ScoJo's Running Down a Dream Journal (comments welcome)

Hey Scott!

We're back from the World and I'm stopping by to see how you are doing.... Hope all is well! :goodvibes

Have a great week before Christmas! :thumbsup2
Hey Scott - how about that Survivor finale last night? That was CLOSE!! :thumbsup2

Hope all is well with you. You better post soon, or else I'm gonna look like a stalker. :rotfl:
Hey Scott,

Where are you, WISH buddy? :magnify: Haven't "seen" you for awhile.... Hope everything is going well for you and your family. Take care! :goodvibes
So is a 12 day absence acceptable??

Things have been a bit hectic in The Scott's world recently so I apologize to those who have dropped by and offered kind words of encouragement and support...I do thank you all very much!


Not gonna recap all of the workouts and rest days. I have no major injuries or successes to report and have been pretty much status quo except for an out of town trip that squashed working out for four days. So this week it's back into the normal routine, in the midst of a three week taper to the marathon start.

I cannot believe that two weeks from tomorrow, I'll be driving down to Orlando to finally make this thing happen. It's surreal and bittersweet. I still have the mentality that I'm not gonna push myself in the least bit, and in fact am just gonna try to enjoy the marathon as much as possible. Oddly enough, I see it as the reward for making it through such a brutal training schedule. My accomplishment has become making it there as opposed to actually doing the marathon.

Anyway...taper, taper, is what the next few days will bring:

Today - 30 XT....gonna probably do 40 XT since I feel the need :)
Thursday - off...going to a Thrashers game
Friday - 40 min run
Saturday - 30 XT
Sunday - 10 mile long run. Will probably do 14-16 since I missed a long run last week. BUT, I'm not gonna do anything that will potentially cause injury.
Monday - off...

So let's see....I liked the Amazing Race finish, I was pulling for Rob/Kim but the boys definitely deserved to win, how bogus was the "phone call" from the family? Shouldn't they have been there?.....Survivor, ugh, Ozzy deserved every cent of that money and I'm really disappointed that Yul ended up winning.....The Office, OMG! What a hilarious Christmas episode!! If you missed it, it's on again tomorrow night.

Well, I think that's about it for now. Hope everyone has a good day! Thanks again for stopping by!
Um yes, I think I speak for all of your fans (I mean friends) here that say 12 days is too long to go Scott-free! Welcome back!! :wave:

I can't believe you're only 2 weeks away from heading down to WDW!! How awesome is that?? I seriously can't wait for you to come home from that trip to hear all about it! Definitely enjoy it!! :thumbsup2

I actually was happy with Yul winning survivor. I liked him from day one. Ozzy grew on me the past few weeks, and I definitely wouldn't have been disappointed if he won, because he certainly deserved it too. Amazing Race - I wasn't happy with any of the final 3 teams, so it didn't thrill me too much. I thought it was cheesy that the models made it on that last flight. I'm thinking maybe there was an intervention of some type to get them (or one other team) on that flight so the finale wasn't a blow-out. :sad2: And the Office Christmas party....OMG!! :happytv: That was the hardest we've EVER laughed at a tv show! I can't wait to watch it again tonight. We had DVR'd it last week but then deleted it right after we watched it. That's an episode I could easily watch over & over again. :rotfl:

Keep in touch, Scott. And keep up the AWESOME work! Don't push it with your long run this weekend.

And have a WONDERFUL holiday season!!!
Good to see you back Scott!!! Just a couple more weeks until the big day! Take it easy this weekend on your long run. It it called "taper" for a reason and logging extra miles now is not letting your body rest and replenish itself. You are completely ready and will have a great time!

Have a very merry Christmas, if I don't get back on before. :sunny:
Merry Christmas, Scott!

I hope you and your family had a wonderful holiday! :)

The marathon is coming up soon. Please know that we will be cheering you on from Ohio!

Have a great week!
Merry Christmas, Scott!!

I have not had a chance to stay caught up with your progress very much lately, but I was confident that you were still over here doing awesome as usual!! I did catch up today. I can't believe that the marathon is so close now!!! YOU are going to do AWESOME!! I am so proud of your determination and stick-to-it-ness!! You set this goal back when a half-marathon seemed an incredible feat and now you are ready for a WHOLE MARATHON!!


