Quarantine and chill and kindness chatty clubhouse: Jump in and join the conversation! All is welcome!

Good morning.

Got the laundry going and paying bills.

We are waiting for the landscaper who is coming to plant a tree for us. We want to be here because we will be putting the two goldens ashes there. He is kind of free spirit, maybe today, maybe tomorrow. But he will come.

Going to the mall tonight to get my phone fixed, I hope.

All this talk of Brie makes me want some. I like it.

How was Homestead?
They had a lot of expensive cut trees and a lot of poinsettias. They had artificial trees and ornaments but not nearly as much outdoor decorations as Ronnie's did.

Is the milkshake pink?
Yes. They make it with their "ice dream" which is like a soft ice cream, then add the mix to make it peppermint and chocolate chips. It was an exceptionally good one yesterday.

I get an ornament catalog from:
Thank you for the link.
Good Morning and Thursday Joy to All 🐥

Thank you all for the ornament recommendations. I should have also shared that what I'd really like is a tabletop decoration, ideally that could stand up and said Merry Christmas. Dad is going to keep an eye out for a small real Christmas tree like evergreen once was a small potted 🌲from Pavilions. Hopefully it would survive past Christmas into January when I'd ask a friend with outdoor space to plant it for me.

Hug and thank you, dear Pea. I sent a message just now to the Amazon seller of that ornament asking whether it would be possible to have both names written in red rather than in black. As an FYI to all of you, this ornament qualifies for a buy 1 get 1 free promotion! You might want to check that out. If I did get the stocking ornament, I like for free this: B07GKMGYJJ I also found this ornament on gits.com: God Bless Our House The writing on this would all be in red. I appreciate you, Pea always, and for keeping an ornament eye out for me, too, my friend!

Hug and thank you, PollyannaMom! What a fun catalog. I’d love to go to real Bronner’s store to look around in person. Here’s an ornament perfect for dear you and all other Quacker family members from me: For all of you with love

Hooray for the floor guy starting today, Lynn! Prayers he’s doing a great job as I type. Always prayers and love to you and Mr. L.

Aw, Footballmouse to Grandma time with Gigi the dog! What a fun memory you gave to me. My grandpa had a poodle he adored named Gigi! Sadly she died when I was 6, not a good memory of that at all for me but no need to go into that now. I will always remember grandma telling me soon after we got Champ that grandpa had confided in her that as much as he loved Gigi (and he sure did. I think Gigi may have been over 15 years old so she was in grandpa’s life and heart for a long time), he loved Champ more! I hope you had fun with your grand-dog! As for coins, dad brings ours to a Coinstar machine at the supermarket. We get a free Amazon e-gift card from it. Pre plague, we used to roll our coins and bring them to the bank. Even though I literally disinfect by wipe anything he brings home, including change, neither of us wants to be counting coins right now. Coinstar is so much easier! How awful that you and Lynn both had to unwrap coins at a bank, that is just not right at all :(

Sounds tasty, Carol, thanks :) Pre plague, l used to so enjoy every now and then a chocolate shake from Wienerschnitzel. It was made with soft ice cream and tasted like a colder soft serve. Real ice cream, much like heavier chocolate chip cookies now, are just too heavy for my system. The Wienerschnitzel shakes were so good and definitely did not taste like a “light” ice cream. I hope you really enjoyed your treat, my friend. I hope you get your phone fixed, too.

It's cool and gray here today. I'm waiting for a package of long sleeve T's to come from Old Navy through the snail mail later. Old Navy until Friday, btw, has the Super Cash promotion again.

