~~~SEWING my way to POFQ ~ American Girl outfits & Custom Park Bags! ~~~

Here are the photos of what I've been working on... Or part of what I've been working on.

No one should be surprised that it's Donald... after all, he is my guy.

I made this pouch as an accessory to the other item I am making - but I can't tell you what that is yet. I am planning to use this zippered pouch to store my wallet type stuff while at WDW - it's the perfect size. Notice that ring that is attached to the side - that's to attach to whatever else I might be making. :confused3

I also wanted to add that I quilted this myself. One of my favorite features of the older VB bags, is the quality in the quilting - so one of my requirements is that this must be quilted. I've never quilted before. :eek:

I just love Donald with his messy hair. :lovestruc


Here's the inside - the striped fabric is part of what I was waiting on.


Hopefully this will tide you all over until the rest of my fabric comes. :lovestruc

So cute!

So . . . when will you arrive???:rolleyes1 I want to make sure I have at least the guest/playroom ready for you. . .

Oh, wait! you want ME to come to YOUR house... hmm... you do have an embroidery machine... If I show up with a sign that reads, "Will work for embroidery work," will you help me out? :rotfl2:
I have an embroidery machine and my house is a disaster right now -- I clean from the inside out and I want to get better organization in the kitchen so I am redoing the drawers and cabinets over the desk and it's not pretty! There is Halloween crap all over the place and cat vomit on the carpet upstairs. DH is gone this week so I don't have to worry about the house being clean when he comes home, but I made the already messy house messier by trying to reorganize. I'm hopeless. And I haven't exercised yet today and have kid activities this evening. But I will exercise -- I am looking thinner already :) But yes, come over, I will embroider for you while you clean!

Oooh - I'll make the sign in Photoshop, and then we'll both go together! How could she resist both of us, AT THE SAME TIME???? We'll just have to hide the laundry basket full of tshirts that need to be embroidered behind us, or something.
I have my own box of t's waiting to be embroidered. I never got dd's Halloween shirts embroidered, even though I had purchased the designs :(

I'm okay with you getting TP'ed and egged and whatever else. We want to see your amazing secret creation! :lmao::rotfl2: :lmao::rotfl2:

So - when are we meeting at Andrea's? Definitely her place first and THEN Cheryl's . . . let's give that snow a chance to melt!

Oh! Wait! I'm supposed to be sewing, aren't I? :rolleyes1 Can't - DH is sleeping and for some CRAZY reason he says he can't sleep while I'm sewing. :sad2: I can't imagine WHY - it's not like the machine is right next to his head or anything! Jeeze! It's a whole 36" away for cryin' out loud!:rolleyes1
Come right now -- the house needs help and I need to get off the computer.

Dh gripes when I sew while he sleeps too and I sew a room away.
WOW!!!! You whipped that up fast! I love my hipster but think I like your version better. :worship::worship::worship:
OMG ... I want one! :worship:

/stands in line

I must agree OMG :worship: that is so stinkin cute! love the duck butt :rotfl:

think you just created a new line for your etsy store my friend :goodvibes

I'm second in line.......

OMG! That is even more fabulous than I imagined it to be!!!! I think you need to either sell the pattern or go into production - I will be anxiously awaiting mine to arrive (either the pattern or the bag - I love Figment, but as you know, I'm also a huge Mickey fan as well).... :rolleyes1

I am waiting in line too....not so patiently, but waiting. You are definitely on to something great here!!! :worship:

All of the above...please send me pm with a quote on the bag with either figment or mickey...I don't know if I can do it right now, but I am thinking I may just need to get me a Christmas present or a 50th b-day present (next April)...

needless to say, I LOVE it!

That's the cutest Disney bag ever! I love the size and how you thought through every single detail before you made it. I am going to need one also! So please, please, please get a pattern ready for your Etsy store. You are going to have every single person at Disney ask you where to buy that bag.
