~~ Sew your Disney side Alli-son-son!! ~~ Allison's grad trip Jan 2016 ~~ Complete 2/22

Yay!!!! Hi Mo!!!! Love you!

Here! Can't wait to hear all about this one!!

Hello my friend!!! It's great to see you here!!! Love you!


Can't wait to hear about this! We do Bri's 16th trip in June. Just me, her, and her best friend. Two of the three are Harry Potter fans...so you KNOW we will be going to the 'dark side'.

This is going to be a blast!!!!! You will love it! Welcome back to The Dis! I hope you do a PTR for this trip. :scratchin

Yay for getting this started today!

Right on top of things - well, sometimes. LOL Welcome Sue! It's great to have you here.

I'm here too.

Welcome!!! Thanks for following along.

Made it! Can't wait to read all about your trip.

Yay!!! :woohoo: So happy you made it!

Yay another TR from D!!! Can't wait to hear all about your adventures.

Welcome!!!!! I am so excited to share it - we made some great memories for sure!

I'm here!

Yay!!! Welcome!

Welcome! :lovestruc


Ugh I would be so mad about the nails and if I wasn't leaving for a trip the next day I would have gone back! Such a bummer! Excited to hear the rest!


I forgot to mention - I did call them right away, and I took pictures too. Since it's the owner who always does my nails - I explained to him that we just didn't have time to come back in - and he said we could come back after our trip, and he would redo them himself. :lovestruc Sadly - Allison has been so sick, we haven't had a chance to go back in. But we will. :D

Hi! I'm new to your trip reports. Actually, I may have read pieces of one before but I thought I'd actually post this time. Your outfits, headpieces, nails, etc. are amazing! Everything coordinates so well! I can't wait to read all about your trip.

Welcome!!! I am so happy to have you here! Thank you so much. :lovestruc I am really looking forward to sharing this trip with everyone! We did so many new things this time.

Bummer about Allison's nails. I hope you complain to the nail place. I know acrylics are not cheap.

I did! I forgot to write it here - but I did call and complain as soon as we got home, and the owner said we could come in after our trip and he will redo them. Sadly - Allison has been so sick that we haven't had the chance. Hopefully in the next day or two, we will get in there.

Welcome! So happy to see you here! :lovestruc

Following along. Can't wait to hear all about your trip! Especially interested in Universal since DS is a big HP fan and would like to go there next.

You are going to LOVE the U/S portion!!!! We had so much fun there! :woohoo:

Joining in!!!

How do you have room to bring new stuff home?

What a bummer that her nail tech was so bad.

Welcome!!! Well, after so many trips - I don't feel the need to have quite so many souvenirs anymore... And the girls aren't young - so I am not hauling home stuffies and such. It's difficult to find room and the weight sometimes - but I did OK this trip.

Yes - it was a bummer... I did call them though - and since it's the owner who does my nails, he offered to fix them himself when we got home. Allison is just so sick right now, it will have to wait a day or two. :thumbsup2

Yay!!! Here and following along!

Yay!!! Welcome! :woohoo:

I am here. Wouldn't miss this TR!

Sorry about the nails. That would make me a bit upset. I seriously do not know how you get all of that in a suitcase!

Hi Shannon!!! So happy to have you here!

I was really irritated, but I did call them right away and the owner offered to redo them when we got home - once Allison is feeling better, we will go in and have them redone. ::yes::

Hehehe... I have no idea? :scratchin But somehow I do. LOL Trust me - I am the one who has to lay on my suitcase to get it zipped. LOL

So glad you had a great trip! Can't wait to read the rest of your TR! Hope Allison is feeling better.

Welcome!!! Thank you - I am so excited to share it! We had so much fun this trip! Thanks - she was doing a bit better last night, but I am still not sure if she is able to go to school today or not. I need to see how she did during the night. :hug:

I'm here, have to make sure your giving accurate accounts of the trip! Sorry to here about Allison no feeling good :guilty:.

CINDY!!!!!! :hug: I love you, my friend - and so happy to have you here and following!!!!

So excited! I LOVE your TRs D!!

Welcome!!! Awwww... Thank you!!! I cannot wait to share this trip with all of you! :lovestruc

Joining in! Can't wait to hear all about it!

Welcome!!! It's great to have you here! :lovestruc

Joining in! So glad you had a great time.

Yay!!! Yes - it was an amazing trip! One of our best so far!

Can't wait to hear all about your trip!

Thanks!!! I am so excited to share it with all of you! :lovestruc

I'm here!! I'm super excited to read about this trip!!!

Yay!!! Welcome!!! I am so happy to have you here and following along!

