scaring into October Super Goofs Challenge


Real athletes run, others just play games...
Jul 24, 2007
Here it is...the October thread. Post your many miles here. Scare it up Goofs!!!

Team members:
Cruella de Mom-Cecilia/co-captain GOING GOOFY

Creative Beth-Beth/PA
HockeyGirl-Laurie/NY GOING GOOFY
Jmasgat-Maura/MI 1/2 MARATHON BOUND
Ksoeherlein-Kim/AL 1/2 MARATHON BOUND
Nukeman-Steve (DH of Escape)
Pungodingy-Angie/NH 1/2 MARATHON BOUND
ReAnSt-Becky (injured reserve)
SuzanNews-Suzanne/FL 1/2 MARATHON BOUND
Hello Goofs,

So hard to believe that we are going into October.

Yesterday no miles but the lawn got mowed. Total time 75 minutes.

HaVe a good Sunday and hopefully I can begin to get more mileage under my belt.

Lisa- today is Sunday- day of rest. Why the heck are you up and posting before 5 AM!!

Yesterday I did the body flow class and body pump. I cut body pump short because I did not do the lunges or the shoulders. Total time was 1.45 hours.

I am going to have a PT eval on Monday. I will be meeting with a personal trainer after so hopefully I will have some good news. I can weight bear okay now. As soon as I start running it flairs up again.
I also can't believe it is already October...YIKES!!!

Went for my 7 mile LR this morning in the RAIN!! It was only drizzling when I went out, but by the time I was done it was coming down quite hard. The only good thing was that it wasn't too cold, so I pushed through, doing a r2/w2 interval. I actually feel pretty good right now, hopefully that is a good sign!

7 miles/1:26

Hope everyone has a great day!!

Groovygirls-Good luck with the PT eval tomorrow, hope that goes well!
October already?!?

I jogged/walked the Chick Fil A Miracle Miles 5K yesterday. It was great. I will post my mileage and time later. My Garmin came in at 3.35 miles instead of 3.1 and while I weaved around people in the beginning to get past the walkers, someone else said the course was alittle long. I was able to jog for 1/4 mile at a time, which is huge for me, without feeling like I was going to fall over. Guess I am finally "getting it".

14 days to go till Race for the Taste!!
Whoops. I posted yesterday's miles in the Sept thread. Today DH and I did 2 miles at the park. I always have fast times there, so I thought the "2 laps = 1 mile" sign was lying. Well TrailGuru verified that it really is a half mile loop. I did my 2 miles in 21:26.
Knee is much better after 5 days of rest, ice, Aleve, and stretching.

Going to swim this morning to cross train, and give the knee one more day of rest, than back to (I HOPE I HOPE I HOPE) a regular marathon training regimen.

Good morning Goofs! This is my second attempt at posting this so it will be the abbreviated version.

:hug: and :wizard: :wizard: to all the sick and wounded here in our little family. After you view the spreadsheet, you should be feeling ready and raring to go!!

I have done the update and for September, the Goofs are sitting in 2nd place for miles and 1st place for hours. Pat on the back everyone!!! Overall, we are hanging tough in 3rd place for miles and 2nd place for time. If we all work really hard for the next couple months, we can back door everyone and come out the surprise winner!! So, who is going to be at the WISH meet in January to pick up the prize????

Here are the month totals for everyone in miles/hours format:
Princessrunner: 130.03/19.44
CruelladeMom: 82.45/13.48

ArelysAdriana: 0
CreativeBeth: 77.50/19.48
Escape: 173.50/13.92
Groovygirls: 89.20/32.18
Hockeygirl: 21.30/4.62
Jmasgat: 50.13/13.58
Lynnielou: 16.60/5:08
Ksoeherlein: 52.60/10.18
UpDisney: 0
Nukeman: 227.95/18.17
Pungodingy: 50.30/9.98
Laxdef69: 121.20/13.95
ReAnSt: 0
Floridagirl: 18.80/1.62
SuzanNews: 70.17/10.94 (I hope your reached your goal!!)
Mla1977: 3.50/1.21
DisneyLuv: 42.22/21.78

Look how far you have all come!!! We only have 3 months to go in the "game" so keep working hard and I know we can do this!!!!! :cheer2: :cheer2:
I get to add 5 miles in for EEC and that should be doubled since it was a race right???!!! So add 10 milles and 100 minutes for me. Yipee!

EEC was fun. Definately worth doing if you are a Disney Lover like me. Dh was a machine and push/pulled me the whole 5k so I ran faster than I ever have in my entire life. It felt good.

Hi Goofs!

Lisa - thanks for being such a terrific team captain! :worship:

Cecilia - glad you had a good time at the EE. Sounds like it was a lot of fun!

groovygirls - more :wizard: for your knees.

Mike - glad your knee is doing better!

