Saving change???


Jul 6, 2001
I am just curious for those that save change for their WDW trips do you put your loonies and toonies in the pot. I keep putting them in but dh keeps digging them out!!

I have been putting all my change including loonies and toonies into my piggy bank and haven't had a problem. What I did, though, is I went to Dollarama and bought (in the toy section) 2 plastic piggy banks with no hole in the bottom (this was the key for us to make it work). I use one for all my Canadian change (and my dad throws $20's in there whenever he comes over), and one for my American change. We even put American pennies in there and it does add up.

My suggestion is to get a piggy bank or something else that your DH can't get in to. My DH used to fish coffee money out all the time, but not since we got this pig.

Good Luck
I had a similar problem ... you've just got to put those coins out of sight :)
Our secret to saving. :teeth:

We went out and bought a Disney Bank from the Disney Store, ours is the Fab Four in a car(taxi), This way you know what the money is being saved for. :goodvibes

When you steal :earseek: (borrow) from the piggy bank you know where the money is supposed to go! :guilty:
I save my toonies and loonies in film containers so no one knows whats in them.
Then I roll them and but them in my firebox .
Every time ds and I have a garage sale the money also goes in there.
I have been saving for a year now and I have enough now for my pass and my ds pass
I empty my pockets into a container every day at the end of my shift at work. It's amazing how much money gets put in there in the course of a year. Don't even miss it.

Everytime I get change back from any purchase I check to see if there are any US coins. If there are, then DD and I say "Mickey Mouse Fund!" and in it goes!

Also have the US account so that when our Dollar climbs that's the time to take that Cdn coinage saved and put it into US account!

Juniorbugman - Don't you find they keep calling you to join them for a quick jaunt to the World!LOL

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

We save our change too! :) Can you imagine how quickly it will add up if they ever get that $5 coin going!! :D
...and the kids get to count it, roll it and take it to the bank (great counting skills, math, and fine motor!! LOL) Anyway, they get to turn their dollars in to Disney dollars, and they have their "own" money at the Parks...

....until the day I was digging out a couple of twoonies, and they accused me of robbing them!! :crazy:
We have change jugs for the kids for CDN money and one for all our US money we took the large teddy bear containers from the animal crackers we got at Costco and glued the lid on and cut a small slice in the back to fit the change. We find this wors well for holding on to the money as we don't want to ruin it to get the money out well not untill the 26th of Nov when we take it and convert it to US for the kids.
Change savers here! I have 2 glass Kraft peanut butter jars in the shape of the Kraft bears, one for Canadian and one for American money. I encourage my U.S. customers to pay me with their American change, and if I explain that it is for the penny press in Florida some are kind enough to dig through their pockets!
A good friend told me to sell my coin jars on ebay! I just may! :p
I went to Toys R Us and bought a gigantic Coke bottle shaped bank....I dump all my end of the day change into far in two months I've collected over 300 dollars...this is what I used to open up an account for my 10 year old daughter...she is saving for a horse for spring.It's shocking how quickly this money collects..and that doesn't include all the found know dryer, couch,coat pockets that kinda thing.It's really amazing once you start doing it!!!!:teeth:
I use a big dog cookie container.I have been really dumping my change into it for about 6 months now and have rolled enough so far to exchange for $900US so I have all of my spending money covered and I still have four weeks to amass more.:bounce:
We're all Disney fans here, so stealing from the piggy bank is a big no-no! We all empty our change into the container (ours is a metal can-shaped bank with a removable lid - so the "bills" fit in easier!) and wouldn't think about taking any out!

Grandparents know what the can is for, and somehow "larger" bills end up in there! It's a great way to save for your spending money - and it adds up quickly!


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