claire go if she did in fact cheat, although I am unsure what the allegations were. Did she take those pants back "home" to measure? Did she measure a different pair in her closet that she designed previously? Did she get her "design" from something she owns but didn't design?
I thought Michael say he saw her measuring pants that were similar? I admit I was half paying attention though.
The judges are so inconsistent with their critiques.
How can they say Michael's was "just too much" and that he didn't take into consideration the model's proportions and then love Kentaro's dress? Yes it was pretty but she was a very petite woman and that dress was just too much on her.
Also, Brandon's bottom half of his design was very similar to Michael's.

Once again I liked Claire's the best.
I agree that Margarita was acting like a high schooler. After Clair changed the shirt (which was 1000 times better than Margarita's design) that should have been the end of the drama. Margarita should have spoke to Claire when she was designing the look alike and handled it like an adult. She didn't and Claire changed the design all on her own.
I do sometimes have to remind myself that this isn't reality though, we see the edited version of what happens not what really happens.

I would love to see Claire go if she did in fact cheat, although I am unsure what the allegations were. Did she take those pants back "home" to measure? Did she measure a different pair in her closet that she designed previously? Did she get her "design" from something she owns but didn't design?
I thought Michael say he saw her measuring pants that were similar? I admit I was half paying attention though.

The accusation is that Claire was in her room measuring a pair of pants identical to the ones the model wore. Whether they were store bought or her creation is not known at the time.
Was Brandon's the one that looks like it had an apron? I don't get that. Not a fan of Claire - but not really clear if she cheated or not. Michael's pants were a big no - who would ever wear something like that, not flattering at all and heavy. And Margarita - girl needs to grow up, she got so filled with drama that she screwed herself over. I'd have more sympathy for those 2 if they had managed to turn out decent looks. Overall thought most of the designs this week were pretty blah, nothing to get excited over.
The accusation is that Claire was in her room measuring a pair of pants identical to the ones the model wore. Whether they were store bought or her creation is not known at the time.

Identical as in the print too?
If yes then this whole thing is just one big script.
I was just thinking how many ways can you make pants. I thought he said she went into the bathroom and measured pants , meaning to too the pattern off them? I guess we wait and see if that is "indeed" what she did.

The top will it didn't look at all like hers at the end so that shouldn't matter, she did that to herself. Someone said the top looked like Shawn's dress at the top with two slits but that too didn't really copy since the dress was flat after that the top not.

I did not like Michael's out fit at all, not even sure how Brandon got a pass on that outfit.
I had mixed feelings about last nights show. I was upset that Clare won. It was a nice outfit, but you can buy just about the same thing at most department stores. I loved Kentaro's even if it was too much for the little lady he dressed:) Loved the colors and flow of it. I will stick with my thought that he will win the show. Hope I haven't put the curse on him with that because my picks usually don't win!
I, too, felt that Margarite and Michael went over board with the drama.
I don't know what Tim will do with the situation next week. It seemed like a lot of drama over nothing to me.
I'm still not comfortable that Claire really knows how to sew and design just yet.
BTW: What is up with this "Sammy" show that parallels the show? My DVR taped it because it said project runway on the title, but I've never heard of it before. I'm confused about it.
My understanding is that Sammy does the challenges right along with the designers each week, just to see if she can do it? But it shows her being critiqued by the judges and Tim?????? Is she in the work room with them, but off camera??? Also, it seems she has a twin like Shawn and Claire, or is that just her doing doubles??? As you can see, I am confused over this whole concept.
How does everyone else feel about it?
I thought Kentaro should have won. His outfit did overwhelm his model a bit, but it was at least different and interesting. I am pretty sure that I own Claire's shirt, I bought it from Banana Republic a few years ago, and the bottoms were just run of the mill pants, there was no fashion involved in her look whatsoever.

Margarita was so overwhelmingly annoying, although I wonder if it was more how they cut the episode to give it more drama? Regardless, she shouldn't have gotten so worked up about it, and she should have said something to Claire, instead of telling every single other person except for Claire, and carrying on and on. Also, in the end, Claire's design looked nothing like her dress, and the final look that they present to the judges is all that should matter. Michael was equally annoying, and his pants were a disaster, he should have focused more of his energy on those.

