$$'s extra per adult per day


Jun 24, 2000
Sometimes with sales tax, passes, etc., does anyone know for sure if your actually charged $25.00 per night for each additional adult. If I book two rooms (connected) for a party of 5 adults would I be charged for only one extra adult?
Yes, that is right! You will only have one extra person in one room. The amount depends on whether you are staying in a deluxe, moderate or value. I believe, (not sure) that it is $20 per adult per night over 2 adults per room for a deluxe, and $15 for a moderate. I am not sure about the value resorts, though.
The extra adult charge is $10 per night at the value resorts, $15 per night at the moderate resorts and $25 per night at the deluxe resorts.
We stayed at the Dolphin this past summer. Family of 4 - oldest DS was 19 - we were charged an additional $25 a night for him. This doesn't make sense to me since we are a family - DS still lives at home while in college. However, I follow the rules and paid the extra.
We have noticed an interesting pattern. The extra adult charge is always added to the rate if Disney is informed when you make the initial booking, but not if informed at time of check in. It happened again this past Dec. when I decided to travel with my parents at the last minute. We were upfront when checking in and though they provided me with a key card the extra charge was not added to my father's bill.
When we went this last December my DD(age 24) decided at the last minute to go with us. We waited till check in to tell them she had joined us. The CM at check in didn't ask her age, just said she added her as junior so there would be no charge. Our up coming trip in March she had planned to get her own room, but finances have changed and she will be sharing with us, I have decided to wait till check in to add her and then pay the extra if added, maybe we will get lucky again.
Booked BC for May and DD will be 18 by 2 weeks.
They charged $25 extra per night $250+taxes for
10 day stay-so much for being honest lol.
So, not to be dishonest or anything....

Right now I have CBR booked for myself(23), fiance (25) and my mother. If I take off the extra adult from my reservation, then at check in tell them that my fiance decided to come, would they not charge me the extra money? For 7 nights, that is more than $100, which would more than pay for our MVMCP passes. I don't want to cheat the system, but if we are being honest about having 3 adults and tell them at check in, it is a loop hole in their policy that we wouldn't get charged. So, to make a long story short, would it be immoral to change my ressie now and then just inform them at check in to try and save the extra $$. Thanks in advance!
If I take off the extra adult from my reservation, then at check in tell them that my fiance decided to come, would they not charge me the extra money?

Much will depend on the particular castmember you get at check in, and whether they catch on that the extra adult was dropped from the initial ressie and then added back on at check in. That would make me look at it twice.
We had an almost comical experience a couple years ago. My parents went to DXL for 10 nights. I decided to pop down (at their invite) for four nights. My mother told check in to leave a message so I could get a key at check in. I showed up. Nothing. Fortunately my parents were around the lobby when I arrived, because my Mom said the woman at check in was totally confused.

We explained to the man that I'd be staying for four nights. The concept totally went over his head. He just stared blankly at us. I said, "my parents are here for ten nights. They've checked in. They've been here three nights. I'm joining them for four nights, then I'm leaving. I'd like a key please, and you can charge us the extra person rate for those four nights."

He continued to stare and said, "so your parents are staying in a different room?"
"No, we're staying in the same room."
"And they're checking out?"
It went on like this for several minutes. He didn't get the concept. I was almost laughing. He gave me my key.

After four nights, I went to check in to return my key and say that I'd stayed my four nights, and wanted to let them know that I wasn't staying beyond the four nights so they'd just charge the extra person rate for four nights. She looked at me very suspiciously and tossed my key back to me and said, "fine. Here's your key." She didn't get it.

Anyway, we were never charged for the extra person.

Although I know we are "cheating," DH and I often invite my sister to join us at WDW...and we have yet to pay the extra adult charge!! Until now, that is...

We are heading down for 3 nights later this week - we fly down from Massachusetts, and my sister (a Florida resident) will drive down and meet us at our resort. Well, this trip, we are arriving pretty late, around midnight, and she didn't want to drive down so late. I decided to call CRO and add her name to the room for a night so she could check in early, avoiding a late-night drive. There are already 2 irritations with this:

1) They automatically charged us for the extra adult all 3 nights, even though she will probably just stay with us one night - we have to work out a refund with our resort. I hate that.

2) Apparently, there is no guarantee that she will even be able to check into our room early - we are booked under an AP rate, and I am the AP holder...CRO told us that they may not let her check in without showing an AP...in other words, she may have to sit around in the lobby until we arrive and can show then an AP. I don't get this at all - clearly, we would have to check in anyways and get a key!!! Does anyone havee any experience with this sort of problem, specifically?

Now, I adore WDW, and I love staying at WDW resorts - there is nothing like it. However, it is not as if these hotels are some fabulous bargain. I pay the extra money to be on-site and to be treated with the Disney friendliness and charm that I love - so why do they DO this stuff????? I will never be honest with them again about extra adults in our room. I would prefer to spend that money elsewhere in WDW!!!!
Well, I think our problem has been taken care of, but it required (of course) another long-distance call. I called our resort and spoke to someone at Guest Services - explained the whole situation to them, etc. At first, she said, "There is no way they will let your sister check in without an AP if you are booked under an AP rate." However, when I told her that I understood their concerns about checking the AP, that I'd be happy to fax them down a copy of my AP receipt and AP itself with a formal letter explaining the situation, she put me on hold...and came back saying that my sister would be permitted to check in, but that an AP would need to be shown at our arrival or our rate would be increased to regular until the pass was shown. Geez. Seems like logic to me!!! Don't know why it required a separate phone call...

3 1/2 days left until we head to Disney!! How in the heck am I supposed to work???


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