Sean Faulk?

This is a really good point.

I do a podcast (and have been featured on a couple others) geared toward audio (think: audiophiles, without snobbery) and we used to structure our interviews/discussions so that we appeared more "polished" and "prepared" but what we found was that the listeners appreciated the real-time discussion/reactions. If your podcast is telling a story then structure certainly applies but for discussion-type podcasts the structure is more of a limiting factor.

When the conversation is more "off the cuff" it tends to be more lively. Of course, I'll often jot down things I want to talk about with my fellow podcasters and I take notes as they say things I want to come back to but we don't discuss anything about the topic before we hit the record button. At some point the audience is past listening strictly for the content; it's the personalities that keep them coming back to a podcast/team. When conversations are more organic the reactions are not just more "real" but... there. The listener, IME, appreciates the feeling that they're in the mix with you in real time moreso than listening to after-the-fact thoughts and anecdotes. You guys do a great job of this in your weekly DIS Unplugged podcast and maybe extending that out to your other series' would benefit you and the listener.

I also don't want this to be perceived as anything other than some feedback from a listener. I think you guys do a great job with your shows. But the PP made a good point in response to Craig's earlier reply and I wanted to expand on that with my own podast experiences. I really and truly appreciate what you all (the DIS team) are doing. I understand how feedback can sometimes feel like a slap in the face for all the work you're already doing and I hope my responses are not taken as anything more than constructive criticism.

In terms of the discussion about Best and Worst, this has been a very helpful discussion. I'm glad that I can be honest with you all about the current state of the show and you have been so helpful in not cutting us down, but trying to toss out ideas to help make it better. So please know that none of this is being taken like a slap in the face.

As for discussing the topic ahead of time... at the very least Ryno and I have to know what the topic is, because he is the host and I'm usually his right hand man on the final product. Sometimes we involve the entire group on the decision when we are struggling with a topic, but utilizing the Theme Parks Attractions and Strategies board will most likely eliminate the need for group discussion ahead of time and we can shift more towards reacting to their responses - not always responding to polls, but just their opinions.
Totally agree with this one. I'd gladly participate in polls that will help drive podcast conversations. I see the DVC show is using the DVC board for feedback/ideas. I don't use FB anymore either and your most direct connection to your most loyal listeners/readers are on this board already. I'm a big supporter of the podcast and the boards (Patreon), so I also just want to give a little feedback here since I want all platforms to continue to be successes.
Just in case you don't read every single post on here, I want to make sure you know that we are going to be utilizing the Theme Parks Attractions & Strategies forums for Best and Worst topics in the future, and we'll try to make sure that it's labelled clearly so y'all know that it's us looking for show help. That being said, if it shows that I started a post then I think most people know I'm not just starting conversation for the halibut.
I don't think this is true. People don't come to WDW simply for the resorts. People come to WDW for the parks. Some of them prefer to stay at a WDW resort rather than off property. Its that off property segment that is the target of the resort expansion/enhancements. Its the number of people going to the parks that is increasing, perhaps due to better advertising or current enhancements.

Love this idea. Although I'm a serious fan of all the Disney parks (and much more), WDW was my first park and I enjoy knowing how different attractions came to be. I love the back story. I love to see blueprints. I love to know the challenges the imagineers encountered when creating the attraction.

You are definitely spot on...think I was wording what I was trying to say a bit incorrectly. The need for increased resort space has been , and still is, most definitely there. It just seems that Disney has let so many attractions get outdated while resort expansion has been very actively occurring. More and more people have been getting funneled into parks that have been increasingly cut back for renovation. Please don’t get me wrong. I couldn’t be happier to see that the attraction aspect is getting the much needed attention and love now. I just wish it could have been phased in a little better, and while the resorts were being improved:)
Now that you brought my name into I feel I must respond.