Wishing all of you a cozy and good Thursday! I'll come back later to check in.
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All done with work for the week. The company gave us tomorrow off to thank us for working through stressful times with the pandemic etc. I am off to the house then and will try to stay the night tomorrow night. The pest control guy is coming early Sat morning so I need to stay at the house. I am taking over what Chris used to do between heating system inspections, car inspections, car maintenance, and now the pest control people. I also still have the admin stuff to work on as well as the things I used to do around the house. There is also the house cleanout and I am also driving back and forth from my house to my DS's house a few times a week about 50 minutes each way. Someone up there thinks I can do it all. New flash: I can't. This is tough. And it is not getting any easier. I keep asking Chris to help me out as I can't get through life by myself.

Chris saved coins like you could not even imagine. We found coffee cans filled with coins as well as ziploc bags with coins. Older DS took them to the coinstar machine. If you choose a gift card there is no fee. I buy alot from Amazon so we got that gift card. The first time DS did it he got $80, second time was $109, and last Sunday we both went and the total was $260. I have enough at Amazon for many gift giving occasions. We still have a large bag full of pennies in one of the closets. We suspect there is another $20 there.

I am making supper here tonight which means we get something everyone can eat. DDIL is not the best with the meal planning or cooking so I make sure I have yogurt or turkey and salad on hand for supper. I am making pasta, broccoli, and chicken, It is one thing the kids and DS will eat.

Have a nice day.
That sounds very good Pea! I'm not a big peppermint person but both what you described and the CFs shake sure sound tasty! I remember years ago enjoying at Denny's a parfait of vanilla ice cream with fudge in layers along with crushed oreos.

:grouphug:Snowysmom. No words just love and reminder we all care and are here. You should not be expected to feel any which way, my friend! One day, one moment even at a time. Wow you save a ton of change, that's great! Every now and then Coinstar does offer an Amazon promotion where you get a free $5 added with $30 in coins. I just missed that a couple times ago and am keeping an eye out for them to offer it again. Enjoy your supper and I hope you did get the TV in your room and that has offered you some cheer, my friend.
Got my booster this morning, hoping for no side effects but picked up some rotisserie chicken on the way home for DD and I to have with salad tonight in case I'm not feeling well later on.
I also stopped at a couple stores for a few gifts on the way home too. Tractor Supply for DH and Joanns for a couple little things for DD.

I'm sure you've all heard of the Elf on Shelf, well even though DD is an adult, I still do a little advent thing for her with an Elf pet instead of the Elf. I started back when she was in HS. Our pet is a stuffef St Bernard dog named Bernard, of course...lol and Bernard brings her fun little things throughout the month. Not everyday and nothing big, things I would normally put in her stocking. Yesterday she got a gingerbread mug to use on her desk as a pen holder and some pens today. This morning she came in my room and said Thanks Bernard. :laughing: On Saturday, Bernard will bring her a gingerbread dog house we can do together. :laughing: A little silly and fun tradition.

DH was hoping to be home for a little while but ended up having to leave up north for work this morning. He'll be gone through the weekend but hoping he'll get what needs to be done quickly and home by the beginning of the week. The bad thing about that is half the lights in the middle pf our house are still out. :sad2: Oh well...

I'm planning on vegging the rest of the day on the couch, watching Christmas movies until DD gets home from work. I'll finish the decorating tomorrow or over the weekend.

Hope everyone has a nice relaxing evening.
Well the floor guys worked for 3 1/2 hours..then left for the day. Said they will be back tomorrow to finish. They did about half the floor. It looks nice, much nicer than I thought it would. Its getting very windy out, temp is 61 and it's spitting rain

Aldi's was empty, Walmart was a zoo..lots of empty spots on the shelves again , especially canned cat food..and the prices have jumped up again :(

Off to fix some dinner, get in pjs and relax..I am tired

Have a nice evening all
Sun is going down and no word from the landscape guy. Oh well. Got a lot done.

I am also driving back and forth from my house to my DS's house a few times a week about 50 minutes each way.
When I was driving back and forth to my mom's, when she was in the retirement community, I listened to audiobooks. I did the entire Harry Potter series.

