Quarantine and chill and kindness chatty clubhouse: Jump in and join the conversation! All is welcome!

I don't really collect anything anymore. I have a fair bit of Waterford figurines and a lot of their Christmas ornaments, all packed away. I do pick up the odd Spode dish to add to my china, but not to often. I'll tell you what I have a hard time NOT buys - and I don't know why - tote bags and luggage. I have way to many and you know what, I still end up using the same two or three so many stay stowed away not being used.

I used to be someone who stocked up on stuff, food & household items. Cleaning stuff...had way to many towels and sheets. Once the kids got older and we moved to smaller place I made a deliberate choice to only have as many towels as people and possible guests, no more. And I only have two sets of sheets per bed, no more. It was liberating! I also got out of the habit of buying large amounts of tp & paper towels and cleaning supplies because, as I reasoned, I could always go to the store and buy more, so why clutter up the joint?!?!

Well, obviously - that bit me in the butt over the last few months!!!!
Growing up collected Barbies, stuffed animals and marbles......might have been more but that was a LONG time ago!!
Now Disney pins, Disney antenna toppers, travels key rings, travels tee shirts, Merryweather things

My kids collected hot wheels as kids.
Now DD collections penguins, Mulan things, and I think her new thing is The Child

Next......I am not stocking up more than usual. I grew up to never run low, so I do tend to replace things when I about 1/2 way through the supply I have.
When I was little, my grandmother started me on a small collection of Sebastian figurines. I still have them - what I have is small enough to store in a shoebox.

20-some years ago, I collected Barbie dolls. The collector kind. I gave it up because there were just too many that I liked. I did sell about half of the collection in the past few years.

Now I just collect Hard Rock Cafe Hurricane glasses. I prefer to buy when I actually go to an HRC, but I've found a few at flea markets and garage sales and I just couldn't pass them by.

DH is a PEZ collector. We have 17 Rubbermaid bins in our basement full of PEZ - plus a giant footlocker and a bin or 2 upstairs. Literally thousands of PEZ.

We also started Josh on a small PEZ collection of his own. It's in a display case on his wall. Next to that is a display case of character bottle tops from Good 2 Grow juice.

I try very hard not to stock up too much on stuff. I don't like things lying around for a long time and I don't have the space to store stuff anyway. I do buy a little ahead, so I have it if I find I need it, and when my small stock is about half gone, I start looking at the sale ads so I can replace it before I completely run out and have to pay full price out of desperation.
DH is a PEZ collector. We have 17 Rubbermaid bins in our basement full of PEZ - plus a giant footlocker and a bin or 2 upstairs. Literally thousands of PEZ.

Wow - that's a lot. Ok, so this fascinates me, and I'm genuinely curious about collections like this. What is the end game or reason behind having so many if they are in containers and put away? Does he trade them or anything like that? I thought I collection of stuff I "inherited" from my mom was big in one container!
So what do you/did you collect? I pray this question of the day brings back some positive memories for all :)

I think I will make that my question of the day. How many of you are going to keep on stocking up just in case? Or are you going to wait till things return to a more 'normal' and then decide?

Double questions! :dogdance:

When I was a kid, I collected bells. Got to about 150; had one from each state, some of animals, Christmas, Easter, etc. When we moved last year, I donated all but the Christmas and a few very special ones. I hadn't unpacked them in 30 years, except to rewrap and repack them for moves. I'm still a little sad about it, but, 30 years.

I collect keychains now. I get one every time we go to some new vacation spot...plus, you know, cute Disney ones; I have probably close to 100 now. And...I guess I collect Disney puzzles, mostly Ravensburger and Thomas Kinkade. I like Christmas ornaments also, even if I don't put a tree most of the time. LOL DD#2 collected Disney pins for a long time, and DS did for a little while, but both have stopped. DD#2 collects keychains as well, and DD#1 collects magnets; DS collects videogames on Steam, apparently. :rotfl2:

DH collects hobbies. In our 28 years together, he has been involved in (in order): D&D, martial arts, golf, ice fishing, mountain climbing, fly tying, D&D again, Airsoft war play, foam sword cosplay, martial arts/boxing, D&D yet again, and now, playing bass guitar. And we have the accompanying gear from all of those hobbies in the house/storage shed. :headache: He finally, when we moved last year, got rid of his old gear from the foam sword cosplay and his 28+ year old marital arts gear, as most of it was degraded.

I am keeping a stockpile, but it's mainly because of us being in hurricane season! I am replacing my water cooler jugs next time I go to the store. I usually keep a stockpile of TP and paper towels and cleaners on hand anyways; my routine has always been to buy things like that when on sale/with coupons and/or at BJs (so big amounts). Foodwise, we usually do not keep big stockpiles of canned/boxed goods, as we prefer to eat 'fresh'; but during this season, I keep some of the basics and some 'camping meals' on hand. We've been eating some of the stuff we stockpiled for 'just in case', so I need to replenish those.