What you've posted is a complete and total mischaracterization of who we are and what occurs on the shows. We share our honest opinions of what we experience both now and in the past. We have always done that and will continue to do so for as long as we can, probably long after everyone stops watching and listening knowing us :smooth:

No one has every said "Walt Disney World and everyone besides us who goes there is complete trash and I'd rather be shot than spend another day at the parks." That is something you're hearing through your own filter.

To extrapolate on your comment on 'why would we do it because we despise it' I could say the same to you - why do you continue to watch/listen to our podcast if you despise us? See what it's like to have someone who knows nothing about you make broad assumptions.

I think you are hearing what you want and interpreting it your own way.

I find this depiction offensive.

Not sure what your listening to that would bring you to the point where you hear that we think anyone is trash.

If this is what you're should stop listening immediately.

My apologies if that's not how you feel. That was my perception of what I felt your opinion was at this point. Clearly, I was wrong and honestly I'm glad that my assumptions were incorrect. But again, I'm sorry for putting opinions in your mouth you don't hold.
They aren't being phoned in, but there's a finite amount of topics that we can talk about before we are just repeating ourselves blindly and we hit that point a year ago. We tried with topics we thought were different and interesting, like the smells episodes, and the feedback was that we were phoning it in. We can't handle dining topics because the Disney Dining Show does that. The hotels haven't changed. The attractions have changed and we are now going to start repeating topics around them, but ultimately we are doing a weekly show that probably can't justify it for a thousand show run.

Craig, you could easily do dining topics again on the show and still do the dining show. The dining show hasn’t done a list in as long as I can remember and typically sticks to reviews. You’re doing yourselves a disservice by keeping dining off of best and worst because they were easily your most engaging episodes and give you a plethora of content to use that is constantly updating so you can do similar topics every few months with updated menu items, locations, concepts, etc

Also your other best content tends to be hypothetical ideas... possible suggestions you could use are Best and Worst IP that should/shouldn’t be used in Tomorrowland, Best and Worst Marvel characters you think would or wouldn’t work in Disney, Best and Worst ideas for a 5th gate, etc. I think that people get the “phoning in” impression because a lot of the creativity on ideas is not what is used to be.

Also throw in some Suck/Doesn’t suck, do topics in some sort of listed order (not just the “let’s dive right in with no particular order” that’s been going on the last few months).. it really comes off as thrown together last minute, even if that’s not the case.

I don’t expect anyone who matters to read this all the way through but if any of you do I sill want to mention you guys all rock, I’m just giving some constructive comments from a viewer who loves the content. Best and worst got me hooked on this channel and I doubt I’m alone there!
the thing I definitely want back is the polls. Those could change drastically year to year in the context of a Best and worst Show and even the Dining Show(if dining show would do lists again, they need updating). And doing polls with DisBoards instead of Facebook could be great engagement.
the thing I definitely want back is the polls. Those could change drastically year to year in the context of a Best and worst Show and even the Dining Show(if dining show would do lists again, they need updating). And doing polls with DisBoards instead of Facebook could be great engagement.
If possible, when posting polls on the boards, could you post links on Facebook and Twitter? Even those of us who are regulars on the boards may not always go to the forum where the polls are being posted.
I sincerely appreciate the feedback, so thank you, and I'm definitely sharing your thoughts with Ryno since he curates the show. The only thing we are locked into is the format, which I know sounds silly, but it's a format that Pete wants to have, so unless we can pull away from it with proven success, we do what the boss wants, but we are definitely trying to spice it up.

I'm assuming the boss wants the format because lists bring in the views. People love lists. If that is the case then I suggest you get granular. Shorter shows and quicker hits. Top 5 best room locations at Coronado. Top 5 menu items wherever. Top 5 toys at whatever store.

It's essentially what the DFB does on a weekly basis. Those clickbait titles are what people are looking for when the Google for answers when they are planning vacations.

