RANT ALERT Park Manners

I just don't get why if there's a line of 40+ people and a scooter rolls up 10 seconds before the bus arrives and they get to get on. They should have to wait just like everyone else period. There are people that could have disabilities and not use a scooter and wait in line, they along with everyone else don't deserve to have to wait longer.
When my son was 3 it was our first trip to disney and we were at crystal palace (tigger is his fav character) and we were finishing our meals, tigger was only like 10 tables away and my son had to use the bathroom! I was like u are going to miss tigger but he said he couldn't hold it...so my hubby took him to the bathroom and sure enough he missed tigger. My son was so upset but our waiter took him over and gave him a special meeting with tigger. That totally made his day! Now he's 7 and breakfast with tigger is still a must do. I know parents should teach their kids manners and patience but sometimes things happen that are out of our control like a bathroom break :(

I think it is great that the CM did that for your son! Of course there are different situations. I am talking about the kids that just follow the characters around the place while the parents eat.
Also why because you have a medical excuse does that mean you don't have to wait in line (I no there extreme cases)
There will ALWAYS be people with small children. Does this mean my husband and I should NEVER get to sit? :confused3 I'm not elderly yet. But by the end of the day my hips and my husbands knees are screaming. If you know that your child is going to be tired at the end of the day... leave early! I never expect anyone to get up for me no matter how badly I want to sit. I will only give up my seat to someone who is older than I am. And maybe a pregnant woman. (but if you are THAT pregnant don't go on vacation.)
I just don't get why if there's a line of 40+ people and a scooter rolls up 10 seconds before the bus arrives and they get to get on. They should have to wait just like everyone else period. There are people that could have disabilities and not use a scooter and wait in line, they along with everyone else don't deserve to have to wait longer.

Because there are only 2 or 3 spaces on the bus that will accommodate scooters. And Disney doesn't want to risk a back up and have many people with scooters waiting for the same bus. It would cost them money to have to run buses just to pick up a few guests. And it is safer for everyone if they board before there are lots of toes to run over and legs to hit. Plus they then don't have to ask the people to move out of the scooter spots, as there are signs up that if a scooter needs those spots they get priority.

Also, with very rare exceptions, there is no front of the line pass for medical reasons.
When my son was 3 it was our first trip to disney and we were at crystal palace (tigger is his fav character) and we were finishing our meals, tigger was only like 10 tables away and my son had to use the bathroom! I was like u are going to miss tigger but he said he couldn't hold it...so my hubby took him to the bathroom and sure enough he missed tigger. My son was so upset but our waiter took him over and gave him a special meeting with tigger. That totally made his day! Now he's 7 and breakfast with tigger is still a must do. I know parents should teach their kids manners and patience but sometimes things happen that are out of our control like a bathroom break :(

I don't think what happened to you is what that poster was talking about. They are talking about the kids that will run over to your table while your family is trying to have their special time with the characters. And the parents that do nothing about it.
My husband has MS and is unable to walk in the heat or for long distances. He is only 48 yrs old and does not look like he has anything wrong with him. We just returned from a disney trip and he rented a scooter (it was a life saver)! He has previously fallen on people and ended up sitting on peoples laps while giving up his seat for someone on a bus even when he can barely stand himself! He does not like the idea of getting on the busses first with the scooter! He has learned that if the bus is not empty, it makes it impossible to back up the scooter into the spot on the bus! Peoples toes would be run over and then people would be even more upset than they would be if they had been standing in line a couple of minutes extra! He has offered to wait and take another bus if there are many people in line waiting for the bus at the stop! We have also had bus drivers ignore us and take the waiting passengers and leave us at the stop for the next bus! If we could wait in line with everyone else we would (we do this for the rides), however to load the scooter with a full bus is not possible- and is dangerous to others!
Also- on a quick note, please do not let your children "run laps" through the hotel room at 7 am - not everyone is up early to go to the parks! Some guests like to sleep in!
Just had to put my two cents in on the scooters. If you are in a scooter and you can't sit or stand for long periods without pain, then all is good. Get on first! I can't imagine how hard it must be for you!

If you are in a scooter because of simple mobility issues, where waiting won't hurt you, it would be nice, if the physical setting permits to let others pass you who have been waiting for a bus, until the next one comes around. More clearly stated, if you were not on a scooter and it's obvious that you wouldn't be on the first bus, wait for the next one then board first. It would be kind :-)
Seriously-nooooobody else cares about the people who stand too close to you in line?!?!? ;)

Sorry, can't recall this ever happening to me. Unless of course you mean my kids! They think that if they push on me I can magically make the line move lol
About not letting your kids run around screeching down the hotel halls at 7:00 am - I was so worried about my very exuberant daughter who has ADHD doing this very thing.

