Quarantine and chill and kindness chatty clubhouse: Jump in and join the conversation! All is welcome!

My sleep has been off, too. DH is having surgery today so maybe I can catch a nap in the waiting room. šŸ˜“ Iā€™ll be caring for him tonight, and tomorrow the surgeon is having me remove some of the hardware rather than going back in. That should be fun. :rolleyes1 Meanwhile work has been asking me to come in to work daily. No pressure! Will be driving in during snowstorm this weekend. Hopefully we have help, but not optimistic. Tough days again. So sad.

Well the home visit went well. I just answered their questions and didnā€™t expound much. Just found out weā€™ve been approved after reference checks. Hopefully the dog I had in mind is still available, but weā€™ll see. šŸ¤ž Had another application in and found out this week that was a no go. A little sad about that as the dog I think wouldā€™ve been perfect for us, but still holding on to the belief that when itā€™s right, it will happen. Momā€™s anniversary is this week, so thinking of her a lot. Gonna get shut down here as 4am, will update later. šŸ£

Hugs, Pea, that's a lot going on at once. :hug:
Good morning all. We have a winter weather advisory from 6 pm tonite till 3 am tomorrow. "Might' get 2-4" but sounds like it's going to hit east of us more.

@Pea-n-Me Saying prayers that your husband's surgery goes well. That he makes a full, speedy recovery afterwards. And if you have to drive to work this weekend, just drive very carefully!

I am going to put our car cover on, just in case. It's easier to just pull it off along with all the snow, than to clean the car, if we have to get out in an emergency. I am hoping if we get any, that it's light snow, because I don't plan on shoveling. At least if it's light I can just sweep it off the walks, steps, and make a path to the shed to feed the cats.

First I am going to dust and vaccum when Mr L is awake, I got up to go to the bathroom at 4, and he was still awake. His oxygen machine was making a weird beeping sound. I found out he had the hose caught under the leg of his power chair and it was stopping the oxygen, and alerting the machine that there was a problem~

Have a nice day everyone

R (1).jpg
Happy Thursday! :)

I need to run up to the hardware store this morning, hopefully they have some rock salt left. I should have stopped yesterday, I drove right past it :headache:. Expecting 1-2", we'll probably get 1" and Ky people will get the 2". I did have Ds3 grab the snow shovel out of the shed yesterday and I filled up the bird feeder.

Was able to stay awake last night so I was able to watch The Amazing Race. Not really any teams that get on my nerves like usual, most of the teams are likeable. My problem sleeping at night is that I usually doze off around 6:00 or 6:30 for 15-20 minutes so then I can't fall asleep when 10:00 rolls around. No dozing off last night and sure enough, I fell right to sleep around 10:00.

My Xmas present from Ds3 finally arrived yesterday. Everyday he would check the porch to see if it arrived yet. He got me a new welcome mat for the front porch that has HOME with the "O" being the castle and then a cute throw pillow with a bunch of Minnie Mouse's on it. They are both cute, I'm going to wait until the Spring to put the welcome mat out. I think I'll move the monorail welcome mat to the garage leading into the kitchen.

That's all I have for now. Hope everyone has a good day and not too much snow. :cold:
We are expecting pretty much the same snow as @lynxstch. Please let it melt more today.

My driveway is fine. Nothing to shovel as it was sheltered and it melted between the cars. The street was plowed but still has an ice layer. All the cars still have a snow cap on them.

DD will go and get some cat food cans today as she has to go out anyway. My Chewy order is scheduled to arrive on Friday but I don't want to trust waiting for it with more snow coming.

My deck still has about 8 inches of snow on it. I'm not comfortable with shoveling as my pressure is up and down. But DD will go out and feed the birds and cat and the dog is okay with bounding through the snow and then scooting under the deck.

Everybody stay safe and warm and best wishes to all!
We are expecting pretty much the same snow as @lynxstch. Please let it melt more today.

My driveway is fine. Nothing to shovel as it was sheltered and it melted between the cars. The street was plowed but still has an ice layer. All the cars still have a snow cap on them.

DD will go and get some cat food cans today as she has to go out anyway. My Chewy order is scheduled to arrive on Friday but I don't want to trust waiting for it with more snow coming.

My deck still has about 8 inches of snow on it. I'm not comfortable with shoveling as my pressure is up and down. But DD will go out and feed the birds and cat and the dog is okay with bounding through the snow and then scooting under the deck.

Everybody stay safe and warm and best wishes to all!