How exciting to follow another of your trips! Love to see the outfits and fun things you are up to.

Thanks!!! I am so happy to have you here and following!!! I cannot wait to share all of it.... I had so much fun planning and making items to wear on this trip - it was quite epic!

Hi D!
Can't wait to read about all the fun you had on this special one on one trip with Allison! Aren't the one on one trips very special. I miss doing them with my kids (haven't taken them out of school since middle school). I would love to take Emma this summer but I don't know how I could fit it in with our family trip - likely to Canada again this summer - maybe Ontario this year.

I can't believe you put your beautiful bags in your checked bag. I could never take that risk.

Don't you love using a Town Car? I used DME many time without any issues but then I had one trip with a really long wait to get to the resort and then the next trip the bus was late getting us to the airport and I was freaking out so I started using the town car so I could do a grocery stop and just start and end the trip a bit nicer. Now I've discovered how much I love having a rental car.

SOG looks greats. Hope you'll post more photos of the resort.

Bernadette!!!!! I love it when you are able to stop by - I miss you, my friend. Thanks for the update in my PTR - I've been wondering how you are doing. :hug:

This trip was amazing - it was so fun sharing this time with her! Such a great dynamic and just a blast! I sure hope you are able to take Emma this summer!

Yes - I do put them in my checked luggage - I just have too many to carry on. I always carry on one or two, but the rest have to be checked. This time, I carried on Monica's Chip & Dale bag, because I couldn't risk losing that one, since she so kindly borrowed it to me. I always tell myself, if they get lost, I'll just make more. :scratchin At least I have that ability. The only thing that's maybe a little irreplaceable with my bags is my Donald Duck feet - which is actually my Duck Butt hat, and that's pretty rare. Otherwise - everything else can be remade, it would take a lot of time - but I could do it. ::yes::

I am definitely a Towncar convert.... It was amazing to be whisked away from under the airport - seriously, 2 minutes after our bags came off of the carousel, we were on our way. It was awesome! And I did feel a little princess like too. :lovestruc We didn't do a grocery stop this trip - I just didn't think that we would use enough to justify it... And in the end, I was right. I might have saved a little doing the grocery stop, but we were a little uncomfortable with it... Do I run in and leave Allison with our bags and a strange man? Or do we leave all of our bags with a strange man and we both run in? So, we opted to just go straight to the resort. Had Josh been with me - it would have been different.

I will be posting a TON of SoG photos... You all will be so sick of SoG by the time I am done. LOL

Following! I love all of your Disney bags so much, super cute! Also, I have a little golden baby named Max too

Welcome! Thanks so much!!! Ahhh - yes, that' is awesome!!! I love my MM so much!

Hi there! I love your trip reports and look forward to this one. We went on our first trip with DD4 last year and decided to take a town car from the airport. It was soooo worth it. The drivers were wonderful tour guides and communicated well. We grabbed our luggage and away we went!

Thanks so much! I am so happy to have you here and following! Yes - I agree, our driver wasn't spectacular, but just being able to get there in a relaxing, non line way - that part was amazing in itself!

I'm here too! I'm still bummed that we had to leave early, but with Shannon coming home on Friday, I didn't want her to have to deal with snow by herself. We would probably still be in Disney otherwise. So since we had to leave early, I am contemplating taking Shannon for a short trip in March. Charlie will be out of town most of the month, and I'm sure I can use a get-away. Plus we could see Andrew who will be in Bradenton for 6 weeks. Oh yeah, and take in a couple of pre-season baseball games.

Sorry Alison is sick. She has really had a run of bad luck.

Welcome Tess!!! :hug:

I am so bummed that you had to leave too - but I totally understand. I am sad that we didn't get to say goodbye, and that we didn't get pictures... But it was so nice just to sit there and chat for so long - and I was so happy to finally be able to meet Charlie. I hope you all had a safe trip home and you are all dug out by now. :lovestruc

Ooooh - I do hope you are able to go in March - that would be fun! :woohoo:

Yah - poor kid - I sure hope this is the last of it!

I'm here!!

Welcome Jennifer!!! So happy to have you here! :hug:

I'm here. Great start. Wow a 4 hour layover! That's one thing I'd never want. I can't wait to read more.

Hi Liz!!! :woohoo: I am so happy you are here and following along! Yah - that 4 hour layover was rough... We had a 1 hour layover on the way home, and that was just about perfect - it could have been about 10 min longer, but never again for the 4 hours. LOL

Ahghhhh page 2 on the TR ive been waiting for!!! Im suoer excited to read everything!