Today, I have zero plans. Maybe watch some tv, or work on my puzzle. Lazy day. Dinner is going to be burgers, fries (or maybe mac n cheese, IDK), and veggies. Thought about baking some dessert, but I am not feeling it, so the guys can eat some Oreos or Rice Krispies Treats.
flyingdumbo127 said:
So what do you/did you collect? I pray this question of the day brings back some positive memories for all :)
lynxstch said:
I think I will make that my question of the day. How many of you are going to keep on stocking up just in case? Or are you going to wait till things return to a more 'normal' and then decide?

Question 1:

I’ve collected various things over the years, but what’s displayed right now are Minnie ears. :earsgirl:

I also collect Christmas ornaments from trips we take.

And I do remember sticker books! I’m sure I still have mine somewhere.

I also remember my mom collecting banks when I was little. It seems she had one that was accidentally broken and couldn’t find a replacement, so people started buying her other ones, and it just became a thing.

Question 2:

I will probably be better about buying things when I open the last package instead of when I’m almost out, but I don’t think I’ll stay as careful as I was at the beginning of all this either.
1). I used to collect shot glasses and beer steins(I don’t drink beer) Now I am mostly into taking pictures. I forgot to add, I collect Wonder Woman stuff.

2) I am going to keep getting stuff to stock because it is hurricane season and I used some of my supplies I had that were for an “emergency “
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I have a big smile from reading everyone's posts, thank you. Love the friendly dancing double question of the day doggie :dogdance:Thanks Bianca and Bernard and Lynxstch, too! :)

I have never really had the space for a full size Christmas tree. I'd love to have that experience once and would definitely enjoy ornament shopping for it. Finding very small ornaments for the little trees I often get now (Lol took me forever to realize there were such things as tabletop Christmas trees that did not have to be teeny tiny) can be hard.

That's amazing on all the Pez dispensers your husband has apirateslifeforme! I think it is very cool Josh now enjoys collecting his own :)

I forgot to share when I was little I had a couple shadow boxes of miniature animals from touristy type places, that was fun. Many years later I briefly collected rubber ducks. I don't have much magnetic space but great idea to get magnets from fun places. I did at one time have a few snow globes as well. I think those are a lot of fun to look at :)

I think your question is just great, Lynxstch! :) My Dad and I have been trying to stock up some when possible to limit his needing to spend more time in a store. We also order on Amazon and Wal-Mart as needed a ton more now then ever before. I never used to be someone who'd have a lot of extras on hand. I'm not a clutter person and honestly there was no need! The hardest items to find out here are still disinfecting wipes (though Target yesterday apparently had a lot out with a 1 container per person limit as they should) and Campbell's Chicken Broth! Odd combination I know but true. When this plague started, paper towels were the item that no one had! The other positive of all this (trying to be more aware of what we have) is realizing how healthy it is to not need to go back to the store a day or two after being there for something you could have got a second of the first time! Trying to plan ahead more which leads to more time not rushing around going out! My Dad used to be someone who would go out multiple times a day and now that he's not and has of course cut down on in store shopping, his overall health is so much better. I pray he will continue this once things are more normal.

:hug: to all!
Wow - that's a lot. Ok, so this fascinates me, and I'm genuinely curious about collections like this. What is the end game or reason behind having so many if they are in containers and put away? Does he trade them or anything like that? I thought I collection of stuff I "inherited" from my mom was big in one container!
I think this was a case of, he was given a PEZ dispenser as part of a (gag) gift one year, but he really liked it and just started picking them up when he saw them. He got more and more into it, to the point where he bought EVERY new dispenser that he found. Many times, his parents would also buy the same ones, not knowing that he'd already purchased them, so he has a lot of duplicates. He also had to have THREE of each dispenser - one to open and display, one on a card, and one in a bag. If there was a variation, he HAD to have that as well (like when a character dispenser was released with a different stem color). Also, as he claims, at the time he was single and had money to burn, so he bought a lot of vintage and foreign dispensers, that cost a good deal of money.

We have most definitely have curtailed purchasing all these PEZ. Some of the ones based on cartoons, he's said he doesn't even know what they are. We both feel that the market is over-saturated with Star Wars PEZ, so we don't buy those anymore. I think a new Grinch dispenser was released at Christmas, but we didn't buy that because he'd received the Grinch gift set the year or two prior. They also recently re-released the Toy Story and Lion King dispensers, but he already had them (the new ones may have had some subtle variation, like maybe a paint color, but not enough to really tell the difference unless you put them side-by-side). He has said that he still enjoys the holiday ones, and now we only buy dispensers that are completely new (like at Halloween last year, there was a witch dispenser that had a different stem color than one from a few years ago; we skipped it because the character was otherwise the same). I will also take advantage of the few limited editions that come out - they usually put out a special summer pair; last year it was a couple of cacti and the year before that they did flamingos. I've also managed to find foreign sets that he really likes, like his Stanley Cup set featuring the original 6 NHL teams that I had to order from a Canadian dealer.

While we have all those bins, we also have a large display case and shelf in our extra sitting room, and he rotates his displays every month or 2 at minimum. So we do enjoy the collection.

