Pumpkins, and candy, and Mickey, oh my! (TR complete!)

This first morning is kind of a blur because like most people the night before a much awaited vacation, I didn't get much sleep. The alarm went off around 6:30 a.m. and I toyed with the idea of just turning over and going back to sleep. While that was a mighty tempting thought, I didn't. Instead I somehow managed to get everyone up, fed, showered, dressed, and ready to go. We packed the van, and I mean packed! You'd have thought we were leaving for a month. And we hit the road around 8:15. Not as early as I'd have liked but still pretty darn good for this family of slow pokes.

As many of you know, I had been worried about the van and whether it would make it across the mountains leaving Las Vegas. I had been prepared to make the trip without the A/C on and as it turns out, I almost needed the heat on! It was only in the low 50's when we left. The kids were all bundled up in blankets. But I was thrilled thinking if it was this cold here, surely that means it will be nice and chilly at Disneyland too, right?? :banana: Ummm yeah, we'll get to that part later. :rolleyes:

We took it nice and slow and our first stop was in Baker. We always seem to end up in Baker at Burger King for breakfast. I guess it's just a tradition now. LOL The van had done well so far but we wanted to give it a break. I grabbed the camera to take some shots of the area, and hmmm, it's not working. Ok, what am I doing wrong? Let's try this again. Nope. Nothing. Alrighty, apparently the lack of sleep has caused me to forget how to work the camera, so I hand it to Ruben to see what he can do with it. Turns out it's not me or my lack of sleep, it's definitely not working. :eek: Great. A week at Disneyland and no camera!!! Perfect. Well, you all didn't really want pics with this TR did you?? :confused3 :rolleyes1

Nothing we could do about the camera at that point. It was time to get going again. The rest of the drive was long and boring as the drive from Vegas to......well, anywhere, usually is. Nothing to see but desert. But the van did fine! I was beyond relieved about that. Whew!
Our first stop was at my BIL's house in Pasadena. He had decorated his yard for Halloween and me being the Halloween fan that I am, had to go and see it. :yay: Oh yeah, and we were supposed to be there to visit with family, or some such thing. LOL

It was nice to see everyone again. My MIL and FIL were there, along with my BIL and his wife, and my SIL. We had a nice lunch out in their back yard. Chicken, rice, beans, tamales, etc. Yummy! No food porn however since my camera was still playing dead. The weather was definitely warming up. But still very pleasant out. We all had a nice time just talking and visiting.

My BIL took some pics of the kids and sent me some copies, so I do have a few pics from that day.

Hannah, Noelle and Lindsey snoozing in the graveyard:


We stayed at his house for most of the day, eating, playing pool, playing the Wii, and just hanging out. From there it was on to my MIL's house in Simi Valley, about a 45 minute drive, where we'd be spending our first night.

So far, so good. The van was holding it's own, no one was sick, (not even me, my cold was totally gone!), the weather was perfect. All in all, a great day.

Oh, but what to do about that darn camera??? We didn't have the money for a new one or the time/money to try and have that one repaired. Hmmm, maybe I'd end up having to just sketch the whole trip! :sad2:

Up next.......Day Two, Fires, Chihuahuas, and a pirate ship.
I'm subscribing! I can't wait to find out if your camera started working again. I hope!
YAY! :thumbsup2

But wait, are you saying you are doubting my sketching skills??? :eek:

Then again, after my attempt at drawing in the Animation Studio, you'd be right. :rotfl:
Thanks for keeping this report decent and avoiding temptation of food porn.

I'm still with you...:rotfl:
Sort of like "what happens in Disney, stays in Disney". ;)

Come on Beth, don't chicken out, tell the story! :rotfl2:

But wait, are you saying you are doubting my sketching skills??? :eek:

Then again, after my attempt at drawing in the Animation Studio, you'd be right. :rotfl:

OMG! You did the Animation Studio too! I did it for the first time this trip. Apparently I took the class with a bunch of professionals, I wish someone would've warned me beforehand! I was SO embarrassed when they told everyone to hold up their picture! :rotfl: :scared1:
Thanks for keeping this report decent and avoiding temptation of food porn.

I'm still with you...:rotfl:
Me? Decent? Not for long......:rolleyes1

OMG! You did the Animation Studio too! I did it for the first time this trip. Apparently I took the class with a bunch of professionals, I wish someone would've warned me beforehand! I was SO embarrassed when they told everyone to hold up their picture! :rotfl: :scared1:
You actually held yours up??? :eek:

We do this every trip, at least once if not several times. Noelle loves to draw. She's pretty good. Well, in my totally unbiased opinion of course. I suck at drawing but we all go to humor her. :)

I think we need to get a big group in there in March so we can all compare drawings. I know mine will be good for a chuckle! LOL
You actually held yours up??? :eek:

We do this every trip, at least once if not several times. Noelle loves to draw. She's pretty good. Well, in my totally unbiased opinion of course. I suck at drawing but we all go to humor her. :)

I think we need to get a big group in there in March so we can all compare drawings. I know mine will be good for a chuckle! LOL

Well I had this great idea to sit toward the front and everyone held there's up, so I slowly held mine up. There was this boy, about 13, a couple rows in front of me and he did such an amazing job, I was completely embarrassed! :rotfl:

I would LOVE to do it in March with all the ladies. Maybe someone will be worse then I am and I can have a little bit of my ego back. :rotfl2:
Well I had this great idea to sit toward the front and everyone held there's up, so I slowly held mine up. There was this boy, about 13, a couple rows in front of me and he did such an amazing job, I was completely embarrassed! :rotfl:

I would LOVE to do it in March with all the ladies. Maybe someone will be worse then I am and I can have a little bit of my ego back. :rotfl2:

See, the trick is you go with ME and then you have to sit in the back row (handicapped seating) and when you hold up your picture the only person who can see it is the Imagineer--and it's really too far away for he/she to get a good look!;)
See, the trick is you go with ME and then you have to sit in the back row (handicapped seating) and when you hold up your picture the only person who can see it is the Imagineer--and it's really too far away for he/she to get a good look!;)

That sounds like a great plan to me!!!!
Unless you know how to draw.
See, the trick is you go with ME and then you have to sit in the back row (handicapped seating) and when you hold up your picture the only person who can see it is the Imagineer--and it's really too far away for he/she to get a good look!;)
That's where we sat this last time. The very last row. :thumbsup2

I still wasn't holding mine up though. :rotfl:
YAAA!!! I can't wait to read your TR since we were there at the same time!!popcorn::
Me too! I can't wait to read yours. :yay: It will be interesting to see how things were for both of us. I know sometimes just doing things even slightly different can really change things like wait times and such. Hopefully you all had a great time! I know we did. :goodvibes
I haven't been to the Animation Studio for a loooooooooooong time. Probably for a reason! :rolleyes1 :laughing:

I am presuming that you did eventually get the camera fixed or something? Didn't you have a camera at the mini meet?
I'm posting again, cuz you are leading us astray.:sad2:

I just realized that your title says lots of pics. Sooooooooooooooooooooooo where are the pics woman?? From your broken camera?? :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:


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