Sept 18 2010 WB TransAtlantic Pirates/Capt Jacks Re-Repoing Repossession Cruise Pt.7

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:banana: Yeah! He's starting to catch up to his height. LOL :banana: ANy special plans Monica?

special plans??? the ST gets a transatlantic cruise, what more do you think he needs??

Actually we will be at a family reunion on his birthday so he'll get plenty of love (or swats lol). And I got a groupon a few weeks back for a introduction to scuba diving class so I'll give that to him and he can cash it in later in the year. Of course I'm sure this will backfire on me because then he'll want the real class.
Ooooh my favourite words!!! Cheers!!!


Love it!! Cheers to you!! :)

Please let me know if these dont come today so I can track the package for you

SHIRTS CAME TODAY!!! Thank you so much, they are wonderful!!
I have 32 more working days or 259 working hours :woohoo: ...... but I am NOT counting :lmao:

I'm retired, no work days. :rolleyes: Of course I put in 51 years before I retired so.

It is such a fun way to eat and drink around the world!!!!

We plan to spend one day there and use all of our snack credits from our dining plan on the one day. :thumbsup2
OK, I need some help here.

Because of my perpetual problem of thinking I can remember everything and don't need to write it down -I can't remember something. :headache:

I know it was posted, but I would like the info for the menus/shows. :3dglasses

I think especially when you have children, you often don't have the luxury to grieve publicly. We did do lots of counseling for the loss. When I met John my life began again.

There is another woman named Tammy here on the boards who lost a husband several years ago when he was shot in his restaurant. The trial is just over and the man was sentenced to life without parole. Her family essentially gets the same sentence but not a jail one.

Just my thoughts..

My heart has been going out to Tammy during this time - we actually met Tammy and the kids on the WBTA but we already knew about the tragedy because we live in TN and get Nashville news - just did not know it was someone on the cruise at the time - we see each other's screen names and never put them together alot outside of the DIS boards. I have been following this terrible time for them on the news.
Krisann: Where do we find the link to your spreadsheet? I have added up our nights onboard.....69 night so far, will be 83 after this cruise. :woohoo:
I am currently sending out PM to anyone who has not given sizes yet for the wristbands - but it is a slow go as I can only send 5 out at a time and I still have 61 DIS names not yet reported in - so if you can please go out and let me know your info! Thanks! Here is the info:

WBTA Wristband Gift! Sizes needed please!


Every DIS'er (and their traveling party) on the WBTA in September will be getting a Lime Green, Glow in the dark Wristband as a gift.

What do you need to do to get yours? Go to:

and put in the following information:

DIS name, cabin number (please update when known for GTY) and the size you need for each cruiser - sizes are guarenteed through August 6 - we will be ordering extras in all sizes and will be first come first serve after August 6 - but please fill in your sizes even if after August 6!

The sizes are:

LARGE - 8 3/8" MEDIUM - 7 3/8" SMALL- 5 7/8"
these are in inches - and I do not know how to convert for non-USA people.

Here is the size info from the maker:

Wristbands come in three sizes: large, medium, and child. The large bands are 8 3/8" around and will fit most adults and large-framed teenagers. The medium bands are 7 3/8" around and generally fits ages six and up, including most teenagers and small-framed women. The child bands are 5 7/8" around and typically fit children 4-6 years old. Wristbands are not intended for children younger than four years old.
You can print out a template to cut out at this site:

This gift was made possible by the following people:

TChrist05 (in memory of Peanut)
Magic Me
disney sweetie
totally angelic

If you have any questions please PM me!
Krisann: Where do we find the link to your spreadsheet? I have added up our nights onboard.....69 night so far, will be 83 after this cruise. :woohoo:


Look in the last message I sent - it is the same link as for the wristbands

My DD (who is not on the cruise) was curious about the ages of the kids on the cruise. We had wanted to take 2 of the Gk's ages 15 and 12 but school schedule would not permit.

my kids are 5 and 7. The school is not overly happy as they go back to school after loooong summer holidays for just three days before we leave again, but they are in grades 1 and 3, it is a private school, and its not as if we are keeping them home because we can't be bothered they are going on a luxuary 1/2 way around the world trip - what better education can you have.
They always want to be us!!! :rotfl2::grouphug::rolleyes1

of course - who wouldn't want to be us! :rotfl:

I am now an offical champagne gal. I got my cheap $2.99 tiara. Very pretty. made of cheap plastic pink and clear beads. I pink fluffy head band and a few pink ribbons too it :lmao: Got my pink shirt now to find the pink boa. The hunt is on:).

oooo it sounds a bit like mine - but i don't have ribbons - very stylish.

