Say Please in French - A June and Sept. 2018 DLP TR *Updated 4/22

I have been missing from the trip reports sections of the DIS for a couple of months now. Your report is the only one that I am even close to being caught up!

I can't imagine how much you have to do to moderate the Beach Club thread; it must take up a lot of your DIS time!

That is an adorable selfie with Evie while the boys were on ToT. She has the cutest smile!

I am always happy when I can catch her smiling at Disney, since she spent several trips upset in the parks. I like to showcase her usually happy self.

Loved the story about Landon's invisible car routine. He has a great imagination.

Landon's mind runs a mile a minute. He's the type of kid that's always humming songs at the dinner table, and his favorite after school activity is to make books. I gather scrap paper and staple them together, and he makes up stories with him as the author and the illustrator.

* I love your trip reports. The writing is riveting and I appreciate your honesty and humour. But the very best thing is that it brings me back to times in my kids lives, parenting challenges and triumphs. Memories that were buried until one of your anecdotes bring them to the surface.

Thank you so much for the kind words. They made my day. :hug: I write with the goal of having a record of our Disney experiences but also in the hopes that I can remember my kids' lives at each phase of their lives. (Good and bad) So to know that I bring that same reaction to another person feels really special. And in that same vein, I read about vacationing with teenagers/young adults and hope I'm preparing myself for that new phase.
World's worst DIS-er reporting back finally! :o I haven't been on here at all, but had to catch up on your report and re-live parts of our trip! I'm hoping life will let me get back into the swing of things on the TR boards at some point....I am hopelessly behind on writing mine and reading everyone else's.

Real life can be pretty hectic. I completely understand. Our move is about to kick off soon, and last time that happened I was gone from the boards for about 4 months. Hopefully, that won't happen again but if it does...that's life.

So nice of Alex to offer! I really didn't want to dump a third kid on him, but he welcomed it. And it's so true, once you have kids, it seems you never get to ride as a couple (until kids are old enough to join you).

You forget how nice it is to go on an attraction with your spouse once you become a parent and start having to work with Rider Swaps.

Haha, well, I am the same person who did a DIS-meet with Lauren & Aria that started with them picking us up at the airport and stopping at Target and then leaving sleeping Izzy in the car with them while I ran in to get our supplies for the condo. It definitely occurred to me that she could just drive away with my sleeping toddler, but thankfully she didn't. :thumbsup2 (this was the first time we met - of course, reading these reports for years, we all feel like we know each other already, I think)

:eek::eek: Did you really?! Oh wow. That was....bold. :rotfl: But, yes, after communicating with someone online for years and years, you do feel like you know them.

And hope Evie keeps on growing to get that other inch by summer. I took Izzy to the amusement park in the Mall of America recently and she was just about at the 48" marker (with shoes on)...cannot believe it! These kids are just growing so fast!

48 inches?! Izzy keeps growing and growing. That's incredible. That's the last height restriction at Disney, right? She can now go on everything, I think!

Man, now I really want to make a spontaneous and financially irresponsible visit to WDW!! :laughing: Just in case...what are your dates? And you're coming here in June too? Keep in touch, we would LOVE to see you!!

:laughing: I will send you a message later today with my Disney dates and that days I'm going to be in your area.
While it's a really fun idea (one we have entertained before), I have to say it's incredibly sweet that Landon is concerned about Evie being left behind!

The carousel is definitely not the best way to spend those early morning hours, but sometimes you just gotta make the kids happy. Been there, done that!!
While it's a really fun idea (one we have entertained before), I have to say it's incredibly sweet that Landon is concerned about Evie being left behind!

The carousel is definitely not the best way to spend those early morning hours, but sometimes you just gotta make the kids happy. Been there, done that!!

I read about your trips to Universal and they sound like such a fun experience. I'm bummed Landon didn't want to take a quick overnight trip to DLP with just me, but I can't begrudge him caring about his little sister. He did just go skiing with his dad, though, so maybe he'd be more open to the idea now. :confused3
Sunday, June 17th, 2018 Part 3:

Walking back over to Adventureland, I took yet another picture of Skull Rock:


I seriously could not get enough of this part of the park.

