September is a good time to celebrate 40 & 10! - Updated 9/13

We survived Gwen's Parties! First we had the family party which was a Unicorn Tea Party!

So cute!

My mom made her this Cherry Cake that she was SUPER excited about!

She looks excited :rotfl:

Then the next day we had Gwen's "kid" party at a local cake decorating place.

This is so cute too!

She was WAY to excited about this lava lamp. And still is! Who knew that this would be so exciting?!?!

I got a lava lamp when I was little too and I loved it. But I remember it took forever to heat up and get moving. :laughing:
So, I have a couple updates!

February Trip: Yes, No, Maybe...
We are getting ready for our summery trip to Myrtle Beach and DH started freaking out a bit about $$$. We talked about cancelling it but I was stressing out about what to do with the girls for the week and sad because it was just so close to going. We did decide to cut one day off the trip and I am going to try and eat most meal in the room. We have a room with a small kitchenette. So, that should save us a ton of money. Maybe dinner one or two nights out.

We were also talking about cancelling our usual Feb. trip to Disney instead. Which I haven't booked anything for. So, I was sad about that as well. But that's life right... We can't have it all. BUT DH specifically REALLY likes escaping the cold in Feb. So, now we are talking about going on the "cheap". But we also don't want to commit quiet yet. So, now I don't know what to do!!!! Do I book dinning? Do I plan anything? Do I just wait?!?

A full week in Feb, brings me to 188 days from today. I feel like I should make some tentative plans just in case and book some dinning reservations. If we want to go on the cheap and not do the dinning plan, I can try and plan for some "cheaper" dinning choices... And some of those go fast... So, I am thinking I might need to try and grab them... Which means, I would need to at least think about which parks we will be at! But I don't want to invest too much into it, you know, just in case it doesn't happen...

The Dinning I think I should try and grab regardless:
  • The Plaza
  • Beaches & Cream
  • BOG Lunch

I def think I want to try and stay at Port Orleans French Quarter for this trip if we go.
Screen Shot 2017-07-29 at 8.28.59 AM.png
It looks beautiful and I think we will be happy there for sure. DH is finally warming up to the idea of the bus more now that the girls will NOT being a stroller at all. I would even do Caribbean Beach again but not with all the construction AND they are still charging more for Feb right now for it than French Quarter!?!?

Idea for the Big Reveal:
So, I have been trying to work out. So, my sister has been corresponding with the girls. So, I was thinking that maybe I could use her to help with the surprise. So, I was thinking that I could have her "mail" clues to them starting in September. Maybe letters to solve a puzzle. I was thinking that the puzzle would reveal a location in the house to find the next clue. And then maybe another puzzle to solve and then another location which I could then have a box with the girls ears and buttons. I have to mention it to DH, he is good with this kind of stuff. I obviously need to figure out the details but I think enlisting my sister will put them off the track a little. I also don't think my sister "needs" to actually send anything. My girls aren't that say with the old school mail system.

I guess that is it for now. I feel like now that we hit the 60 day mark time is going in slow motion...
What about a bounce back for February?? By the time you guys go in September the BB for next year should be out, seem so like fall BB is usually free dining. That would eliminate some of the costs at least. If I were you I'd book a few places you really like to eat, just in case.

I love the reveal idea! I know you have to include DH, but I like that your sis would be involved (sorta) and I like the clues/hunt idea.

Slow motion is right! I feel like I've been waiting weeks since we booked FP...
If you're thinking about a February trip I wouldn't even worry about dining. Wait, let the chips fall where they may, and then just eat whereever your bellies and wallets lead you. Even a trip of all counter service is a trip to Disney!!!

We did french quarter a couple of trips ago and really liked it. While I'll admit to being a hotel snob and motel style not being for me, the resort was small and compact and quite literally in the middle of everything.

Loving your plans for the reveal. We aren't telling Casey about our next trip either, so I'll have to take a few creative queues from you because that is not my strong suit
Ok I am way behind but I just read the FP update so I'll reply. It is nearly impossible to see both Fantasmic and SW fireworks in the same night. The only way is to leave Fantasmic early from what I've read. We love SW but Fantasmic was a family favorite this year - I've always lived it but both DH and the boys lived it so much we are considering park hopper passes for our one park day in June so we can hop from MK to DHS to see it.

I think you have a good time for the safari. True nighttime isn't good but dusk is nice! The lions are usually very active!
I've heard the BB is out and it is free Dining. But I don't know the dates.

I do know about trying to go on the cheap. That's why we are doing (mostly) resort only in June. We will not need $$ for the resort bc of DVC but I'm hoping to get about $1500 from our tax refund to do the 1 park day, the food, the watercraft rental, maybe mini-golf, and hoop de doo.
What about a bounce back for February??
I am def hoping for this! I have somehow never noticed the bounce back info before?!? How, I am not sure. So, I am hoping to take advantage of it for sure. Especially since we are on our summer vacation right now, and let's just say it isn't quiet going as well I we hoped. I will post a small Real Life update once we get home.

seem so like fall BB is usually free dining. That would eliminate some of the costs at least.
Free dinning would be great. Although a 25% off discount might work out better for us, But I will take either!

