Reedy Creek RIP

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If Reedy Creek is dissolved then that district will have to be absorbed by the State and they will be able to elect officials to represent their interests I am sure.

Also the State Govt. has the same branches as the Federal Govt. There is a State Congress, so there is no unchecked executive power. There is a full and duly elected State House and Senate. Just because the party in power gets to make the rules doesn't mean the executive is unchecked. As someone once said "Elections have consequences" If the people of Fla. are unhappy with the Executive or any aspect of Govt. they can vote them out. That is the Beauty of democracy.

Yes, but elected officials can't just do anything that they want - EVEN if they have 100% support of the people that elected them. That's why there is a legislature and a juciciary, to provide checks & balances. In this case, there is definitely a concern of overreach and it doesn't matter how many people voted one way or the other.
Absolutely that is why there is the courts. He is already through the congress with it and that is up to the elected officials to vote with the interests of those who elected them.

Certainly the Supreme Court of Fla. could side with those who file suit against him.

Right, and many of us are expecting that legal challenge to happen. We also believe that this is overreach and hopefully will be seen as such. It's pretty clear cut to me really, but I'm not a judge.
oops I think you left out a word, ... there fixed it for you.... (added in bold red)

Everyone is entitled to their own, informed, opinion. Debate and civil discourse for such issues is the lifeblood of Democracy. I yeild the remainder of my time to the gentlewoman from Massachusetts.
Everyone is entitled to their own, informed, opinion. Debate and civil discourse for such issues is the lifeblood of Democracy. I yeild the remainder of my time to the gentlewoman from Massachusetts.
As a scientist, and an educator I do not think that many of these high profile (media wise) fights are dangerous for society, especially the issue that Disney/Reedy Creek is getting singled out for punishment for. I do believe people are born a certain way, and no 'indoctrination' of any form changes who they are.
LOL if indoctrination in the classroom worked... all my students would read the syllabus (and bring me coffee every day).
I detest performative political theater... by any group. I want elected officials to stop fighting against each other and work for all of their citizens.
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As a scientist, and an educator I do not think that many of these high profile (media wise) fights are dangerous for society, especially the issue that Disney/Reedy Creek is getting singled out for punishment for. I do believe people are born a certain way, and no 'indoctrination' of any form changes who they are.
LOL if indoctrination in the classroom worked... all my students would read the syllabus (and bring me coffee every day).
I detest performative political theater... by any group. I want elected officials to stop fighting against each other and work for all of their citizens.

I agree to an extent. I am also very appreciative and respective of educators. Always have been and will be underpaid. However I do feel things like political leanings and opinions can be swayed, especially in institutions of higher learning. If all of your professors are telling you that the only opinion that matters is that of one side, then you start to question your upbringing or lived values. understand that you cannot stifle the opinions of the professors but unfortunately academics tend to fall on just one side of the political spectrum and those in university only get to hear the argument on that side. There are always multiple sides and differing opinions. It seems nowadays if you tell a professor you have a different opinion, your opinion is wholly discounted and some times students are punished or ostracized.

I just don't understand why being a conservative is so distasteful in America. Most people in their 20's and even 30's are left leaning until they gain life experience. As they get older they tend to become more conservative. Unfortunately for many it becomes a matter of money over social issues. In our bicameral, capitalist democracy this issue is unfortunately unavoidable.
District can still issue and manage bonds for debt. That’s important. If the board members perform their roles sincerely then this change shouldn’t matter. If the board is the next layer of politics below the governor’s level then it might matter.

Different thought, I thought I read some where that the current Reedy board gets paid something like $50 salary per meeting. If correct I’ll be curious to learn of the new salary structure for the governor appointees. And takers on the over / under?
District can still issue and manage bonds for debt. That’s important. If the board members perform their roles sincerely then this change shouldn’t matter. If the board is the next layer of politics below the governor’s level then it might matter.

Different thought, I thought I read some where that the current Reedy board gets paid something like $50 salary per meeting. If correct I’ll be curious to learn of the new salary structure for the governor appointees. And takers on the over / under?
Over. 😳
I know we can't get into political discussions on the forum so I wont'. I'll just say do some unbiased / non-partisan research.
I’ll only say regardless of affiliation I typically disagree with a larger elected group taking over a locally elected group, unless the locally elected group is failing to uphold its responsibilities.

RCID is akin to its own county and its board is voted on by the primary resident (Disney). There are also no indications that RCID is failing to meet its requirements. RCID actually has more stringent codes and standards than other localities.
Think of Reedy Creek as a county board of supervisors and not a corporate board. They are responsible for making decisions about building permits, inspections, waste management, water & sewer, tax rates, emergency services, roads, land management, etc.
They make decisions about what items they will move forward with for permitting by South Florida Water Management District, Orange County and Osceola County. Nothing can be done with just Reedy Creek's approval when it comes to projects and change. Disney jumps through more hoops than any other business.
They make decisions about what items they will move forward with for permitting by South Florida Water Management District, Orange County and Osceola County. Nothing can be done with just Reedy Creek's approval when it comes to projects and change. Disney jumps through more hoops than any other business.

