Questions about Disney Professional Internships


Main Street Junkie
Oct 5, 2006
I'm thinking about applying for a PI in Spring 2008, and I was wondering how things were going with those of you that got accepted into a PI recently? I just finished my CP in May and I'm really considering going back to Disney - I loved it there!

How is Northbridge? Do you make the same hourly rate as the CPs do? Do you work mostly in the day, or do you still get evening hours? Just some questions to start out with.

I appreciate any response.
All the PIs that I know are making a salary of about $600 a week. My roommate went from working 55+ hours a week at $7.17 an hour to working 40 hours a week at $600.
I wish I could say I was making 600.00 per week when I was a PI, but the wages really vary. They are considerably higher than those for the CP, but it really does depend on what department you are going into. The management internships get paid much more than the others!!

Great program and I highly recommend doing it if you are interested in making a career with Disney!
I wish I could say I was making 600.00 per week when I was a PI, but the wages really vary. They are considerably higher than those for the CP, but it really does depend on what department you are going into. The management internships get paid much more than the others!!

Great program and I highly recommend doing it if you are interested in making a career with Disney!

When you were in the PI, were your hours mostly during the day or the evening?
When you were in the PI, were your hours mostly during the day or the evening?

I worked Monday - Friday 8:30 - 5:30 with an hour lunch break! :) Pretty much the same as I do now--the hours seem to depend on the department within the building!
Thanks, rusty, for your help. Just one more question. Do you live at Northbridge? If you do, what is it like?

Thanks, again.
Well I'm only in my 3rd week of my internship so far.. and I absolutely love it. I'm not making close to 600 a week though. Hours depend on the department, definitely. I'm working generally in an office setting and its a 830am-5pm job. However, I have roomates who have much different schedules. One is doing an animal internship and is working with days off that aren't Sat and Sun. Another is doing a golf internship and sometimes works starting at 5am. So it really depends on the program you're doing.

Northbridge is a really nice complex. But I would HIGHLY suggest not living here. It's far from Disney (25 minutes without traffic. But in the afternoons, theres ALWAYS traffic due to the ~20 accidents per day they have over here). It's also mad expensive ($129/week) And you can prob get a much better deal if you find people beforehand and get an apt somewhere closer. Plus you have to share a room at Northbridge. I mean, overall, its really not a terrible place, but I would have rather found something else cheaper and closer.
I work in Animal Programs at DAK, Sunday through Thursday 8-5 with an hour for lunch

In reference to the $600 / wk - I wish!

Wages vary based on location. If you are using Disney housing for your PI it is 129/wk for NorthBridge Apartments where you share a room with 1 other person and share the apartment with 4-5 other ppl. You may get lucky and get a single. It is about 20-30 mins from DAK depending on traffic / what time you leave in the morning.
Well, I do make the $600 a week. The management interns are the ones who make the salary. However, I work about 55 hours a week with a very unstable schedule. So you see, there is a reason why some get paid more than others. I still love my job and hope to get a statused position when my internship is finished. No matter what anyone I have met makes financially, they are still loving their internships. I hope that you come join us regardless of salary.

Hi Rusty!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks for this info! My husband struck up a friendly conversation while at work yesterday with a customer. The customer just happened to be a manager in Disney's advertising department and when he heard my husband is a freelance graphic designer with some professional experience, and is finishing up a degree in Computer Science, he handed him his business card and asked my husband to call him because they have a bunch of 2-d graphics internships available. My husband was floored, as his dream is to design for Pixar, but I was worried about the pay being not so great for an internship (or maybe not paid at all). Regardless, the experience would be amazing for him and if we could at all swing it and they are indeed interested in him, I would LOVE for him to do it. This is great news! We could probably handle him making in the $300-$600/week range. Anyone else in the advertising department or have any info on this sort of position?
I just had my first phone interview for an Industrial Engineering internship for Spring 08. They said a professional internship is usually from $7-13 an hour, except for managerial internships which pay a salary of about 600 a week.

I'm not sure about certain departments specifically, but I am getting in touch with my friend who is doing the same internship I am doing this summer.
princess: I also just interviewed for a couple different positions for the PI program. I heard the same thing stated above. I think if you work for disney, the name is the most important thing you get out of it, and not so much the money. I wonder if you can live with the CP people? I wonder if they would let me do that. Well anyways, I am so excited to hear back. The only problem is I never did CP, (it just didn't work with my undergrad schedule). So hopefully I get to do this.

princess: I also just interviewed for a couple different positions for the PI program. I heard the same thing stated above. I think if you work for disney, the name is the most important thing you get out of it, and not so much the money. I wonder if you can live with the CP people? I wonder if they would let me do that. Well anyways, I am so excited to hear back. The only problem is I never did CP, (it just didn't work with my undergrad schedule). So hopefully I get to do this.


You don't live with the CP's as far as I know. The PI's have another complex.
Thanks for this info! My husband struck up a friendly conversation while at work yesterday with a customer. The customer just happened to be a manager in Disney's advertising department and when he heard my husband is a freelance graphic designer with some professional experience, and is finishing up a degree in Computer Science, he handed him his business card and asked my husband to call him because they have a bunch of 2-d graphics internships available. My husband was floored, as his dream is to design for Pixar, but I was worried about the pay being not so great for an internship (or maybe not paid at all). Regardless, the experience would be amazing for him and if we could at all swing it and they are indeed interested in him, I would LOVE for him to do it. This is great news! We could probably handle him making in the $300-$600/week range. Anyone else in the advertising department or have any info on this sort of position?

I would say that he should make that income without a problem. The more technical your role, the more you usually get paid.I would go for it. It is a chance of a lifetime.
Zada82, which management internship are you doing and did you complete CP prior to it? Thanks!

I am in Food and Beverage management. I did not do the CP before my role but most of the interns I have met did do the CP. It really depends on the OJT experience you have before you apply. I worked in Food and Beverage for several years.
Thanks for the info. If you'd be interested in sharing tips, you could PM me (I have too few posts) or email my spam account: Kookaburra2211(at)
I just finished up a PI in June. The amount of money you make really does vary. in my specific role, we never worked earlier than 7 am and never later than 8:30 pm. also, we worked a 4/10 which is very nice. northbridge is ok, however if you do your research and find some friends to live with, finding your own place can be of greater value.
I know that this thread has been quiet for a while, but I am really curious about how everyone's PI went/is going. It's round two for me applying for PIs for this summer/fall.

How is it going???
I have applied for a Professional Internship June - January. I applied for all the management ones. I have a degree in Business Management and I am currently going for a MBA. I really would like to get into an entry level management program. When I did my college program, I became really cool with my managers (at the crystal palace, which one of them was an intern). I think this could be a really awesome time and a great resume builder. My concern has always been money. Car payments and rent.. But if managers pull in $600 a week, I could do it. If I do get selected, I will most likely get picked for food & Beverage, all my experience is in food & Beverage. Now its just sit back and wait..


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