Recital Bouquets


Dinglehopper<br><font color=deeppink>Bah-bah-ree-n
Mar 3, 2005
I was wondering if any of you experts could tell me the best flowers to use for a small bouquet. I need to make 2 for my girls upcoming dance recital, thinking gerber daisies & peonies but dont know how realistic that is? Thanks in advance for any help!!!!!!
I think the gerber daisies sound nice....however I wouldn't go with the peonies. Personally I think they fall apart to easily, the pedals would be dropping all over the place.
I think the gerber daisies sound nice....however I wouldn't go with the peonies. Personally I think they fall apart to easily, the pedals would be dropping all over the place.

Thanks for the reply! Peonies smell soooo good but I was afraid they were too fragile....


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