Recovering from DCA Preview



Hey All...

My fiance and I were at the Annual Passholder Prewiew yesterday, Jan 30th. We were there before opening and left after closing, trying to do most of the park and eat at as many places we could too ;) Instead of doing a trip report I thought I would see if anyone had any questions about any attractions, retaurants, or shops. I did my fair share of shopping much to the dismay of my fiance as well! :D One of my good friends is also a cast member there...he was working Muppet Vision 3D yesterday so I might be able to answer some more insider questions if anyone has any.

Overall, I loved DCA...just getting to experience something new created by Disney is an experience you will always remember.

DisneyDork <IMG SRC="/infopop/emoticons/icon_confused.gif" alt="confused">
Just to narrow it down a bit if anyone does have's what we did.

Soarin' (x2)
Grizzly River Run
Orange Stinger
Tough to be a Bug
Muppetvision 3D
Superstar Limo
Animation Building

All the others had insane lines that we weren't willing to cave in to. California Screamin' also isn't on the list as it E-stopped on the launch and stranded guests for over an hour, then was closed most of the day.

Pacific Wharf Cafe
Burger Invasion
Pizza Om Mow Mow

Heh browsed through almost all of them including:
Greetings from California
Rushin' River Outfitters
Fly 'n Buy
ABC Soaplink
Off the Page
Gone Hollywood
Dinosaur Jack's Sunglass Shop
Engine-Ears Toys
Thank you for your review. It appears that as the time for official opening nears, they are selling more tickets for the preview days. On the preview I attended on Jan 9th, the longest wait was 20 minutes and there was no fast pass that day. I don't know how anyone will be able to see everything without fast pass when the park is at capacity.

Can you describe Soarin Over California? My hubby and I are going in March and both of us get motion sick. A good description would help us figure out if we can ride.

Thanks! ;)

Donna, I would be happy to give you a review of Soarin' as it rates as my new favorite ride in any park, Disney or not. I think you and your husband will love it should you choose to ride! I will try to describe the ride to you as to answer your question about motion sickness without spoiling the ride for you.

The premise of Soarin' is a virtual hangliding ride over the "landmarks" of California. Now, anytime hangliding comes up it can induce some queasiness and in this case it is "virtual" hangliding which can add to the possibility of motion sickness if you ask me.

The seating is like a big swing in the form of a bench seating 8 people I think, with a back to the seat, and a seatbelt. The screen that shows the film is IMAX which is several stories tall and a couple wide, as well as curved. The "swing benches" are 3 across the theater, and there are 3 rows of them. You load onto them like a swing, your feet able to touch the ground. But then that all changes....

As the film starts you are lifted up and forward so you are closer to the screen and up at the same level. One of the rows is up facing the top of the screen, one lands facing the middle, and one lands facing an area towards the bottom. I road twice, once in the top row and once thing the middle, both offered an excellent view. Now here's the deal with motion sickness. You are high I said the screen is several stories tall, so if you are in the front(top) are you. If you have a fear of heights, this is going to get you right away, even before I get to the film. My fiance is afraid of heights mildly, and felt it he said. He never felt like he was going to fall but he could feel the height and the film only escalates this. You are brought up to "screen level" in darkness and once the film begins, you are completely immersed in the film. If anything, the biggest problem people would have, including myself a bit is disorientation. Your body will feel like you are in a hanglider flying high over California and it won't doubt it for a second. :)

Of course a hanglider is known to "soar" over the land and indeed you do in the film. The sights you see of California are all from the height of a hanglider(high!) and the film makes it so it appears you are moving at the speed of a hanglider too. The actual movement is minimal, more like that if you were sitting in a recliner chair and just leaned back slightly. You don't go forward, just a little side to side but not much either. In this sense, you don't have the typical motion sickness worry that might come from Star Tours or other "flight simulators" that have turbulance or drastic movement.

That's the thing about Soarin' though, you don't have that kind of movement because the film does it for you. Because of the curve of the screen I told you about, you REALLY feel like you're moving and other than the feet dangling above you, all you see is the film, nothing else. It is extremely realistic and honestly took my breath away when the film began. If you watch the film the entire time and don't try hard to look to the side to see other people, you really feel like you're in that screen. If you've ever been to an IMAX, you know how overwhelming it can be and to be practically right up in the screen makes it all the more so. I don't have a problem with flight simulators, I even worked at Universal Studios' Back to the Future, which if you've ever been on it has the same idea but you are in a "car" looking at a similar shaped and sized screen. But the thing about that ride is, you aren't nearly as close to the screen and you're not kinda "hanging" out there with your feet dangling and all. :D

At a few points in Soarin' I did feel a little overwhelmed and the first time I went I was looking around as to not look at the screen the whole time. This helped a bit and by the second time, knowing what to expect, I had no problems at all and was still in awe. It's the most unique and beautiful ride I've ever been on and like I said Disney has more than impressed me for a long while. If I had the choice, I would have just ridden this all day while my fiance did everything else. ;) In my opinion it is not to be missed. If you or your husband have a fear of heights though, I would think twice. In the end, if your motion sickness is stimulated by roller coasters or fast moving, turbulant rides I wouldn't worry. If you have a problem with simply being overwhelmed with the disorienting and realism of a ride then I would also think twice.

Please let me know if you have any other questions, I hope you and your husband have a great time!

DisneyDork <IMG SRC="/infopop/emoticons/icon_confused.gif" alt="confused">

I totally agree with you. I saw a couple complain to an employee because of the crowds on a Tuesday! saying they thought the Annual Passholder Previews would be "exclusive" and allow for short wait times and a nice "open" park. They also said they heard some local radio station gave away some 8,000 tickets for that day which was the cause of the problem....8,000! I thought the lines were ridiculous too...Soarin' posted 180 minutes for a few hours and I know it was much longer than that as it was a 180 min from this point deal where the line extended back towards Grizzly River Run. Fast Pass for Soarin' also "Sold Out" in 40 min for the entire day...unbelievable. Anyway, that park has very low capacity rides and with the parking already badly strained from the previews and Downtown Disney....

I don't even want to be NEAR there come way.

DisneyDork <IMG SRC="/infopop/emoticons/icon_confused.gif" alt="confused">
Thanks for that detailed description of Soarin. I think I'll give it try. Sounds like there is minimal actual motion in the seats and maybe I can close my eyes if the visual motion gets to be too much.

I don't want to miss out on the most popular attraction, just because of a little motion sickness ;)



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