Suzanne - great pace!!! :cool1:

I'm back from the 50 mile ride in Little Rock this weekend. Whew! I did it and I had a lot of fun in the process! If it weren't for some really steep and long hills, I probably could have done the 75 mile route. Oh, well. Maybe next year. The only downside is that I lost my cateye computer somewhere along the route. I'm not sure about my exact time so I'm just going to make a guess.

Saturday, Sept 27:

Susie: 50 miles, 3.5 hours (100 miles for event! :cool1: )

Steve: 50 miles, 2.75 hours (100 miles)
Just checking in after a busy weekend....

Saturday was just my long dog walk--3 miles in 1 hour (not counting the detours to sniff/pee/chase squirrels--the dog, not me!)

Yesterday I did 4 miles in probably around 40 minutes. I didn't bring a watch. That way, I won't get hung up on how long it takes me when I run outdoors. Just going by how I feel.

Today was 50 minutes of strength/stretch.

Susie Congrats on your bike ride--sounded good, but strenuous.

Joanne Hope your PT appt. goes well.

Mike Hope your first run back goes well and the knee is no problem.

Cecilia, Suzanne Great jobs on your races. :cool1: Cecilia--you are one fast lady! Suzanne--you are getting it. You'' be running the 1/2 soon!

Off to fix dinner and lament the stock market dives.

I have no idea how far, just worked on form for 30 minutes.

Tomorrow is the first run in 6 days....uh oh...
Today is a rest day for me..which is good as I am not feeling so well tonight....ugh! I have a sore throat and I have no fiance loves that (not that I am sick, but that I can't talk!!!) Hopefully, I am feeling better tomorrow, as I have a bunch of appointments to go to for our wedding. I am meeting with 3 florists tomorrow to start deciding on who will do our wedding, I am very excited about this!

Good thing we are off of school for the next two days!!!! :cool1: I can rest up, go to these appointments and get my workouts in, and not be dead tired at the end of the day. I am actually thinking about trying out a water aerobics class at my gym tomorrow to see what it is like, I hear it is good, so I will probably check it out.

Back to working out tomorrow for me, so that means I will have an update!
Crap- my post was deleted!

Good news first- I rode for 3 hours today. We did a long trail ride, mostly walking because he was a bit spooky and I was afraid I would lose complete control. Finished off with some flat work. Posting trot was quite painful but we managed to do some fancy dressage work (for me anyways!).

Bad news- PT consult is either bursitis, tendonitis, or something that starts with a p. Treatment will be the same- RICE, ultrasound treatments, and PT. They suggested a cortisone injection and I said no way!

Ultrasound will be three times a week with the goal of me getting thru MCM (I promised a period of rest after (Oh I forgot- I'm doing Goofy!)

I'm meeting with a personal trainer prior to my ultrasound appointment tomorrow. This is my second week with no running and I am getting nervous. Someone needs to talk me off the ledge! I am hoping to come up with a workable plan

Extra bad news- applefest is out too. I will be screaming away and running in spirit!
Good morning Goofs!!

Joanne: :scared1: :scared1: Your hometown race and you cannot even do it???!!! Best to take care of yourself so you can complete MCM. :wizard:

Mike: Good luck on the run today. Keeping fingers crossed that you are back to normal-ish...:upsidedow

Laurie: :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: Best of luck with your appointments today. I hope you are feeling better and at least get your voice back!!

Maura: I don't think I could run without my Garmin now. I don't check it that often but it is like a security blanket now.

Susie/Steve: Starting out October with 100 miles each....priceless!!!!! Great job on the ride. That is one of the things on my list of things to do...a century ride!!

Cecilia: I have seen some of the photos of EE and it looks like a hoot. My question is, did you HAVE to ride EE? I have a height issue that precludes that. Just that one little space where you see how high you are ruins the whole ride for me. I am such a sissy....:sad2:

As for me, I got my 8 miles in albeit interrupted by the 2 ladies in the gym needing the twin ellipticals again. I finished on the gauntlet (rotating staircase) and my knees and I are not talking today. Staff meeting this afternoon and then hopefully a 4 mile quickie before dinner.

Have a good one Goofs...rock on!!! :rockband:
Lisa: I am not sure where my totals should go.....

Thursday 9/25: 5 miles
50 min

Saturday 9/27: 3 miles
40 min

Sunday 9/28: Toronto 1/2 marathon (for total 26.2 miles)
2:40 min

First run back after 6 days of icing and stretching...felt pretty good...We'll see how the rest of the day goes...

had to stop and stretch about the 3 mile mark, but it felt good to be back out...

I'll keep you posted, and thanks for the kind thoughts!!!

Hi Goofs!

I had to cut my run short today. I had stomach issues that just kept getting worse as I ran. Bummer.

6.0 miles in 1:02:44



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