Rejected from College Program a second time. Very Confused.


Earning My Ears
Nov 1, 2013
I just got my rejection email for the Disney College Program and, yes I'm incredibly devastated, but more so I'm confused. I applied in 2012 and made it all the way to my phone interview. I thought it went well but for reasons I'll never know I got a rejection email the very next morning. Now ever since then all I've wanted to do was get into the program. I improved myself, got more experience, I've even managed to land an internship at a local zoo. When September rolled around I filled out the first application on the day it came out. I put everything on it. All my references, past work experience. On top of the zoo I had worked for Starbucks and other retail stores so I had the know-how to possibly work at Disney. I waited. I'm a college student in my second year at a community college and everyone told me they don't pick you based on what school you go to. Midway through October I finally got an email from them that said I was pending a final decision. I didn't really think much of it until I learned a good friend of mine got accepted and offered a position. I contacted her and asked her about it. She applied about two weeks prior, went through all of her interviews and got accepted within two weeks. Not only does she go to a well known and respected college(UCONN), she told me she doesn't even really want the position because its too far from home and that she only filled it out because she got an automated email from her school suggesting that she do it. This may sound naive or selfish but that really bothers me. She doesn't even want it and she gets in in two weeks, meanwhile I've been trying so hard to get in and I don't even make it past my first application. What I'm confused about is why they say they don't pick based on school when they clearly do. Also, why did I make it to a phone interview my first time around, but then when I tried my second time, with more experience and knowledge, I couldn't even make it that far. I understand the massive amounts of applications they get and that not everyone can make it in. I get that, and this may just be me being miserable and bitter but it seems broken to me. I want to apply again but now part of me just thinks theres no use when you're competing with people who managed to get into a better college than you. Any closure would be nice. Thanks
Sorry to hear about that :( I'm still pending and applied the day that applications came out. I, too, go to a community college, so we'll see what happens there.
I'm pretty sure that Community College kids have lots harder time getting in now. From what I have heard it is more difficult this year because they have refined the pre-interview process. If your school was not in the drop down menu they have to personally verify your school is an accredited university/college. Now I imagine this is not a super easy task and could be very time consuming and expensive. When they see someone with an unrecognized school, they think to themselves, well we will go through all the ones at schools we recognize and go back to those if we can't get enough qualified candidates out of the crop of known schools. It probably saves them money and time. Something they seem to be focusing on more of this year.
This probably doesn't help you feel any better, but my wife and I applied and she goes to a CC and got NLICed today. I go to a University found in the menu and I am still pending post interview. Sorry to hear that but if you are getting internships at local zoos that is probably a better route because internships lead to jobs!
I go to a community college and I got accepted after being denied the first time I applied (after pending until the last day). I don't think what school you attend makes a difference.
How long ago was that tho? I'm talking about this time. I too know of kids getting accepted past years that were cc kids. From what I'm reading the process seems to have changed this year. Lots less seem to be getting to the 2nd and 3rd parts of the interview. It would be interesting to see if anyone from a cc has/has not been accepted this year.
How long ago was that tho? I'm talking about this time. I too know of kids getting accepted past years that were cc kids. From what I'm reading the process seems to have changed this year. Lots less seem to be getting to the 2nd and 3rd parts of the interview. It would be interesting to see if anyone from a cc has/has not been accepted this year.

I just got accepted a few weeks ago for Spring Advantage 2014.

I applied on the first day, got my WBI a few hours later, had my phone interview the following Monday, then I was pended on September 27th. 3 weeks later I was accepted as Hospitality.


I've been reading tons of posts on the FB group and there are plenty of people at universities who didn't get in or didn't get WBIs. No one seems to know why they're not sending WBIs out to everyone this year. I haven't noticed any sort of trend related to community college students.
My son is a CC freshman. He applied the first day, skipped WBI cuz he is a Disney Store employee and had his interview after 3days. He was accepted to Transportation after 3 (very looong) weeks.It was not his first choice but we think he got it because of his boat license and he is also a jr firefighter. So many of the acceptances and denials seem so random. Don't beat yourself up about it. It could be as simple as the number of openings they have in the positions you wanted.
Looks like CC might not have anything to do with it. I thought it did. It may still depending on the cc tho. Most people I've seen not get the wbi are cc kids. Small sample size tho. The world may never know. ;-)
Makes you feel better my sister had to apply 2 times, she didnt make it to the second interview , but on the second time made it through. I think it also appiles to the person talking to you as well , keep thinking positive
Its def not determined by what school you go to, I go to community college and have now gotten accepted for the second time, QSFB the first time, concierge this time. No one knows the way they determine how people get accepted and others don't.
I went to CC & completed two semesters at WDW. It has nothing to do with your school & more w/ your background & personality. I'm sorry you weren't selected better luck next time.
The following were all CC kids
My S (Spr Adv 2011) QSFB
My D (Spr Adv 2014) QSFB
My D's BF (Spr Adv 2014) QSFB

They all requested QSFB, Attractions, Merchandising, Hotel operations.

