Quarantine and chill and kindness chatty clubhouse: Jump in and join the conversation! All is welcome!

Very pretty and nice presentation. DD and by DDIL's sister are planning a co-ed baby shower for DS and DDIL. DD and I volunteered to make all the desserts. We are having a practice session next week for sugar cookies with Royal icing. I need to figure out presentation.
Good idea to have a practice session. I'm sure they'll come out great. 😊 When I said I would do the cookies, I said they won't be fancy, though....just regular frosting and sprinkles. :laughing: This shower was also co-ed and it's the first one I've been to where the guys really got into all the games. Usually they don't want to play but these guys had a great time. :laughing:
What games did you have? I think DD is in charge of them too. Annie, the SIL, is hosting and having the food.
The two games, they were really into was a blindfolded diaper changing race and a kinda gross one, guess the chocolate in the diaper. LoL We also did a word scramble, guess the belly size with a string, and also the baby pacifier charm on a string. You couldn't say...baby, girl, or the baby's name...the guys were ruthless with this one. LoL
A practice 🍪baking and presentation does sound like a good and tasty idea. I'm sure whatever you come up with will look lovely, Carol and taste great, too!

Speaking of cookies, dad and I are going to make our sugar/chocolate chip cookies this afternoon.

Hope all of you are having a good afternoon and staying warm :)
What a weekend! :faint: After much contemplation and discussion with DH and DS who said conditions at home were awful, DD and I hunkered down at the hotel for the whole weekend. I can’t wait to be back home and have a hot meal. No real food was available anywhere so we’ve been subsisting on soup and sandwiches. Ugh. Things at the hospital were tough, that’s all I’ll say. Tougher than usual. I hope I’m off if we get another storm this season. 🙏 The hotel was overrun with nurses, as I imagine most hotels were this weekend all over the northeast. Hospitals offer accommodations on site but you might be sleeping with one or more strangers in a closet, lol. No thanks! We were pretty comfy overall, thankfully, in our hours off. Enjoy your Sunday evening, all! 🐥 Nice job on the cookies, Auntie!
Things at the hospital were tough, that’s all I’ll say.

Honestly, I'm not sure where we'd be without people like you guys who have gone above & beyond for us all over these past 2 years. Thank you.

So - what's everyone up to? We are down in FL, currently on the west coast where it's cool but sunny. We went for a nice long walk today and saw a massive alligator sunning himself. It was awesome! He was huge! Easily 8', then we saw another alligator and some turtles. Did some more putzing around and have just had a early dinner of wings & conch fritters and salad while watching the football game. Headed to WDW/checking into Wilderness Lodge tomorrow morning. Just bought our tickets a few minutes ago and made a reservation for Studios tomorrow.... we will see what the rest of the week brings us in terms of what parks we go to and when. Weather is looking nicer & nicer, looking forward to it. Dog is doing great at home with our niece dog sitting and that really takes a load off of our mind. I think I mentioned that we were bringing a car down to my folks and bringing a car of ours back up north? Well that car is limited in leg room and only has 2 seats. I'm short, it's okay for me, my husband is tall and his knees will be in his face! Well, not exactly but he'll be cramped up! Luckily he is up for the adventure because at the end of it he gets to go to WDW!

Have a great week everyone -
Wow! What stunning photos, PollyannaMom! You along with other Quacker family members really could be professional photographers!

:grouphug::thanks:dear Pea. ITA with Easyas' heartfelt words to you! Please take care and get some REST!

So good to hear from you Easyas! Enjoy the rest of your trip! I do hope the weather will :sunny:will warm up a little for you!

Quite afternoon here. Dad and I played Rack-o which was fun.

Wishing all of you a good evening!
Wow @PollyannaMom so much snow. Great pics... thanks for sharing.

@Pea-n-Me sorry for the rough weekend but glad you and DD were able to enjoy the hotel in your off time.

@easyas123 I hope you enjoy your Disney time.

@flyingdumbo127 hope you enjoyed your cookies and your game. I've never hear of it before... I'm going to have to google.

Super lazy day today. DH and I have dozed on the couch off and on pretty much all day. He's a little hungover from the baby shower "after party" (aka...guys drinking beers while the ladies cleaned up. :laughing: ) and I'm just tired from all the work helping with set up and clean up. DD got her booster yesterday morning and has been feeling pretty rough from that. She fell asleep yesterday around 3pm and pretty much slept all night until 10am this morning feeling really achy. She ate breakfast, slept some more, woke up for lunch, went back to bed and is still sleeping. Hoping she wakes up feeling better tomorrow morning as she has to work in the office tomorrow.

Didn't even make dinner, DH doordashed some sandwiches for him and DD for lunch but it was sort of a late lunch so he's still full and DD sleeping so snacks are fine with me.

