Sept. 11th, 2004!!! Roll Call!

What are you guys going to do for transportation if we are shipping out of PE? We had booked with Happy Limo roundtrip for PC, but now don't know what we'll do if going out of PE. I thought about the Disney bus, but 3-4 hours with a bus full of people (let alone my own antsy children) doesn't appeal to me. I am thinking about getting a rental car, but then the question is where will we disembark- will PC be up and running or will we be in PE? We leave tomorrow night and I would like to have made a decision, but I'm torn. I know Disney buses would be easier because they would take care of everything, but from what I hear they get to port later also. Just wondering what you guys are thinking.

As far as everything else, I don't care where we go or when we get there. I just want to get to the ship- which is proving to be harder than I thought!

My Celebration-based TA just called. She said DCL is fairly confident that PC will open on Friday. Who knows...that could certainly change at any moment. Just thought I'd pass along what she said. :confused:
Lisa...what are your thoughts on Ivan? One minute I say we're going and the next I say we're not...I think I am going crazy!!:crazy:
Did Happy Limo call you today? They called me this morning and told me just to let them know as soon as I knew if we needed them or not! She was very nice and knows we don't know much at this point!
If we go out of PE, we'll have to take DCL bus, there are 7 of us with 14 pieces of luggage :crazy: so I'm not going to rent 2 cars!
Bus is our only choice I guess!:(
Happy Limo did call me today. It was nice to know that they were actually aware of the issues and willing to work with us on short notice. I guess we'll just count on using Happy Limo to get to PC and if things change at the last minute we'll have to use the Disney buses. I am hoping the Orlando Marriott has internet access that I can use as soon as I get in on Friday. I am also taking the phone numbers for DCL, Dreams, and Happy Limo just in case. I printed some information about different ports that we may or may not be visiting just so that I have some info ahead of time. I looked up St. Thomas, St. Maarten and Costa Maya. Hopefully we will have a better idea what's going on late tomorrow or early Friday.
I don't really trust DCL as far as letting us know what is going on... but I do trust PC... and on there web it seems like we are good to go. ::yes::
And whats this talk about NOT GOING???? Come on now aren't we past that? :confused: We are going silly!! The question really is Where are we going?

See you all soon!!

-nat :earsgirl: & baby :cloud9:
natale...the only reason I would say that I wasn't going is if Ivan hits Florida..which would put my house and family in the path for the third time. I can't leave my son and pet in a house without power, water, phone, etc. Right now I am in a down mood about the whole thing. :(
GOTTA SNAP OUT OF IT!!!!! Sorry...just venting. Very tired from the stress of these hurricanes!!

I just came online to ask you the same question. My husband and I have changed our minds all day long...we watch one forecaster who says it doesn't look like Ivan will hit FL and then turn the channel and see another one saying it looks like FL will sustain another HARD hit! Geesh! I really feel like I'm close to losing my mind (Just 4 weeks ago I was a confident, happy and content person! I want that Lisa to come back.:p ) Anyway, I'm sorry you are feeling badly, too, but I guess I'm glad I have company. It makes me feel just a little less nuts!:crazy2: :scared:

I'll keep my fingers crossed that tomorrow we wake up to a MUCH more favorable storm track (or better yet, a dead-in-the-water hurricane Ivan!)

Oh, I just saw your earlier post where you said my husband may have to prescribe something to help us cope!:teeth: We've been married more than 16 years and I've never had him write me a scrip, but the longer this mess goes, the better it is sounding!;) Either that, or I may start drinking.:drinking1
Lopezgang and ldb1030 when you talked to happy today ...did they say how much it would be...or if they could take you to the other port? Has anyone checked into a rental car? I would think we would need at least a minivan...with all of our luggage. It's crazy how much stuff we have.

I to am worried about spending so much time on a bus and getting to the port late. I guess all we can do is hope and pray PC will be open. :).
For now I am done with work!:bounce:
Tomorrow is drop the dogs at the vet's to board, take Mom to the doctor for a recheck.
get traveller's checks, run a few last minute errands
Take Mom to hairdresser's
PACK PACK some more
Go to sleep (for at least a few hours) and then off to MCO early Friday!

I keep getting phone calls from friends who inform me about PC being closed. First one of my staff called last night whose folks have a home in Melbourne left a message about the closing.
Just now one of Diane's neighbors called after talking to her daughter in Florida. Her son in law is a maritime engineer based in FL and told her that PC is closed. I told her that by hook or by crook we are getting to that ship!!!!!:crazy:

As of the last tropical update on the weather channel Ivan had devastated grenada, was tracking toward Jamaica and looks like it will cream the Caymans/Yucatan (Cozumel) in the next 2 days. But the projected track could take it up and over the keys too. The furthest ahead is early Sunday/Monday and looks to be south of the keys even if it tracks more north! But that would probably still rule out Key West because of heavy seas!

