Random Acts of Kindness inside the park


Mar 3, 2006
This morning while me and DD where taking a potty break my husband watched a great random act of kindness. a gentleman walked past a girl who had a birthday button, stopped, wished her a happy birthday and handed her some money! He just thought that was awesome. ..
One of the CM in AK noticed my that my younger son was getting a lot of attention from other CM, but my older son was not (just turned 4 and 1st birthday at the time) - so she gave him a pin and explained how he could trade it for any pin he wanted (yep, we hadn't mentioned pin trading to him). He was so excited that he could do something special that babies couldn't and really got into the pin trading (well, as much as a 4 year old gets into that kind of thing). I thought that was really nice of the CM.
This morning while me and DD where taking a potty break my husband watched a great random act of kindness. a gentleman walked past a girl who had a birthday button, stopped, wished her a happy birthday and handed her some money! He just thought that was awesome. ..

Isn't it amazing how Disneyland seems to bring that out of people? I believe I may be a perpetrator of just such a "random act of kindness" - see my second post in the "What Disneyland Means to me" thread :)
Isn't it amazing how Disneyland seems to bring that out of people? I believe I may be a perpetrator of just such a "random act of kindness" - see my second post in the "What Disneyland Means to me" thread :)

I couldn't agree more! DL does seem to bring out the best in people. :flower3:

Several years ago, DH and I were stuck in POTC for over an hour because of mechanical failure. As we got off the ride, a CM gave us a voucher to use as a Fast Pass to any ride in the park that day for up to 4 people.

Later on we decided to use it on Splash Mountain, as the FP distribution was over and the lines were 90+ minutes long. Because we could bring on 2 extra people, we scanned the end of the line to find a couple that would join us. A newlywed couple (b/g mouse hats and all!) had just approached the end of the line and walked away disheartened because of the wait, so we grabbed them and did the FP together! At the end of the ride, we bought a souvenir photo for them as a wedding gift. :)
Well, I don't know if this counts or not, but when I was on the ladies only trip, I was walking through the Jedi Training stage, and a young man of about age 7, wearing a birthday button, and his family were standing there, looking at the stage. I could see that they were strategizing. I had been there just two weeks earlier and had gotten my 6 year old chosen, so I knew what it took. So, I stopped on my mission, and asked them if they were wanting to participate in Jedi Training. The birthday boy replied, "Yes!". I asked them if they had a plan, and they all sort of looked at me strangely and shook their heads no. So I told them that my son had just participated and that I could help them get picked, if they wanted. After a brief instruction, I went on my way. I sure hope the plan worked!

I also give out fast passes all the time!
I couldn't agree more! DL does seem to bring out the best in people. :flower3:

Several years ago, DH and I were stuck in POTC for over an hour because of mechanical failure. As we got off the ride, a CM gave us a voucher to use as a Fast Pass to any ride in the park that day for up to 4 people.

Later on we decided to use it on Splash Mountain, as the FP distribution was over and the lines were 90+ minutes long. Because we could bring on 2 extra people, we scanned the end of the line to find a couple that would join us. A newlywed couple (b/g mouse hats and all!) had just approached the end of the line and walked away disheartened because of the wait, so we grabbed them and did the FP together! At the end of the ride, we bought a souvenir photo for them as a wedding gift. :)

That is a great story!
I like to give out fastpasses also. It's funny how people look at you in disbelief sometimes when you offer to do something nice for them!

Another time I was at WOD and I had a 20% off of $100.00 purchase coupon. I knew I wasn't going to use it so I scanned the store for someone with a lot of items they were going to purchase. The lady I gave it to was dumbfounded and couldn't believe I was giving the coupon away! Later that evening, the same family was standing in line in front of us at dinner. The mom thanked me profusely and said she was able to buy some of the items she had asked her daughter to put back, because of the coupon. We ended up having dinner with them too! It always warms my heart to help someone else out!
We gave away our dream fastpasses to a guy who was insanely nice to us while we were waiting for other members to go on rides. He had talked to my kids a little, helped entertain them etc..

We weren't using them much anyway, and they were talking about how busy some of the rides were (that we still had the dream fastpass for) so we figured..eh why not!

When we gave them to his family he got all teared up, which made US tear up. Ahhh disneyland :)
I couldn't agree more! DL does seem to bring out the best in people. :flower3:

Several years ago, DH and I were stuck in POTC for over an hour because of mechanical failure. As we got off the ride, a CM gave us a voucher to use as a Fast Pass to any ride in the park that day for up to 4 people.

Later on we decided to use it on Splash Mountain, as the FP distribution was over and the lines were 90+ minutes long. Because we could bring on 2 extra people, we scanned the end of the line to find a couple that would join us. A newlywed couple (b/g mouse hats and all!) had just approached the end of the line and walked away disheartened because of the wait, so we grabbed them and did the FP together! At the end of the ride, we bought a souvenir photo for them as a wedding gift. :)

I've done this for people two or three times at DL with similar passes. I know I've done it at least twice on Peter Pan -- both times a family with small kids and a long line :-).
We love ROAKs, we like to give and receive. :) But really we usually give and that's just awesome!
One year I was alone with my son in line for Alice. I had a cold on that trip, and between the heat and standing so long I began to feel quite sick. We got out of line and all I could do is sit down on the ground, I felt like I was going to pass out. We were meeting up with DH a little later who went to pick up his Grandma. This was before we had cell phones.