GOOD LUCK!!! I know you can do it!! See ya soon and I can't wait to hear all about it!!
Geez stomach is turning just thinking about a marathon!! You are amazing in your training and preparation!!! I can't wait to hear how it goes!!

Extra prayers and PD for you these next few weeks while getting ready for the big day!!!


ps-hope you had a merry christmas!!
YO SCOTT!!! It's gettin' CLOSE!!! I'm so excited for you and seriously can't wait to hear all about it. (you better not keep us waiting on THAT trip report!!)

I hope everything is going well for ya! Take care and good luck!!! :thumbsup2
Hey, Scott! I haven't been around much lately to write, but I've been catching peeks here & there. The progress you've made this year has been nothing but PHENOMENAL!!!!! Heck, I'm proud of you & barely know you! I can't imagine how your family feels!!

I'll be thinking about you & praying you & all the WISHers do well at WDW!

Have a Happy, Healthy New Year!
Thank you so much...everyone...for posting the well wishes and kind words!!

Has been a pretty slow week with the marathon taper setting in....just seems like I should be out there running more than I am, but I guess that's why they call it a taper, eh?

One week from now it will be all over and it's kind of crazy to even think that nearly a year's worth of training along with the marathon itself will all be completed by this time next week. To say I'm a little nervous/anxious would be an understatement, but I'm very confident in my abilities to pull this off and get that medal that is waiting for me at the finish line.

Yes, I will have a 'marathon' report once I do return...I'll certainly try to capture the feel for what it's like to be there, taking in all of the surroundings while putting my body thru a huge test of endurance.

For the record...I'll be leaving early Thursday morning so that I can get checked in at *** (lol) and then head over to the Expo. I will have the laptop with me and will try to report from down there, but don't hold it against me if I don't ;)

I hope everyone has a safe New Year's celebration tonight!! I will be watching tv with a huge glass of water OR sleeping the night away....can't afford any alcohol intake or the consequences afterwards with the marathon so close.

Thanks again for checking up on me, I really appreciate it!! I could not have made this journey without the MASSIVE support I've received on these boards.

Until next time....
I'll be offline next week but just wanted to check in before you head off for the big race:banana: :banana: :banana: You will have an awesome time, I'm sure and you will complete a great race too. Can't wait to hear all about it. Savor the experience of your first marathon!

Mr. Incredible
Super Scott
Running Man
Marathon Man

ok, that's it.

Have a GREAT one!! I know the start of 2007 is gonna be awesome!! And I'm sure there's only more incredible stuff to come from you in the future! :thumbsup2
The marathon and the accomplishment of your dream is a great way to start off 2007, Scott! You are going to do a fabulous job at the marathon! You have accomplished so much in the past year... All of your WISH buddies are proud of you!:grouphug: We'll be cheering you on to VICTORY from here in balmy Ohio, land of the soon to be national champion Ohio State Buckeyes!:cheer2: I can't wait to read your marathon report!:banana:

Have a Happy New Year, filled with abundant blessings for you and your family!:goodvibes

I just got finished packing most of the stuff for the trip to WDW. I cannot believe it's actually time to go do this!!

I'll be leaving super early tomorrow and will be returning next Tuesday night. I will have a laptop with me and MAY report in from the world...I AM anticipating sore legs after all ;)

I hope everyone has a great week end and weekend :)

Thanks a million to every single person who has posted, read and/or followed along in this journey. You all were a huge influence on me doing this in the first place and I definitely would not be where I am today without all of the great support I've received on these boards. Thank you all so much!!!

All the countless hours of cross training and running have come down to just 26.2 more miles :) It's so hard to believe that it's actually here and that I've made it this far....I will guarantee that I'm gonna enjoy every minute of being on that course, no personal records, no pushing my limits beyond what is necessary...I'm gonna soak all of this one in and hopefully have an incredible experience.

Thanks so much for sticking with me thru all of this...I'll definitely post upon my return :)


You've worked so hard, I really hope this is an amazing experience for you!!!

:cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2:
Go SCOTT GO!!!:cheer2:

We'll be cheering you on from the Buckeye state! You have done an incredible job getting ready for this, Scott. Be sure and savor every moment of your experience.:cloud9:
WOO HOO! :woohoo: Tomorrow's your BIG DAY! The day you've been working towards for months and months!!! :banana:

I'm just so excited for you. You've trained SO hard! I'm sure you'll do GREAT and have an awesome time.

:cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2:


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