Alex spotted the Dugette family, and we joined them to talk about what we should do with the rest of our morning.



Dug wanted to go on Pirates, because the wait time was saying it was only fifteen minutes. Unfortunately, Evie pitched a huge fit when we tried to get her in line. She was over pirate adventures! So Alex was a trooper and took Evie to the Swiss Family Robinson Treehouse.

The joke was on us, though, because as soon as everybody made it into the queue the wait time jumped to 45 minutes. None of us wanted to stand around for that long so we bailed and took the older kids to Pirates Beach Playground.

The kids led the way…

I tried texting Alex to tell him our new plan, but he was already in the treehouse taking lots of photos of his surroundings.

A different perspective of the area:


Carl and Russell fishing:



From the top of the treehouse Alex was able to see Thunder Mtn and Tower of Terror:


Kind of funny to see them in one picture when in Florida they are located far away from one another.

Back at the playground, Izzy was a champion of all the equipment while Landon was more hesitant. He had recently developed a fear of heights (yet he loved the drop rides :rolleyes2) and so climbing up the walls was scaring him. He stuck with it, though, and eventually conquered his fear:



I was really proud of him for overcoming the obstacle and giving it his best effort. A lot of things come easy to Landon, and so when he’s faced with a challenge, he tends to back off too easy. So it made my heart sing to see him persevere. One of those not-really-Disney-related memories that you remember from your trips.

Continued in Next Post:
Continued from Previous Post:

Once Landon had caught up with Izzy, they were off running and exploring and sliding down the large tunnel slide:

The great thing about their age was that Dugette and I had to keep our eye on them, but we didn’t have to be on high alert. Since they were capable of rushing from one end of the set to the other, we were free to chat and get one last lengthy conversation in before we parted ways. I think this time our discussion was on the gift of indoor playgrounds, their upcoming trip to California, and our possible next job location.

At some point, Alex found us and set Evie down in the “baby” playground adjacent to the bigger one.


It took me a long time to realize he was right next to me, meaning I missed Evie climbing up her playground wall with no issues:


Girl was raised on European playgrounds. Fear isn’t in her dictionary.

I also completely missed her posing in the Hook cutout:


Here lately, this resonates well with her. She is all about the villains. Yesterday, she put on a dress and jewelry and gathered all her plush dogs and put them in our dog’s crate because she was Cruella de Vil.

For the moment, princesses are out and villains are in.

Which I can live with. So long as it means we get to buy that Scar plush next fall…:rotfl2:

We allowed the kids to run around and play for almost an hour before we ushered them out of the area. Dugette and her family had a lunch reservation that they were nearing time for, and so we gathered by the ship to say our goodbyes and take some photos.

The two trip reporters who brought our families together for a few days of fun at Disney:


Then, all the gals:


The two oldest kids who became fast friends:


And then finally, a family shot:


After that final photo, we said goodbye to Dugette and her family for good, with high hopes that we would see them again one day. I can’t speak for Dugette, but I know what started as a great online friendship evolved into a genuine one that I want to keep going for years to come.

Continued in Next Post:
Continued from Previous Post:

With our friends’ departure it was time for my family to make our leave of Disneyland Paris. We weren’t rushing, but we also couldn’t idle any longer.

In a Hail Mary attempt, Alex and I walked the kids back over to Frontierland. We got sidetracked when we saw Restaurant Hakuna Matata open. This has never happened on our previous trips and being a huge Lion King fan I really wanted to see the interior of the restaurant.

We scampered inside and received a lot of weird looks from people wondering why we weren’t ordering food. Clearly, checking out the theming is not a thing in the Paris parks like it is in the states.:confused3

Everything was nice, and I’m glad I got to see it but it lacked an authenticity to it. If that makes sense? Then again, I think everything has been kind of marred for me since staying at Animal Kingdom Lodge. Nothing can beat that place.