Speaking of my mom, she loved the peppermint stick ice cream from Friendly's so I would always get two 1/2 gallons at Christmas time. Sometimes we still get one in her memory. It is good with chocolate sauce on top.
I'm sure you've all heard of the Elf on Shelf, well even though DD is an adult, I still do a little advent thing for her with an Elf pet instead of the Elf. I started back when she was in HS. Our pet is a stuffef St Bernard dog named Bernard, of course...lol and Bernard brings her fun little things throughout the month. Not everyday and nothing big, things I would normally put in her stocking. Yesterday she got a gingerbread mug to use on her desk as a pen holder and some pens today. This morning she came in my room and said Thanks Bernard. :laughing: On Saturday, Bernard will bring her a gingerbread dog house we can do together. :laughing: A little silly and fun tradition.

We had a similar tradition. DS was a little old for the actual Elf on a Shelf when it became popular around here, but we happened to have two ceramic elves in our Christmas decorations (named Bert and Ernie - after the characters in It's a Wonderful Life, not the ones on Sesame Street) and they also moved around and sometimes left little gifts.

Speaking of my mom, she loved the peppermint stick ice cream from Friendly's so I would always get two 1/2 gallons at Christmas time. Sometimes we still get one in her memory. It is good with chocolate sauce on top.

I love that - peppermint sundaes are my favorite!

There's an ice cream place a couple towns over from me that makes a brownie sundae with peppermint stick ice cream (and yes, it's pink :Pinkbounc:thumbsup2 ) - they break the brownie apart and heat it up in the bottom and everything. :love:

And there was a restaurant near where I went to college that had a "peppermint snowball" on it's dessert menu. They rolled a ball of peppermint ice cream in crushed chocolate cookies, and covered it with hot fudge and whipped cream. (I just checked on the web. - It's still there!) Fond memories of where we'd go for a special treat. :goodvibes
Sun is going down and no word from the landscape guy. Oh well. Got a lot done.

When I was driving back and forth to my mom's, when she was in the retirement community, I listened to audiobooks. I did the entire Harry Potter series.

Speaking of my mom, she loved the peppermint stick ice cream from Friendly's so I would always get two 1/2 gallons at Christmas time. Sometimes we still get one in her memory. It is good with chocolate sauce on top.

wow..that brought up another childhood memory for me. My favorite was Friendlys Peppermint Stick Ice Cream, but with hot fudge on it. I worked at a Friendly's for awhile in my early 20's, and had my fill of it. I can find it every now and then at Walmart, now I have to make a trip back there soon to see if they have it!
Brownie sundaes with pink peppermint ice cream, especially if the brownie as warm, wow! All the peppermint ice cream talk, I'm with you Easy! :) I have never been to a Friendly's (I think it is East coast only) but I like the name.

Love the Elf on the Shelf traditions shared, how truly sweet!

AuntieMe3, prayers for no side effects indeed, my friend!

I'm so glad the floor is looking nice, Lynn. Prices do seem to be rising with inventory dropping :( I'm sorry the shelves were that empty.

Audiobooks is a great idea, Carol.

My Old Navy package came and I do like the T's. As always with Old Navy, it is smart especially on clothing with sleeves, size up which I did.

Hug to all for a good night's rest.
@dazedx3 I hope your cousin has a good recovery. Senseless act of violence. I hope your knee is feeling better every day.

Good Morning, I am off work today and headed to the house. I am going to stay overnight. DS told me if I needed to leave anytime, even 2 am, to let him know and just drive back. I would not do that as I don't want to upset the household. I will doze in my chair and watch TV if it gets difficult. I need to be at the house anyway for the pest control guy at 8 am.

I am stopping at Market Basket on the way to the house. Peppermint Ice Cream is on my list. I usually have this time of year.

Have a good day.
Good morning all. Still a little windy outside, but we didn't get the 65 mph gusts they said we would, thankfully!