Just let me get on the ship!!!!!!!!Please!!!!!!!:headache: :tilt: :rolleyes:

Pray for PC to open::yes::
Pray for Ivan to go away, far, far away::yes:: pirate:
Tryed calling DCL earler today...but didn't get through. :( I just wish they would make up their minds on where we are suppose to plans can be made. From the sound of it PC crew went to work today...which as said before dosn't give much time to clear out all the sand in time for Saturday. It seems like it may just be easer for everyone...including DCL to just make the call...and port at PE. That way buses could be schedulled, cars could be rented, flights could be changed....and so on. Why drag it out...and wait until the last min. I guess they must have their reasons. Myself I am hoping PC is just wouldn' t be the same not walking through the giant mouse ears...:)
Wow! So many things to think about this week. We booked the Holiday Inn (Cocoa Beach) through Priceline. All week I've been trying to find out if they will be open Friday night. All I kept getting was a message saying that it was Sept 2nd and they were evacuating until it was safe to return. No indication of when they would be reopening. Even their national number didn't have a clue what was going on there (you'd think there'd be some communication going on so their guests could plan accordingly). Finally, today their national number admitted that they'd be closed on Friday. I don't know if anyone else is planning on staying there---but if so, I'd suggest rebooking somewhere else. Priceline refunded my money and fortunately I had a contingency booking at the Courtyard near MCO.

For those looking for more info regarding Port Canaveral there's an interesting article in Florida Today!NEWSROOM/hurricanestoryN0908PORT.htm. Apparently Frances pushed in sand at some places to limit the depth to only 27 feet. Depth was 41 feet before the storm and they need 37 to reopen for the cruise ships. It sounds like they are still investigating how extensive the dredging efforts will be. It looks iffy (but possible) that the port will be dredged by the time the Magic is due back Saturday morning. I’ve got a rental set up and will drive to Port Everglades if necessary (I’m crossing my fingers that we won’t have to…)

Good Luck to Everyone,
Welcome Wonder091204Reads! I told my son that we may not be doing the stingray excrsion and he almost started to cry. I did not expect that reaction from him. I too am disappointed that we may not be going there. That is the one excursion that I was looking forward to. I am hoping that we may still be able to make it there, but if not, maybe I will just have to rebook while on board.

natale1980, I hope that what you were told about Castaway Cay is true.

**Updated as of 9/8/04**

ldb1030 with DH, DD13 and 4 other family members - (cruising with aaronamy) - early dining

amgpmg with DH, DS8 and DD4 (5 in October) - late dining


aaronamy with DH, DD13 & DS10 - cruising with ldb1030 - late dining

NancyDVC with DBF (Disney Best Friend) & DMOM - Late dining

hookedonmagic with DH

Jayv1 with DW & DS19mos

dvcspain with DH


Hunter's mama with DH, DS19mos

Scrapperjill with DH, DD6 & DD11 - late dining

sunshine103 with DH, DS9 & DS5

cathyscrapper with DH, DD7, DS3, DFIL - traveling with Fredascrapper & Family - early Dining

fredascrapper, DH, DD13 aka tinkerbell710 & DD7 - traveling with cathyscrapper - Early Dining

natale1980 (& baby) with DH, DBrother & DSIL - Late dining

inluvwithpluto with DS9

cali4niacruisin with DH & DD3 (almost 4) - early dining, may change to late

Threesmiths with DH & DD6 - late dining

4sedgs with DH, DS12, DS7 - late dining

Trekkie518 with DH, DD15, DS13, DS12fatocow & DMIL

Lisa SB with DD6 & DS6 - Early Dining

tammyh with DH, DS3 & DD3

TraSee with DH - early dining

femmfaerie with DSis tink71973 & DMom - Late dining

nrk - two adults & DD3 1/2

ASRoberts with DH, DD8, DS10 & DS12

Baby Duck with DW, DS4 & DD8 months

LuvTravelToo with DW, DS11 & DS6

lopezgang (5 months pregnant) with DH, DD9, DS3(almost 4) - Late Dining

DDaily with DH, DS12, DS10, DS5, DD1 & DGrandma

MBMom with DH, DD8 & DS5

Addy27 with DD, DSIL & Child 17mos.

mrsltg with DH & DD & child3.5

Moochie'sMom with DH, DS12 (turning 13 on 9/17) & DS5

pvangordon with DH

Tampacruisers with DH (assuming) & DD6

cmctammyg with DH, DS6, DD10, DBrother & DSIL - Early Dining

Fish Finder with DW, DD5 (turning 6 on 9/12) & DD 2 (also celebrating 10th anniversary)

Leia's Mom traveling with 9 - her 4, DS's 4 & DM

Wonder091204 with DH, DD7 & DD11

Three more days until we are there:hyper:

Well a few more hours until we leave, hopefully we see everybody at the port. It's been a long week, went back to orthopedic surgeon, and he wants to do knee surgery again :-( told him I didn't want to hear about it till I was back from the cruise.