My sister in law and niece checked out Walmart, Krogers and Weis in Morgantown..and none of them had any canned cat food except 1 4 pack of 9 lives in Walmart, and Sheba and Fancy Feast in the other 2. I can't afford to feed as many cats as I do with Sheba or Fancy Feast. I did a chat with Chewy this morning , as I had placed an order on Monday, and didn't get any email saying it was shipped. She said they are experiencing delays and that it will ship today. So who knows when it will get here. Thankfully I ordered 24 cans of 4 different varieties last week and they came the next day. I still have some left from when I stocked up at the beginning of the pandemic, but their choices are getting very limited. Good thing most of them aren't fussy about what they eat. They are just happy someone is feeding them~
I really like the look of the Olukai...I may need to order myself a pair to try them out.

I've been tracking them...still not here. They sent them Fedex Sure Post, not the speediest of shipping methods. Don't these people know I need to do a detailed comparison between all these flip flops?!?!? I hope they are comfortable - a lot of folks seem to think a lot of them.

Well the home visit went well. I just answered their questions and didnā€™t expound much. Just found out weā€™ve been approved after reference checks. Hopefully the dog I had in mind is still available, but weā€™ll see. šŸ¤ž

Oh good! Fingers crossed for you.

We have a winter weather advisory from 6 pm tonite till 3 am tomorrow. "Might' get 2-4" but sounds like it's going to hit east of us more.

You can send it on as far east as Maryland goes - you know I'll take it ::yes:: :tilt::lmao:

At least if it's light I can just sweep it off the walks, steps, and make a path to the shed to feed the cats.

It is nice when it's that light "dry" snow vs. the heavy, wet snow we got at the beginning of the week. That makes for a much more difficult shoveling experience. I've got my broom & snow shovel out.

My deck still has about 8 inches of snow on it. I'm not comfortable with shoveling as my pressure is up and down. But DD will go out and feed the birds and cat and the dog is okay with bounding through the snow and then scooting under the deck.

We've left the snow unshoveled everywhere but where we need to walk. Dogs are tall, and don't mind at all walking and playing in it. My husband shoveled them a path in the back yard and they totally ignored it to go thru the deep snow! But yeah, I think it's good to leave it. No harm, if you don't need it moved Mother Nature will eventually melt if for you.

I'm hungry. Like I could eat a whole plate of pancakes & eggs & hashbrowns & bacon hungry. The closest I'm going to get is a Belvita I think -

Have a good morning everyone.
My sister in law and niece checked out Walmart, Krogers and Weis in Morgantown..and none of them had any canned cat food except 1 4 pack of 9 lives in Walmart, and Sheba and Fancy Feast in the other 2. I can't afford to feed as many cats as I do with Sheba or Fancy Feast. I did a chat with Chewy this morning , as I had placed an order on Monday, and didn't get any email saying it was shipped. She said they are experiencing delays and that it will ship today. So who knows when it will get here. Thankfully I ordered 24 cans of 4 different varieties last week and they came the next day. I still have some left from when I stocked up at the beginning of the pandemic, but their choices are getting very limited. Good thing most of them aren't fussy about what they eat. They are just happy someone is feeding them~

We had one of those pans of salmon with butter sauce already to put in the oven earlier this week, then I ate leftovers and so did DD, but there was quite a bit left. I usually search for the smallest container for 2 of us and freeze half, but DD had put it all in the oven.

I chipped it up and offered it to my cats, dog and to KittyKitty.

Dog loves it. KittyKitty loves it. My indoor cats looked at me and walked off. Spoiled rotten.

One male will eat ham or chicken. The female Persian likes Chik Fil A grilled chicken (what I order for me).

I have plenty of dry food and they usually get fed both wet and dry, so they aren't going to starve.

I 'could' make fresh food for all of these pets and probably save money. But the cans are simply convenient. Plus if I'm out of town, DD is not going to cook for them.
Afternoon y'all.

Here, none of the stores have any Friskies wet food in stock (Target, Walmart, 2 different Publix, Winn Dixie). IDK why there is such a shortage the last year! I have four 24 packs already, but that is just under 2 months of food (2 cans a day for 3 cats + free feed dry). I ordered two more 24 packs from Chewy this morning, and that took forever, because as soon as I put a pack in the cart, and went to checkout, the system would say 'out of stock' and boot it from the cart! Finally got a case of a new kind from Friskies (the Natural tuna, crab, brown rice) and one case of the extra chunky turkey to go through. The cats don't like pate, so that doesn't help. Chewy also had a B3G1F sale, on some of the Disney stuff (and some of the holiday Disney stuff is on clearance); so I ordered each of the cats a new collar, and a new bowl (Marie, of course) for their water. I'll have to order more cat litter after we move, and hopefully they will have more Friskies wet by then.