If I were you I'd book a few places you really like to eat, just in case.
I did book a few, just the ones that I thought we wouldn't be able to get later on. And basically the ones that didn't work into this coming trip. I will also do a small post about that once we are home, too!

Slow motion is right! I feel like I've been waiting weeks since we booked FP...
Is slow motion in full speed now for you!?! Two weeks! Yikes! I know once we get home, things will go fairly fast. We will have to do back to school stuff, and then school will start and then it will be time to go! (Hopefully it will start to move fast)

. Wait, let the chips fall where they may, and then just eat whereever your bellies and wallets lead you. Even a trip of all counter service is a trip to Disney!!!
The planner in me has a hard time doing that. I think what I like about planning the dinners ahead, is that once it's that time of day, we just go. We all get a little cranky when we are hungry. But if our bounce back ends up being a room only discount, we most def will do counter service only. And maybe do 1 or 2 table service. I have no problem doing that. And I actually think it might be nice change of pace.

We did french quarter a couple of trips ago and really liked it. While I'll admit to being a hotel snob and motel style not being for me, the resort was small and compact and quite literally in the middle of everything.
I am kind of looking forward to the idea of staying there. As you know, we stayed at Caribbean Beach last Feb. and I would have totally stayed there again, if it wasn't you know for the total construction they have going on there. We are move of transportation snobs.. DH really does not like the bus. But I think he is coming around to the idea now that the girls are older, and we no longer have a stroller to fold up and all that good stuff.

I am also looking forward to being a boat ride away from Disney Springs and being able to fit in at least one restaurant there. Problem is which one!?!

Loving your plans for the reveal. We aren't telling Casey about our next trip either, so I'll have to take a few creative queues from you because that is not my strong suit
When is your next trip? I know you have said before (I think) I just can't remember. I am only half creative, the rest I get from pintrest and the boards and just tweak it to work for us!

It is nearly impossible to see both Fantasmic and SW fireworks in the same night. The only way is to leave Fantasmic early from what I've read.
I figured as much. I think we will invest in seeing Fantastic in it's whole. We have not seen it as of yet. I have a feeling Star Wars Fireworks will be around for a long time and who know what the fate of Fantastic will be. We can try and hit SW fireworks in Feb. (unless we love Fantasmic so much!

I think you have a good time for the safari. True nighttime isn't good but dusk is nice! The lions are usually very active!
Thanks. I was wondering what time dusk would actually be. I think we will keep it. I figure it is worth doing at least once. If it doesn't pane out, we will just stick with morning safari rides.

I'm hoping to get about $1500 from our tax refund to do the 1 park day, the food, the watercraft rental, maybe mini-golf, and hoop de doo.
DH put our tax refund in saving and wants to do that each year. You know in the effort of saving money. Blah. But that sounds like a good plan. We did Hoop De Doo Review 2 trips ago and we loved it!
I figured as much. I think we will invest in seeing Fantastic in it's whole. We have not seen it as of yet. I have a feeling Star Wars Fireworks will be around for a long time and who know what the fate of Fantastic will be. We can try and hit SW fireworks in Feb. (unless we love Fantasmic so much!
We are huge SW fans and it is a good show...though the previous one was better...but Fantasmic is one of my faves.

I have heard rumors that the SW fireworks may go away once SWGE opens but that is a couple years down the road, if it happens.

DH put our tax refund in saving and wants to do that each year. You know in the effort of saving money. Blah. But that sounds like a good plan. We did Hoop De Doo Review 2 trips ago and we loved it!
The last few years we have used most of ours for vacation but this year we need to use it for home repairs. If I can get $1500, that would still leave a good chunk for repairs so that is what I am hoping for.

Free dinning would be great. Although a 25% off discount might work out better for us, But I will take either!
It is definitely free dining. But I think it is only QS for mods and values, regular for deluxe. And there are some blackout dates but I am not certain of those. There is a bounce back thread somewhere around here and it is usually kept updated.
Is slow motion in full speed now for you!?! Two weeks! Yikes! I know once we get home, things will go fairly fast. We will have to do back to school stuff, and then school will start and then it will be time to go! (Hopefully it will start to move fast)

YES! Suddenly I feel like we won't be ready on time, and the Disney nightmares have officially started. Had one last night that we missed our flight. :scared:
It is definitely free dining. But I think it is only QS for mods and values, regular for deluxe.
I just looked, to upgrade from QS to Regular plan is $200 total. Might be worth it... We will see... But good to know!