I believe
Adv increases your chances
Custodial, QSFB, Merchandising (in that order) increases your chances
I just got my rejection email for the Disney College Program and, yes I'm incredibly devastated, but more so I'm confused. I applied in 2012 and made it all the way to my phone interview. I thought it went well but for reasons I'll never know I got a rejection email the very next morning. Now ever since then all I've wanted to do was get into the program. I improved myself, got more experience, I've even managed to land an internship at a local zoo. When September rolled around I filled out the first application on the day it came out. I put everything on it. All my references, past work experience. On top of the zoo I had worked for Starbucks and other retail stores so I had the know-how to possibly work at Disney. I waited. I'm a college student in my second year at a community college and everyone told me they don't pick you based on what school you go to. Midway through October I finally got an email from them that said I was pending a final decision. I didn't really think much of it until I learned a good friend of mine got accepted and offered a position. I contacted her and asked her about it. She applied about two weeks prior, went through all of her interviews and got accepted within two weeks. Not only does she go to a well known and respected college(UCONN), she told me she doesn't even really want the position because its too far from home and that she only filled it out because she got an automated email from her school suggesting that she do it. This may sound naive or selfish but that really bothers me. She doesn't even want it and she gets in in two weeks, meanwhile I've been trying so hard to get in and I don't even make it past my first application. What I'm confused about is why they say they don't pick based on school when they clearly do. Also, why did I make it to a phone interview my first time around, but then when I tried my second time, with more experience and knowledge, I couldn't even make it that far. I understand the massive amounts of applications they get and that not everyone can make it in. I get that, and this may just be me being miserable and bitter but it seems broken to me. I want to apply again but now part of me just thinks theres no use when you're competing with people who managed to get into a better college than you. Any closure would be nice. Thanks

Okay I want to say this and I don't want it to sound mean, but when I interview employees or volunteers sometimes they are so happy and excited that they totally spaz out. I mean they have great experience or potential but I have to really think 'do I want to deal with that personality?' 'do i want to deal with people coming to me complaining about this personality?' 'is that going to drive people away rather than make them feel welcoming and comfortable?'.

Could it be that you are trying TOO hard, that in your excitment that you are rambling, or hyper or just....well spazing out?.
So I know that this is not the same but it will make more since if you read the whole thing. I have applied to Disney English about 8 times, only one of those times did I reach a WBI. Only one of those times did I get an interview. And, in 2 weeks from today I will be in Shanghai working for Disney again. Disney English is a program that is kind of similar to the DCP because you are going through the same interview process then moving away to work for Disney. The interviews are conducted by someone you don't know and can't see.

For me I did similar things over that time period from when I first saw Disney English in Eyes and Ears to when I applied the first time to when I applied back in September. I got more experience, and had more jobs. One thing that was different than your situation when I first applied I was a cast member already in good standing. However that did not help me.

One thing that I think helped me a lot was tailoring my resume. When applying there is a link to a resume that was what they were looking for. I already had a resume, and I had uploaded that resume to them multiple times but, this time when I was a little desperate for a job, being unemployed. I took my time and rewrote out my whole resume. I made it look exactly how they wanted it. This seems like a small thing, but when it comes to Disney it is actually very important. I remember being in a break room at MK when a hiring manager was talking to another cast member about a position they applied for and asked her if her resume looked like they wanted it to. He said that the format of the resume was often a reason that peoples resumes didn't get looked at.

Another thing that can help a lot is when you have an interview skype or phone is to dress the part. If you want to be in interview mode then dress like you are going to be at a face to face interview. I had to dress the part I had a Skype interview and you want to come off as professional. If you are doing a skype interview with Disney you want to make sure that you are in the Disney look.

A third thing is if sent a WBI then you need to be consistent. They are checking for personality, but also that you are consistent with your answers. That you need to have a positive self image, and believe that others do to. But be willing to take risks and admit to flaws they know that people are not perfect.

Mark on your application that you are open to all positions. Say you could stay for an advantage program. Yes that means that you will be there for the winter holidays, and summer. Those are some of the busiest times at Disney World, and some of the best money making times! The more time and positions that they can place you into the more use they have for you. If they can use you then they will.

I was hired for transportation 100% not my first choice but I was quick to jump at the opportunity. I did not work a single day in that role. Instead I was called three days before my move in date and asked if I could switch roles, and what role would i most like. I chose to be a character attendant. Anything can happen just believe.

I know a lot of people who work for/ worked for / did the CP program that were attending school at a CC. And, Disney has been running this program for years, they are confident in community college kids. Some of them were the more trustworthy people during my program.

Bottom line, don't give up. If I had given up with the first or even second rejection that I got from Disney English I would not be moving to Shanghai, and eventually to Chengdu. I would not be given the chance to see China with history that goes back 5000 years. I took the time to tailor my skill set to what they were looking for and I am going to be able to use both my college degree and my love for Disney in a new career.