I am down to 18 more working days or 208 hours, but who's counting :lmao:



In response to the question about if we got married elsewhere it being recognized in our state (for some reason my quote feature wouldn't work)-----yes, technically that is true in New York State. If we got married someplace it was legal (like Iowa, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Connecticut, Vermont, D.C., Canada, Spain or a handful of other non-US countries) then it would technically be recognized by New York State....we just can't get legally married IN our state. For the time being we've decided to wait and see if our state won't get its act together and do right by us (and literally thousands of other LGBT families in NY state).....because we think it's pretty disgraceful that as New Yorkers we should have to leave the state that our tax dollars support (or as US Citizens to potentially have to leave the country that our tax dollars support) in order to access our rights. We're fortunate at this point that we're both (relatively) young and in good health and not entirely financially dependent upon one another (although our finances are certainly 100% co-mingled just like any other family) we feel we do have the luxury of waiting to see if we can't be a part of the process of change in our own state. Time, however, will certainly tell how long we decide to stick to that plan.

(Because, ironically, we were just last night talking about the possibility of buying wedding bands in Gibraltar or some other port on this trip----because last time we were on the TA we saw many shops in Gibraltar that were selling high end jewelry at discounted matching rings/wedding bands would be a pretty cool souvenir! :thumbsup2)

you know its funny - i've always thought of New york as so progressive but that is really a bit backwards. i hope they sort themselves out soon and allow you and Jason the beautiful home wedding you are dreaming of.

I can understand your position completely. We have gay friends here in California who are very upset about the marriage reversal here.

However, let me point our health does not always enter the equation. I lost my husband when I was 29, he was 31. He was run off the road by a drunk driver and killed instantly. You can never really ever plan for things like that to happen to you or your loved ones.

You could always buy the wedding bands in Gibraltar and save them for that special day.

Just my thoughts...

true - you can never count on forever.
one good road rule in Dubai is Zero allowance for drink driving - you must have a 0 blood/alcohol reading. At first this seemed a bit extreme but you very quickly adjust to it and now it seems like an excellent policy.

And then get thrown overboard!!! :lmao::lmao:

Actually I heard that because Disney is in the business of selling wedding packages on their boats and/or in the parks....that they are super strict about "clandestine weddings" happening that havne't been booked and paid if they think you're trying to hold a wedding on their property that isn't sanctioned you get in trouble----which is why it is apparently also official Disney policy that you can't be in the parks (and probably on the boat) in wedding attire unless you have actually booked your wedding through them----like they don't want people showing up and just having their own private wedding on the steps of cinderella's castle or on a beach at Castaway...or even to just show up and try to have their wedding photos taken there! :rotfl2:

(Although I do love the idea of sneaking into WDW or down onto a deck with your formal clothes under a bathrobe or a raincoat and a minister in sunglasses and a big hat to find a secluded spot to have a quick wedding and then get chased around by park security while a cartoonish musical score plays in the background-----getting chased running in one cabin door and then out another like scooby doo!! :rotfl2::rotfl2:)

now that would be a wedding to remember. :rotfl:

That baby doll in Toy Stroy 3 really freaked me out :scared1::scared1:

that doll was way scary.:scared1:
In response to the question about if we got married elsewhere it being recognized in our state (for some reason my quote feature wouldn't work)-----yes, technically that is true in New York State. If we got married someplace it was legal (like Iowa, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Connecticut, Vermont, D.C., Canada, Spain or a handful of other non-US countries) then it would technically be recognized by New York State....we just can't get legally married IN our state. For the time being we've decided to wait and see if our state won't get its act together and do right by us (and literally thousands of other LGBT families in NY state).....because we think it's pretty disgraceful that as New Yorkers we should have to leave the state that our tax dollars support (or as US Citizens to potentially have to leave the country that our tax dollars support) in order to access our rights. We're fortunate at this point that we're both (relatively) young and in good health and not entirely financially dependent upon one another (although our finances are certainly 100% co-mingled just like any other family) we feel we do have the luxury of waiting to see if we can't be a part of the process of change in our own state. Time, however, will certainly tell how long we decide to stick to that plan.

