Question for ladies only....


DIS Veteran
Apr 29, 2001
Here's a question for the ladies....

Do the restrooms at WDW have pad/tampon dispensers? I'm wanting to know so I'll know how many "supplies" I need to carry around with me.

Thanks! :)
Yes they have both but when I was at MK this weekend some of them had notes saying only tampons worked or only pads worked,etc.
They only have regular size Tampax tamps in the dispenser. Which may or may not be in working order. I was in the restroom trying to buy one from the machine when the CM walked in and told me they never work. So she unlocked the closet and handed me a handful. I was grateful to say the least! Lesson learned: Always bring your own!
And pack your own.

They can be quite expensive to buy a package. I know from experience.
Thanks ladies. :)

I'm writing them down on my packing list right now. I hate the thought of carrying them around with me since it will make my bag bulkier, but better safe than sorry. Hey, maybe I can talk my DH into carrying some in his pockets! :rotfl2:
I'd take my own. (That's what I did this past summer.) Although for me, I need the lite tampons, and machines don't really carry them.
They cost about $5 a box:rolleyes1 Luckly i'm usually light. They do have dispensers in all the washrooms.
And the pads/tampons in the bathrooms are expensive ($1-$1.50 for one). Although convenient in the case of 'emergency,' they are pricey.
I would bring my own.....ended up having to buy a box in Disney and they had very few options. Luckily we had our car and I got to a Walgreens, lol. I had my own stash in my messenger bag. ;)
And the pads/tampons in the bathrooms are expensive ($1-$1.50 for one). Although convenient in the case of 'emergency,' they are pricey.

Holy moly! :scared1: At that price, I'm definitely convinced to bring my own supply.

Thanks for all of the replies. :)
And the pads/tampons in the bathrooms are expensive ($1-$1.50 for one). Although convenient in the case of 'emergency,' they are pricey.

It's not quite that bad. I'm pretty sure it was $.50. Perhaps it was the diapers that were higher...
It's always safe to bring your own. Depending on what brand you use they can easily be slipped into your pocket (OB for example)
I had a double whammy last time I went. I thought I was safe before going, but ended up having to buy some from the gift shop. I thought they would be reasonable, but nothing is sacred when it comes to money :) They were ridiculously expensive. Now I get a large ziplock bag and fill it with a layer and stick it in the zipper part of my suitcase flap. That way it takes up the least amount of room.
By the magical laws of Disney shouldn't we all be exempt from even needing such supplies?????

Lol, that's funny! :rotfl2: It's definitely not magical having your period at Disney World...well, unless you consider the alternative of being pregnant instead! :scared1:
I take some with me no matter if i should be needing them or not. I didn't one time and had a mess before i could find some never again. I do know that its not fun to have to mess with it during vacations mostly during the summer months.
I'm currently on the Pill, and as luck would have it, my period was to fall smack dab in the middle of our trip last October. I had a gyne appointment the week before we left, and I had come across an article about skipping the placebo week in order to skip a period (going straight to a new pack instead), so I asked him about it, and he was perfectly fine with skipping a period. I carried some supplies just in case, but ended up not needing them and passing them off throughout the trip (anytime I saw someone struggling with the dispensers in the bathroom)...

My doc did mention that only the monophasic pills should be used for this sort of thing...the triphasic pills can really screw up the system if used for this purpose...
QUOTE=dis75ney;29726696]I'm currently on the Pill, and as luck would have it, my period was to fall smack dab in the middle of our trip last October. I had a gyne appointment the week before we left, and I had come across an article about skipping the placebo week in order to skip a period (going straight to a new pack instead), so I asked him about it, and he was perfectly fine with skipping a period. I carried some supplies just in case, but ended up not needing them and passing them off throughout the trip (anytime I saw someone struggling with the dispensers in the bathroom)...

My doc did mention that only the monophasic pills should be used for this sort of thing...the triphasic pills can really screw up the system if used for this purpose...[/QUOTE]

I would be careful with trying this. I have done it and it mad me feel FAT BLOATED AND CRANKY!!! I would rather have it in this case than not!


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