Back outside in the park, you could tell where the crowds were congregated that day:


Everyone was waiting for the Big Thunder Mountain to reopen; the standby line stretched for eons, it seemed.

Tinker Bell waved some massive pixie dust on our foreheads that day, because as soon as we walked up to the Fastpass line to check on the attraction, the Cast Members opened the lines. The ride was back up and running!


I used two hotel Fastpasses and led Landon through the empty line. We were probably the fifth or sixth family to go through the line, and I don’t think they opened the standby as early as ours because we were encountering no waits.

Near the end of the line, though, some kids jumped the fence and got ahead of us. It made absolutely no sense to me, though, because we all made it onto the first train that was loaded.

AND! The rest of their party chose not to cut us, so when they got to the end, they were separated from their group. It was two behind me and Landon and two in front.

What did jumping two people really gain them?:confused3

No clue, but I know that’s pretty common in the Paris parks.

Whatever, no sweat off my back. Landon and I were still getting to ride my favorite coaster!


You ready, bud?


Under and up, around and behind we were hanging on and having fun:


When we came to the end of the ride, I turned to see if Landon still enjoyed the attraction as much as I did.


I would say so.

Meeting back up with Alex, I asked if he wanted to go. He told me no, but I think he was just saying that because he knew I was worried about getting on the road. I didn’t want to turn it into a big fight by insisting he go, so I let it go and tasked him with finding a family to pass all our unused Fastpasses on to.

Once that was accomplished, we headed out of the park.

I tried to take a photo right after walking through the exit turnstiles to show how close our hotel entrance was:


Imagine that there’s a door behind that tree and right behind where I’m standing is the park exit. That was how close we were to getting into our resort after leaving the park. Looking back, it’s insane to think how close we were. Literally around the corner from Main Street.

Before we left for good, all of us wanted some lunch to tide us over. We hadn’t eaten at Earl of Sandwich yet, and that seemed to be a traditional Disney meal for Alex, so we headed to Disney Village to grab some food.

I got the Chicken Ceasar wrap and remember thinking how happy I was that I lived in Europe and didn’t have to deal with the iceburg lettuce scare that was currently happening in the U.S. at the time:


I was free to eat my Caesar salad sans salmonella.:rotfl:

Landon asked for a ham and cheese sandwich but the worker misunderstood our order and gave us mac and cheese. So Alex had to go back and buy him the right thing, while the four us split the “extra” item. All the food was all right. Nothing notable or standout but reliable and filling.

To support my past statement about my kids’ hatred of foods in bread, Evie ate her hot dog out of the bun:

When lunch was concluded, Alex and I walked the kids back to the car at the Disneyland Hotel and loaded them into their seats. With sad faces, we took our spots in the vehicle and left Disney property, sad to say goodbye to vacation but grateful for the opportunity. Staying at the Disneyland Hotel was like nothing I had ever experienced before at Disney, and I’m so glad we splurged and did it. It was the biggest takeaway from the entire trip, potentially only trumped by the unique chance to have two DISmeets in the parks. Combined together, it made for a wonderful trip that I am overjoyed to have taken.

***Now, friends, if you’ll indulge me just a moment longer.

While this June trip has found its way to a conclusion, I would like to build upon it with my experience at Disneyland Paris this past September. My family was able to return to the parks for the race weekend, and I think I am going to include a recap of our experience here on this thread. I hope you’ll stick around a tiny bit longer and listen as I ramble some more about the parks, experiencing beloved attractions with dear friends, and covering 13.1 miles of Disneyland Paris property.

However, if that doesn’t tickle your fancy, then I thank you for reading about June and wish you well. May you have a Disney trip in your future with many carousel rides and Earl sandwiches ahead.

And for those who do stick around, an even louder and heartier thank you! I truly appreciate it and cannot wait to start talking about a trip that can only be described in one word: FUN.

