Raiding American supermarkets!

PotNoodle said:
HELP! What is Laffy Taffy?

Laffy Taffy is a brand of taffy. It has flavors like banana, watermelon, strawberry, grape, green apple, etc. I think it is much sweeter and chewier than regular taffy. It is packaged like a bar. A long rectangle. You can either buy a large, long, single flavor bar OR a package with small, short, multiple flavor bars. It's yummy. :thumbsup2
PotNoodle said:
:crazy2: I remember having that back in 1989 and thought I was on to a winner, unfortunately it was bloody horrible!

Oh no - I'm sorry that you didn't like it. Give it a try again. It is an acquired taste. Living here in TN - I drink it everyday. I think I'll go get me a glass right now. :thumbsup2
It's quite different from "saltwater taffy" which is something you can buy when vacationing in New England at the beach. Saltwater taffy is quite mild in flavour. There is a place in York Beach, Maine where my family used to vacation in summer called The Golden Rod that makes the best saltwater taffy I have ever had.
disckobox said:
bit like wham bars over here if you remember them?

Bleurgh. No thanks. I'll stick to my sour patch fish or whatever they are and my twizzlers.
I'm still bamboozled about these Taffy's.

I take it these perhaps taste like a fizzy kind of flavoured chocolate bar?
Laffy Taffy is a really chewy soft candy. It is available in several flavors including Banana and strawberry. The banana is a light yellow color.

The individual pieces sell for about 10 cents US and are about 1 inch long. They are also sold in pieces about 1 foot long.

I don't think its anything like actual taffy. Its kind of like the square kraft caramels or soft Werther's originals, but with a fruit flavor.

Its very sweet, and can't be good for you.

:banana: I love the banana! :banana:

Have you tried Banana popsicles?
Disney D said:
Oh, thanks, just looked up Target, they have a store on Sand lake Rd and W. colonial Dr. I might give them a try too. I just love shopping.

If you are fortunate enough to hit a SUPER Target you get a food market as well. Sand Lake Rd is not- there's also one a bit up Rt 417 - Kissimme/Town Cener Blvd that is a Super Target and one on Rt 192 that is Super Target as well, with quite a Disney souvenier section.

I think Wal-Mart tends to have lower prices, but I LOVE my Target, and the Super Wal-Mart that is close to my home is not so nice!

I love reading this thread. There's gotta be a business opportunity here.....

I LOVE WALGREENs and CVS too. There's a fun one at Rt 535 & Rt 536 that has great Disney/Florida souvenier stuff too!

HAPPY SHOPPING - I'm going to go make my DD pancakes from a mix for breakfast before school this morning!!
tigger137 said:
To date, the largest thing we've brought home was on our last trip. A little red wagon, the ones you often see children playing with on American TV shows (eg, Big Love - they've got one in the yard), and which my DH had wanted since he saw them advertised in US comics as a child. Metal body, wooden frame on top, big rubber wheels - approx 3' x 2' x 2'. Wondered how on earth we were going to pack it, then found a very large cheap holdall that it just fit in!

Probably a Radio Flyer red wagon... I had one as a kid! Cool that you flew one back to the UK!
This thread is making me smile- I am from the US but when my mother and I went to Europe while everyone else in our tour group was at the historical places- we went to the grocery stores to see all the neat stuff we can't buy over here :)

We liked the toothpaste that was in bottles with a flip top lid instead of tubes and the little cans of coke you could buy. And all the neat kinds of candy bars :love: You also have much better magazines to read.
I have friends in England who are always happy when I send them cinnamon graham crackers.


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