Recommended attractions for 7 month old?

Simba's Mom

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Aug 26, 1999
I've never taken a baby that young, but DS and DDIL want to take DGD. She loved anything with lots of color and movement. Any suggestions, besides IASW? We took another DGD at 2 yo, figured she'd love Dumbo-turns out she was scared of heights and screamed the whole time. So this time I'm asking for help. Any ideas?
Honestly, at that age, they're furniture. My friend took her 9 month old, he rode everything without a height limit, basically.
She said the trip at 9 months old was a piece of cake compared to when he was 18 or 20 months and tried to climb out of the stroller and run away.
7 Mo's is very young- not sure the baby will process attractions at all so I wouldn't give that much thought - but the splash areas for small children that are set away from the pools might be fun. Pictures with characters and some scenic spots and kid themed areas will be great to have. The trip will be memorable for all of you, the baby not so much. Plan a trip with breaks, and a relaxed touring style and you should be set! Hope you all have a great family vacation pixiedust:
We took my 8 month old grand daughter last year. She slept in the stroller most of the time but loved: Figment (pretty sure it was all the colors and singing, the girl likes her music) CoP, this one surprised us but again, music. We took her on MMRR and she didn't react much to it but it was hard for her parents. It jerks and spins a lot, she had to sit on her Daddy's lap under the lap bar so holding her was hard. LWTL was just soothing. She liked Mexico, again colors and singing and she is (was then as well) obsessed with Disney+ so knew the characters. She like to watch a bit of the parade, again music and pretty colors. Depending on the time of year you take her, make sure you have ways to keep her cool, take a break and don't plan on being out past 6 or so. We were there in Sept. so hot and rainy. We had multiple fans blowing on her at all times, even when she was out of the stroller. I had to find lots of shady places to sit while she napped and her parents rode rides. They had the plastic rain cover for the stroller that enclosed the entire thing which was good because at times, the rain could be sideways. We did everything around her schedule. She got up early and ate then went back to sleep so after the second wake up and some play time, we rarely left the resort until after 9. We also went back for 2 or 3 hours in the afternoon. Even though she slept a lot in the parks, we found her real afternoon nap in the room was important. We usually left the parks around 6:30 or 7 because she would start to get cranky. She never got close to the characters because that was before they were allowed to but she was o.k. with seeing them from afar. They took her again at 18 months and she did not want anything to do with meeting the characters, would cry any time they got close but loved seeing them far away.
At that age, our babies just did what we wanted to go on and we swapped out for larger rides but we had older kids. We just got back and DGD1 (just turned 1 the week before) loved the Dumbo type rides and liked the boat type rides. Basically if she didn’t cry on a ride DD said she liked it lol. She surprised us by LOVING the characters. She has real stranger danger and thought she would be terrified but totally the opposite. Your DGD is probably too young but the boneyard in AK was a hit with her as were the hotel pools/splash pad


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