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Akv 200 points/83 per point, 0/2016, 200/2017, 200/2018. Seller pays closing cost. Sent 2/16

Fingers crossed! On day 12 and getting anxious!
Akv 200 points/83 per point, 0/2016, 200/2017, 200/2018. Seller pays closing cost. Sent 2/16

Fingers crossed! On day 12 and getting anxious!

Good luck, nice loaded contract there! Can you click the link on post #1 to format that so it can be added it to the list? That'd be a huge help!
I wish they would just put us out of our misery, so we could move on and start over.

You know you love it. :rotfl:

Partially, I also think that SSR is a lot more popular than people give it credit for. The later contract ending will probably have a lot to do with that also.

Disney Springs within walking distance also is a big plus now!

They also said that the timeshares are losing value because they are being sold so cheap second hand

Be sure to ask a bus driver for the REAL scoop next time. ;)

The guides don't generally have any more insider information than we speculate about here. But price control is definitely a factor for ROFR.
You love it. :rotfl2:

Hang in there. It's worth it I promise! I've been through it for a couple of BCV contracts myself.
I swear this will be my LAST add-on at BCV! Of course, we always say that, and then we stay at the resort and decide we need more points!

The only really crappy thing about BCV contracts is that small contracts in your UY don't come around too often. That makes it way too stressful!
I actually went into this purchase of my second resale contract so relaxed, my last one went so smooth ( a little long but basically really easy). However looking over these posts the contracts getting yanked...I am now freaking out a little!! It on went to rofr on Feb. 17th, but the turn over seems so fast, so I am at 11 days now....biting nails!!!
DucksDad---$68-$15392-200-OKW-Dec-160/15, 200/16, 200/17, 200/18- sent 2/7, taken 2/27

TAKEN - This was my first shot at a resale contract. And I know why DVC doesn't call to tell you when they take it because my response would have gone something like this...(with apologies to Liam Neeson)

I don't know who you are. I don't know what you want. If you are looking for me to buy direct, I can tell you I don't have that kind of money. But what I do have are a very particular set of skills, skills I have acquired over a very long career. Skills that make me a nightmare for people like you. If you let my contract go now, that'll be the end of it. I will not look for you, I will not pursue you. But if you don't, I will look for you, I will find you, and I will wedgie you.
Please know that this completely made my day- I'm sorry that your contract was taken though :headache:
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