In the end, however, this is going to be Josh's inheritance. I have suggested that maybe we could go through the bins and possibly sell off some duplicates. DH has agreed that it would be a good idea, but we haven't gotten around to it, nor do we really know the best way to go about it. And some of our son's collection is actually Daddy's - off the top of my head, I know his Darth Vader dispenser is DH's ;)
I collected stuffed animals. I still have way too many on my dresser but I did store alot away in bins. I kept out the ones my grandkids like to play with. Now I prefer less clutter.

I am still stocking up on certain items that I will either really need or really like to eat alot. I don't want to be caught short of my avocado cups or minced garlic along with other things. I felt like I was caught off guard when it became hard, very quickly, to find certain items. Our grocery stores still aren't fully stocked and what is in short supply can vary from week to week. Plus we do have bad winters so it is always good to be stocked up.
Snowysmom, I've always liked cute and cuddly stuffed animals. Several years ago, I gave a few to a family at church with (now) 3 little girls :) I still have two of my very favorites and another in the closet (poor thing, lol) waiting to be passed onto someone. It's a stuffed animal lamb that I've had as long as I can remember.

Moliphino, I once had a 101 Dalmation Mug that I loved. Sadly it broke. I now have to be passed on (because I am not a coffee or tea drinker and it's really too big and heavy for hot chocolate)a Minnie Mug. You'd be welcome to it if we lived near each other :)
Good evening.

Today DD and her 2 kids came up to visit. Her husband is a teacher with all his grades due tomorrow so she took the kids and stopped at Chick-Fil-A, bought lunch, and came here. We had lunch then went to my DH'd office so she could have one last eye exam before everything is sold. I got to entertain the 3 year old and 3 week old. Back here so she could help me set up a new Firestick and change the way my name was presented on Facebook. (I took out my middle name and added maiden)

Dinner tonight was spaghetti and salad.

So what do you/did you collect? I pray this question of the day brings back some positive memories for all :)
I never had any serious collections. I used to collect the little ceramic animals out of Red Rose tea boxes. More recently, I try to buy a bookmark at every National Park we visit. We also get magnets and some Christmas ornaments. I've heard that anything you have 3 or more of is a collection to I guess the little $.99 salt and pepper shakers at Cracker Barrel count. They have so many cute sets each season that I have quite a few.

DD collects shot glasses now. DS used to collect pennants and squashed pennies at a kid.

I think I will make that my question of the day. How many of you are going to keep on stocking up just in case? Or are you going to wait till things return to a more 'normal' and then decide?
I used to wait until I was nearly out of things to get more. I think I will just buy sooner. Not sure the shortages will happen as much if this recurs. Right now I am putting things aside for going to the beach in two months.

I'll tell you what I have a hard time NOT buys - and I don't know why - tote bags and luggage. I have way to many and you know what, I still end up using the same two or three so many stay stowed away not being used.
I tend to end up with too many tote bags also.

Gratitudes: (I've missed a few days)
Seeing DD and grandkids today.
Nice day at the beach Tuesday, with dinner in a restaurant.
Library is reopened for contactless checkout after placing holds online. I have three books to pick up tomorrow.
Having a showing of DH's office Saturday.
I forgot about pressed pennies, Breezy Carol! That's very cool your DS had some, I, did, too. Hug, so glad you got to see your daughter and grand kids. Prayers the showing goes well on Saturday!

Extra things I am grateful for today (I forgot to share them earlier)

Thanks to Breezy Carol, thinking about pressed pennies and that a few might be a fun Disneyland souvenir one day :)

A sweet text from a friend and surprise postcard from another

Awesome Amazon customer service. My Dad got a brand new book last week that he began reading a day or so ago. He noticed several of the pages were completely loose! We found a way to have Amazon call this morning (which they did instantly). Dad is enjoying the book and was not asking for anything so it was a true surprise when the very kind customer service lady ended up crediting Dad $5 (half the cost of the book)
[QUOTE="lynxstch, post: 61992258, member: 21556]

I think I will make that my question of the day. How many of you are going to keep on stocking up just in case? Or are you going to wait till things return to a more 'normal' and then decide?

I’ll stay stocked up. I usually have an extra of everything and when I open the last one, it goes on the grocery list. I don’t like to be out of anything. And I do believe this is going to hit a second wave soon and we prob have at least another year.
I think I might've missed one of the questions!

I collect dog memorabilia and Disney things. Not a ton of stuff but enough to notice a presence in our home. On trips we usually buy one nice thing from Disney to enjoy at home with our Disney Rewards. The focal point of our living room is a large framed picture that DH won in the silent auction on one of the Disney ships, of the ships themselves. He didn't tell me till he had bid on it until after he won it, and we had to run through the airport with it as we were leaving during a hurricane one year, each dragging a kid by the arm and all kinds of other stuff to make it onto the plane on time. But later it became quite significant when we pulled one of the colors out of it and painted our entire downstairs that color, which was Mickey Mouse yellow! (We have it with white wainscoting.) So that's always been fun. DH and I also collect a few things related to our respective professions. I should add that DH is much more of a collector than I am and, like a pp, has a shed/workshop full of all his hobby stuff which includes fishing/fly fishing, fly tying and woodworking.


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