Thanks, Bumbershoot. I've been doing this DVC thing for 23 years so I am of course checking. But honestly I have a couple of GV weeks booked as I'm not sure which dates/location will work best for my large and spread out family yet so I am not too concerned or I would be checking a few times/day. :cutie:

Folks, PLEASE read what these new rules entail. You will NOT lose the TOWL or pool hopping. It is clearly delineated. Mercy, folks please please read before freaking out. This is not as broad a negative swath as some are making it. The way I understand it things like the Merry Mixer will no longer be an option for resale purchasers going forward. Free supplies going away? No way. And the laundries have always been available and free.

I understand your frustration, Jimim, but when you say you 'can care less about most member perks" but then state how you DO want the annual pass discount & TIW discount, those ARE the member benefits that are currently offered. Those discounts are quite recent. I'm a VERY longtime member and we didn't have those discounts at all in the early years. All contracts clearly state that we as members are buying a TIMESHARE INTEREST, not a Disney discount club card. Perks are going to come and go as they have for years. Even those of us that did buy direct have seen perks/benefits come and go. It's the nature of the beast.

Lastly, every other TS I know of has restrictions for resale purchasers. The resale week I own with Marriott has restrictions, some of them pretty stringent. I do not care because I bought that week to be able to travel to a place I love and stay much more cheaply. I knew I was not buying some sort of revolving discount program, just access for a week (or 2 weeks if I pay the MVC fee of $85 to lock off that 2 bdrm. YES, I have to PAY to lock off. Mean ol' Marriott....)
and like i said above that you did not post i don't mind about not having perks if they did take everything away cause i bought in to save on the room from day one cause they money i put out i could care less about cause if i didn't give it to disney i would have gave it to a car company for a nicer car or for something for our house. yes i like those 2 perks but it was above theorem discount that makes my family able to travel multiple times a year.
Ok, I don't have time to read through all 24 pages to see if this question has been answered.

Our original purchase and our first add on were purchased from Disney. Our next two add on's were resale. We are grandfathered based on owning prior to April 4.

If we add on more points (which we intend to do) through the resale market are we still going to receive the DVC member benefits since our first two contracts were direct from Disney?

Yes from my understanding you are.
Wow, what a lousy turn of events. You can say Disney has a right to make business decisions all you want. However to change the rules, on a Sunday, no less, and then not allow things in the pipeline be grandfathered in. Pretty smarmy business practice if you ask me. It would have been nice if they had gotten all their ducks (including Donald) in a row and put out something saying any contract signed after, or any contract received into ROFR after.... Perhaps they should fire Mickey Mouse and outsource the company mascot role to Maleficent?
Then you must hate the WDW company. They used to offer multi-day Hopper passes with a no-expire option for purchase. The do NOT offer those no-expire options anymore. For myself that ticket option was far and away my cheapest option as I do not go to the parks frequently enough to warrant an annual pass purchase, and I have a very large, spread out brood so having no-expire options allowed me to invest a chunk but have it not expire to parse out over a course of years. I can no longer do this. WDW has made a lot of changes to their park pass options in the last very few years and IMO they are not with the guests like me and you in mind. At ALL. They've really jacked up the parking and valet parking fees. Big time. I could go on. There's a lot of decisions WDW has made that are not with "Best Customers" in mind at all. I wish they had not made these big changes but they did so if I'm still going to go to WDW I just have to look for other ways to save $$. And my DVC membership is the prime way I do that. Just sayin.....

You do know that you ARE paying for all those "freebies", right? There is no free lunch. Like you, I wish there was, but there isn't. We're paying for it one way or the other.
no kidding. again you took what i said out of context. they make it seem like you are getting something but you really aren't. just tiles the extra magic hours that they are slowly taking away.
I agree with all of this except do hope that everyone is able to recognize that it all falls back on Disney, DVC and Ken Potrock and not on the resale agents who can only assume information they receive from DVC is correct. Simply awful business decisions DVC - Just grandfather in the few that are in ROFR! A sucker punch is not benefiting the business.

I didn't mean it was in any way the agent's fault. They are the ones who are going to have to call their clients and tell them it's changed and get the complaints, unfortunately.

I feel sorry for the brokers 'along with myself'
As my broker said this is malicious on disneys part

Malicious, that's a good word for this.
Ok, I don't have time to read through all 24 pages to see if this question has been answered.

Our original purchase and our first add on were purchased from Disney. Our next two add on's were resale. We are grandfathered based on owning prior to April 4.

