Roxymama's 5k to Marathon, Time to Collect Another Castle

I'm glad LizardQueen8 mentioned the weather. It's sound crazy that as an adult I literally forget that checking the weather is a good idea. I used to work in the city so knowing the weather was high priority, but now I just hop in my car and drive to work and back.

We had some guests over Friday night and so I ran this morning and that worked out perfectly. Rain held off, 65 degrees, quiet and pleasant. This was my big moment. The 20 minute straight run with no walking in between. And it went totally fine! Thank goodness. I would have been disheartened to get to this point and realize I didn't like running that long but I really liked it.
I took it easy so that I never got to the huff and puff stage. I tried not to fixate on watching time or mileage or pace. Was listening to part two of the haunted mansion podcast and that helped my head focus on that instead of the clock.

I think I looked at my pacing three or four times. I was kind of all over the 10:25 to 11:00 range for the most part. And it felt comfortable. Could I have gone faster? Definitely. But I wanted to feel in control.

Now onto my one frustrating thing (don't worry, it has a happy ending.). About .45 seconds from my jog being over I hear in my headphones..."Warmup walk"
UghhhhhNoooooo! My finger or palm must have skipped me to the next workout. I have no idea how I keep doing that. This time it didn't register me as even doing that workout and I don't know my distance or pace. I was mad and then calmed down and texted my hubby that I NEEDED an armband for my phone.
Funny enough when I got home I got my Mothers Day present....a pink Nike armband, a ton of colored running socks and a Sports Authority gift card. He's a mind reader I swear. I'm excited to maybe get an outfit not on the clearance rack :)

Here's a pic of my haul.


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Hi HSMndLKfan92 The best thing I did to begin my training for a 5k was enter one that allowed walkers. I was able to get a feel for how long the distance was and it gave me a lot of confidence that I could at the very least walk/run one in the future or run one after training. Or get an app that tracks you via GPS so that you can just walk a 5k at some point one weekend if there isn't a walk that you want to register for.

I hope you decided to train for one...I've been having a lot of fun even if it is not always easy. Giving me lots of extra confidence too.
Hi HSMndLKfan92 The best thing I did to begin my training for a 5k was enter one that allowed walkers. I was able to get a feel for how long the distance was and it gave me a lot of confidence that I could at the very least walk/run one in the future or run one after training. Or get an app that tracks you via GPS so that you can just walk a 5k at some point one weekend if there isn't a walk that you want to register for.

I hope you decided to train for one...I've been having a lot of fun even if it is not always easy. Giving me lots of extra confidence too.

I walk a 5K just about every day. (It's convenient that my phone has an iHealth app.) I'd like to work my way up to being able to run a full one, though. I'd like to start a C25k program after I graduate in a few weeks.
Was listening to part two of the haunted mansion podcast and that helped my head focus on that instead of the clock.

Great soundtrack choice! Big thumbs up :thumbsup2
My power song is I can go the distance, from always makes me go further.

Hope that with your new armband you don't lose your workout info anymore! I Hate when it happens. Lost my first 10k training info because my iPhone run off batteries :faint:

Oh, and happy Mother's Day!
Back on the treadmill again tonight. The sun is starting to stay out later and later every night since Summer is approaching. @Pixie Heart we are opposites seasonally! But my toddler is starting to want to stay up later and later too with the sun!
Maybe if she goes to bed one of these days before the sun sets I can try a weeknight run outside. But I think treadmill for sure tonight.

I think I need another podcast to listen to while running now that my runs are starting to be longer. Tonight has me down for 34 minutes total including the cool-down. Anyone have any good suggestions for Disney pod-casts or just anything especially enjoyable to listen to?
I ran outside before dinner (thank you hubby and in-laws for having dinner with my kiddo!). Used my new armband which worked out well. Took me a few minutes to figure out best way to wear it, but once on it didn't budge.

My workot was 5 min walk, 5 min jog, 3 min walk, 8 min jog, 3 min walk, 5 min jog, 5 min walk. For 34 total min. And I made it 2.98 miles in that time.
Not too shabby. Knocking on the 3.1 doorstep.
Avg pace was 11:24 per my app. Not sure during runs since it was awkward to check my arm all the time (which is a good thing for me) but I was around 10:20 something at end of each jog section.

I'm excited about my run!
I use a website called steady130, which is a great option for mashups and workout songs. Try this one.

As for my "rD podcast", I just picked up a bunch of Disney songs and put it into a iTunes list to play randomly.

At what time does the sun sets in spring/summer over there? I know that the sun sets really early during winter up in the north. :-)
The sun is setting right now actually. So around 8:20pm Central time zone. And funny enough, my daughter just decided to go to sleep.

When the sun is awake, she's awake!!
And now we talk fashion!

Ok, so I'm not really too much of a fashionista but I will never back away from a reason to wear something cute, girly or dorky.
I've made some running cloths purchases today and I'm crossing my toes they actually look ok on and I guess most importantly are good to run in.