(Because, ironically, we were just last night talking about the possibility of buying wedding bands in Gibraltar or some other port on this trip----because last time we were on the TA we saw many shops in Gibraltar that were selling high end jewelry at discounted matching rings/wedding bands would be a pretty cool souvenir! :thumbsup2)

My boss and his partner ended up going to Mass. to get married. They had planned on waiting until NY made it legal but when his parents (who are very elderly) asked them to please do it before either one of them passed away as they wanted to be there, they decided not to wait any longer.

Hopefully someday NY will get its act together and make it legal for everyone who wants to (who is of age;))
Someone asked in an earlier post about cruises in 2012. We are planning on Alaska; alas, probably not Disney because we want to do a one-way cruise and a land tour to Denali.

About the bubble net fishing/feeding: I know Candy Apple posted a response but here's some additional first-hand info. When you're on a whale-watching boat, you can always tell where the whales will be coming up during their bubble netting because the birds start circling overhead - it's a free meal for them! You'll notice the surface of the water almost looks like it's boiling; it's the fish trying to escape from the whales. The birds will dive in and then the whales will breach with their mouths wide open. It's not until they break the surface that they close their mouths and swallow all of the fish that they've captured.

After observing several of these evolutions, we noticed that the birds were circling directly overhead our boat. Sure enough, the water came alive with fish all around us and pretty soon we had whales coming up alongside, erupting into the air. One was so close to the side of the boat where I was standing that I could have reached out and touched it. My thought was, "We need a bigger boat!" :rotfl2:

I can provide the name of an excellent whale-watching boat captain for anyone who might be interested.

Now, back to the TransAtlantic....
Attention jewellery people

I now have the preferences for most people so thanks to everybody who has send them to me. If you have not done so yet, could you let me know your preferences sooner than later please. I will post an updated spreadsheet tomorrow.

I am now ready to take payment for the supplies. The cost per person (which includes shipping of the materials worldwide) is GBP15 per person. Could you please use the personal option and mark it as "gift" as this seems to avoid fees even for international transactions. If any fees are incurred, I would appreciate it if you took care of them.

Could you please ensure that your DIS name and any person you might be paying for is in the notes so that I know who has paid and who has not.

The address for the Paypal payments is

I would like all the payments by Saturday please as I intend to place the orders on Sunday. I will post stats once the order has been placed as the sheer scale of this is mind-blowing.

Could you also please PM me the address where you would like to have the goodies shipped to. As I said before, even though the individual kits won't weigh much and will be inexpensive to ship, bringing the stuff for everybody would fill my suitcase. All going well and assuming everything is in stock and shipped in a timely manner, I will send the materials out a month prior to sailing the latest.


Hi Corinna, I have sent you 2 Pm re; payment and mailing address. Tru
In response to the question about if we got married elsewhere it being recognized in our state (for some reason my quote feature wouldn't work)-----yes, technically that is true in New York State. If we got married someplace it was legal (like Iowa, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Connecticut, Vermont, D.C., Canada, Spain or a handful of other non-US countries) then it would technically be recognized by New York State....we just can't get legally married IN our state. For the time being we've decided to wait and see if our state won't get its act together and do right by us (and literally thousands of other LGBT families in NY state).....because we think it's pretty disgraceful that as New Yorkers we should have to leave the state that our tax dollars support (or as US Citizens to potentially have to leave the country that our tax dollars support) in order to access our rights. We're fortunate at this point that we're both (relatively) young and in good health and not entirely financially dependent upon one another (although our finances are certainly 100% co-mingled just like any other family) we feel we do have the luxury of waiting to see if we can't be a part of the process of change in our own state. Time, however, will certainly tell how long we decide to stick to that plan.

(Because, ironically, we were just last night talking about the possibility of buying wedding bands in Gibraltar or some other port on this trip----because last time we were on the TA we saw many shops in Gibraltar that were selling high end jewelry at discounted matching rings/wedding bands would be a pretty cool souvenir! :thumbsup2)

We got married in DC and had the same feelings you do about our state, but we live 3 miles from DC and our state recognizes the marriage. We are a bit older and after checking the tax advantages in the event one of us dies it is much better for us to be married. In Maryland if you are not married and own a house with rights of survivorship the serviving owner has to pay 10% inheritance tax on the other person's have of the house at the value upon their death. That can be a lot of money and now we are not in that situation. I think New York will eventually get there and legalize same sex marriage, I just hope it is soon.

We had our wedding bands made by a jeweler in P-Town when we were on a R-Family Vacations cruise to Canada 2 years before we got married. I think getting your rings on this trip is a wonderful idea.
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