If that IS NOT the case then buy the boss man a good cup of coffee and tell him to loosen the reigns a bit so you can get creative.
Just in case you don't read every single post on here, I want to make sure you know that we are going to be utilizing the Theme Parks Attractions & Strategies forums for Best and Worst topics in the future, and we'll try to make sure that it's labelled clearly so y'all know that it's us looking for show help. That being said, if it shows that I started a post then I think most people know I'm not just starting conversation for the halibut.
Just responded!! Always happy to participate. :)
Could the show expand to "The Best and Worst of Orlando"? Cover some Universal and SeaWorld topics, compare across the parks (best water slide, worst restroom, most unfortunate place to be forced to listen to obnoxously loud K-pop while waiting for your ice cream) and venture out of the parks to discuss local nightlife, events, shopping, etc...

Also, The Dining Show generally only covers table service. There are plenty of counter service, snack and beverage topics that could be covered without duplicating content.

I Love K-POP!!
I think there is a level of "fandom" for this crew that is borderline weird at times.
People waiting with baited breath for Pete to pop off and rant. People convinced Craig is crabby and hates Disney. People that think Julie is the worst. Several generalizations that I've seen posted on these boards over time. Someone doesn't show up on the show for a while and the inevitable thread of "where is ____?"
They employ a lot of staff and contributors. Newbies go through a hazing with the audience. I felt so bad for Charles but now he's a regular and people calmed down. Somebody leaves and conspiracy theories ignite.

It's really silly. It's entertainment. It's their business and they're doing the best they can, they keep it fresh and reach out for input. To insult or make these semi-veiled accusations about intent or level of Disney love and devotion is so stinkin ridiculous. Just be nice. It's Disney, it's not supposed to get people upset. You WILL find what you're looking for.
I think it's pretty flattering that someone asked where the new guy has been and likes him. If I was sean I would be very honored and flattered and someone inquired and inquired because they wanted more of me! I mean in my house, that's like not happening!!! I'm jealous! To see that as a negative is defensive I guess because I see it as pretty damn cool. And to be someone on the podcast that people see as ' fandom' level is great fun! And if someone isn't a fan of a podcaster (there are many of them on disunplugged so you're not going to like all of them) it's not to take personally, it's just a matter of style or relatability that's all. Pete should feel really good he chose someone like sean that someone is saying hey, where did that guy go?! He must've made an impression which is awesome!
I think there is a level of "fandom" for this crew that is borderline weird at times.
People waiting with baited breath for Pete to pop off and rant. People convinced Craig is crabby and hates Disney. People that think Julie is the worst. Several generalizations that I've seen posted on these boards over time. Someone doesn't show up on the show for a while and the inevitable thread of "where is ____?"
They employ a lot of staff and contributors. Newbies go through a hazing with the audience. I felt so bad for Charles but now he's a regular and people calmed down. Somebody leaves and conspiracy theories ignite.

It's really silly. It's entertainment. It's their business and they're doing the best they can, they keep it fresh and reach out for input. To insult or make these semi-veiled accusations about intent or level of Disney love and devotion is so stinkin ridiculous. Just be nice. It's Disney, it's not supposed to get people upset. You WILL find what you're looking for.

I’d say the only exception to this post is Craig, he really seems to have a disdain for Disney at times when it comes to their business practices. I can’t say I don’t agree with some of his opinions though.
I’d say the only exception to this post is Craig, he really seems to have a disdain for Disney at times when it comes to their business practices. I can’t say I don’t agree with some of his opinions though.
I think Pete is also frequently vocal about poor decisions Disney makes. Disney isn't all sunshine and rainbows like they used to be. Things have gone downhill in many respects over the years. The stock might be at record levels but guest experience has suffered in the pursuit of maximizing profits. One reason I love the DIS team is because they aren't afraid to call it as they see it. I've occasionally listened to some other Disney podcasts and could barely get through one episode because it was nothing but rah-rah cheerleading for all things Disney. Even Disney themselves isn't as effusively praising as some of these podcasts are.

Craig loves Disney. So does Pete. So does everyone else on the team. It's why they do what they do. And it's why they care so deeply and are so passionate about the topics they cover.


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