Here’s to hoping I get it written faster than this 7 month long report!:rotfl2:

Up Next…What Kind of Parents Don’t Let a Kid Go to School?!
What a fantastic trip with magical dismeets. Looking forward to reading about your September trip

I love how you can see her actually skipping along!

I was really proud of him for overcoming the obstacle and giving it his best effort. A lot of things come easy to Landon, and so when he’s faced with a challenge, he tends to back off too easy. So it made my heart sing to see him persevere. One of those not-really-Disney-related memories that you remember from your trips.

Good for him!

Which I can live with. So long as it means we get to buy that Scar plush next fall…:rotfl2:


After that final photo, we said goodbye to Dugette and her family for good, with high hopes that we would see them again one day. I can’t speak for Dugette, but I know what started as a great online friendship evolved into a genuine one that I want to keep going for years to come.

So wonderful to have made a true friend through such an unlikely place as the DIS!.


I used two hotel Fastpasses and led Landon through the empty line. We were probably the fifth or sixth family to go through the line, and I don’t think they opened the standby as early as ours because we were encountering no waits.

YAY!!! :dancer:

Before we left for good, all of us wanted some lunch to tide us over. We hadn’t eaten at Earl of Sandwich yet

I have't been in years, and lately it's been sounding better and better. I think I'm going to hit it up on one of my next trips.

And for those who do stick around, an even louder and heartier thank you! I truly appreciate it and cannot wait to start talking about a trip that can only be described in one word: FUN.

Of course I'll be here!
Love the updates! I remember that playground experience and I was so happy for Landon when he finally got the hang of climbing and was able to keep up with Izzy. They could have played there all day, I think. And it was so nice they were both old enough to run around together so we could chat and just keep an eye on them.

It really was amazing to be so close to the exit staying at the Disneyland Hotel...we're forever spoiled too!

Looks like you and Landon had a great ride on Big Thunder - yay!

I love that Evie locked up all the stuffed dogs in a crate as Cruella de Vil. :rotfl2:

So glad we were able to meet up with your family - we had a great time, thank you! :goodvibes
Pretty cool to see Big Thunder and ToT next to each other!

Evie and I can be friends, I'm a total villains girl myself ;)

Spending time at the playground sounds like it was great for everyone! A good way to say goodbye to Dugette & family!

Ending the trip riding BTMRR with Landon sounds perfect!

Can't wait to hear about your visit back to DLP!!
What a fab last day at Disneyland Paris. The kids look like they had a ball in the adventure playground. My kids always loved them and my youngest, now aged 12, claims to only be “helping” the little guy I look after to have fun as he’s obviously far too old at the grand age of 12! Funny how he races to climb to the very top of the spider nets while I silently pray he 1) doesn’t get stuck because there’s no way I’m climbing up there, and 2) reaches the ground safely without falling and breaking something, so I’m totally chuffed for Landon that he conquered his fear! Way to go buddy!:thumbsup2
Do American play parks not have climbing walls/ spider web towers?
I miss handing out fast passes that we couldn’t use to other park goers. It always felt so good to share a little magic so it’s nice you got to share at DLP
How far/long was your drive home? Bet it was sad to leave but yay on returning :goodvibes
You can be sure I’m hanging on to read all about September ‘s trip. Can’t wait to hear all about it:goodvibes
Thank you so much for sharing your travels with us all. I’ve loved every minute ::yes::
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What a fantastic trip with magical dismeets. Looking forward to reading about your September trip

Thank you for reading!

So wonderful to have made a true friend through such an unlikely place as the DIS!.

It was interesting explaining to people back home who I spent my time with at DLP.
"How are these people your friends?"
"I met them online."
"So this was your first time actually meeting them? And you watched each others kids?"

I have't been in years, and lately it's been sounding better and better. I think I'm going to hit it up on one of my next trips.

