Question for those of you who are GOOFY!!


DIS Veteran
Jan 17, 2005
Congrats to everyone who ran the 1/2, the full, and BOTH!! I am wondering how the races went for those of you who finished both-- how did it go? Did you do anything different to train, or did you just train for the full?

I'm thinking of doing this next year, since I'm already pretty good mileage wise-- I figure, if I can lose some of my excess weight, and continue training, I have a year to get up there, but I would love to hear some of the comments about it!!
We had several on my TNT team who did the Goofy. They walked it as it was less straining on the body and just went for completing it within the time limit. For the most part they pretty much just trained for a full marathon and never did a back to back long run training weekend--or if they did they just did it once.

For me I would plan on twice to do a back to back weekend--just b/c I would like to experience the sensation and recovery and be able to plan strategies for race weekend.
Today I'm recovering from Goofy. I'm not bad off, just a bit sore with a tendency to stiffen if I sit too long. Anyway, here's my thoughts:

I trained starting in Feb. of last year. I trained for and ran a half in June so from Feb.-June I followed BInghams MFM program for the half.Then I eased off a little in the summer heat. When official training began in August, I did back to back long runs every time the mileage increased and did only one long run on the "cutback weeks." I think all the back to back runs really helped me because my legs gradually got used to going out tired under increasing mileage. I think if I had only done one or two back to back long runs, I would have been in trouble. As it was, things went well. I made the training a priority and stuck to it.

My advice is to make a plan and stick to it. I had a plan for the half and a plan for the full. I knew exactly how fast I wanted to start out on each race and where I wanted to pick up the pace. I also had a plan B for bad weather, injury, etc. I don't think you can "wing" the goofy and survive it with anything left if you don't make a plan and put in the training.

Those are just my thoughts. I loved to Goofy, but it was tough both physically and mentally. I don't know if I'd ever do it again, but it was fun and something I remember till I die (at which time I want to be buried with my medals)!!
I'm so glad you survivied Jennifer!!!! Congratulations! That is so awesome :banana:
Wow! Thanks for the advice, and congratulations on finishing the Goofy Jennifer!!!

I'm glad I asked this question, and I think I will try some back to back runs throughout training and see how it goes. Depending on how I feel come January, I will either do the Goofy, or just go for the full (which I think is quite a feat in itself!!)
I'm also recovering from Goofy today. I am wiped out!! I used an intermediate marathon training program with back-to-back long runs on the weekend. I have completed a marathon in the past and have been a runner for years, so I had endurance conditioning before I began.
I agree that the best strategy is to find a training plan and stick with it. Your long runs are the most important part of the plan. You need to teach your body to go long on consecutive days. You also must mentally prepare...

Jennifer - Congrats to you!!!
I am in awe @ those of you who can endure this type of weekend, I did the half ( this is my second year ) and just cant phathom doingt the full no less both! However, I am seriously thing about the full next year! I have to admit and I am not one to stick with training but the way I am feeling, I know if I decide to just do the full, I will definitly have to train. I seriously think doing both has to be such an acheivment and probably one of the best feelings! you should all be so proud of yourselves! For those of you who did goofy....
will you ever do it again?
I'm back home and I'm Goofy!! :banana: :banana:

Boy the weekend was tough. I did Goofy and Monday morning was in the ER at Celebration Hospital. After the 1/2 I felt like I was getting/had a shin splint in my right leg. I iced it and stayed off it the rest of the day Sat. and did the full on Sun. It was tough, both mentally and physically. Since I mostly cross trained in prep for the event (due to an injury in Oct. that prevented any running) I just wanted to cross the finish line. My shin was kiliing me from about mile 18 on. Every step felt like somebody putting a knife in my leg. But I was determined to finish and I did :goodvibes .
That night I iced the shin again. Monday morning I work up and my leg was red and swollen. Decided to get it checked out as precaution. They did x-rays (no stress fracture) and a doppler (no blood clot). Doc said it was just a very severe shin splint. Gave me crutches and meds and said to stay off of it for a few days until the swelling went down. So that's where I'm at.
The good news: when I got up Monday, NOTHING else hurt. I couldn't believe how good I felt (other than the shin). I thought I'd be stiff, sore or something, but I felt great. I don't know that I'd ever do the Goofy again, but I did have a good time.

Lisa Loves Pooh - Thanks for the encouragement along the way. I also saw another WISH-er on Main Street in MK, but don't know who it was. Thanks to you also.
And a BIG thanks to Helen (from NZ) who saw me struggling, as I was about to start the trek around WS in Epcot, and escorted me around to the big Christmas tree. I so very much appreciated it. Hope you had a good time at the Pub.

Congrats to everyone!
princessmomma said:
Hey Sara, congrats on the Goofy! Thanks for meeting up with me, it made the time just fly by!

Thanks Colleen!! DH was waiting in AK right next to your family and got a bit of footage of you on our videocamera. I hope you had an awesome race on Sunday and a safe trip home.

Terri - I hope the shin heals up quickly for you. Glad you're feeling fine otherwise :-) Congrats on the Goofy!!
msblrobs said:
Thanks Colleen!! DH was waiting in AK right next to your family and got a bit of footage of you on our videocamera.

Oh, no! That is when I stripped down to my sports bra to change my top!! :scared: DH had a dry short sleeved shirt with him, so I took off all my layers and put on the dry shirt at AK. It wasn't a pretty sight, but the dry shirt sure felt good. What a coincidence your DH was right next to my family.