Its terrible that you had to redo Alison's nails. Ive never had a manicure because i have touch issues but I'd be so irritated if i had to go home and redo what i paid good money for. I hate that you had that negative start to your trip.

As far as the 4 hour layover-- be greatful for small things. My first time through Ohare i was supposed to have a 2 hour layover but my flight coming in was late and i missed my connection and wound up stuck for 12 hours. I was only 18 and alone and my mother freaked out. Ever since i try to get at least 2.5 to 3 hours for layovers. My 8 and 10 year olds hate it but it gives us snack time, potty time, and recharge the electronics time! We drive to Dosney though so i think waiting to get on a plane to Disney might be more annoying that a normal flight to see Grandma.

I cant wait for the rest of your trip report. The last time i went to Universal they were just starting on building the Wizarding World of Harry Potter and we have plans to go next summer so i need all the info thats available!

Welcome!!! I am so happy to have you here! Page 2 isn't so bad - LOL.

It's Ok - the owner is the one who does my nails, I just called him up and he said we could come back in when we got home and they would redo them... Sadly - Allison has been so sick, so it will likely have to wait a few days.

Yikes!!! That is terrible!!!! And scary! We found that our 1 hour layover on the way home was a good amount of time - maybe an extra 10-15 min would have been good, but it was much better than 4 hours. LOL

We loved WWoHP so much!!! I highly suggest a Pinterest search - I was able to get a lot of good info in just a few hours of reading one night - it's not that big, and it could be done in a day. I wish we would have had more time to go back and explore though. It was done so well!

I'm in and following along! I have been so excited to read this report. In fact, I'm supposed to be totaling costs for our trip in December for my sister and I got distracted and read your TR instead!

such a bummer about Allison's nails. I hate when the nail techs do that. It always seems to happen when you don't have time to go back and get them redone.

I cannot wait to hear about your Universal experience.

Welcome!!! LOL - glad I was a good distraction for you - Hehehehe.... I hope you were able to get your estimates done though. :scratchin

Yes- it was a bummer, but I did call them, and the owner (who does my nails) said we could come back in after our trip and they'd redo them... Sadly - Allison is so sick right now, it will have to wait another day or two. But we will go back.

I cannot wait to share it - it was definitely a highlight of the trip for both of us.

Bummer about Allison's nails. I would be pretty mad that I paid for that. Even though it's been over a week, I would still go in and talk to them about either getting your money back or at least getting a free manicure.

I was - I forgot to mention that I did call them right away after we got home, and the owner (who does my nails) said we could come back in after our trip and they would redo them. So, once Allison is feeling better - we will have them redone. :)

Ack! Why did you leave a teaser like this. I always fall for this stuff.

That is one long travel day. It would be hard to sleep knowing we had to wake up at 12:30am. Your limo ride looks really nice. And the weather looks great.

Hehehehe... Gotta keep everyone coming back, right? LOL

It was long, but we made it and since we didn't have any plans or parks that first day - we had a nice and relaxing arrival day to explore and enjoy - and EAT. LOL The we4ather was great that first day - but let me tell you, I am sure glad I switched out that one fleece jacket for my denim jacket, as I wore that one every single day... There were days that this hearty MN girl was downright frozen! I was pretty disappointed in my lack of acclimation to the cold. LOL


Ok all - look for an update or two today... This will not be a fast moving TR (I don't think?) - but I do want to knock out a lot of updates this week, because I have the time - starting next week, life gets crazy again and I won't have as much time to devote to this TR, and updates will slow down. :lovestruc

Day 1 Part 2

I was a bit nervous to check in to Shades of Green. Even though I called them before I booked - I was still nervous that we wouldn't qualify to stay there. What happens then? Do they kick you out? Do they give you a room anyways and tell you next time you can't stay? I was really nervous about that, since Josh had retired since the last time we stayed there.



There was no line to check in when we arrived, so I gave my name and military ID to the guy at the desk - just waiting for him to tell me to leave. To my surprise - all was good, and I was nervous for nothing. I am allowed to stay at SoG. :woohoo:

One thing I love about SoG - is that I am allowed to pay off my balance with a personal check - and not have a "hold" charge go on any of my accounts... That was really nice. So, I wrote a check (the first check I've written off of my personal account since 2013, LOL) for my balance, and paid it off in full at check in.

Then, I asked if I was able to get my room requests. I'd asked for 2nd floor (which is the main floor at SoG), pool view. He showed me the room location I was given - and it was what I requested, but not quite... So, I asked if he had anything available with a view of the Magnoila Pool, and he did! :woohoo: I was so happy! We couldn't have asked for a better or more convenient room location. We were literally in the closest location we could be to the front desk/lobby. And the best part - he was able to switch us right then and there, had it been a Disney resort - it would have likely taken hours to get something so simple resolved. Allison and I were thrilled!