No doubt that Disney jumps through more hoops than any other business. There is also no doubt that they receive many percs and special privilege's. There is also no way they have been over regulated over the past 50 years.
The Fl House passed the bill, the Senate is supposedly to review and vote today. At that time the bill will go to the Gov desk, and upon signing becomes law. Part of the bill states upon becoming law the new board can be appointed immediately. This means if Disney want to fight this they will need to file a law suite and ask for an injunction while this is being litigated.
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I agree to an extent. I am also very appreciative and respective of educators. Always have been and will be underpaid. However I do feel things like political leanings and opinions can be swayed, especially in institutions of higher learning. If all of your professors are telling you that the only opinion that matters is that of one side, then you start to question your upbringing or lived values. understand that you cannot stifle the opinions of the professors but unfortunately academics tend to fall on just one side of the political spectrum and those in university only get to hear the argument on that side. There are always multiple sides and differing opinions. It seems nowadays if you tell a professor you have a different opinion, your opinion is wholly discounted and some times students are punished or ostracized.

I just don't understand why being a conservative is so distasteful in America. Most people in their 20's and even 30's are left leaning until they gain life experience. As they get older they tend to become more conservative. Unfortunately for many it becomes a matter of money over social issues. In our bicameral, capitalist democracy this issue is unfortunately unavoidable.

I wil say from my experience, while yes most of my university professors were left-leaning, they absolutely DID NOT profess that theirs was the only valid point of view. In fact, they encouraged debate and individual thought over all, which is what good educators do. Some people though eschew debate because they don't like to feel challenged or can't defend their point of view.

I don't think there is an issue with being "conservative" in the traditional sense, fiscally, small, government, etc. The issue is how the sides have drawn lines on "culture wars" that lead to courting the extremists with no room to meet in the middle. I would argue that conservatives traditionally want LESS government overreach, not more, and this applies to many situations, not just this one. So, in my mind, those acting in such a manner are not actually even conservatives, at least not in the traditional sense.

Since that's getting on the verge of being political, that will be all I say on the matter.
I’ll only say regardless of affiliation I typically disagree with a larger elected group taking over a locally elected group, unless the locally elected group is failing to uphold its responsibilities.

RCID is akin to its own county and its board is voted on by the primary resident (Disney). There are also no indications that RCID is failing to meet its requirements. RCID actually has more stringent codes and standards than other localities.
Show me any other county in this country where a business get a vote?
The following is my opinion: I give it a 60% chance Disney does not file a law suite. If they file there is a 50/50 chance they win. If they win, the State of Florida could just review the issues the court has with the change, make corrections to make the bill legal and re approve. So Disney fights and wins but actually still loses. This would be the a lose/lose scenario for Disney as they send all this money to fight only to have the end result losing control of Reedy Creek. This I am sure is being played out in Disney's board room which is why I believe they will not fight.
No doubt that Disney jumps through more hoops than any other business. There is also no doubt that they receive many percs and special privilege's. There is also no way they have been over regulated over the past 50 years.
That is not the argument, the argument is that they have been underregulated and doing whatever they please so need to be taken over, which couldn't be farther from the truth.

The Fl House passed the bill, the Senate is supposedly to review and vote today. At that time the bill will go to the Gov desk, and upon signing becomes law. Part of the bill states upon becoming law the new board can be appointed immediately. This mean if Disney want to fight this they will need to file a law suite and ask for an injunction will this is being litigated.
I will assume the Disney lawyers have been busy preparing their filing of the suit and the injunction. All other CIDs and big businesses need to watch closely as this is a hostile takeover that could set precedent. Florida could be viewed as hostile to big business.

Also to those other 1800 districts in Florida, whether commercial or residential, the state is eyeing them as well. They may be forced to if Disney files suit and drags them in. CIDs are huge selling points and again could impact future development.
I agree. Things are too polarized and there seems to be no middle ground anymore. I would hope that at some point the two parties can find the middle ground and stop bowing to the extremes on both ends of the spectrum. Not many centrists like Manchin or Bacon left in our Govt.
Hypothetical: Let's say Disney decides they want to embark on a project that requires district approval. They submit a plan for their project, and the district refuses to approve the project because they're concerned that Disney is, again, behaving too "woke." Is that a reason to believe that a governor should not have the power to choose who runs the district?

In other words, would Florida have prevented Splash Mountain from making the Tiana's Bayou Adventure transition?

I envision Disney working to protect their turf. But they can't start that process until the state takes actual action against them, so they're waiting for this session to end.
The following is my opinion: I give it a 60% chance Disney does not file a law suite. If they file there is a 50/50 chance they win. If they win, the State of Florida could just review the issues the court has with the change, make corrections to make the bill legal and re approve. So Disney fights and wins but actually still loses. This would be the a lose/lose scenario for Disney as they send all this money to fight only to have the end result losing control of Reedy Creek. This I am sure is being played out in Disney's board room which is why I believe they will not fight.

The thing is, if Disney challenges and some concessions are made, that wouldn't necessarily be a loss. It's not that any and all changes are unwarranted/unwanted - it's that the changes as currently proposed as they stand are problematic.
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