Proposing to BF next year at WDW

Lee Matthews

DIS Veteran
Jan 16, 2009
Need some advice really guys

BF and I are going on a 3 week trip to WDW Next September and i want to propose to him. Im obsessed with Disney and while he isn't as mad as me, he loves it and what it's all about.

I want to propose to him and im not sure how to go about it. Its only early stages of planning but any advice or pointers would be great.

Firstly im thinking of doing it on the first day of our trip after spending the day in Magic Kingdom and a meal at California Grill. Secondly i want it to just be me and him in a quiet area so my current thought is on the Polynesian beach as the fireworks are about to go off.

Does anyone think i could contact ahead and see the possibility of getting a photopass person to maybe take a pic of me doing the proposal? Or is that likely to be totally out of the question as it's not an area they tend to be found?

I'l start with that and gauge feedback and go from there

Ive looked into it a little and i may be wrong but ive read that being on the Poly beach for fireworks does require you to be staying at the resort.

So i may have to look at other options
personallly, I'm not a fan of the public proposals, if it were me, I wouldn't want to be put on the spot in front of a bunch of people. (unless you have already discussed it, agreed to be married, and the proposal is just a formality)
I proposed to my BF at WDW last year. Did it in the lobby of Be Our Guest. I hate attracting a crowd, but in that moment I did not care, and the small crowd that did gather was super supportive. My only regret was not trying to see if a CM would take pictures for me. It probably could've been done if I had been thinking and less anxious.
I think your idea is a great one and not sure I can think of anything better but here are some other thoughts:

- propose during illuminations in Epcot in France. Celebrate with champagne. If you want privacy, do it in the back of the pavilion.

- have your room decorated for when you return from the park.

- do it right in front of the castle and the Photopass photographer. The opposite of private but very iconic.
OK, i think Ive got another idea which Im really liking.

I see they do a Wishes Fireworks private Cruise for $350 which sounds quite cheap indeed. Is that price per person or per boat?

Music from wishes pumping through to the boat and i think it would be perfect for what i want to do.

Anyone done it or any reviews on it?
you can always ask for pixie dust in regards to help from cast members, they can even get you a better idea. If you go thru with the California Grill Idea, you need to tell them, so they can get you front and center with the fireworks and work some more magic also. They did it for me and my husband when we went there for our honeymoon. It was just magical!
I wish I could tag my boyfriend in this topic so he could use this idea :p the wishes cruise sounds like am adorable scene btw
Oh, wait! What about a hot air balloon ride at Disney Springs???

I plan to do that on a 'chill' day i have planned at Disney Springs. Im not telling him in doing it though.

I wish I could tag my boyfriend in this topic so he could use this idea :p the wishes cruise sounds like am adorable scene btw

aww thank you. I'm pretty much sold on the idea now. Not stupidly expensive but enough for it to be super special.
I just found this thread, so not sure if you'll get back to it or not, but I wanted to throw in my two cents. First, congratulations! Second, I'm super jealous! I wanted my proposal to be in WDW. I got an at-home proposal, and while wonderful that it happened at all, was totally not my style (not to sound like a brat or anything, it just kind of felt like my fiance did whatever he wanted rather than listening to the only request I had, which was to do it there). We just got back from a trip to celebrate our engagement a few days ago, and I would highly suggest getting either the "Just Engaged" pins (we had to get ours on eBay beforehand because they've been discontinued) or ear hats for you and your BF. You will get SO much attention, which you deserve after such a big event at such a special time/place! Good luck (if you haven't gone on the trip already that is)! :)
Thanks mate. It's already proving tricky cos he's prodding me constantly that he wants me to propose much sooner than next September when we go to WDW
I think that is why my fiance ended up doing it sooner, so really I have myself to blame for my earlier comment. If the timing is right, you can always do it at home. My fiance made it Disney-themed (UP, to be exact), so that is an idea. You could even make it WDW themed- there are tons of ideas for that out there as well. But you sound like me- you really want to do it there. Just tell him if he waits it will be all that much more special! :)
I dunno, friends. Having it be a surprise seems so much better than "remember to pack something nice so I can propose to you in front of the castle." On the other hand, a wedding is a joint venture, and having it down there could be wonderful.

But there's no reason you can't be creative back. There's everything from a "Just engaged" package in the room (I think they do those) to getting Engaged embroidered on mouse ears, to your own "thank you for proposing" special event.
I proposed in Germany by the lagoon right before wishes. It's a decent view and there is always a photopass photographer near there if you want professional pictures (they usually are very happy to take them).
Hey guys

I've had a spanner thrown at me and i don't know what do to.

Chatted to my boyfriend and he asked if we can get married at Disney World when we are on our 3 week trip this September......OMG

This is a dream come true but i have no idea on what i need to do or how to go about it.

It would just be the two of us so a private ceremony. Haven't got much money either. Can it be done on the Disney 'memories' ceremony?

Can a UK gay couple even get married in the US?
Yeah, they definitely can. I have been researching this SO much haha. CONGRATULATIONS! Definitely look into the Memories package if that is is your price range. If not, Orlando has some beautiful wedding venues offsite :)


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