Terri, congratulations on Goofy! It was great to meet you!

Hey all! I am back to real life and starting training for my tri! I did Goofey and it was wonderful! I did several back to back LRs. I think you almost have to train for an ultra. Ran the 1/2 real slow then ran with DH until mile 20 on the full. His knee was hurting real bad and I felt like he needed my support. Around mile 20 I left him and ran on. He was triyng to listen to his MP3 player and I was talking. (I did not have one.) Got neg splits! :teeth: If I run both next year I may try to run for time instead of just for fun.
I saw so many WISHers and so glad to put names, voices and faces together.
My times were:
2:34 for the 1/2
5:04 for the full. Tried to get under 5:00, but could not make up the time at that point. Got to mile 20 at 4:00 then had a shirt malfunction in MGM that took around 4 min to undo. :rotfl2:
Not my best, but they will do. I guess they are the best Goofy I ever ran!

Terri - Hope your leg feels better! Those rally hurt!
Terri- That was me on Main Street cheering every last runner on until the bitter end. The people next to me couldn't believe that I knew so many people (not sure if they ever figured out I was just reading the names off the front of everyone's bib).

Congratulations to all the WISHers who finished the Goofy Challenge this year! We are so proud of you! :cool1:

Christa- We missed you at Trail's End. Hope to get to meet you next year.

solo-Go for the Goofy! You can do it! :cheer2:
Thanks Heather! It was really a boost to see a fellow WISH-er when I was running down Main Street!

Christa--"maybe next year you'll try for time??" Holy cow woman--those times are worthy of a: :worship: . And for a goofy no less!
How I got there and back again:

At my age (49) I'm not able to run all the time. If I do too much running in a week I break down pretty quickly, so I mixed up my training. Also, I began training right after the 2005 half marathon, and by May I was working it pretty hard for the Goofy. Long runs in January to April were 3 to 5 miles. May and June were 6 to 8 miles. By September I had worked up to long runs of 10 miles.

Amazingly, my longest run prior to Goofy was 13.1 miles, and I did 2 of those. I did 8 runs of 10+ miles during the fall, always the day after training, so I started my long efforts with tired legs from the previous day.

A typical week in November or December looked like this:

Day 1 Run 5 or 6
Day 2 Bike 60 hard minutes, lots of resistence, then a hard weight session
Day 3 Rest
Day 4 Run 3 to 5 miles
Day 5 Bike 60 hard minutes
Day 6 Run long, 10+ miles
Day 7 Rest

The one thing I'd change up to mid-December would have been more quad work in the weight room, as my quads, on the outside, were what blew apart and slowed me down.

About once every 2 weeks I did some tempo running, about 9 minutes per mile so the race paces wouldn't seem difficult.

This got me the three medals. In my case, the Goofy was really a tale of 3 races:

Race #1 - Saturday's half marathon. It took me 10:38 to get through mile 1 with the crowds, but after than I carried about 9:25 per mile consistently. I never pushed the pace, and did fine up to the hills at miles 11 (I knew of this one) and 12 (SURPRISE!). I finished and felt comfortable in 2:05.

Race #2 - Sunday's marathon, start to mile 13.1. This was pretty much like Saturday's half, but 10 minutes slower. I had hoped to hit mile 4 in 45 minutes, but I was there in 41. Yes, it was too fast, but the crowd around me was clipping along and I stayed with them mostly out of self preservation, and a desire to get out of the EPCOT merge without trouble. I felt fine and slowed a bit, hitting the half way point in 2:15. Unfortunately in mile 13 I began to feel the bear, and knew trouble was coming fast.

Race #3 - Sunday's marathon, mile 13.1 to 26.2. This quickly dissolved into a survival match. By mile 16 my quads were completely blown, and I was just trying to hand on. Luckily everyone in my running group looked to be following the same strategy. The turn off World Drive towards the Animal Kingdom was really hard mentally, as we were turning away from the finish. Also there is a long and slight slope as you run towards the sewage plant (pleasant smell!), which didn't help. Once out of Animal Kingdom the body was worse, but the mind felt better as we were headed home. The long straight with 2 long overpasses wasn't much fun either. Turning the 180 and heading for the Studios helped, and at mile 23 in the Studios a race official yelled at all of us "how many 5K's have you run?" This was great mentally, as we all had done this many, many times, it was just a matter of getting there. The body by this point was pretty much gone, but you knew the pain wouldn't last much longer. I finished in 4:47, so it took me 2:32 to run the last half of the race. It would have been nice to be more consistent in splits for the marathon, but given my training, I cannot complain.

My lesson learned if I ever think about doing anything so dumb again would be (1) more weight work, (2) a long run of 15-16 would have been nice, and (3) make sure my wife is with me again after the Goofy. I literally couldn't get down into a chair, up out of a chair, or up or down a single step. Martha and Lesley were very helpful, but they sure laughed at me a lot.

If you're thinking about going Goofy next January, you have my admiration.

DH and I spent the day with Tiger Lily and her family in MK today. She was in great shape after going Goofy - still wogging around the parks! Only a little stiffness in her legs. She was proudly wearing her Goofy medal, and as it got cooler, her Goofy half/full windbreaker! I'm sure she will tell you all about it as soon as she gets home. For now, she is enjoying the parks with her family and said to tell everyone "Hi". :sunny:


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