Rebel Alliance Roll call


DIS Veteran
Mar 24, 2006
Here is the new and improved Rebel alliance thread. I would like to thank Andrea for compiling this list. We are off to a great re-start!

K80K - Katie - Baltimore
wdwprncess77 - Jane - New York
french lady - Diana
mandac - Manda - Utah
Suzann - - Seattle
cwnhokie - - West Virginia
ghoulishgirl - Tiffany - California
grstink - Gretchen - New Jersey
forceword - Liam - London
RENThead09 - Pat - Vegas
jenanderson - Jen - Minnesota
CapeCodRob - Rob - Massachusetts
sailors_wfe - - Virginia
luckymum22 - Barb (and Bob) - Pennsylvania
G&GMom - Joy - Florida
disney_mommy - Andrea - Virginia
I am here! I think our team has some great people in it we just all seemed to be going in and out of phases of posting and none of us were doing it at the same time so we would end up with one or two people conversations. Hopefully the new year can bring us some new energy.
I have definately drifted in the past two months. But I'm back in full force and really like the idea of a team. The smaller groups are much less scary than the larger groups. I can report miles or minutes. i track this anyway, so i'm up for whatever we would like to do.
I'm still here, but like others, I drifted out several months back. I would love to be a member of a vocal and friendly team.
I am back from out of space. After my half-marathon in January,I had to go to a 2 weeks "refresher course" about my job (like I need that after 22 years of doing the job :upsidedow).
Anyway, I will not be going back to Disney this year but after seeing all those people walking with all those medals on Sunday,I have decided that my next big challenge is doing the Goofy in 2 to 3 years and I want to train for a couple of half marathons and at least one marathon before. Because I really want those 3 medals.
Have a nice evening. I am going back to watch the hockey game.
Go HABS Go popcorn::

I don't know if this is the monthly thread but here I am, at work, waiting for the freezing rain to fall. At this time of the year, I would prefer snow. I just hope the rain will wait after 1:00 am to start: I'll be home then.
So tomorrow morning, it will be a repeat of the Donald race but I will run only a 5k instead of 21.1k.
This is my first day at work since December 31 and it is not easy: but if I want to go back at Disney...

Well i told you that I would run this morning in the rain but I did not. My road was good for ice skating and not running so I went back to bed :lmao:.
I will try again tomorrow morning.
I'm still here. My physical therapist suspects a labral tear in the hip... but I'm still rooting you guys on!!!
Suzann: That sounds painful. Glad to still have you here cheering us on.

Diane: We had a nice snow this morning too. I don't have the right gear to run outside, so it is treadmill or little circles on the small track at the gym.

AS for me: I am starting to really worry about my half on Valentines Day. I didn't realize how hard it would be to train the winter in Utah :) I just don't like to log long runs on the TM, but it snows when I want to go out! I did get back on my treadmill last night, but only for 3 miles. We are painting our bedroom, so I had to keep it short so I could help paint the new trim.

Keep it up guys! This group can be great!
Don't feel bad Manda. it's just tough for some to do longer runs on the TM. I have a hard time going over three miles myself unless I am doing intervals. It breaks up the speed and makes it more interesting.

Suzann - hope that the hip gets better. It's tough to be on the sidelines.

Diane Back to bed, huh. ;) It is tough getting out there in the bad weather. There is always today.

As for me, I have a 60+ day streak going and most of the time I enjoy it. There is no pressure of whether to run or not. The only question is when I am going to do it. Yesterday, I did a rest run of 1.1 mile and some walking on either side of it for 2.25 total.

I was going to start a new thread but unless someone sees a need, I think this one will do.
I am still lurking around. Trying to get back into a regular routine. Starting back slow and steady. We got a treadmill for Christmas and I have been taking advantage of that with all the snow and cold weather we have been having. I am in the just thinking about it stages of the trying the half next January. Thinking about getting hooked up with Team in Training. A friend's little boy was just diagnosed with leukemia so it seems like a good time to get started.
Hello Rebel Alliance. I'm sending a few new members your way. They should be over to introduce themselves in the near future. {lease give a warm welcome to:

G&GMom (Joy)
grstink (Gretchen)
forceword (Liam)
CapeCodRob (Rob)


I hit the gym yesterday on the way to work. I ran 2 miles on the TM. It was the easiest and most effortless 2 miles I think I have ever done. After I did 30 floors on the stair climber then my buddy showed up. He is a fellow that I worked with and who has competed in the Mr. Connecticut body building contest. Even though I am not in the same league as this guy in the weight room, I still got a very good workout in just trying to keep up.
I didn't make it on to the treadmill yesterday, but I had the best intentions :confused3 I did however get the last bit of touch up painting done in my bedroom. Soon it will be time to move back in and life will start getting back to normal, or at least as normal as it ever was.
I did 3 miles on the TM today. I was doing 1/4 repeats and the belt started to slip during the 4th one. That pretty much ended that. I moved on to leg extensions and hamstring curls. Overall, an okay workout.

Manda - Why are you out of the house?
Hello new team members! I'm Tiffany and I've never been on a team before, but very excited to meet new people! I've done quite a few Disney races, usually as a member of the D.U.C ( Dangerously Underprepared Club). Did the WDW full in 2005 on 9 miles of training and a full 3 week taper ( I got hurt). I walked waaaaay more than I wanted but I finished! Signed up for Goofy 2011 ( Donald day is my 40th birthday) and I vow to be properly prepared this time. Currently building a base after taking December and most of January off. I hurt my knee is spinning on November 12 and the rest is just motivation issues that come with winter ( and I live in California!).

So, 2.5 miles on the treadmill this morning, in a run/walk program. Program will get me up to 30 minute straight. I'm training for a triathlon, start swimming next week in a Masters program and I'm bound and determined to run the whole 5k at the end of the race.
Suzann: That sounds painful. Glad to still have you here cheering us on.

Diane: We had a nice snow this morning too. I don't have the right gear to run outside, so it is treadmill or little circles on the small track at the gym.

AS for me: I am starting to really worry about my half on Valentines Day. I didn't realize how hard it would be to train the winter in Utah :) I just don't like to log long runs on the TM, but it snows when I want to go out! I did get back on my treadmill last night, but only for 3 miles. We are painting our bedroom, so I had to keep it short so I could help paint the new trim.

Keep it up guys! This group can be great!

Where in Utah are you? I have friends in Grantsville, Santaquinn and Orem!
Hello, fellow Rebels. I'm glad our team is back on track and full of life again!

I'm curious about how many of us are running in races this year. Maybe we can start a little table (maybe in the first post, Captain?) showing when our races are, so we can cheer each other on.

As for me, my first race ever is the Princess Half in March. I know there are a ton of WISHers participating in it. Are any on our team?
I am here! I think our team has some great people in it we just all seemed to be going in and out of phases of posting and none of us were doing it at the same time so we would end up with one or two people conversations. Hopefully the new year can bring us some new energy.

Katie, I'm excited we're on the same team! I just joined your board. Don't know if I'm allowed to say the name, according to DIS rules, but you know what I mean!


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