ALSO IN LINE!!!! :goodvibes :thumbsup2 :cheer2:

ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS! :lovestruc I am so in LOVE with your bag! If you lived in my area I'd be begging you to teach me how to make that! OH IT IS SO CUTE!!

Off to go look at it again.... :cloud9:
I commented on facebook, but I'll say it again here..... I LOVE that bag! The main problem I have with the hipster is I need it to be a little bigger, and you did it!! I hope you start a whole line of these bags, especially Mickey (or minnie). You have outdone yourself!:thumbsup2
I have been lurking and have to tell you I LOVE everything my DD is only 5 months old and doesn't have any AG dolls but I want to buy all your creations.

I love that purse. I just started a sewing class and our next project is a tote bag. Maybe if I can handle that then I can try my hand at something similar to yours. I would definitely buy that pattern from you.
I guess we've decided for you that your next career move is to be a pattern designer. You've already got customers waiting!:cool1::cool1::cool1:
me thinks you have a winner :worship:

I hope I'm among those "non sewing friends".....we will have to talk....
WOW!!!! You whipped that up fast! I love my hipster but think I like your version better.

Thanks Andrea. :thumbsup2

All of the above...please send me pm with a quote on the bag with either figment or mickey...I don't know if I can do it right now, but I am thinking I may just need to get me a Christmas present or a 50th b-day present (next April)...

needless to say, I LOVE it!

THank you Lynn! :lovestruc

I want one too!! That bag came out amazing.:love:

Thanks! :thumbsup2

That's the cutest Disney bag ever! I love the size and how you thought through every single detail before you made it. I am going to need one also! So please, please, please get a pattern ready for your Etsy store. You are going to have every single person at Disney ask you where to buy that bag.

Thanks! I am a bit nervous about designing a pattern, I've never done that before. :confused3 I asked DH about it last night, and he said we have the program on our PC to do it - so it's just a matter of me learning.


ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS! :lovestruc I am so in LOVE with your bag! If you lived in my area I'd be begging you to teach me how to make that! OH IT IS SO CUTE!!

Off to go look at it again....

THanks! :thumbsup2

I commented on facebook, but I'll say it again here..... I LOVE that bag! The main problem I have with the hipster is I need it to be a little bigger, and you did it!! I hope you start a whole line of these bags, especially Mickey (or minnie). You have outdone yourself!:thumbsup2

THanks! :lovestruc

:lovestruc Love the Donald bag!!!

Thanks! :lovestruc

Love it! So cute. As always you inspire me!

I like inspiring people... LOL :thumbsup2

I have been lurking and have to tell you I LOVE everything my DD is only 5 months old and doesn't have any AG dolls but I want to buy all your creations.

I love that purse. I just started a sewing class and our next project is a tote bag. Maybe if I can handle that then I can try my hand at something similar to yours. I would definitely buy that pattern from you.

Welcome!!! Oooh - I am exicted for you about starting a sewing class. My only regret is that I didn't start sewing sooner in my life - I missed out on making a lot of wonderful customs for my girls when they were little. So, enjoy every minute! :thumbsup2

I guess we've decided for you that your next career move is to be a pattern designer. You've already got customers waiting!:cool1::cool1::cool1:

ROFL... But I will probably need testers... Don't you think????

me thinks you have a winner :worship:

I hope I'm among those "non sewing friends".....we will have to talk....

Of course you are Lisa... You are the first person I thought of. :lovestruc

Well, I took my new bag for a test run last night, and I am very happy with it. The size was perfect, and it was comfortable.

Speaking of last night... Allison had her first Beauty and the Beast musical performance, she was one of Gaston's "Silly Girls" and she did wonderful! :wizard: I thought I'd post a couple of pics... I will add - she hated her costume, and if she knew I was posting these pics, she'd hate me forever.