DGS#4 is rolling over now (3 1/2 months) and tried oatmeal for the first time yesterday; he has been watching them eat intensely, and the bottles (8oz every 3-4 hours!) aren't seeming to fill him up, so the doc said try some rice or oat cereal. He even tried to grab the spoon and push it into his mouth! He's been holding his head up since about two weeks after he was born; responding to people and things with coos for the last month; and now the rolling and baby food. It seems like really early for all this, right, or is it just me???

sTarted looking seriously for a place to move to next month. We have until 2/17 to move, but I want to move by the 14th at the latest. We are just going to pay the apartment complex $200 to move out clean, add new drip pans for the stove, and clean the carpets. It will cost me at least $150 to do the carpets (3 bedrooms, living room, dining area and hallway), so this will just save me from having to do it, or to try to find someone to do it. LOL win/win

Rough week. (sad news ahead)

DD#2 left for Cali today. It seems too quiet.

Two days ago, my sister (3rd oldest, 11 years older than me) calls and tells me her DH had a stroke 6 months ago (in addition to the other issues he had); also, they both had Cvd19 this last year and both hospitalized for it; neither vaxxed STILL and that DBiL went into the ER that morning, because he was peeing blood. [He was addicted to opioids, due to injuries from motorcycle accidents, and a tow truck accident (lost the top of one of his feet from ankle to mid-foot, then lost the rest of the foot/toes) years ago; and the drs kept telling him he was blocked up due to the opioids, for the last year.] They did a bunch more tests, and found his bowel died, and his kidneys were failing, and he was going to rapidly descend into multi-organ failure. So, she signed a DNR, and they kept him sedated, and he passed yesterday. They were together 44 years, and it is breaking her. No funeral or anything; it's not what he wanted. He's being cremated, and once spring or summer come, they are taking him up to Grand Lake/Granby, CO, and spreading his ashes there, just his kids, grandkids and DSis. I sent her a basket of flowers (to be delivered today); said to call if they needed anything at all, and offered to come up, but she said no.


Anyways, going to go get the bathrooms cleaned, and finish the last load of towels. Making black pepper marinated pork chops and veggies for dinner tonight; tomorrow is chicken parmensan cutlets with pasta and veggies.

Y'all have a good day.
:grouphug:Pea and prayers for your DH and of course you as well, to please take care, as you care for him!

Big hug and extra love to you, too, dear B&B. We are here and care, my friend, always. Thinking of you!

This morning dad will be driving our indoor Christmas tree to its new home with my friend and her daughter. I am so very grateful that it will get to live and grow. One extra blessed day post pandemic, dad and I will get to go visit it. That said, I will miss it. I told my dad last night, it means so much to me to know thanks to God this tree like Evergreen outside here will be growing to Him in love. Also that He has given dad and I a Christmas tree ministry of sorts šŸŒ² If any of you lived closer, AuntieMe3, do you want a Christmas tree next January :D?, I'd ask you to please give one a home in coming years. I know you'd all take good care of such a tree. I thank you just knowing that!

It's a little warmer this morning, yay! Terri may come visit briefly later which will be lovely as well. Dad and I did start watching the Christmas Connection last night. We both realized that in one scene at an airport restaurant, the dad was engaging the flight attendant an awfully long time in conversation while his young daughter looked at a Christmas tree nearby. Neither adult was really looking out for the little girl :( Very obviously a movie in that sense and lol that the little girl set it up so the flight attendant would need to seek her and her dad out again (to return a Christmas gift the girl had made for her dad). Still it's sweet. We will watch a little more later. I will come back later, too :)

We had one of those pans of salmon with butter sauce already to put in the oven earlier this week, then I ate leftovers and so did DD, but there was quite a bit left. I usually search for the smallest container for 2 of us and freeze half, but DD had put it all in the oven.

I chipped it up and offered it to my cats, dog and to KittyKitty.

Dog loves it. KittyKitty loves it. My indoor cats looked at me and walked off. Spoiled rotten.

One male will eat ham or chicken. The female Persian likes Chik Fil A grilled chicken (what I order for me).

I have plenty of dry food and they usually get fed both wet and dry, so they aren't going to starve.

I 'could' make fresh food for all of these pets and probably save money. But the cans are simply convenient. Plus if I'm out of town, DD is not going to cook for them.

The only variety pack in stock at Chewy is --
Friskies Shreds in Gravy Variety Pack Canned Cat Food, 5.5-oz, case of 40

I just ordered another one of those, a case of 24 cans of Mariners Catch (all of the cats favorite) and some treats for them. Will be waiting to see how long that order takes to ship. Still haven't gotten an email that my order from the other day has been shipped, even though she told me it would be sent today. I am not going to make fresh food for all of the cats, it would cost me too much, take too much time..and like you said, the cans are convenient. I have plenty of dry food to last a few months, but that seems to always be in stock in Walmart!
DD told me to stay in and she would shop. But my car is clean and my street is mostly dry, so I'm leaving now for Petco. I'm less than a mile away.

