Sept 18 2010 WB TransAtlantic Pirates/Capt Jacks Re-Repoing Repossession Cruise Pt.6

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"I am trying to plan a work trip to Toronto. I will be going end of June or after the 4th of July holiday. I will be there about 2.5 - 3 days. My days are booked with work, but wondering about weather, and if there are any must do;s that can be done in the evenings. I don't think that the Loblaw folks will care if I don't sit in the hotel... Ofcourse, I can just DIS all night..."

Sue, I highly recommend the 360 restaurant in the CN tower (although it is a bit expensive). While you're up there, take the opportunity to walk out on the glass floor - it's an experience that can't be missed! :scared1:

I second the CN tower, especially if you only have evenings and it isn't very time consuming and fun.

I also recommend Chinatown (north of Spadina/Queen), Greektown (east of Danforth/Pape), the AGO, the ROM, and Harbourfront/Toronto Islands. I don't care much for the Eaton Centre (just a large mall).

Toronto has terrific food. I really like the Cora's chain of restaurants (breakfast and lunch only). There is a great Ethiopian place I like that is tasty and really different.

Anyhow, hope that is helpful.
So, since I can't air out in another forum, I have a pickle of a situation that I don't know how to handle. Maybe someone far wiser than I can make me see the light.

I have a niece and nephew that as soon as they come into my house will go up and down opening my shutters and or opening the refrigerator and looking and then they go and ask mom for whatever I have. Let me state - I don't mind sharing anything I have, my problem is that they come in opening up my drawers and then run to their mom and ask if they can have this. Yesterday for instance, I caught my niece in the kitchen opening and moving my fridge magnets. I asked her not to do that. I even asked her not to open the fridge, to go and find something to do. (We were holding a Relay For Life Meeting). She is 5 yrs old and is advanced for her age. She ignored me and while I was playing hostess, she went and asked her mom if she could have a string cheese. These are special ones that are in the back of the bottom drawer underneath something so they are not in plain sight. I heard this and before I could answer, her mom said - did you open the fridge by yourself or did April (my DD) do it? Her answer was: I did it - I was hungry and wanted something to eat. Her mom told her she could and I was a bit put off by this. So I told her, No, I asked you NOT to do that - this is my house and I have different rules and if she could not listen to my rules, she would not be allowed into my house like her brother was banned for 2 months for stealing (granted it was only $0.50) but stealing is stealing.

My friends and family are split. SIL says that she does it all the time at grandma's house and made it seem as if this was ok but this is my house. Was or is it just me? Did I overreact? I ended up giving the string cheese to her but I wasn't happy about it. Right after, my niece was happy for about 3 minutes and then went off in search of my cabinets. :headache: I am wondering what kind of grandparent I am going to be and if I overreacted? Am I just an obsessed, crazy adult that doesn't like kids? I will be the first to help someone out but when it comes to nieces and nephews, I can't get them to listen to me AT MY OWN HOUSE. Hence, the reason I suspect that I hardly invite family over. If I react this way to toddlers now, what will I be like when my own grandchildren come? Should I lower my standards? I felt a bit justified later when my youngest told me I shouldn't have given in but April's known to not get along with little girls - guess its an Aries thing. :rotfl: Anyway, it still bothers me today and since I can't post it elsewhere (mom is a friend) had to air out here. Someone tell me that I'm not being a neurotic or that I'm justified or at least convince me that I need to loosen up and go with the I :crazy:

Sign me.......

Crazy Aunt in SoCal


You are not over reacting. In our house it is our house, our rules and all the kids know it. I think your sister needs to set boundries for her kids and teach them how to behave in other people's homes.
So, since I can't air out in another forum, I have a pickle of a situation that I don't know how to handle. Maybe someone far wiser than I can make me see the light.