If we add on more points (which we intend to do) through the resale market are we still going to receive the DVC member benefits since our first two contracts were direct from Disney?
Yes, if you are/were already a member as of April 3, 2016 you are/will still be a member today regardless what happens with your new resale purchase. Your points still can't be used for the Disney Collection, ABD or Concierge Collection but may be used for all DVC resorts. You will apparently not receive a Membership card for your new purchase, but should be able to view your contact and make reservations using those points online.

IMO, you will have lost nothing as you are still able to benefit from any 'Extras' DVC decides to provide for its members (or not).

Enjoy! :)
I think that the flurry of all these changes, in the parks as well as DVC, is probably the result of Shanghai, and that an order was probably given across the whole company for each business unit to come up with ways to squeeze more money this year. These are probably things they have had in their back pocket for a while, in case they needed to come up with extra revenue for their unit, and now are being told to pull out all the stops to make up for the cost overruns.

And the executive shakeups are probably related as well. Oh to be a fly on the wall in Burbank. I hope Iger knows what he is doing before he leaves.
it very well maybe was but holy crap how can they be hurting for money. if they are i don't buy it at all. look across the board of all they own. the successes across the board also with the various franchises they own.
Yes, if you are/were already a member as of April 3, 2016 you are/will still be a member today regardless what happens with your new resale purchase. Your points still can't be used for the Disney Collection, ABD or Concierge Collection but may be used for all DVC resorts. You will apparently not receive a Membership card for your new purchase, but should be able to view your contact and make reservations using those points online.

IMO, you will have lost nothing as you are still able to benefit from any 'Extras' DVC decides to provide for its members (or not).

Enjoy! :)
Thanks for the reply! We use our points for WDW reservations only. We're not cruise people and there are so many other travel deals out there that our first two points contracts from Disney aren't worth using for RCI trades anyway. Sounds like we're good!
you are still able to benefit from any 'Extras' DVC decides to provide for its members (or not).

Enjoy! :)

I heard from a monorail pilot that a bus driver told him he heard from a custodian at Epcot that they are going to re-open the Wonders of Life and call it the Hall of Idiots. It's going to be a high-tech house of mirrors, and only DVC members may enter! Happy 25th!pixiedust:
If you think canceling a resale purchase is going to send a message to Someone still owns that membership, they will still have to pay dues on it. I just think if you really want a discount on a deluxe Disney resort accommodation even without the perks you are still saving money by going resale.

I would suggest you really think of this as a business deal. You are still getting exactly what you are actually paying for, a discount on room.

I am afraid you are only hurting yourself, not them.
it very well maybe was but holy crap how can they be hurting for money. if they are i don't buy it at all. look across the board of all they own. the successes across the board also with the various franchises they own.

They aren't which is the real rub. Record profits reported for the last quarter. But, Shanghai is a deep hole at the moment from all reports and until it opens only growing deeper. So it seems like they want to keep the profits high and are counting on the devotion of guests to not care about it how they are doing it.
ok so some are talking about adding points that are direct after a resale purchase. how does that help? does it suddenly give you back all perks you might not have had? i assume no. i assume you only would keep what you were grandfathered in before a change. for example i purchased about 2013. i can't use points for cruises or regular disney hotels. but i keep my perks before today. . . for now. so if i buy points now direct i lock myself in if they change anything else going forward? i don't suddenly get access to older things like the points on cruises and hotels from the property that aren't dvc?
YOU REALLY DONT SAVE MONEY, you are just paying less to start your membership
?????????? For real?
Saving about $60 per point x 310 points is almost $20,000. There is a HUGE SAVINGS difference in resale vs direct. Don't know your agenda but if you can't be honest to present your opinion you obviously know it's not good.
They aren't which is the real rub. Record profits reported for the last quarter. But, Shanghai is a deep hole at the moment from all reports and until it opens only growing deeper. So it seems like they want to keep the profits high and are counting on the devotion of guests to not care about it how they are doing it.
ya know so maybe lesson learned is don't spread yourself out so thin and concentrate on things at home vs watering them down from the awesome drawings that are released when they announce something new.
I was thinking of the benefits that this might cover, and tell me if I'm wrong: use of free laundry, Top of the World visits, Merry Member Mixer, pool hopping. Hey, maybe DVC will cut out the "free" supplies in the rooms, too.
Yes, they already did that, they changed out the toliet paper from angel soft to that horrible Scotts there goes my free toliet paper perk, since I have to bring my own now.


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