The temp jumped to 43 by noon and now is back to 41 degrees. I'll edit if I find any cans.
I will read later but can you all keep my daughter's BFF's family in your prayers. The best friend is a daughter to me. Her husband was taken to the ER today with COVID and some bad symptoms. He is high risk to begin with and couldn't get vaccinated because of an ongoing infection. She is terrified right now. I know some prayers her way would mean a lot. His name is Isai, or Z as we call him. Thanks
Good afternoon.

Not sure how much time I have. Carter is here and napping. Should be up soon. He and Tessa still have coughs but he has a fever on and off. PCR tests negative so I have him today.

We love making turkey burgers, sometimes I add in jalapenos, mushrooms, carrots and whatever else I might have in with them.
Mine have spinach, feta cheese, and tarragon in them.

"Might' get 2-4" but sounds like it's going to hit east of us more.
It can snow as much as it wants, as far as I am concerned. 2-4 inches predicted with up,to 6 possible.

@Bianca and Bernard, sorry to hear about your DBIL.

I actually buy mine at the local farm supply store
Good suggestion. I bought dog food at Tractor Supply.

can you all keep my daughter's BFF's family in your prayers.
Will do.

I found the old nursery monitor I used 35 years ago with DD and DS, and it still works. Poor DGS is coughing a lot in nap time.
DD told me to stay in and she would shop. But my car is clean and my street is mostly dry, so I'm leaving now for Petco. I'm less than a mile away.

The temp jumped to 43 by noon and now is back to 41 degrees. I'll edit if I find any cans.

So, I found absolutely no Friskies and 8 cans of Fancy Feast, a kind my cats don't care for.

They had the 5 and 1/2 ounce cans of Wellness and Blue Wilderness at $1.59 and $1.69 a can. Since I can divide that up having 4 cats, I got those, but don't know if they will eat it yet.

There were a few Urinary tract pro plan, the beef and chicken variety and a fish variety. I took both but I've tried them before and cat prefers the chicken one. I have several cases of the chicken one enroute from Chewy. Maybe some cat will eat it.

And, there was some 3 ounce cans at 69cents - Whole Hearted Grain Free. I opened this and none of the 3 inside cats bothered with it.

In addition I did NOT buy the 3 ounce cans that were $2.79 to $3.49 each. Yikes!
I can buy filet mignon cheaper than that.

I spent $20 to get me through a couple of days in case chewy order doesn't come.
I'm very close so can get back or send DD. So, now I will have to start stalking to stock up enough to get me through til February at least.

And, I did see Friskies at Costco last week. Maybe on Saturday I'll go buy that if it is still stocked. They used to carry Fancy Feast, but haven't had it recently.
I will read later but can you all keep my daughter's BFF's family in your prayers. The best friend is a daughter to me. Her husband was taken to the ER today with COVID and some bad symptoms. He is high risk to begin with and couldn't get vaccinated because of an ongoing infection. She is terrified right now. I know some prayers her way would mean a lot. His name is Isai, or Z as we call him. Thanks

((good thoughts))
Good afternoon.

Not sure how much time I have. Carter is here and napping. Should be up soon. He and Tessa still have coughs but he has a fever on and off. PCR tests negative so I have him today.

Mine have spinach, feta cheese, and tarragon in them.

It can snow as much as it wants, as far as I am concerned. 2-4 inches predicted with up,to 6 possible.

@Bianca and Bernard, sorry to hear about your DBIL.

Good suggestion. I bought dog food at Tractor Supply.

Will do.

I found the old nursery monitor I used 35 years ago with DD and DS, and it still works. Poor DGS is coughing a lot in nap time.

Sorry to hear the babies are still not well. I found out my daughter and grands tested positive. I had not been with them since Dec 29th. They were with the Dad's family on NYE and DD thinks that's the source. DD called me on Sunday and was going to come down and I told her not to, not knowing anyone might get sick. I just was having my BP issues and wasn't up to it yet. That may have been my blessing.

They've mostly been coughing with the younger having a bit of fever.

I'm waiting for AAA to come and jumpstart my Van. I cleaned it off and wanted to move it around and it was dead. hadn't been driven in a month and I found a light switched on inside. They should be here soon. I figured I might want to drive it in the slush after the next snow instead of dirtying up my car.
I will read later but can you all keep my daughter's BFF's family in your prayers.
Carter is here and napping. Should be up soon. He and Tessa still have coughs but he has a fever on and off.
I found out my daughter and grands tested positive.

Virtual hugs to all the families. :hug: And hoping everyone is well again soon.

It's been such a hard time - I feel like we keep thinking we're close to the end of all this only to get sucked back in to another surge.


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