I have a niece and nephew that as soon as they come into my house will go up and down opening my shutters and or opening the refrigerator and looking and then they go and ask mom for whatever I have. Let me state - I don't mind sharing anything I have, my problem is that they come in opening up my drawers and then run to their mom and ask if they can have this. Yesterday for instance, I caught my niece in the kitchen opening and moving my fridge magnets. I asked her not to do that. I even asked her not to open the fridge, to go and find something to do. (We were holding a Relay For Life Meeting). She is 5 yrs old and is advanced for her age. She ignored me and while I was playing hostess, she went and asked her mom if she could have a string cheese. These are special ones that are in the back of the bottom drawer underneath something so they are not in plain sight. I heard this and before I could answer, her mom said - did you open the fridge by yourself or did April (my DD) do it? Her answer was: I did it - I was hungry and wanted something to eat. Her mom told her she could and I was a bit put off by this. So I told her, No, I asked you NOT to do that - this is my house and I have different rules and if she could not listen to my rules, she would not be allowed into my house like her brother was banned for 2 months for stealing (granted it was only $0.50) but stealing is stealing.

My friends and family are split. SIL says that she does it all the time at grandma's house and made it seem as if this was ok but this is my house. Was or is it just me? Did I overreact? I ended up giving the string cheese to her but I wasn't happy about it. Right after, my niece was happy for about 3 minutes and then went off in search of my cabinets. :headache: I am wondering what kind of grandparent I am going to be and if I overreacted? Am I just an obsessed, crazy adult that doesn't like kids? I will be the first to help someone out but when it comes to nieces and nephews, I can't get them to listen to me AT MY OWN HOUSE. Hence, the reason I suspect that I hardly invite family over. If I react this way to toddlers now, what will I be like when my own grandchildren come? Should I lower my standards? I felt a bit justified later when my youngest told me I shouldn't have given in but April's known to not get along with little girls - guess its an Aries thing. :rotfl: Anyway, it still bothers me today and since I can't post it elsewhere (mom is a friend) had to air out here. Someone tell me that I'm not being a neurotic or that I'm justified or at least convince me that I need to loosen up and go with the I :crazy:

Sign me.......

Crazy Aunt in SoCal


Your house is YOUR house. I would say you are in charge and if they cannot abide by your rules, then they stay home. What if they had gone into a drawer that had sharp things in them? Who would they blame??

What if they then started to go thru your purse??? I really get paranoid when there are people peeking into things in my house they have no reason to be near. I know that is weird but that is just me.

Maybe you could have a special drawer that they had permission to open and choose something to play with. I have had a few friends who had that set up because children coming in were just a little too nosey and things got broken.
Well i had my MRI today. Did not get the results yet. That had to be the most pain this I have did in a while. Had to lay on my back with my arm above my head for the 40 minute i was in the machine. They had my arm in a harness that i could not move it. By the end of the MRI I was in a tons of pain i was in tears. They had to help me out of the room. After that i had to sit in the room for 20 min until the pain went down. I hope i never have to that again. I hope the result show i don't need surgery. I let you guys know as so as i do.

Well i had my MRI today. Did not get the results yet. That had to be the most pain this I have did in a while. Had to lay on my back with my arm above my head for the 40 minute i was in the machine. They had my arm in a harness that i could not move it. By the end of the MRI I was in a tons of pain i was in tears. They had to help me out of the room. After that i had to sit in the room for 20 min until the pain went down. I hope i never have to that again. I hope the result show i don't need surgery. I let you guys know as so as i do.

I am so sorry to hear that your MRI was so painful. Sounds like your injury was more than they anticipated. Prayers and pixiedust: for a non surgical outcome.
You are not neurotic or wrong. I have 6 Gk's and while I respect my children's rules in their houses, in my house the kids live by GRANDMA's rules.

I would simply talk to her and tell her if she can't live with your rules, you won't allow the kids to come over. If you don't get this resolved now, it is only going to get worse as the kids get older. Not to mention the fact that already they are getting the message from their mother that they do not have to respect you or your rules. These kids are going to have problems with boundaries at other people's houses if this is not nipped in the bud.

Just my thoughts...

You are not crazy! I know kids can be kids, but the one thing I cannot stand is lack of respect. I let Abby have friends over and they can have fun, play, etc. but when they are not respectful of my house, I do get very upset. I think you need to talk to your SIL. I agree with Noel!! My house, my rules. I don't think your rules are unfair or unjustified, they are your rules. Don't feel bad but don't let it come between you and family. I am one for communication - express your feelings.

As others have said, it is YOUR house. It is the mother's problem though, not the children. Tell her the options are: she makes them obey your rules; you make them obey your rules; or they don't visit in your home. Family visits will be at their home. 5 years old is not a toddler....