Hope you all have a good night....
Here you go dear AuntieMe3 Sugar Cookies Dad and I add a dash more sugar. Plus we roll in the cookie dough in just a touch of sugar. Secret ingredient We just add a few handfuls. We cut the recipe in half and it typically makes 24 cookies. Let me know if you'd like the 1/2 recipe proportions. Of course, you might have more people than just 2 to feed so it might be smarter to just make a full batch. These cookies really do go perfectly with Hot Chocolate from Ralph's. Rack-o Glad you had a relaxing day, my friend.

Sweet dreams to all!
Good morning. Pea n me I am glad you were safe during the storm and thought to get a hotel room. Thank you for taking such good care of your patients.

Mona Chris and I played Racko alot in our younger years. I still have the game we played. Your cookies sound yummy,

I did to to the house yesterday. The roads were fine. The driveway was clear when I got there. I shoveled a path to the bird feeder and fed the birds. I shoveled the big snow chunks at the end of the driveway so that is clear. Then I shoveled around the van and cleared it off. I am surprised I am not more sore after all the shoveling. I kept thinking that Chris is probably not happy I did all that but as I told him, someone has to do it and I am the only one here. I straightened up the house a bit to get ready for the cleaners on Saturday. The office asst at the landscaper/snow plow guy again said he is interested in buying my house. She even suggested that we not do the cleaning and carper cleaning. I told her I at least wanted to do the cleaning. That will make a better impression. Then my DSs and I agree he can look at the house. He has been inside before but just to the living room area. It would be nice and easy if he made me an offer I am able to take. I am not sure it will work out though.

It is 3 degrees now and going up to the mid 20s. Time to get ready for work.
Good morning everyone..welcome to the last day of January already. 12 degrees outside, going up to 34 or so. Calling for mid 40's by mid week, with rain on Thursday. At least it might melt the last of the snow.

@Snowysmom, it sounds like you could be at my house. I went out and fed the birds just now. Mr L says the same thing to me that Chris said to you. Not happy that I am doing it, with my reply always being that I am the only one who can do it. That would be great if you could sell the house to the asst for the landscaper, would save you a lot of time and hassle. And as long as he is willing to wait until you find a place to move to before buying, moving in..that would be even better~Wishing you luck, sending your prayers as always

@flyingdumbo127, although I am not a fan of sugar cookies in general, yours sound really good. Mr L and I play UNO a lot, I have played Racko in the past, might be worth investing in again.

Have a great day everyone

Happy Monday morning! :wave2:

I have to start off with :cheer2::cheer2::cheer2::cheer2::cheer2::cheer2::cheer2::cheer2::cheer2: CINCINNATI IS HEADED TO THE SUPERBOWL!!!!!!!! After a great game, huge amount of city support and lots of cheering, the Bengals won yesterday.

I hope all of you affected by the snow storm have power and are able to shovel yourself out of that mess. I feel for you, when we get a few inches I dread having to go out and shovel and drive anywhere. I can't imagine what it's like with that much snow. Stay safe and stay warm. :cold:

Worked 3rd shift this weekend so I was off yesterday (after I grab a little sleep in the morning). Didn't do anything but watch the football games. I do have to get out in the backyard today to fill the bird feeder. Since there's snow on the ground, I try to keep up with their food. Those birds really need to learn about portion control. I fill the feeder and in 2 days it's completely gone. I must have some over-eaters out there.

That's it for me. Working from home and payroll is due this morning so I have to get started on that. Everyone have a good day! :flower:
Happy Monday morning! :wave2:

I have to start off with :cheer2::cheer2::cheer2::cheer2::cheer2::cheer2::cheer2::cheer2::cheer2: CINCINNATI IS HEADED TO THE SUPERBOWL!!!!!!!! After a great game, huge amount of city support and lots of cheering, the Bengals won yesterday.

I was cheering them on. I do not like Patrick Maholmes , he just seems too 'sure' of himself, and with everyone telling him so great he is, it's gone to his head, so I sure wasn't pulling for the chiefs. I have to say that all of the playoff games were exciting to watch. I am cheering on the Bengals for the SuperBowl. Don't care for the Rams much, lol---so GOOD LUCK BENGALS! :cheer2::cheer2::cheer2:

I hope all of you affected by the snow storm have power and are able to shovel yourself out of that mess. I feel for you, when we get a few inches I dread having to go out and shovel and drive anywhere. I can't imagine what it's like with that much snow. Stay safe and stay warm. :cold:

Worked 3rd shift this weekend so I was off yesterday (after I grab a little sleep in the morning). Didn't do anything but watch the football games. I do have to get out in the backyard today to fill the bird feeder. Since there's snow on the ground, I try to keep up with their food. Those birds really need to learn about portion control. I fill the feeder and in 2 days it's completely gone. I must have some over-eaters out there.

I must have hungrier birds than you do. I can fill mine one time a day and by the next morning it's empty again. Used to be some squirrels sharing it, but with all the outside cats around, we rarely see squirrels or chipmunks anymore.

