Results are in: DIS meet a success in Raleigh!


Mar 28, 2001
Thanks to everyone who attended!

I think I counted 16!

Well, folks, how 'bout doin' it again?

It seems that a few people are traveling at various times during July, so what about the first Monday night in August? That would be August 6th. I was thinking of bumping it up to 6:30 and this way, we could insure that we'll be out of Remington Grill at 9:00. I don't want to wear out our welcome!

For you pin collectors out there - how about we post this on another board so others could see?

Let's all keep in touch! It was great to meet so many new faces.

Bwalker ;)
Aw shucks, Loraine, I'd really love to join you guys again but I have this reservation on a little boat and if all goes as planned, I'll actually be on Castaway Cay while you'll be at RG. I think you can guess which one I prefer! Anyway, have a blast, and hopefully I can make the next one. It was great meeting you!
I could even go for a late Sunday afternoon/early evening meet. I know what you mean about being kinder to Remington Grill. We actually had the guy vacuuming our area as the last of us were walking down the stairs. :eek:

It was so nice to meet/see everyone. What a great turn-out for our first meet. Next time, we need for some you CM's that have been around a while to bring some of those "old" pins for some of us to ooh and ahh about. Next time we also need to take pictures.

Wonder if Marvin made it home without anymore blowouts. I think it was the weight of his pin bags that did in the tires. :rolleyes:

Note to self--make sure you scope out Jenneg's luggage in early Aug and hop in for the trip. ;) I understand you live out in the North Raleigh area, near us. You better look out when putting that luggage in the car. It may end up heavier than when you packed it.

Irene I sure enjoyed your lesson on the different types of pins.

HeatherPage, I had dreams last night of people stuck in turnstiles. :)

Muushka, it was a pleasure to put a face with the name. Didn't ask you what it stood for--guessing Meeska Muushka Mousketeers?

Mae, sure glad to see you too. I will be sure and say hello if I ever visit Cary again.

Lorraine--I enjoyed sharing my pins with you.

WonderLand Girl--glad you decided to come and bring Mancubb with you.

Mancubb, keep me posted on the Chang's saga, please.

DVCajun, cute little fellow you have there. His first DIS meet, hope he took notes. I know you will hear something soon.

DebT-thanks for the generous gift of the pins :) Seriously, we will get together when I get back and settle up. Just never enough time for all the talking we need to do, is there? Did you notice how successful I was at keeping the Press at bay? Seriously, someone who has been on Millionaire and does not want to be recognized should wear some shades when in public. Keep that in mind, will ya?

To my hubby, thanks for indulging me. Now you know that I am not the biggest DIS nut that you know.

BWalker, meant to ask about the name again, ran out of time. Thanks for organizing and the cute nametags, etc. I think everything turned out great.

Who have I left off, somebody, I know, and I apologize. I probably got someone's name wrong too. Sorry on both counts. It was a pleasure visiting with everyone. I hope this all comes together in August. Until then...
I'd definitely like to do it again and August sounds great.

I'd like to put my vote into do it somewhere other than Remington Grill, though. It was nice, but I wouldn't mind exploring another menu next time.

We had a great time-- even DH, and he was really just along for the ride! Maybe next time we'll be able to visit a little more, without our little one. I'm just not too eager to leave him yet. :D

And WOW RweTHEREyet, did YOU take notes??? I don't think I even met some of the people you just wrote a personal note to! :) That's very sweet. Hope to see you soon.
no notes, just closed my eyes and went around the table in my mind's-eye. O.K., Audrey, think you just elected yourself to find somewhere that will let a big group come in without a charge where we can all sit around and talk for as long as we want ;) Can't wait to see what you find. If I come up with anything else, I will let you know. Put your thinking cap on. :D

