READ POST 1 & 2 FIRST-Rise of the Resistance Boarding Group Planning and Information-*No Spoilers*

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When it’s an effect or animatronic not functioning or going into b-mode, I’m okay with it running.

The major element that has been skipped on a few occasions plays a huge part in the immersive aspect of the attraction and keeps the story cohesive and believable. I think it necessitates a shut down. That is so disappointing to miss out on on a first ride IMO, especially if you are unspoiled.

I keep trying to come up with an example using another WDW attraction but it’s hard. It truly is one of things that makes RotR one of a kind.
Is there a spoiler thread that is currently talking about what aspect of the ride is down?
Asking again because first post is really far back at this point. If staying at Polynesian, is my best bet to take the bus if Uber/Lyft not an option (small child, no carseat, Minnie Van starts 615/630)? Are buses running at 530, 545, 6 from resorts? Thanks!
I managed to ride it earlier when it came back up (when they called group 30). I went in spoiler free so I’m not sure if I saw everything, but if they skipped something it didn’t feel like it. It was definitely worth the work.
We were in group 30 also. I didn’t feel like we missed anything but my son saw it on YouTube and said we did miss a chunk. Ugh. But still worth it. Amazing.
QUOTE="fhsbroncos, post: 61469705, member: 658157"]
Asking again because first post is really far back at this point. If staying at Polynesian, is my best bet to take the bus if Uber/Lyft not an option (small child, no carseat, Minnie Van starts 615/630)? Are buses running at 530, 545, 6 from resorts? Thanks!

I took the bus from Pop on 1/8 & 1/11, both days were right around 6am, perhaps a couple minutes before 6.
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Asking again because first post is really far back at this point. If staying at Polynesian, is my best bet to take the bus if Uber/Lyft not an option (small child, no carseat, Minnie Van starts 615/630)? Are buses running at 530, 545, 6 from resorts? Thanks!

I can't address the early-morning question, but check out mifold if the little one is 40 pounds or more and you want the option of Uber/Lyft. My neighbor has one, and it works well.
How many people typically visit Hollywood Studios in a day? 30,000? If group size is 100 (just a guess) they are pushing 10,000 to 12,000 on the ride a day so at best half the visitors get to ride? Maybe a little more than half during slow times? Sorry, trying to convince myself I have a slight chance of getting on this ride since we won't get there until 9:30 :-). It looks like backup groups have lasted until 10:00 a few times (not the holiday times obviously). Then of course that doesn't guarantee those late backup groups will actually get called but there has been a few days where they made it through them. I'm really curious what we see next week. Our park day is going to be February 8. Just a single day ticket and we can't move it.

Average in 2018 was 31,000. But the first several months of 2018 the park had only 4 operating rides. I imagine the average now is closer to 35,000 or 40,000, but that’s a guess. This past weekend I’m guessing based on the FP availability the night before that it was more like 60,000.

So here goes a theory, eventually Disney is going to have to start trying to cycle more ride vehicles through the attraction. I wonder if some of the most recent down times have been due to this?

If I am understanding the issues with throughout while the ride is running correctly in this case, the number of vehicles is not the holdup, it’s how fast they are getting riders on and off those vehicles. Typically the cast learns little tricks for several months after a ride opens and continues to improve the cycle speed.

If I am understanding the downtime issues correctly, they are varied and generally not related to the throughput speed.
Asking again because first post is really far back at this point. If staying at Polynesian, is my best bet to take the bus if Uber/Lyft not an option (small child, no carseat, Minnie Van starts 615/630)? Are buses running at 530, 545, 6 from resorts? Thanks!

We came from Poly on our day, 1/2, which had a 7am opening. I'd need to look back to see my exact time, but I think we were out front of the resort around 5:50am. I checked the app for a Minnie Van but none were available. We opted for a cab, but there was a DHS bus at the bus stop as we got in the cab.

Perhaps surprisingly, early morning bus transportation has generally not been a problem for most folks and reports tend to indicate adequate bus service to get you to DHS well before park opening.
For anybody looking for a small amount of encouragement, in the sea of downtime today... this now isn't the worst day on record... it's the 2nd worst day.

It is however the worst 2-day stretch on record and it seems unlikely they will call enough BGs back to change that. Yesterday and today were the lowest amounts of reg BGs they've ever handed out, so it seems perhaps they knew things weren't going well. BUT Monday they only handed out 81 and that was the 2nd best day ever so what do I know, haha!
If you have park tickets that are for a certain number of days and you know how many days are left, then after you tap into the park, you can look at the ticket information on MDE, which will show days remaining. That's the only for-sure way I know of, although there is a location pointer on MDE, but I'm pretty sure that every single person in your party would have to have their own MDE account and look at this location pointer, which would show that they were in the park. However, I have no proof that this is correct.

If you're booking a BG and try to add members of your party that MDE thinks are not tapped in (even though they are tapped in), just forget about them for the moment and add everyone who MDE will allow to be added. Then, after you get a BG, go to a GET CM and they will add your other person/people for you as long as that person/those people are with you. You can't use this method as some kind of workaround to try to get people on your BG who aren't in the park. For one thing, I'm pretty sure that a CM can tell from your ticket media when you tapped in--even if your MDE account doesn't know.

But this might not even be a problem for you. It is something that's happened to a lot of parkgoers, but hardly all of them.
Thank you! I appreciate your detailed reply.
Yes it will show on the screen after you have chosen the members of your party. It will tell you they aren’t in the park. I think the recommendation of that happens is to remove the ones that it isn’t registering as in the park and go forward with getting a BG for the ones it does show in the park. Then you will go to a guest experience team member with all of your party showing they are in the park. The GET member can add them to your BG.

Editing to day I don’t know how to check before hand if they are in the park.
Okay! Thank you! This makes sense now!
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