SB ~ October Challenge

I wanted to finish my Canadian vacation this month since I'll be heading down to Orlando in 2 weeks. I have finished 5 pages so far. It is not going to be a big book as I only took 5 rolls of film. I have organized the pictures into pages, sorted out the memorabilia as to which pages they will go to, and I have pulled together paper for some of the pages.

I have made a lot of progress, it's just not the kind that shows.

Let's have a progress report from everyone :-). I figured since I'm sending the stickers I'm out of the challege but I'd love to know how everyone is doing!!! I'm looking forward to picking out some Disney stickers for the winner :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:

11 days til Disney!:bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
Hey MiknMin,

I think we are going to be in the Disney area at the same time. The Memories Expo that I am attending is Nov 1st, 2nd and 3rd. Then we're staying 2 extra days so we can get some park time in. Don't forget your lime green ribbon, in case we run into each other.

Now for the page count. I just get in cause I wanna play. I am still at 5 pages but I have 4 layouts in the planning and gathering stages.

I'm ashamed to say I've only done 3 pages. But I just might do something about that today!
Right now, I have 11 pages (sides) done. I am hoping to get alot done this week while DH is on a business trip. Then I have an all day crop on Saturday, too. Still have a long way to go on that Disney album. . . .
I'm at 17 pages for the month and counting. Not much of an effort seeing as today's the 22nd, but I'm getting there!
up the table last night - i'm off on a recruiting trip and then come home to company who will actually expect to eat off the dining room table.

Besides - all my home made page kits were gone, so i'll actually have to go sort through pictures to get started again. Total for the month - 53 pages.

Happy scrapping to everyone - hope I come home to find y'all have done a hundred pages each!
Hmm - I don't date my layouts, but looking at when I posted them it looks like 13 (assuming a double spread is two)

Please tell me about your homemade page kits, and how you manage to do 50+ in a month -it has taken a great effort for me to get 13 done this month - I can't imagine doing more than 1 in a sitting and I'm assuming you must have done 3 or 4 at a time to hit 50.

and that was October 24th when you posted 40. You can get 14 more done before the end of the month, can't you? C'mon girl - CROP! CROP! ;)

BevS97 - I got the idea for page kits from someone else who posted, if not here, then on another site.

I'm adhd, so I have a lot of trouble working on pages at a crop - too distracting - but I love to go. I discovered I can cut letters, though, and shop during a crop pretty effectively. So at home, beforehand, I sort my pictures into page protectors. If I know the title or the layout I want to use, I put in a note or sketch. Then I go through the paper and stickers I already have and if any of them go with the pictures I put them in the page protector as well along with a note of what else I need.

Then, I take all my page protectors to the shop. I work on filling one page protector at a time with whatever else is needed. I can sit down and rest in between. My shopkeeper lets people keep track of the papers, die cuts, etc they select on a sheet of paper, so I take advantage of that to file them at the time I select them (of course she is right there at the table, cropping with the rest of the gang, so I suppose she's watching like a hawk, but that's ok by me - they have a lot of trouble with "shrinkage" and I sure wouldn't add to it.) I also cut my titles on the accucut and file them in the pp as well. At the end of the session, my shopkeeper talleys up my sheet, I cringe and pay up!

At home, alone, in quiet, without distractions, the pages pretty much come pouring out. The hard work is already done.
that sounds like a good scheme - I don't have a lss so I do all my shopping mail-order. I haven't yet managed to buy things for a particular layout (although I am getting better - I did order a ton of stuff for the wish upon a star layout I jsut did, but enough to do 3 more starry layouts too!)

my slowest part of scrapping is definitely deciding what to use on the page - I dither around from idea to idea before the lightbulb finally clicks.

Last night I knew I wanted to do something with a chalked title, but no idea where the title would go, or the pics, so eventually I sat down and cut the letters out and chalked them so tonight I will actually have the title to work with - I cna't seem to 'see' the layout in my head, I need to move the actual pieces around on the page.

looks like i'm finishing at 57 pages for the month. i really don't think i'll do anymore tonight...i'm i figured i'd go ahead and post my total.
Well it looks like my grand total for the month is 5 pages!! They are all pages that I have gotten done in the past week on my gift album !

Grover in Winnipeg
I finished my very first scrapbook. It was from our last Disney trip in August of 2001. It was 30 pages. I am very pleased with the results and it was so fun. I can't wait to start on my next album. Thanks everyone.
23 for me! That's much better than my total a few days ago! I'm almost finished with 2 of the albums I'm giving for Christmas gifts.
So far it looks like dizfamily is our winner with 57 :-). Please PM or email me your address and as soon as I get home (we leave tomorrow :-) I'll get those Disney stickers in the mail. If someone has more than 57, pm or email me your address :-). Either way just let me know who wins (Can ya'll tell I'm in getting ready to leave mode :-)

CONGRATS, now we need a November challenge :-)

Leavin tomorrow for Disney :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
i win something? this is cool! unless someone comes in with more pages completed, of course. :D i guess i never really realized we were playing for a prize. i've just been in major scrapping mode lately. in fact, i went a few days where i didn't have any pics to scrap so i finally started pulling out old pics to scrap cuz i was going stir crazy! :D :) i got an old vacation scrapped and pulled out my wedding pics....i have to figure out what i want to do with those, though. i can't decide if i want to do the CM wedding album or a premiere album with wedding border pages or a premiere album with black pages or..... anyone have any ideas? anyone who has done their wedding pics? these wedding pics are like 12 years old!
I knew you could do it!

You know, between us all, we scrapped around 200 pages total this month! That is a lot of paper!

That was so much fun! I'll be glad when I can mess up the dining room table again.
I'm back from Disney :-) and I got the email from Dizfamily with her address so the prize (Disney stickers) will be mailed out this week. Congrats to Dizfamily for being the October Challenge winner :-).

Has anyone started a November challenge???? :-))))


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