Question about valet


DIS Veteran
Oct 21, 2004
I'm such a country bumpkin I swear, LOL. I think I've used valet parking once in my life and it was just at the hospital visiting someone so I have no clue how this stuff works with hotel valets.

We are staying at VWL and BCV and I would really love to use the valet parking there if it is a lot easier. I totally don't mind tipping, I just want to know the ins and outs of how this works. We don't really plan on driving too much, can we valet it the first night and not get the car until four days later? Can it stay there parked indefinitely? What if we need the car out and it is after hours? I'm assuming that the valet doesn't work 24 hrs... do they have access to the keys at the front desk? Hmmm... I know so little about all of this fancy stuff I don't even really know what questions to ask, LOL. :rotfl:
The valet is available 24 hours a day. You can have them take it away and not see it again for your entire trip or have it brought it up for you as many times in a day as you need it.

When you pull in the valet will give you a ticket that he/she will write your name on. Show your DVC card so you get it for free. Save the card and when you need your car, you call from your room (or any house phone) to have it brought up front for you. By the time you get down to the front of the hotel, it will normally be waiting for you. If the valet that brought your car up isn't there, just pick up the keys at the valet desk and leave your tip with that attendant.

Some people tip on pick up, some tip both ways. I tip a smaller amount ($2.00) each way.

Have fun.

cobbler said:
Is Valet free at SSR too? Is there normally a fee per day or how does it work?

I don't know much about SSR but I don't think they have valet parking. In the portable perks guide that we received from our last trip it states that "valet parking is complimentary at the BWV, VWL and BCV". It doesn't mention SSR which leads me to believe that it doesn't exist there due to the nature of the resort.

cobbler said:
Is Valet free at SSR too? Is there normally a fee per day or how does it work?

No valet at SSR. It's set up like a condo, so there are parking spots near your room.
At BCV, it's really easy to self park, too. You park near the pool area and there is an elevator at that end of the resort. We do that a lot.


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