This isn't the best map in the world of SoG - but it gives you an idea of where we were, and how much further from the lobby we could have been.


Our room was ready for us, so we immediately went to drop off all of our bags and get settled/unpacked.

OK - this is where I am going to get really excited. After staying in a Disney resort for our last 4 trips, 3 of those trips being a Moderate resort... I have to say, I'd forgotten how much bigger the SoG rooms are. SoG has the biggest standard rooms on Disney property - 90 sq feet larger than Disney's largest, and it was so nice to have all of that space! I was beyond thrilled with our room and our room location. However - I was a bit disappointed in our bathroom... We ended up with one of the smaller vanity/mirror bathrooms - I was sooo looking forward to having the large vanity for this trip... Allison and I debated on asking for a different room - but in the end, I knew we would have to sacrifice the room location for the vanity - and I felt the room location was more important, so we decided to make it work.

Sadly - I did not take any bathroom photos until the very last day of our trip, so you will have to wait a while for those.

I do feel that the rooms are a little dated, but once I saw them in person - they weren't nearly as dated as they feel in pictures. If that makes any sense?

Our room... #206 (exactly 6 rooms from the very closest room to the lobby)...




And that end wall of patio door - it spans the ENTIRE width of the room - it's literally a wall of windows, and it's so bright and cheery!

Our view... I loved this! Annnd... Noting which direction our room was facing - even though we couldn't see the Castle, I was fairly certain that we may be able to see Wishes from our room. :scratchin


Once I took pictures, I decided to use Suzi's method of organization... So, I completely unpacked my suitcase and put it in the closet, then as I wore items - I put them back into my suitcase. It worked really well.

At this point - Allison and I were starving! And we needed to find food. Knowing that the food is notorious for being less than stellar on SoG property, we decided to head to the Poly for a late lunch/early dinner...

On the way - we stopped at the SoG ticket counter to purchase our tickets for Thursday night's show of Cirque Du Soleil... We chose Category 2, Section 205, Row JJ, Seats 9 & 10. I think we did OK - considering we'd never been there before.

Finally - FOOD!!!!!

We decided to walk to the Poly to eat at Cpt. Cooks...

We ordered the Pork Nachos and Hawaiian Flatbread to share between the two of us.... We found a great seat with a beautiful view - and waited FOREVER for our food buzzer to go off...



It was delicious and the perfect amount of food for us.


While we were waiting - I recieved a text from a good friend, telling me that they were at the Poly right at that moment. :woohoo: Yay!!! My first Dismeet of the trip.... I wonder who it is?

Link to Day 1 Part 3

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Some how I missed the day 1 part 1 update!

But all caught up now!

Happy she can get a free nail redo!

I hope Alison's teeth are feeing better now and during the trip she is able to enjoy most of her favorites! Long layovers are never fun, but sometimes the price or times are just right!

Hotel room and location looks great! I don't qualify to stay at SoG but it sure does look nice and seems to have a lot of selling points!

I think I've said this before, but I feel like saying it again hope you don't mind...:D I really love your relationship with your girls and I really hope I have a close relationship with my daughter when the time comes.

Looking forward to hearing about the rest of the trip!
I'm so glad the owner is going to fix Allison's nails. I had mine done last week and my gel manicures usually last three weeks...this time it's already cracking and chipping off and it's only been a week and a half. *Sigh*

You have me convinced to look into SoG for our next trip! The extra space in the room would be very, very nice!
I'm glad you were able to get a room in your desired location. The large room and extra space are great!

I love Captain Cook's. I always get the pork nachos; they are so good! Sorry about the long wait to get your food. That must be a common theme at CC. When we stayed at the Poly last summer we waited quite awhile for some of our meals at CC.
Ugh, I definitely don't envy your travel days! I love my quick hour flight down to Orlando.

The town car sounds interesting but I just love the DME so much that I think I would feel like I was missing something by taking a different mode of transportation. Granted I've never had a bad experience with DME before.

SOG looks like a beautiful resort, so glad you weren't kicked out. :rotfl:
Day 1 Part 3

As we were enjoying our nachos and flatbread, my good friend Monica (Tatar63?) texted me... Monica and her dh - Ron were staying at the Poly... I was super excited to get to meet up with her again, and to meet her dh.

We sat at our table at Cpt. Cooks for a very long time chatting while Allison and I inhaled our lunch/dinner.