Stay Positive, Consistent, Strong and Bubbly. Disney knows what they want and they will go get it. Apply again and again don't be afraid to put your self out there if you don't try you can't succeed.
So I know that this is not the same but it will make more since if you read the whole thing. I have applied to Disney English about 8 times, only one of those times did I reach a WBI. Only one of those times did I get an interview. And, in 2 weeks from today I will be in Shanghai working for Disney again. Disney English is a program that is kind of similar to the DCP because you are going through the same interview process then moving away to work for Disney. The interviews are conducted by someone you don't know and can't see.

For me I did similar things over that time period from when I first saw Disney English in Eyes and Ears to when I applied the first time to when I applied back in September. I got more experience, and had more jobs. One thing that was different than your situation when I first applied I was a cast member already in good standing. However that did not help me.

One thing that I think helped me a lot was tailoring my resume. When applying there is a link to a resume that was what they were looking for. I already had a resume, and I had uploaded that resume to them multiple times but, this time when I was a little desperate for a job, being unemployed. I took my time and rewrote out my whole resume. I made it look exactly how they wanted it. This seems like a small thing, but when it comes to Disney it is actually very important. I remember being in a break room at MK when a hiring manager was talking to another cast member about a position they applied for and asked her if her resume looked like they wanted it to. He said that the format of the resume was often a reason that peoples resumes didn't get looked at.

Another thing that can help a lot is when you have an interview skype or phone is to dress the part. If you want to be in interview mode then dress like you are going to be at a face to face interview. I had to dress the part I had a Skype interview and you want to come off as professional. If you are doing a skype interview with Disney you want to make sure that you are in the Disney look.

A third thing is if sent a WBI then you need to be consistent. They are checking for personality, but also that you are consistent with your answers. That you need to have a positive self image, and believe that others do to. But be willing to take risks and admit to flaws they know that people are not perfect.

Mark on your application that you are open to all positions. Say you could stay for an advantage program. Yes that means that you will be there for the winter holidays, and summer. Those are some of the busiest times at Disney World, and some of the best money making times! The more time and positions that they can place you into the more use they have for you. If they can use you then they will.

I was hired for transportation 100% not my first choice but I was quick to jump at the opportunity. I did not work a single day in that role. Instead I was called three days before my move in date and asked if I could switch roles, and what role would i most like. I chose to be a character attendant. Anything can happen just believe.

I know a lot of people who work for/ worked for / did the CP program that were attending school at a CC. And, Disney has been running this program for years, they are confident in community college kids. Some of them were the more trustworthy people during my program.

Bottom line, don't give up. If I had given up with the first or even second rejection that I got from Disney English I would not be moving to Shanghai, and eventually to Chengdu. I would not be given the chance to see China with history that goes back 5000 years. I took the time to tailor my skill set to what they were looking for and I am going to be able to use both my college degree and my love for Disney in a new career.

Stay Positive, Consistent, Strong and Bubbly. Disney knows what they want and they will go get it. Apply again and again don't be afraid to put your self out there if you don't try you can't succeed.

She is right! For me, I did not know what the disney college program was when I started community college at Blinn in Bryan, Texas. One day, I was walking with a friend at Texas A7M University and saw a flyer.. We thought it was cool and we wanted to know more becasue both of us like Disney So much.

The meeting was in Rudder Tower and it was crap pack with a lot of people wanted to know more about the program. They give out like door prizes and shows us a video about the program. This was in 2009 and the sign ups were for Spring or 2010.

I been trying for the past 4 years trying to get into the program of the Disney College. Every time I apply.. I pass the application process, finish the web base interview and had my phone interview.

I never made it pass this point for four years and eight semesters of trying. I never lost hope and now I am graduating community college. I tryed one last time and I finally have gotten in.

ALL THOSE BOOT LETTERS are going to be put in a shawdow box and with the one acceptence letter in the middle.

She is right! For me, I did not know what the disney college program was when I started community college at Blinn in Bryan, Texas. One day, I was walking with a friend at Texas A7M University and saw a flyer.. We thought it was cool and we wanted to know more becasue both of us like Disney So much.

The meeting was in Rudder Tower and it was crap pack with a lot of people wanted to know more about the program. They give out like door prizes and shows us a video about the program. This was in 2009 and the sign ups were for Spring or 2010.

I been trying for the past 4 years trying to get into the program of the Disney College. Every time I apply.. I pass the application process, finish the web base interview and had my phone interview.

I never made it pass this point for four years and eight semesters of trying. I never lost hope and now I am graduating community college. I tryed one last time and I finally have gotten in.

ALL THOSE BOOT LETTERS are going to be put in a shawdow box and with the one acceptence letter in the middle.


What a great story! Congrats! What role did you get? :)


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