So I came up with this idea - before bed, and right when she woke up, I whispered to her, "Now, there are lots of other people in this hotel who are probably still sleeping. And if we wake them up with lots of noise, they're going to get up and go the parks before we do. But if we're very quiet, maybe we can sneak out of here and get to the parks before anyone else and there will be SHORTER LINES!"

Worked like a charm. You'd think she was a spy or something, she was so quiet.
Judging by this thread, you'd think half the world either has autism, ADHD, or some medical problem that necessitates a scooter!

With the autism though (pardon my ignorance on the subject), did they just change the definition or something to include everyone who can't sit still and doesn't like crowds? When I was a kid, Rain Man was the only autistic dude I knew. Now I can hardly think of anyone who isn't being labeled as autistic.
Judging by this thread, you'd think half the world either has autism, ADHD, or some medical problem that necessitates a scooter!

With the autism though (pardon my ignorance on the subject), did they just change the definition or something to include everyone who can't sit still and doesn't like crowds? When I was a kid, Rain Man was the only autistic dude I knew. Now I can hardly think of anyone who isn't being labeled as autistic.

This...THIS! This post is golden. Honestly, Texas Crude, I was thinking exactly the same thing - Maybe it's different down here in sunny South Australia, but I reckon walking the city streets here you may (MAY) see one person, maybe two TOPS that are in a scooter... What's happening in the states that's putting everyone in wheelchairs over there?! Everyone is making it sound like disney is overrun!

And agree too, with the autistic "slash" social disorder "slash" introverted "slash" clinically diagnosed anxiety disorder no one else understands comments - Maybe this comment is a little controvertial, but maybe if your kid (or you, the parent) are not good in large crowds, or social environments where you have to interact (by choice) with a talking disney character, then maybe putting yourself in that situation isn't the right choice to begin with? Making it everyone elses issue to deal with the fact that you're dealing with an issue should not be the answer... Yes, kids get rowdy - But blaming ADHD and expecting that to suddenly "make it okay" is not actually okay... having a diagnosable condition is not an excuse, having a diagnosable condition means you should have strategies in place to still function in society. Just my two cents.
This...THIS! This post is golden. Honestly, Texas Crude, I was thinking exactly the same thing - Maybe it's different down here in sunny South Australia, but I reckon walking the city streets here you may (MAY) see one person, maybe two TOPS that are in a scooter... What's happening in the states that's putting everyone in wheelchairs over there?! Everyone is making it sound like disney is overrun!

And agree too, with the autistic "slash" social disorder "slash" introverted "slash" clinically diagnosed anxiety disorder no one else understands comments - Maybe this comment is a little controvertial, but maybe if your kid (or you, the parent) are not good in large crowds, or social environments where you have to interact (by choice) with a talking disney character, then maybe putting yourself in that situation isn't the right choice to begin with? Making it everyone elses issue to deal with the fact that you're dealing with an issue should not be the answer... Yes, kids get rowdy - But blaming ADHD and expecting that to suddenly "make it okay" is not actually okay... having a diagnosable condition is not an excuse, having a diagnosable condition means you should have strategies in place to still function in society. Just my two cents.

*In classic hick voice* That's just 'Murica' for ya. Fast food, football, and beer. What's exercise? Like exercise the demons like the preacher man says on Sundays? Or a beer run, that counts right?

Ok ok I kid. I couldn't resist.

As far as the scooters and medical needs, I do think that because of all of the standards for "sanitary" food, the government is pushing all these chemicals into us that is actually making us worse in the long run. That said, is there over-diagnosing of kids with ADHD, I think so, I mean, they ARE kids, they ARE going to have energy to burn off, more so than adults. Also, not every disease or disability is going to show itself on the outside. So try not to overthink too much when someone motors on by, you don't know and probably will never know their whole story as to why they are motoring on by.

Can we please get back to that annoying sea of iPads/Tablets/Cell Phones that's made it so "Glow with the Ears" was necessary!!! And about those screaming tourists who you just want throw into the jail cells on POTC!!!pirate:
Can we please get back to that annoying sea of iPads/Tablets/Cell Phones that's made it so "Glow with the Ears" was necessary!!! And about those screaming tourists who you just want throw into the jail cells on POTC!!!pirate:

I understand the phones being with you in the parks incase you need them. I just don't understand the desire to carry an iPad or tablet around. They are so much larger then a phone. I don't like taking anything into the parks though. A water bottle and that's it. We do also being in our camera. We have a really nice camera but it's to large for me to want to carry around so I usually just bring a small point and shoot. That I can fit in my pocket.
1. If your whole party isn't with you, don't get in line. Not for a ride, not for a bus, don't do it. There's nothing worse than having a party of one or two in front of you turn into an extended family of ten cutting in front of you in line. Not cool.