We decided that our dinner wasn't enough and we wanted dessert - so we went outside to grab a Dole Whip Float, just as we ordered, the torch light ceremony was starting - It was finished almost as soon as it was started - but still really cool to see.


It was getting chilly out, so Monica, Allison and I headed to the lobby... We took an I Spy picture... An added note here - both bags photographed here are Monica's, as she was so kind and thoughtful to loan me her Chip & Dale bag for this trip, since I didn't have time to make one for myself. This was a huge relief to me - and just such a thoughtful thing for her to do - it really meant a lot. Monica is such a wonderful friend - and I am so happy that I was able to meet up with her several times during this trip.


I loved the lights in the Poly lobby, even though I am still unsure of the refurb here - a lot of it has to do with the smell - the Poly has a new smell now, and being the scent oriented person that I am - this confuses me a little bit. However, if any of you are missing the original scent of the Poly - head on over to Shades of Green - it smells like the Poly used to. ::yes::


Still full of boundless energy, we decided to walk back to SoG via the path from the Poly. I do believe this is one of the first and last times we actually did this walk.


And, of course - our view of the pool at night... Love it!


I took the time to get my clothes, bags, accessories ready for in the morning - I find this super helpful during my trips, because I have a lot I wear and need to coordinate. So, if I get it ready and swap bags the night before - my morning goes so much smoother.

We were in bed by 7:45pm - we relaxed and I updated my trip journal.

Overall - I am beyond impressed with SoG... I'd forgotten what a beautiful and welcoming resort it is - the theme and landscape are truly incredible... I am not talking AKL incredible - but Disney incredible for sure. Both Allison and I are very excited to be staying here again! :lovestruc

Tomorrow - we are at Animal Kingdom... Did we defeat the Yeti? Or did the Yeti defeat us?

Link to Day 2 Part 1

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What, 3rd page!!! As always you are a popular girl!! I am late to the party as usual! I have been busy catching up at work and with family stuff (two birthday parties for nephews as soon as we arrived home).
A four hour layover sounds tough, especially when you are so excited to start your vacation. I hope the layover home wasn't as long!
I love the Shades of Green room pictures! What a beautiful resort :flower1:.

I was excited that we would be in Disney at the same time again and be resort neighbors!:yay: Thank you for the kind words...
Yummy dole whips! I do miss the orange flavor in the Magic Kingdom :sad2:

I am so happy you liked SoG. It looks like a beautiful resort.
Yeah for getting to see Monica.
And the best part - he was able to switch us right then and there, had it been a Disney resort - it would have likely taken hours to get something so simple resolved. Allison and I were thrilled!
How great you were able to get exactly what you want!
Our view... I loved this! Annnd... Noting which direction our room was facing - even though we couldn't see the Castle, I was fairly certain that we may be able to see Wishes from our room. :scratchin
WOW! Now that would be cool!
On the way - we stopped at the SoG ticket counter to purchase our tickets for Thursday night's show of Cirque Du Soleil... We chose Category 2, Section 205, Row JJ, Seats 9 & 10. I think we did OK - considering we'd never been there before.
Oh I'm so excited to hear about this review!
We decided to walk to the Poly to eat at Cpt. Cooks...
This QS tends to be very good! Better then some!
We decided that our dinner wasn't enough and we wanted dessert - so we went outside to grab a Dole Whip Float, just as we ordered, the torch light ceremony was starting - It was finished almost as soon as it was started - but still really cool to see.

That looks heavenly - my favorite Disney World treat!
Great picture! And both bags are so cute! How nice you were able to meet up with a friend on the first night!
Still full of boundless energy, we decided to walk back to SoG via the path from the Poly. I do believe this is one of the first and last times we actually did this walk.
I'm curious, ow long does the walk take? And is there a bus to take to POLY from SOG if you want?
And, of course - our view of the pool at night... Love it!


So pretty!! Sounds like you and Allison had a great start to your trip. Looking forward to reading more!
So glad you got to meet up with Monica again! I had so much fun chatting with her on the November trip.

I haven't seen the new Poly lobby completed yet and I doubt I will make it there this weekend. One of these day's I'll get to see it!

I do the same thing as you with the bags! Switching over the night before makes the morning go so much smoother.
Great start to your trip report. I like the idea of taking your children to Disney during their Senior year. I can relate to long layovers in O'Hare as I had two over 6 hours within 3 days this summer. :faint:
The view out your window is beautiful. I never knew about SoG. It looks like a really nice resort. I think that's incredible that the Poly is within walking distance. That must be convenient. I still can't believe how early you got up. I'm sure a 7:45 bedtime was easy considering you'd been up for so long. I hope Allison is feeling better.


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