Alex loves Earl of Sandwich. It's not bad, but it's a sandwich shop. I feel like now there's so many other great QS options at Disney Springs. But then again, I don't get American sandwiches that much anymore so I think that was part of the appeal. But when I lived in Florida and had access to Publix subs and Firehouse, I didn't comprehend Alex wanting to eat at Earl every trip. :confused3
I really enjoyed reading about your DLP experience! Makes me want to scheme on how to get there one day. I would definitely want to splurge on the Disneyland Hotel - how fantastic! I will definitely stick around to read about your Sept. trip and maybe more updates on your move to the UK. Thanks for taking the time to share your trip with us!
This has been a great trip report. I'm glad you got to experience DLP as an American and enjoyed it for it's worth. I look forward to your next DLP trip report and maybe sometime in the future I might be able to see you while I'm there.
What a great end to your trip! I feel like its SO hard to leave Disney when you can leave whenever you feel like and dont have a plane to catch! My family learned that the hard way the one time we drove and we left way too late and timed it perfectly to hit all of the terrible Atlanta traffic. But it seems like a great way to end your trip with a ride on BTMRR and a decent lunch!

And of course I'll be sticking around to here about your September trip as well!!
Love the updates! I remember that playground experience and I was so happy for Landon when he finally got the hang of climbing and was able to keep up with Izzy. They could have played there all day, I think. And it was so nice they were both old enough to run around together so we could chat and just keep an eye on them.

It really was amazing to be so close to the exit staying at the Disneyland Hotel...we're forever spoiled too!

Looks like you and Landon had a great ride on Big Thunder - yay!

I love that Evie locked up all the stuffed dogs in a crate as Cruella de Vil. :rotfl2:

So glad we were able to meet up with your family - we had a great time, thank you! :goodvibes

Thanks again for hanging with us during your DLP trip. It made our days so much more fun!

I think no matter how long you stay at a playground, it's never enough time for the kids. They're balls of energy!

Pretty cool to see Big Thunder and ToT next to each other!

Evie and I can be friends, I'm a total villains girl myself ;)

Ending the trip riding BTMRR with Landon sounds perfect!

My kids would love your Disney affinities. :rotfl2: Landon understands the need for quality character meets, and Evie wants to don Disney apparel and take photos with the PP photographers. :rotfl:And yep, Evie has become fascinated with the "scary" Disney stuff. We recently checked out a Haunted Mansion book at the library, and now I've been having to play the ride soundtrack on a loop. She'll walk around the house going, "Creepy creeps materialize.":laughing:

What a fab last day at Disneyland Paris. The kids look like they had a ball in the adventure playground. My kids always loved them and my youngest, now aged 12, claims to only be “helping” the little guy I look after to have fun as he’s obviously far too old at the grand age of 12! Funny how he races to climb to the very top of the spider nets while I silently pray he 1) doesn’t get stuck because there’s no way I’m climbing up there, and 2) reaches the ground safely without falling and breaking something, so I’m totally chuffed for Landon that he conquered his fear! Way to go buddy!:thumbsup2
Do American play parks not have climbing walls/ spider web towers?

Your son sounds too sweet. It is funny how by that age they won't take part in playground activity unless they have an excuse. But no matter, it's good to hear he still enjoys it and partakes. :goodvibes
I can't speak for all of America, but where I lived in Florida the playgrounds were very tame. If you have seen the play areas at the Disney resorts, that's pretty much the extent of what my city had. So when we moved to Germany, Alex and I had a bit of a shock the first time we went to a local playground!

I miss handing out fast passes that we couldn’t use to other park goers. It always felt so good to share a little magic so it’s nice you got to share at DLP
How far/long was your drive home? Bet it was sad to leave but yay on returning :goodvibes
You can be sure I’m hanging on to read all about September ‘s trip. Can’t wait to hear all about it:goodvibes
Thank you so much for sharing your travels with us all. I’ve loved every minute ::yes::

It was about a 5 hour drive with stops. Not too bad, and we're actually closer to DLP than we were to Walt Disney World when we lived in Florida.


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