2. Yes your kids are in vacation, but don't let them run wild outside others room doors. Find a better place for them to expend their energy.

3. Don't get right up on me in line to enter the park, ride a ride or anywhere. Yes it's crowded, but a small amount of personal space is appreciated.

4. Be courteous on buses. Elderly, pregnant women, small children, people holding children, do the right thing, give them your seat. Yes you paid good money to go on this trip too, but doesn't it feel good to do what is right?

5. Don't stop in the middle of crowded walkways.

6. Don't walk at the pace of a snail 3 or more people wide.

Anyone have anything else to add!!??

Problem is…is…though your post makes perfect sense..in reality if people get to be grown adults and haven't yet learned MANNERS and class..they NEVER will.
Unfortunately thats the world we live in today. Its not at Disneyworld either.
Just my 2 cents.
Judging by this thread, you'd think half the world either has autism, ADHD, or some medical problem that necessitates a scooter!

With the autism though (pardon my ignorance on the subject), did they just change the definition or something to include everyone who can't sit still and doesn't like crowds? When I was a kid, Rain Man was the only autistic dude I knew. Now I can hardly think of anyone who isn't being labeled as autistic.

Actually the autism spectrum is quite large and includes a lot of different types. Autism isn't the same for everyone who has it and many people have different symptoms. Some medical issues aren't the same for everyone with a limited number of symptoms that everybody knows, like the flu. For an example I'll use tourettes. When many people think of tourettes, they think swearing and outbursts of words.... My father has it and he has never had THAT symptom, he does however make a grunting sound (sometimes so much he pops ribs out of place, chews on his lip, moves his nose, and stretches his arms.

I'd also like to add that autism isn't something that's normally just diagnosed by a child's pediatrician. We had to take our son to his pedi, then to a special testing center THREE different times in order to get him diagnosed correctly.
This...THIS! This post is golden. Honestly, Texas Crude, I was thinking exactly the same thing - Maybe it's different down here in sunny South Australia, but I reckon walking the city streets here you may (MAY) see one person, maybe two TOPS that are in a scooter... What's happening in the states that's putting everyone in wheelchairs over there?! Everyone is making it sound like disney is overrun!

And agree too, with the autistic "slash" social disorder "slash" introverted "slash" clinically diagnosed anxiety disorder no one else understands comments - Maybe this comment is a little controvertial, but maybe if your kid (or you, the parent) are not good in large crowds, or social environments where you have to interact (by choice) with a talking disney character, then maybe putting yourself in that situation isn't the right choice to begin with? Making it everyone elses issue to deal with the fact that you're dealing with an issue should not be the answer... Yes, kids get rowdy - But blaming ADHD and expecting that to suddenly "make it okay" is not actually okay... having a diagnosable condition is not an excuse, having a diagnosable condition means you should have strategies in place to still function in society. Just my two cents.

I agree with some points here. If a parent knows their child doesn't do good with characters or on certain rides, DON'T force them to go and meltdown averted. You also can't let your child run wild like a crazy person and then blame it on their ADHD because you're letting them act like that.

However, with my middle son that has autism we never know when he will have a meltdown, or what will cause one. One day he could be fine with something and the next 10 minutes it could start upsetting him. Like I said in an earlier post, he's very well behaved for the most part. He LOVES meeting Mickey, loves going on rides, will sit quietly through shows, ect. BUT if he drops something and it upsets him HE WILL break down. He also doesn't like random people touching him and he's non verbal so unless we're going into a line we keep him in a stroller so we can keep the meltdowns to a minimum so he doesn't get tired, so he doesn't have people touch him and bump into him, ect. He still might have one or two few minute meltdowns during a trip and we'll calm him down.

Just because we know he has meltdowns doesn't mean we aren't going to take him to Disney, or anywhere else. We have annual passes and he loves to go and have fun just like any other kid, we pay just like any other family having a vacation. There is a HUGE difference between being a bad parent and letting your children do what they want, whether they have an issue or not, and knowing your child has an issue/medical problem and monitoring them closely to keep them having a good day and avoid problems. My son having autism and having a random meltdown might be an annoyance for someone else, but imagine how he feels. I keep him as good as I can, I avoid issues as much as I can, all I ask is for other people to not be dicks. I'm not going to keep my child home 24/7 just because other people can't handle one crying fit for 3 minutes because it's something he can't help.
Here's a good pet peeve.

People that overbook the top ADR's, then don't have the nerve to cancel until about an hour or so before the reservation. Or they lie about their party size to gain a reservation if the actual party size isn't available.


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