I would trade, it might be formal on my Birthday and I wanted comfortable,:confused3.


So you two should swap birthdays!!
Well i had my MRI today. Did not get the results yet. That had to be the most pain this I have did in a while. Had to lay on my back with my arm above my head for the 40 minute i was in the machine. They had my arm in a harness that i could not move it. By the end of the MRI I was in a tons of pain i was in tears. They had to help me out of the room. After that i had to sit in the room for 20 min until the pain went down. I hope i never have to that again. I hope the result show i don't need surgery. I let you guys know as so as i do.


So, so sorry you are having such a tough time with this. :hug:

Here at my house!!!!! :lmao:

Mine's all gone!! :sad2:
Just popping in to say hi before heading off to bed. I offered to help out at my sister's school's field day. I'm hoping it's a nice day and not too hot outside!

Man, I step away from the board for a few days, and you go and move on me! Good thing you all talk so much that you weren't that hard to find.

Well i had my MRI today. Did not get the results yet. That had to be the most pain this I have did in a while. Had to lay on my back with my arm above my head for the 40 minute i was in the machine. They had my arm in a harness that i could not move it. By the end of the MRI I was in a tons of pain i was in tears. They had to help me out of the room. After that i had to sit in the room for 20 min until the pain went down. I hope i never have to that again. I hope the result show i don't need surgery. I let you guys know as so as i do.


Stephen - Sorry to hear about the pain you're going through. If it helps to know that you're not alone, we have a friend who has his arm and shoulder immobilized in a sling for 9 months (I think he's 3 months into is so far)! Hopefully they find a less painful solution than the MRI was, and you have a speedy recovery.

Does anyone need any baby and toddler shoes, and other baby stuff? I spent the weekend getting my website updated to sell all of the shoes that my kids have outgrown. At one point I had 110 pairs of kids shoes (60 boy and 50 girl pairs) posted for sale! Also selling diaper bags, blankets, and other misc stuff. If anyone wants to take a look, send me a message and I'll send you the address to the site with the pictures and details. Sizes run from size 0 Infant to size 9.5 US sizing, and EU sizing 19 - 25 (I actually have some new boy shoes in sizes EU 27, 28 & 29 to post still).
Did anyone from the EBTA ever post the menus? Just wondering if I missed them somewhere???
I tried to go back and read what I'd missed in the old thread over the past several days, but there was just way to much stuff.

But I saw lots of posts about the Mickey Bars, and just wanted to share how my friends like to eat them, which really works out good. When you order a Mickey Bar for dessert in the restaurant, ask for some Raspberry sauce as well. The Mickey Bar will generally arrive in a bowl with Raspberry Sauce poured over it. The combo of that raspberry sauce and the dark chocolate shell of the Mickey Bar is incredible! I had another friend who finally gave it a try on the last night of our cruise, and declared it the most delicious dessert she'd had the whole week! For the kids they'll add sprinkles as well if you like, but they don't do anything for me.

TA2 - I saw a post about some new outfits for your stuffed friend. Princess Bunny got a new Sleeping Beauty/Aurora dress for this cruise so she's ready to go!
I'm reviving the conversation regarding the new t-shirt idea that I believe Todd brought up at the end of Chapter 5.

I think this would be awesome to see several people wearing the same design one night just as they'll see many of us with our matching embarkation shirts. The impact in the dining room, Studio Sea, The Stack, and Beat Street would be exciting to me.

I noticed that in addition to the Mickey Mouse Club shirt (which I LOVE), they also have Steamboat Willie that of course would be very cool for a picture in the lobby! (Also, I didn't realize they have a font called "Guest Check" that is nearly identical to DCL's font.)

So the question is are there enough of us to make it worth buying to go matchy-matchy? Can our friends outside of the US purchase online at If there aren't enough of us interested, obviously the impact isn't there, thus not really worth coordinating.

Thoughts? :confused3

PS: They currently have a promo for free shipping of your entire order if you purchase adult clothing or accessories. Promo Code = KIDatHEART. I also use to get a rebate on many of my purchases, including DisneyShopping.

Well i had my MRI today....That had to be the most pain this I have did in a while....By the end of the MRI I was in a tons of pain i was in tears...