Floor guys will be coming around 9, and they better plan on finishing today. With everything out of the kitchen, its a pain to have to keep going into other rooms to find what we need to use. And Mr L's son will be here tonite, and it would be nice if the floor was completely done. I don't understand the floor guy though. I got home from shopping, they were gone, yet he left his expensive looking chopsaw on the sidewalk out back..and it was raining? I got a tarp and covered it..it was too heavy to life and bring inside. They also left my kitchen bench outside in the side yard, and I had to get a tarp for that and cover it. I am happy to have the new floor going down, but will be glad when they are done and I can put the kitchen back together!

Have a nice morning all. @Snowysmom--sending prayers your way that you have a better, peaceful night at the house!3c7f4cadee067535b082f5b3311edd28.jpg
You all are killing me with this peppermint ice cream talk!

Time for my annual pint of HD Peppermint Bark!

Jeni's has a White Chocolate Peppermint ice cream that is amazing. Also, the Cognac with Gingerbread and the Mexican Hot Chocolate are so good!

DD#2 will be home for Christmas! SoIL#2 got his orders; he is reporting to Pendleton (again) on Jan 13th. Movers are coming Dec 12th for their main stuff; the quick ship movers come Dec 13th for the stuff they need in Cali by Jan 13th. They are flying out of Oki to Seattle, then home to Jax on the 22nd!

Since DGS#2 will be here, we are going to get a small tree for him. So this weekend, my guys get to rummage through the storage shed to find the decorations and lights.

I have an order to pick up at Walmart tomorrow, with candy for DGS stocking, and some baking supplies so he and i can bake cookies on Christmas Eve (family tradition). Santa prefers fresh baked sugar cookies, after all. 😉

I'm picking up a HoneyBaked Ham today (DH gets a gift card from work every Thanksgiving); and run to the post office to pick up DD's Penzey order that I made for her, and my Soberdough package.

I need to pick up a couple small gifts for him (he got the main gifts from us already; they celebrated Christmas at Thanksgiving, so that they would have time to enjoy their gifts); and some thing small for each of us to put in stockings, and have each of us open a gift from someone (for DGS's sake). Maybe I'll get some cans of wine/bottles of beer/fancy soda to put in them. I'm just wrapping one of my new candles for me, and one for DS, I think, instead of buying something we really don't need. He loves the Sicilian Lemon from Yankee Candle, and I have one in the closet. Maybe I'll wrap the Penzey's order for DD, haha.

Waiting to go see the new Spiderman movie with DGS as well (DS is going with his friend to an early showing on the 16th). We might go on Christmas day or wait until the Tuesday after, since the tickets will be only $10 each, for the big big screen.

I'm making a rolled 'Italian' roast today (from Fresh Market). I'm going to sear it, then make a tomato 'sauce' and cook in it that in a low oven (trying a new recipe). I'm going to have pasta, salad and bread on the side.

Anyways, that's what's going on. Have a good day, all!
Happy Friday!!! :sunny:

Not sure why I'm so excited that it's Friday, I work all weekend. That's okay though, it worked out great b/c I didn't have to worry about switching shifts or taking PTO for the wedding next weekend.

Got an email from Amazon saying that the other pair of shoes that I bought for the wedding won't arrive until 12/13. That's not going to work, the wedding is 12/11, so I just cancelled the order. Luckily the other pair that I bought arrived last week so I'll just wear those. I couldn't decide between the two of them so I bought both, guess my decision has been made for me.

Started watching the live version of Annie last night but I feel asleep and forgot to record it. It wasn't that bad from what I saw.

Bianca and Bernard - I'm glad your daughter and her family get to come home in time for Xmas. Definitely will get you more excited now for Xmas. I'm sure you're happy that they are moving closer to home.

Guess I'll get back to work and try to squeeze in some laundry and house cleaning during the day. This might be the last nice day we have (in the 60's again today but snow predicted for next week) so I'm going to get the rest of the outside lights up. Have a great day everyone! :wave:


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