I usually like Brandon's designs, although I could never wear any of them, but this week's look was just bizarre.
I still think all of Brandon's looks look like they came directly from the set of Star Wars Rogue One, with Rae wearing most of them:)

All the dangly cloth reminds me of a straight jacket! And the judges say they want different looks, but praise Brandon's rags every time?
Some of that is in jest, but I really don't like his wrapped look with dangling ties!
I had mixed feelings about last nights show. I was upset that Clare won. It was a nice outfit, but you can buy just about the same thing at most department stores. I loved Kentaro's even if it was too much for the little lady he dressed:) Loved the colors and flow of it. I will stick with my thought that he will win the show. Hope I haven't put the curse on him with that because my picks usually don't win!
I, too, felt that Margarite and Michael went over board with the drama.
I don't know what Tim will do with the situation next week. It seemed like a lot of drama over nothing to me.
I'm still not comfortable that Claire really knows how to sew and design just yet.
BTW: What is up with this "Sammy" show that parallels the show? My DVR taped it because it said project runway on the title, but I've never heard of it before. I'm confused about it.
My understanding is that Sammy does the challenges right along with the designers each week, just to see if she can do it? But it shows her being critiqued by the judges and Tim?????? Is she in the work room with them, but off camera??? Also, it seems she has a twin like Shawn and Claire, or is that just her doing doubles??? As you can see, I am confused over this whole concept.
How does everyone else feel about it?

Project Sammy’s Way is a parody of Project Runway. You can watch the past episodes on YouTube.

I have come to the sad conclusion that they all stink. Not one of them can come up with one original design. I can’t believe how bad they all are.

Project Runway has jumped the shark (or sewing machine).
I don't know what Tim will do with the situation next week. It seemed like a lot of drama over nothing to me.

I'm over this new trend of carrying something over to the neatness episode.

Also, disappointed that Ayala was just safe. Nina smiled when that dress was on the runway. Nina smiled! I don't think I've ever seen that before.
I'm over this new trend of carrying something over to the neatness episode.

Also, disappointed that Ayala was just safe. Nina smiled when that dress was on the runway. Nina smiled! I don't think I've ever seen that before.

I agree with all of this, I was shocked that Ayana was safe and not at least a top look. Not only was her dress very pretty, and her pattern unique, but she made sure to step outside of her aesthetic in order or make her client happy. She was really able to find a great middle ground between her client's wishes, and her design style, and I think that should at least be acknowledged.
I still think all of Brandon's looks look like they came directly from the set of Star Wars Rogue One, with Rae wearing most of them:)

All the dangly cloth reminds me of a straight jacket! And the judges say they want different looks, but praise Brandon's rags every time?
Some of that is in jest, but I really don't like his wrapped look with dangling ties!

Couldn't agree with you more, his clothes always look like rags and like the comparison to the Star Wars movie. Where was the "pencil" skirt he supposedly was making?

I don't get the drama with Margarita the final look was no where near what she had done. Sorry she was safe as I would have been happy if they sent her home.

What was Michaels problem? Where did he see her measure the pants? To me the pants are the same as any other pants and shouldn't be that hard to make. Didn't think her look was anything special and shouldn't have won. I can never figure out what the judges see that I don't.

Glad to see that Yolanda (Real Housewives of Beverly Hills) is looking well she was one of the judges. However, felt she was overwhelmed by what she had on. Was the other judge Sylvester Stallones daughter?
Whatever the drama is, during the show, they ran an ad for Dixie cups, and it had Claire's pattern on it (white with a black stripe). So, I'm sure this resolves in Claire's favor.

I, too, get annoyed that they do the whole "wait until next week" thing. It was a 90-minute episode, wrap things up, already!

And I'm not sure on the pants-measuring thing. I sew--nowhere near Project Runway skill level, but I make costumes. I can whip up a pair of sleep pants, practically without a pattern, in an hour or so. And I've never had a sewing class in my life. Now, obviously, a contestant might want fancier pants--tailored, maybe with a styled waistband, and so forth. But heck--back in the day, we had our Junior Girl Scout troop make sleep pants for a badge. So I don't see where doing some measuring would be an issue. I would feel differently if she would studying construction techniques when she's not supposed to.

I was hoping Ayana would win this week--I loved her pattern, and the dress was very pretty. Outside her typical design aesthetic, too, which shows her skill as a designer--she doesn't JUST design modest clothes.


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