Wouldn't it be cool for a bunch of us to be down at the World at the same time?
Yes, but alas :( we won't be getting down to the World until probably August/September of 2002. Had a good time Monday night though (maybe my husband will be at the next one). I thought briefly about Chuck E. Cheese's but I figure all we'd be doing is comparing the poor quality of the characters there to Disney's (Chuck E. needs a good comb job-he's a little matted). Maybe we could do Bahama Breeze (drinks and appetizers in front of their steel drum guy?)
Anyway on another note, I went for my ultrasound today to find out what we're having. Well the Doctor said the baby looks perfectly healthy but the dang kid wouldn't cooperate-he/she kept squeezing their legs together so I guess maybe we'll just let it be a surprise (since its $75 each time we get one to try to find out don't know if we want to keep trying). That's okay, our main concern was that he/she is healthy and according to the doc they are :)
Another meet sounds great. August would be good for me I think. Unfortunately I missed the last meet but would love another chance to meet all of you.
Last night I attended a baby shower at Houlihan's on Glenwood. They have a very nice, smallish room in the back that was very comfortable and private ( we were a group of about 18). There was no charge for the room and the food was good. Also, Zazu's on Falls of the Neuse has lots of open space in the back. They would probably let you put some tables together. The food there is self-service, similar to RG, but a little more health-oriented -- wraps, salads and that sort of thing.
Of course, I won't be able to make the meeting, but figured any idea is worth checking out. Good luck with your planning!
The clubhouse in my neighborhood is very nice and we could order in some pizzas. The atmosphere is fun, too-- we've got a nice pool table, not to mention a pool outside!! So that would be an option, although Houlihans sounds good too.

I'm sure we'll enjoy ourselves no matter where we go.

Funny about your little one, Heather! But it's not a good sign that he/she is already "not cooperating!" ;)
Hey Audrey that sounds like a good idea!
Do they have a grill? Maybe we could even cook out? I could bring one of my amateurishly decorated cakes (maybe a Mickey one).
Anyways, just let me know what everyone decides!
Hi All!

The first Monday in August is good for me. So is the Sunday before it, in case we'd like to do an afternoon meet. Houlihan's is good, and since so many were from the Cary area (over half), maybe we could hold it at the one in Crossroads Plaza by Target. The clubhouse idea is also a great idea - thanks for offering it DVCajun! :)

~Deb T. ºoº
I have to say I really like the Houlihan's idea. I've reserved that room for meetings in the past and it was great. If you get there before 6, you can order from the early bird menu and it's cheaper. I'm not sure if they've changed that or not!

At any rate, I'll miss anyone who cannot make it that night, but it will be exciting to see some new faces! What should we do to spread the word????? But actually, I think we should get our details all figured out before we go and post it anywhere else.

Of course there's one person who I can think of that cannot make it for just about what I consider to be the absolutely best reason for not being able to make it! You know who you are! :)

Well, sounds like we have a date: August 6th!

Can anyone think of a better place than Houlihan's?

I'm thinking if we decide to make it a go, we should call and reserve the room soon. I'd love to have it in CAry, but I am not opposed to going to the Raleigh location.
Maybe only one will be available that night!

Once again, I thank everyone for all of the excitement and organization that everyone is responsible for!!!!!

And finally, yeah! Wouldn't it be great to have a Raleigh DIS meet in WDW???? But let's work on the August meeting first!

Hope everyone is having a great Disney day!


Let me know when and where your next meet is and I will try to plan one of my visits with my DS to include a side trip to Raleigh or another place on the way. Would luv to meet you in person!
Have you by chance called Houlihan's to see how far out we may need to hold a room? Not pushing just asking as I thought I would call next week myself, but no need to if you already have. Seems like quite a few folks were available that date, so maybe we should stick to it. The Houlihan's in Cary, am I remembering that it is near CrossRoads?

Hope you are doing well.
I would love to join all of you. I was so jealous last time. While I do not currently live in NC, my family is all in Raleigh. I'll be down visiting but unfortunately will be returning home on 8/4. Oh well, maybe another time.



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