Oh Stephen. How awful. :sad2: I'm so sorry, and I certainly hope you don't have to have surgery, but if that's what it takes to get you back to normal, then in some regard, it will be a relief to know.
just checking in - got caught up - I do have the menu for one night and it is posted on my facebook - it was the night we got to keep the menu. If you want to see that one, let me know.
I'm reviving the conversation regarding the new t-shirt idea that I believe Todd brought up at the end of Chapter 5.

I think this would be awesome to see several people wearing the same design one night just as they'll see many of us with our matching embarkation shirts. The impact in the dining room, Studio Sea, The Stack, and Beat Street would be exciting to me.

I noticed that in addition to the Mickey Mouse Club shirt (which I LOVE), they also have Steamboat Willie that of course would be very cool for a picture in the lobby! (Also, I didn't realize they have a font called "Guest Check" that is nearly identical to DCL's font.)

So the question is are there enough of us to make it worth buying to go matchy-matchy? Can our friends outside of the US purchase online at If there aren't enough of us interested, obviously the impact isn't there, thus not really worth coordinating.

Thoughts? :confused3

PS: They currently have a promo for free shipping of your entire order if you adult clothing or accessories. Promo Code = KIDatHEART. I also use to get a rebate on many of my purchases, including DisneyShopping.

Oh Stephen. How awful. :sad2: I'm so sorry, and I certainly hope you don't have to have surgery, but if that's what it takes to get you back to normal, then in some regard, it will be a relief to know.

DH John and I are interested. Thanks for the link and the codes.
Does anyone need any baby and toddler shoes, and other baby stuff? I spent the weekend getting my website updated to sell all of the shoes that my kids have outgrown. At one point I had 110 pairs of kids shoes (60 boy and 50 girl pairs) posted for sale! Also selling diaper bags, blankets, and other misc stuff. If anyone wants to take a look, send me a message and I'll send you the address to the site with the pictures and details. Sizes run from size 0 Infant to size 9.5 US sizing, and EU sizing 19 - 25 (I actually have some new boy shoes in sizes EU 27, 28 & 29 to post still).

I don't need any, but had a chuckle when I read this because of the biggest size you have. My son's first pair of shoes, at 8 months, was an 8 EE. I could never put shoes on him before this because none of the baby shoes fit. When he was close to taking a step I figured I needed to get him some shoes. Now at age 14, he wears a size 15. I joke with him that I'll have to buy him Shaq's old shoes soon.
just checking in - got caught up - I do have the menu for one night and it is posted on my facebook - it was the night we got to keep the menu. If you want to see that one, let me know.

I would love to see the menu if you wouldn't mind posting it.
I'm reviving the conversation regarding the new t-shirt idea that I believe Todd brought up at the end of Chapter 5.

I think this would be awesome to see several people wearing the same design one night just as they'll see many of us with our matching embarkation shirts. The impact in the dining room, Studio Sea, The Stack, and Beat Street would be exciting to me.

I noticed that in addition to the Mickey Mouse Club shirt (which I LOVE), they also have Steamboat Willie that of course would be very cool for a picture in the lobby! (Also, I didn't realize they have a font called "Guest Check" that is nearly identical to DCL's font.)

So the question is are there enough of us to make it worth buying to go matchy-matchy? Can our friends outside of the US purchase online at If there aren't enough of us interested, obviously the impact isn't there, thus not really worth coordinating.

Thoughts? :confused3

PS: They currently have a promo for free shipping of your entire order if you adult clothing or accessories. Promo Code = KIDatHEART. I also use to get a rebate on many of my purchases, including DisneyShopping.

thanks for posting this! I have been looking for us some new matching lime green t-shirts for our cruises and they have them for $12 - and we can personalize them for $5 more - trying to decide if we want to personalize them or not- if i do I want it to be something like "Cruising With Mickey"

so thank you thank you thank you!

Regarding the Mickey shirts. I think it would be fun to plan our own Club night.

I actually made my shirts last time. One of our cruisers found a high resolution file of the logo which I printed onto transfer paper and ironed onto my shirt.

Todd purchased his shirts from (not Disneystore, they didn't have them back then). The zazzle ones are cool because you can choose the placement of the logo and put it higher or lower on the front and you control the placement and font of the name on your back.
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