At this point in time, as long as we make it on the ship, I'll be happy.

At least we'll be on our way down tomorrow, not sure where we're headed yet LOL, but, we'll find out.

Everybody travel safe, see you soon.

Thanks for the updated list. It seems like we are adding folks everyday!
Way to go! Welcome all of you who are just joining us here!

Still trying to pack here. It seems that I am not making any headway in the packing department. Either I don't know what to bring or I have too much of somethings (not clothes other stuff).:confused:

Now with all the port info I am worried that we won't be walking throught the Mickey ears:worried: :sad1:
How soon will we know where we are cruising from? Any guesses out there?:confused:

Okay off to take a shower and then some sleep. Didn't sleep too well last night the power went off about 3:30 AM and between the dog panting (no fan to cool him) and the UPS for my 'puter beeping to let me know that there was no power I couldn't get back to sleep. The power came back on about 4:00 but by then sleep was elusive at best. :crazy: I really need this cruise wherever we sail from!::yes:: :yo-yo: :wave2:

sorry about that... didn't know what you were talking about. I hope you get to come!!


-nat :earsgirl: & baby :cloud9:
Angie and Nancy -

Travel safely! I'm working to midnight tonight and have to work normal hours tomorrow, then we're in the car on our way to FL!

See you there!

Welcome to all our new friends! :wave2:

DH called DCL tonight and the CM he spoke to told him that we would be leaving from PC. From the sound of it though, I believe different people are getting different answers. I wonder if she (the CM) said that because that's what is on schedule, and didn't want to speculate.

Still trying to find a hotel for Friday night since I cannot reach the Quality Suites where we have reservations.....very frustrating :rolleyes:

Every hotel I have called is not taking reservations, and doesn't know what their availability will be for Friday. They say to call Friday morning after 11 a.m. when they'll know who's checked out.

Wish me luck, I'm off to continue the search!

I have made some progress with packing. I have almost all of my family packed (or at least piled up to go in the suitcases) and just have me to do. That should not take too long. We have our dinner and formal wear all packed so it is just the everyday wear I need to get together as well as packing our carry on bag and a bag for Saturday morning before we leave for port. I am thinking positive that we will get to board at PC. The latest on the Port Canaveral sight states:

" Disney Cruise Line Ships to Depart from Port Everglades in Fort Lauderdale Through Thursday

September 8, 2004
September 7, 2004, Celebration, Florida -- Because Port Canaveral remains closed due to complications from Hurricane Frances, Disney Cruise Line announced today that the Disney Wonder three-night cruise scheduled to depart from Port Canaveral on Thursday, September 9, will now depart from Port Everglades in Fort Lauderdale. Disney Cruise Line reservations agents are in the process of contacting guests scheduled to set sail on the September 9 cruise to make arrangements for them to arrive in Ft. Lauderdale.

Due to the situation at Port Canaveral, both the Disney Wonder and Disney Magic disembarked guests from Fort Lauderdale this morning. The Disney Magic will set sail today on a four-night cruise to Cozumel, Mexico, and the Disney Wonder cruise that was originally scheduled to depart on Sunday, September 5, has been cancelled. Guests scheduled for the September 5 cruise had the option of sailing on the Disney Magic four-night cruise that departs today based on space availability.

The next Disney Magic cruise, scheduled to depart on Saturday, September 11, is still expected to leave from Port Canaveral as planned. "The service and cooperation from those at Port Everglades in Fort Lauderdale during this time has been incredible, and we greatly appreciate their hospitality as we work through complications from the hurricane," said Karl Holz, president of Disney Cruise Line. "I also want to thank all of the crew members who have done a tremendous job of continuing to focus on providing great guest service through Hurricane Frances."

Holz added that Disney Cruise Line is working closely with the talented leaders at Port Canaveral to re-commence operations there at the first opportunity.

Disney Cruise Line is currently performing a detailed inspection of the company's private island in the Bahamas, Castaway Cay, including its navigation channel and docking facilities. At this time, all of the other ports of call Disney Cruise Line visits - including Nassau in the Bahamas - are open for business.

Guests who have questions can call (800) WDW-CRUISE for more information or visit our website at . Media inquiries should be directed to Rena Langley, who can be reached at (407) 566-3687 or via pager at (877) 313-4763."

In addition, there is a number listed for Port Canaveral:

"For the most current information on Port operations, please call the public advisory information line at 321-783-7831 and listen for the prompts. All information is subject to change. Individuals with questions concerning cruises should directly contact the cruise line."

Let's keep our fingers crossed.

With all of the anticipation of Ivan and Frances, I keep forgetting to call and see what movies will be playing on board. Now with all that the CM are going through, I don't think I will bother them with the small inquiry. I think I can wait until I get on board to find out.

Everyone leaving shortly, have a safe trip and we will see you SOON!



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