Anyway there was these very nice women who noticed I was on the ground looking so poorly. One went and bought me a bottle of water. The other ran off and went to first aid. Got me a wheel chair and brought us back there so I could rest. I was just amazed at how wonderful they were. I just couldn't thank them enough.
I don't have any stories to share (at least not yet) but, I just wanted to say thank you to all the wonderful stories. This is truely what makes Disneyland the magical place it is!!
My kids still talk about the time I gave away 4 fast passes to Space Mountain on our previous trip. I think it was the disbelief on the faces of the family that we gave them to. Even now when we discuss Disney they mention how the family reacted.

One day I hope to do something like pay for a toll for the car behind me, which I have heard done. Maybe this trip I will pay for someones drink or something like that, just for fun. :banana:
I also like when people are so thankful for you helping them in some little way. For me it is the people who help me when I use an ECV. I do acts of kindness but I want no reward on earth or in heaven. I could list evry time I have helped someone and some of the times I have suffered financially but for me I do not want to be patted on the back or people to say I am a wonderful person.

It is the gratitude and knowing I helped someone that matters. Disney magic lies in the hearts of the CM but there is a lot of nonDisney magic that lies in the hearts of the guests. How can I tool around in an ECV and not ride many rides? Because of the people I meet and the things I see like acts of kindness.
When I was waiting for the Pixar Play Parade on my birthday a woman saw my birthday button, wished me a "Happy Birthday" and gave me one of those pretty display envelopes with a Disney Dollar. I was really very touched.

Two days before I was waiting in line at Pixie Hollow with my friends. In front of us was a family with a maybe 3 or 4 year old girl. Her father was carrying her and she was looking over his shoulder. I could see she was eyeing a really big gold coin style Tink pin on my lanyard. She was really adorable, and as quiet as a mouse the whole time we waited.

When we saw them in the shop area after we met Tink I asked the mother if it was okay to give her daughter something. She told me to go ahead, so I gave the daughter the pin. The daughter was in total disbelief, but a smile says more than 1000 words. :goodvibes

My friends tried to pull my leg: "Aren't you supposed to trade those?" because they knew it was a rather low edition pin.
I told them: "If you want, call it a sacrifice to the pin gods. Maybe we'll find those chipmunks now." Chip and Dale had been evading us the whole time we had been there until that point, and my room mate is a huge fan of them.

About ten minutes later we walked down Main Street then to get to DCA. When we were turning to the tunnel on the right I noticed a spot of brown fur at the left side near the Mad Hatter. I stopped dead in my tracks and said in German: "the chipmunks." (When I am excited sometimes I forget where I am and fall back in my native language. ;))

This is one of the few German words my room mate understands, so I got her attention immediately. She went: "Where?!?!" I pointed, and it really were Chip and Dale. As a cherry on top, they were wearing their Halloween costumes.

I swear I never saw my room mate running off so fast. :rotfl:
And after that we saw Chip & Dale at least once per day.
im bumbin this because i would like to hear more about "nice" things:banana:
When we went in August the only thing my brother wanted to do was get a photo with Woody, I had my lanyard on and a CM commented on a Tiana one I had saying she had never seen it before and how much she loved Tiana. I offered her the pin which she took after I convinced her it really was okay, we then noticed a little girl dressed in the full Tiana get up and the CM asked me if I would mind passing the pin onto her instead. Of course I said yes and the little girl was so excited and the parents were really greatful and said thank you a million times. The CM told me she loves seeing guests make Disney magic for other guests and she wished it happened more often :wizard:
Hiya - love the tales of passing on the magic..

This trip we were on a ride at Universal which broke down - they gave us a one off, one ride express pass - like fast pass..(we were staying on site and had full express access) so we looked for a family and passed on the magic over on "the-dark-side" too! They were sooooo happy it made OUR day too.

When we went in September, we brought a couple of boxes of Silly Bandz and when we were in line for rides my daughter would pick out kids to hand them out to. We made sure she asked the parent if it was ok first, then she would give one of the bracelets to the kids. Some of those kids were so happy and it was such a small thing to do. :goodvibes
It was a small thing for us to do, but on my trip back in September we ran into difficulties getting out GAD Fast Passes and in the end walked away with 9 readmission passes that were good for up to 6 people on any attraction except WOC. I wish we had done it sooner, but at the end of the night we were on BTMRR when they only had one side loading and they were only letting on people with FP's. Since we only had 2 in our party we found a party of 4 ti bring them through with us. At that point we also realized there was no way we could use the remainder of our passes since the CM's kept handing them back to us and although I did keep one to use when I get around to my scrapbooking, we also gave some away.


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