"Protest is planned for Noon on both Sat and Sun" - Al Lutz

I was just at DLR last week when some of the protests were happening. It is funny, we had no idea anything was happening until we heard the news. It was as if DL was a completely different town.
As someone who had to deal with the Oscar Grant protests in the Bay Area due to who/where I work, the best advice I can give when walking by is to ignore them. While a few of them may actually care about the situation, the vast majority of them honestly just don't care and are just there for the attention. I see it every day with police, either they are questioned for not using lethal force, or questioned if they do. They can't win and a lot of those protesters are nothing more than anarchists who value the life of an armed thug over the life of an officer who puts his/her life out on the line every day they put on the uniform. I'll stop myself on that rant now though.

But in a nutshell, ignore them, don't give them the attention they crave. If you believe the police were at fault and you live there your better suited going to a town hall meeting then trying to get a tourist attraction involved in your plight and thus inconveniencing all the travelers and making more people mad at you then need be.
Are you frightened by the quote? She is asking for Disneyland to make a statement about an event that happened within a community they belong. Disneyland tries to table it.. Protesters keep the media attention.. It's not rocket science and democracy is usually a messy process. There are very valuable lessons for children exposed to protesters.
"why are they yelling mommy" "they are sad because their neighbor was hurt very badly and they want to get everyone's attention that can help them. There are special managers that are hopefully going to come talk to them. Sometimes change happens by neighbors coming together in public like this. When you really really believe that something is right, it's important stand up for that right"

But, these incidents had absolutely nothing to do with Disneyland. They happened to occur in the city where Disney employs a vast number of people, a large percentage of the population. In Austin, Dell employs a huge percentage of the population. I would never expect Dell to give a statement regarding the killing of a known gang member who was trying to run from the police.

The "neighbor" was a man who had gang ties. He died evading the police after he had been warned to stop, the other man shot at the police and was killed. That would be the teachable moment for my child. In fact, since the shootings occured while we were at DLR, that was the message I relayed to my child.
According to the OC Register (link):

"A handful of protesters demonstrated peacefully outside Disneyland's main entrance Saturday [Aug. 4] ...

Except for an occasional car slowing to honk, the demonstration caused no disruption."

Published: Aug. 4, 2012 Updated: 10:16 p.m.

[size=+2]Quiet protest continues outside Disneyland[/size]


ANAHEIM – A handful of protesters demonstrated peacefully outside Disneyland's main entrance Saturday,
calling on the Walt Disney Co. to support them in their efforts to oust the Anaheim police chief over alleged
police brutality.

The protesters, organized by the Los Angeles-based Mexica Movement, have been quietly demonstrating
outside the theme park for the past two weekends to draw attention to two fatal officer-involved shootings by
Anaheim police last month.

Olin Tezcatlipoca, Mexica Movement director, said the groups want to have the police Chief John Welter
removed for his handling of the department. It also wants to have arrested the police officers who they
claim used unnecessary force against demonstrators during a protest that turned violent last month.

"Disney is the biggest employer, biggest taxpayer and biggest private company in Orange County," said
Tezcatlipoca. "They have the power, could make a call, to have the police chief removed."

Disney officials could not be reached for comment.

Except for an occasional car slowing to honk, the demonstration caused no disruption.

Source: http://www.ocregister.com/news/police-367230-outside-biggest.html (Aug. 4, 2012)
We were in the parks all day on Saturday and on the Downtown Disney side when not park hopping. We stayed at DLH. I was on the lookout for anything unusual, just to be proactive) but we did not see anything (actually, one thing, I noticed an Anaheim police officer chat with a security member on one of the days we left the park, in relaxed and friendly manner, not sure if that was related), and our (amazing) vacation was not affected at all.
I hope for the safety of all the guests in the area. I hope the protesters achieve the change they wish. I thank those who put their lives at risk every day for the safety of others. None of these are mutually exclusive.


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