Proposal Help!


Lurking Around
Jun 18, 2002
I am going down to WDW with my girlfriend in August and intend to propose to her while there.

(Figured this was the most appropriate place for this question)

I have looked into all their engagement pakages and stuff, yet they all seem a bit more than I had hoped to spend - considering the expenses recently made (ring, trip, etc.)

I was hoping that some of you might give me some ideas to make the proposal a special and memorable one.

Any and all ideas are welcome.

Thank you in advance.

Rob :)
I guess it depends on what your girlfriend might like best. A lot of people talk about having elaborate set ups, etc... Restaurants to propose in and all that, but I was glad that mine was done (not at WDW) in a private place by ourselves. Maybe at the Poly beach as the fireworks are going off at MK, or something like that.
First: Congratulations! I've had several friends who got engaged at WDW. Here are some of the ways: One girl was nuts about Splash Mountain. He proposed as they were about to descent the big hill! (Saved ring until they reached the bottom.) One got engaged at the restaurant in Mexico - she loved romance. Another couple did the Polynesian beach thing. Another couple got the monorail! You know your girlfriend best - is she into romance? Fun? Is she shy? If she's shy, you should keep it private. I think just being there is wonderful enough - the proposal would be the icing on the cake!

You might check with Jane at Gifts of a Lifetime she sets up things like that and I don't think they are real expensive.
Let us know what you come up with. I can't wait to hear.

Good Luck!
I have heard people proposing at Cinderella's Royal Table. CM at the restaurant will offer you assistance if you need. Just ask them for help!!

Good luck!
My fiancee just proposed to me three weeks ago in WDW. It was our last night there, a Saturday evening in June. We went to a favorite restaurant of ours the California Grill at the Contemporary Resort. We had a few drinks waiting for our table and though I wondered how we managed to get the best table in the place at 9pm to view the fireworks, I figured he pulled some strings b/c he did that when we ate there in 2000 for my birthday. We had an appetizer and the waiter (who was wonderful!!) said he would wait til afer the fireworks to bring our meal so it wouldn't get cold. The fireworks began and Bill moved by me to get a better view (his back would have been to the show). They pipe in the music and in a few minutes....suddenly he turns my chair to him. He is on one knee holding the most beautiful ring up at me. He told me some wonderful things that I and he would love nothing more, and would be honored if I would marry him. Through my tears and huge smile, I said yes. The waiters and bartenders and other people all knew. Many took pictures for us and later got our address to send them to us. It was amazing!!! The staff at CG gave us mementos of the restaurant to take with is and took many pics for us. It was wonderful. What a magical night. We went to Pleasure island and celebrated. When we returned to CSR, a bouquet and balloon package was there-from CSR!!! We spent a few hours on the beach hammocks at the resort star gazing. The whole evening was amazing.
Though you will do what is best for you- my fiancee didn't pay for more than dinner and it was the most magical evening. It would have been no matter how he proposed.
It is all a matter of what your two interests are. My fiance loves subways/trains/monorails etc. so she was happy just riding in the front car of the monorail, and I left her speechless when I asked her and gave her the ring.

You can follow the link in my signature for the thread where we posted HER story of the proposal.

Just pick her favorite spot, or a shared one if you got favorite spot in common. And really anyplace in WDW when surrounded by the magic, will make it special. I think I could have akes while waiting in line to order food at a counter service restaurant. It is more the proposal happening then where it happens!

Thanks for all your help people.

I am sure that she will be happy no matter what I actually do.

Thanks for all your suggestions and help.

Rob :)

I think it would depend on your fiancee. You could do it on the train in the Magic Kingdom. Or get a view of the MK. I like the fireworks idea myself. Good luck!
Hello! My fiancee proposed to me on our trip May 26th of this year! It was the most amazing moment of our lives!!! I'm not sure if you read about it on the boards because he posted a long story about it(Mickey76), Anyways, he got in touch with some important Disney people and from there was able to propose to me at the Beauty and the Beast show in front of 2000 people :D Normally proposing there costs money ( a package) but he was lucky enough to meet the right people. Maybe proposing like that isn't your thing....but to me he couldn't of done it a better way :) It all depends on what you and your soon to be fiancee are like. My fiancee is all about being in the spot light so it was perfect for him and worked out to be the same for me. Just trust me on matter where you propose in will be magical and memorable. Mickey76 could have done it at our resort, a theme park ride, etc and he still would of knocked me off my feet........but I love the way he decided to do it :D Good luck with everything!!!!

Like Piglet203 said, anywhere in WDW will be great. You know better than anyone else what she likes, so you shouldn't have a problem finding something in WDW that suits her interests. Good luck and congratulations!


1st, off...WAY TO GO....YOU DA MAN!

Congrats on the pending numpuals!

Two "ears" ago I used Jane at Gifts of a Lifetime....she was awsome....period.

What I had done, and could easily be modified for your use, was an anniversary gift for my wife....

This ended up taking about 6 months for me to plan and set up or arrange...but was worth it....

I am kind of a pac rat when it comes to the wife/family...I have basically saved almost everything the wife and I have come across (in regards to our marriage, notes, cards, pix, etc) since she was 14 & I was 17 (nearly 20 "ears" ago...).

Any way, Jane was able to arrange a "lifetime" memories album for us after I sent down all the necessary material....and it was beautiful....

What I did was dropped off our kids at the Neverland Club at the Poly for the evening...Jane "convieniently" met us there & teased the wife with this present....but she would have to "earn" it...heh, heh, heh....

She would from that point drop off hints & notes that we would have to chase around the resort/park...with some of her "pixies" following us all the way....the wife was totally baffled by the end...they had us running all over the place...

It ended up with us being back at the Grand Floridian where Jane had arranged for the wife to "locate" buried treasure (I had pre-mailed a custom emerald /diamond necklace for her) and it was placed in a pirates treasure box on the beach....Jane's employees discretely sat by it so that no one could dig it up until we got there....

After that Jane presented the memories book to her and we had a drink in the lobby of the Grand....

Once we all came down from the hunt, I had arranged with the Grand a private dining out on the dock near where Grand 1 sits, overlooking the magic kingdom...just the wife, me, the butler, some roses & Kenny G playing (well..not the real one, but a tape...hey, could not afford too much more after this event, lol...).

It was simply a magical night.....

Going to be hard pressed to top this event.

Hope this helps with an idea...give Jane a bump, she is great....I am sure she or you can come up with something...

And good luck!!!



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