That's it for me. Working from home and payroll is due this morning so I have to get started on that. Everyone have a good day! :flower:
Good morning Friends,

Our brunch with Dd and SO, was very nice. We were told to dress warmly for the hut. It was so warm that we kept removing layers, a short sleeved t-shirt would have been fine. We even asked for the heater to be turned off for a bit. The food was good and the company better. It felt so good to get out of the house and do something other than go to doctor appointments.
Speaking of, we have appts today, Tues, and Wed. Auugghhh :scared:

I received my new peddler and it is put together. I like it, it is quiet and smooth. I am trying to do it for a while every 2 hours.
My knee is stiff, I have to do this!
Good Morning. Almost at the bottom of the page so a quick bump up.

We had LJ's 1st Birthday party yesterday. There were quite a few people there, but most were vaccinated and I social distanced as much as possible. It was an odd party though. My grandson and his wife left for over an hour with LJ. The food came out in spurts. Then they left again so we had to wait to cut the cake til almost 7 PM. I left after that but got to bring home some cake. Their boss at the restaurant they work at is from Colombia and he made a Tres Leches Cake. It was so GOOD that I got the last 2 pieces to bring home. They also don't open gifts at parties. It may be a cultural thing because I know my grandson always did. My daughter and I chipped in and bought a new car seat for them. He has really outgrown the baby car seat.

I haven't uploaded pictures, I hope my camera survived my stupidity as I left it in the car overnight. I borrowed this from my daughter's Facebook page but here is LJ with his mom and dad.

Hope everyone has a good day.
Good Morning Everyone from cold (upper 40's) LA,

I do hope all of you who try the cookies truly find them tasty! Let me know how you like them :)

Hug, Snowysmom, it made me smile to know you also have good memories of playing Rack-o. Remind me and I’ll bring it to our one day Quacker DL meet! That was a lot of work in the cold, my friend. I’m sorry you needed to do that. I truly hope today will be warmer and less taxiing all-around!

Lynn, and Snowysmom, too, from afar, I’m not a fan of all you both did and in the snowy weather! Uno is a lot of fun, too. The one issue with that game is it seems like it either is very quick or can go on forever! Dad and I do have Uno and will have to play it.

Hooray for your Cincinnati team, Football team, Footballmouse. I’m happy you’re happy. Thank you again for all the kind care you provide to so many.

Oh my goodness, Carol. You are certainly another Quacker Family member, I pray keeps warm today!

Hug, Dazed and how lovely for a fun brunch with good company. These days too warm may be better than too cold! I hope your new peddler works out just fine.

Happy Birthday, LJ! And Happy every day, to you, Taz!

Dad will now have birthday puzzles from 49 states! I am missing Alaska. I did do a member directory search on Paperback Swap and reached out to Alaska members. I still say it sounds Alaska-like for all of you so any of you who haven't already, want to email me a puzzle from your own state of "Alaska?" :D

Be warm friends and take good care. Enjoy a cookie!
Hello to All!

Hope everyone is staying warm and safe wherever you may be.

Pea- Thank you to you and your daughter. I can only imagine what extra stresses you have seen over the last two years. I have several family members who work in health care and some of the tales they tell...oh my...that is really all I can say. For me, working in any type of health care/care giver environment would be stressful, so when I say thank you, I sincerely mean it, as it's not for everyone, that is for sure.

footballmouse- congrats to your Bengals! Our TV was having issues so we only could listen to the game. It kind of sounds like the Chiefs didn't play their best game all the way through and that the Bengals totally did what they needed to "to get the job done". I do like a Cinderella story, so I hope they go all the way. My son was a bit upset after the game about the Chiefs, but I told him the Bengals deserved this and their fans have waited a REALLY long time for something like this. I've said before, I'm not really into football, but it's been fun to have something to connect with my son on the last few weeks during the play offs.

taz- looks and sounds like it was a fun party. Time sure does fly, it seems like you were just announcing little LJ's birth not that long ago.

snowysmom - glad you were able to get your snow shoveled and that the drive had been done. Sounds like you may have a wonderful opportunity with the house. Prayers that if that situation is meant to happen, that it will be as stress free as possible for you. I know you are sad to leave your home, but can also tell you are ready to find a new place so you can properly grieve and have a place to call your own.

mona- how much fun is your dad going have with all those crosswords! He will surly be so surprised at your wonderful gift.

sweat pea - Thank you for the information on your 4-H councils and such. I had my daughter email our county contact to let them know she is interested in Teen Council. I think they need 5 to get it up and going again. We shall see.

Not much to report from this end. We are in for some snow tomorrow night and Wednesday, or so they say. I don't mind the snow, just please keep the ice and high winds away. I tried air frying some fried in my Ninja the other night...they turned out just ok. Im not sure if I had it on the right rack, I need to get the instructions out and check. They were not awful, but I def had higher hopes for them being a bit more crispy. Oh well, I still am please with the oven overall and am glad I made the purchase. I'll keep trying with the fries.

Stay warm all.


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