And this one is my favorite! :lovestruc

Thanks for letting me share. :lovestruc

I guess we've decided for you that your next career move is to be a pattern designer. You've already got customers waiting!:cool1::cool1::cool1:

Yeah I will buy it print it out and put it in one of my pretty notebooks and never make it. Like all my other patterns.:rotfl2:
She looks adorable though! Why would she hate you? :confused3 If I looked as cute as that, I'd blow them up and plaster my walls with them. ;)
D I posted at the same time as you earlier just wanted to say thanks for sharing your pictures. Love them she looks great.

she looks so cute! know you were having a major proud mama moment last night too :goodvibes
OOOOOOOO I know someone that would LOVE to test your bag pattern!

Of course, it would have been nice for you to have had that pattern ready a few months ago when I was looking for a small park bag....hmmm...I guess the time machine is broken! LOL!!

Just catching up on your PTR. Your latest dresses are so cute. Love the Pooh themed outfits and the colors of the Christmas dresses are wonderful. Your mini trip organizer is perfect - what a great idea poisonapple princess.

The Donald bag is fabulous :thumbsup2 The little wallet is perfect and I love the hook and water bottle holder. Donald looks awesome.

Have you seen those water bottles that look like a plastic bag? Lots of people had them in Disney and so do some of my DD's friends. They look fairly light but I'm not sure if they leak.

I'm glad your DD had a great opening night. Thanks for sharing the pictures. I'm not sure if I missed it but I was wondering if everything work out at school with those other girls?

I think you have at least one more customer for your potential bag pattern. I would suggest that you teach that pattern on the sewing cruise you will be taking us on when you win the lottery but I'm not sure I can wait that long.
She looks adorable though! Why would she hate you? :confused3 If I looked as cute as that, I'd blow them up and plaster my walls with them. ;)

I know, I agree, I think both of my girls are adorable, but she hated the photo that I love. LOL

How wonderful! Doing musicals was so much fun! Probably my favorite thing I did in HS.
She looks great! I always had ugly costumes too :lmao:.

I tried to tell her that everyone has ugly costumes, but she didn't believe me. :confused3 LOL

D I posted at the same time as you earlier just wanted to say thanks for sharing your pictures. Love them she looks great.

Thanks Chiara...


she looks so cute! know you were having a major proud mama moment last night too :goodvibes

Yes, I was so proud. :lovestruc

OOOOOOOO I know someone that would LOVE to test your bag pattern!

Of course, it would have been nice for you to have had that pattern ready a few months ago when I was looking for a small park bag....hmmm...I guess the time machine is broken! LOL!!

Sorry Nini... I had it in my head when you were looking for a bag pattern... but it was still little scattered pieces everywhere.

I didn't think I'd have any problems finding testers. LOL :lovestruc

Just catching up on your PTR. Your latest dresses are so cute. Love the Pooh themed outfits and the colors of the Christmas dresses are wonderful. Your mini trip organizer is perfect - what a great idea poisonapple princess.

Thanks! :lovestruc

The Donald bag is fabulous :thumbsup2 The little wallet is perfect and I love the hook and water bottle holder. Donald looks awesome.

Thanks! :thumbsup2

Have you seen those water bottles that look like a plastic bag? Lots of people had them in Disney and so do some of my DD's friends. They look fairly light but I'm not sure if they leak.

I have not seen these yet... I might have to go take a looksee, so I know what they look like.

I'm glad your DD had a great opening night. Thanks for sharing the pictures. I'm not sure if I missed it but I was wondering if everything work out at school with those other girls?

Well, they are all friends now... Grrr... middle school - I hate it!

I think you have at least one more customer for your potential bag pattern.
I would suggest that you teach that pattern on the sewing cruise you will be taking us on when you win the lottery but I'm not sure I can wait that long.

Yah, great idea - but I don't think anyone is going to wait that long. :rotfl2:


D~ got some Pixie Dust in the mail today... :lovestruc I will post pictures of it later, but I just want to tell this person (she knows who she is) that she really made my day today. :wizard: :grouphug:



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