And there are some blackout dates but I am not certain of those. There is a bounce back thread somewhere around here and it is usually kept updated.
How in the world to you keep track of all of these things?!!? I will take a look for the thread when we get home!
Hey! Hope things got better in Myrtle Beach :) The FD BB dates are in my notes somewhere, I do know it'll be in rooms through 10/31 so it'll be there when you go in Sept. but can't remember offhand if Feb dates are included. I also think for some reason POFQ is excluded but I could be wrong about that..... I'll try getting back to you soon!
Hey just checked in my group, the BB dates don't start until late May and POFQ IS excluded :( Sorry!
Bummer!!!! Thanks for checking for me. I appreciate it! At least I know now and not while we are there...

Hmm. Maybe we won't be going in Feb then. Then again they seem to be doing room only rates a lot. I will just have to wait and see. Blah.
How in the world to you keep track of all of these things?!!? I will take a look for the thread when we get home!
Haha. Basically because Disney is my biggest hobby so I spend most of my time reading about I truly need to look into being a TA on the side to do something useful with my hobby! LOL

Bummer about the Bounceback dates and exclusions. :(
Hi Everyone!

We are back from our summer vacation. We went to Myrtle Beach and some of you who are friends with me on Facebook know, it wasn't quiet as magical as we would have wanted. But we made the most of it! I will try and do a small mini-trip report..

But in the meantime... Today marks 30 Days till our DISNEY TRIP!!!! Woo Hoo!!! We have 1 more week of camp, a week of the girls being shuffled around between the grandparents, and then DH starts his sabbatical from work. Oh and school starts. So hopefully it will fly by...

I FINALLY decided on our MNSSHP outfits... I just ordered everything! I will post pics once everything arrives. I hope they look ok. We are going to do Inside Out Characters. I found on Etsy shirts that are the faces of each character. So, DH & I will have Shirts and regular shorts. Then the girls, I ordered matching colored biker shorts and tutu's to make them more of costumes. Oh and I found mickey ears with the inside out characters on them! And they were only $10, so I ordered a pair for each of the ladies to go with there character... So excited and relieved that I finally decided on something. Hopefully the colors of the girls pieces will match ok.

I also finished ordering the Tinkerbell Gifts for the girls as well. I ordered these SUPER cute Minnie Bow hair ties. That I saw on @ArielSRL Facebook feed. I ordered one for each of the girls, one for me and one for my girlfriend... Cause they were just that cute! I want to do a Post with all of the items once the last couple ones show up.

I purchased the Disney Food Blog Snack Guides and read them in the car drive down and back to Myrtle Beach. So, now I need to finish my snack cheat sheets... And my hats around the world check list... And my 40 Attractions for 40 years check list...

So much to do! So little time.
Welcome back! Sorry the beach wasn't so great.

30 Days till our DISNEY TRIP!


hopefully it will fly by...

If it's anything like our countdown it will! ::yes::

We are going to do Inside Out Characters

OMG! That's so cute!!!! We just got a Blu-ray copy from our DMR, DD isn;t really interested; no princesses or singing so... But DH and I have watched it twice now, lol!

colored biker shorts and tutu's to make them more of costumes

That's a great plan! I would have loved a costume like that a s a kid, who am I kidding I still would.

mickey ears with the inside out characters on them


Hopefully the colors of the girls pieces will match ok.

They'll be great, can't wait to see pics!

I want to do a Post with all of the items once the last couple ones show up.

I hope you do! As girlie as DD is she hates stuff in her hair/on her head.

And my 40 Attractions for 40 years check list...

Can't wait to see all of these, but I'm especially excited for this one!
I knew there was something I wanted to add to the post last night and I couldn't remember.... But now I do.

I saw the new Fantasmic! Dessert & VIP Viewing Experience and I kind of want to do it!

It sounds perfect to me, We get a little tray of desserts to eat while watching the show. It would give us good seats, since I booked our Tier 1 fastpass for Toy Story Mania. And I think the girls would love to get a light up drink. (It's not something we usually let them get) You also get a drink in a souvenir light up cup. And priority seating. Which I found a thread about it and it sounds like the seats are right up front, which would be great for our first time seeing the show.

The problem? The day we are doing Hollywood Studios and Fantasmic is Tuesday, our first full day and we have lunch/dinner reservations at Ohana at 3:35 that day. Will we be hungry by 7:30? I think we might be... And we don't have a ton of time in HS this day, so I am thinking it would be worth it.

I might just book it. It's $40 per adult and $20 for kids. You don't break even, but there is value in the seating location. I mentioned it to DH and he is just blah about everything. He will get into it the week before we leave.. Sigh... What do you guys think? Worth it?
Love the costume idea and can't wait to see pictures!
Your girls start school after Labor Day correct? We're the 6th this year.
Hmmm, the snacks for the Fantasmic dessert party look good, I have a friend who booked it for next month. 'Ohana is SO filling....... If you can skip the dessert there or at least be gentle with it lol, you may be hungry enough for a snack by then! I say go for it :thumbsup2


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