First up for my Candy Race in two weeks I broke down and bought a pink sparkle skirt and some sparkly wristbands. I went with the $25 SparkleAthletic version because I don't really need bells and whistles right now.

Second purchase was for The Original 5k in June that I'm running with my friend. We got matching sloth shirts that say "Slow Down, You're Doing Fine." Matched up with the race's official trucker hat and some knee high socks...we should look pretty spiffy and hipstery. Haha!

I still have a Sports Authority gift card from the hubby burning a hole in my pocket. But that will be for more normal things like another pair of running pants and maybe one more tech shirt. Standard stuff...but I'll be sure to get something cute.

Thus ends fashion-time with roxymama!
Fashion talk! I'm in!

It's getting too hot for me to run in capris now - I just get itchy and annoyed by them, so I only wear them when I'm running at the gym.

So, I broke down and invested in a couple of tennis "skorts" with boyshorts built in, as well as a few pairs of running shorts that have compression shorts inside them. So far, I really like them!

I've also purchased two flowing tanks made of tech fabric that I LOVE. I'll probably go buy them in every color for summer training. I don't like really fitted things on my upper body when I run, so these are just awesome.

These are them (from the Danskin line at WalMart - not going to lie, I'm a bit cheap on workout stuff because I never know if I'm going to like things until I get a run in them):

I like the cutouts, the fabric and that they have a drawstring at the bottom so I can make it more fitted at the bottom.

I usually wear a medium, but went with a large in these because I REALLY like things loose. I just wear a sports bra with them, and I feel comfortable and still well-covered (the arm holes aren't too big, even in a size up), and the length is perfect. And the fabric is really soft and almost silky. I've been VERY impressed, especially at that price.
Cute!!! And cheap too! I have a Walmart by my work, maybe one day I will nose on over there. It's not quite warm enough up here in the north for tanks just yet. I've been running in long sleeves actually. But I know Summer weather is coming.
Oh, I've been in tanks for almost a month now outside, but I still wear long-sleeves when I run at the gym. It's just a matter of weeks until it starts to feel like the surface of the sun when you go outside.

It's a good thing I don't mind being hot. Now, hydration is a WHOLE 'nuther thing.
I love your 5K quest!

It sounds like you're doing really great with your training - I'm definitely impressed!

I love your mothers day gifts - so thoughtful and they'll definitely be great for your running!

I loved the fashion post - I'm a little restricted with what I can wear, so I love "living vicariously" through others who can buy really cute running stuff! (although I can buy cute stuff too, just not as much of it ... I have yet to find cute skirts that I can wear).

I'm looking forward to following along with your journey and maybe even running into you at the 5K in January!
This weekend was a whirlwind because my sis and bro-in-law were in town and we had a great time. On Saturday we walked around the zoo with my munchkin for a couple of hours. I wore my running shoes and can I say they felt so much better to walk in for that distance than my normal choice of flip flops or flats. I'm not going to give up my flip flop this summer because sneakers can be so hot, but they did serve me well for all that walking.
Sunday I was able to do my weekend outdoor run. My daughter kept saying all day "mommy, maybe you can run later." She likes it better when I'm at home and I don't blame her...we have a lot of fun together and I miss her when I'm away. But it was closing in on 7:30pm and sundown was 8:05pm. I really wanted to run outside and not on the treadmill so I put on my run stuff and told her I was going running. My husband said she was ok with it and fell asleep before I got back. They watched me run down the street and it broke my heart a tiny bit, but I just had to tell myself that it will be better for her growing up saying "mommy runs" or "mommy is athletic" or "mommy is healthy" in the long run. My Dad ran all the time when I was little and I really looked up for him doing it. He has major knee issues now so I'm glad I saw him in his speedy days.
I ran 3 miles in 33 minutes. I missed 3.1 by soooo close. My run pace was 10:12 and my walk pace was 13:33. I'm in the part of the C25k program where walk breaks in the middle are a thing of the past. But I still get 5 min warmup and 5 min cooldown.
My big 5k in Cincy is this Sat. Wed will be my last chance to run before then. So everyone please think happy thoughts and offer any 5k tips for newbies.

Also I used my extreme couponing on Sunday evening after dinner. The family went to Sports Authority to spend my Mother's day giftcard. I used a $25 of $75, a $10.60 rewards program voucher, a few on sale already items, and my giftcard to get $106 worth of stuff for only $17.
A new running hat, a new pair of Nike pro compression leggings and a pink shirt that says "run like the wind" in a very 1990's Save by the Bell type font.
I loved the fashion post - I'm a little restricted with what I can wear, so I love "living vicariously" through others who can buy really cute running stuff! (although I can buy cute stuff too, just not as much of it ... I have yet to find cute skirts that I can wear).

I'm a pretty modest person so I can understand what you mean about restricting what you can wear. I completely bypass any part of the running store with the really short shorts...I just can't. And I'm a cover my shoulders person too.
I'm a big fan of layering...but that can get very hot in the summer and while jogging so I have empathy for other people who want to be covered up to some degree for whatever reasons.


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