Sharon's Journal -150 here I come!

Hi Sharon!

Happy Birthday to your DH! I hope you all had a wonderful time at dinner tonight! Be careful in that snow! Have a great Friday! :sunny:
Gosh, I got so much accomplished yesterday, and NOTHING today! :sad2: Oh well, there is always tomorrow! :earboy2:

Dinner last night was WONDERFUL! DH really enjoyed it, although he was very doubtful going in. He is not an adventurous eater, so anything outside the box causes him concern. But I knew he liked teriyaki and dipping sauces, so I was confident he would enjoy this - which he did! And DS thought it was absolutely the BEST. He thoroughly enjoyed himself, which made the rest of us enjoy ourselves even more! :teeth:

Today's food has been an absolute disaster. Don't know what has come over me except maybe just plain boredom. We got 6" of snow last night, so just stayed home today. We are going to see the Harlem Globetrotters tonight. I've never done that, so I am sure we will all have a great time. Food will probably be horrendous, but I'm not going to worry about it for this one night. It will be what it will be and that is that! :p

Hope everyone has a nice weekend! Enjoy!

TTFN- Sharon :sunny:
I know someone who went and saw them too. They had a blast. Hope you had fun. Don't worry about the food, it will fall in place again. Take care. :goodvibes
Hi Sharon,

How was the bball? It sounds like fun. If the food was lousy, today is a fresh start. You have all the knowledge and tools to get back on track. Keep drinking your water.

Take care,
Hi Sharon,

Enjoy the Globetrotters and don't fret over the food. You'll get it in the groove soon :)

Hi Sharon!

Did you enjoy the Harlem Globetrotters? Find something OP to eat? I hope you had fun!

I started South Beach on Sunday. It hasn't been that difficult, but the headaches are really getting to me.

I hope all is well and that you have a wonderful Wednesday! :sunny:
Hey woman,

How are you doing? I hope all is well. How is the search for childcare going?

Take care,
Super quick note. My FIL passed away suddenly Sat night. The wake is today, funeral tomorrow. My life is in total upheaval. He owned the grocery store that my DH works at. We now have to take over and there is SOOO much to be done. Healthy living is naturally out the door. I am just trying to get by at this point. I am tired, stressed, worried, and going in ten directions at once. Of course, we had to have lots of snow this week too. Early dismissal Mon, no school Tues, delayed opening today - just extra stress!

I'd appreciate all your prayers that we get through this upheaval as simply as possible. Thanks! :grouphug:

TTFN- Sharon
Oh Sharon, :grouphug:

I wish I lived closer to you so I could come over and help you and give you a great big hug. :grouphug: I am so sorry about the loss of your FIL. Please know that you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. If there is anything we can do for you Sharon, please let us know. :grouphug:
:grouphug: Sharon,

I am so sorry to hear of your loss. You and your family are in my prayers. Please take good care of yourself during this hard time. :grouphug:

Just another quick post.

Services are over for my FIL, although we have not buried him yet. The cemetary is closed for the winter, so we will have a committal service in about a month or so.

Now, we try to get back to normal, but it will never be normal again I'm afraid. My DH worked with his dad every day. He went to work today with a very heavy heart. There is so much his dad never got a chance to show him.... I will be working with my DH on Fridays and Saturdays to try to help out. My background is accounting, and that is the area that my FIL took care of at the store. At least I have the knowledge to be able to help DH. I don't know what I would do if I couldn't be there for him.

Needless to say, there won't be any time for me in the forseeable future. I am not complaining, just coming to grips with my new reality. I am sorry to say I don't think I am even going to have the same amount of time to volunteer with my kids and such. My FIL was a GREAT man and he has left huge shoes to fill. (I should tell you that I think the number of people who came to his wake was in the 500 range.)

I am just finishing up cleaning off the counters in the kitchen. We have not been home other than to sleep and change all week. I am going to vacuum the downstairs and then I need to head to the store to work with my DH. There will be no time for exercise in the coming months. I hope to get back to healthy eating by Monday. I ate very little for the first few days and since then it has been whatever was around the house. Unfortunately, that was sandwiches, pasta, chicken wings, pasta, bagels, pasta - you get the idea. We did receive several fruit baskets yesterday, so I have something to pick from this morning.

Thank you for your prayers and kind words - it truly means a lot in the terrible time of loss. :grouphug:

TTFN- Sharon
:grouphug: Sharon,

I am so sorry to hear about your loss. You and your family will be in my prayers.

Do what you need to do to help your family. DH must be devastated. It looks like you will be doing double and triple duty for the forseeable future. Please make sure you get enough sleep.

Healthy living will still be there when you are ready. Sometimes being a woman means we HAVE TO put ourselves last. Just remember how important you are as well.
Please keep us posted on how you are doing. I'm sending hugs nad prayers.
Thank you once again for your prayers. It really means a lot to me! :grouphug:

I am very tired today and have a very heavy heart. I returned to work today and it was quite difficult. My heart wants to be with my husband to help him, but our checkbook says I have to be here. :rolleyes: I know it will get easier, but I am still only half hearted to be here.

My WI this morning was 181.5, which was pretty good for me. Especially considering what I have been eating. I am going to try to refocus on healthy eating. Exercise is of course out the window. Yes Beth, it will be double and triple duty for me for a few months. I am going to try to eat well and just do my best to get by.

DH and I have many very serious decisions to make. I had my first look at the books of the store and what I saw wasn't good. Plus my DH has not wanted to work there for the last few years. He did it for his father. Funny thing is, his father probably kept the business going for Robert. Lesson - TALK to the people you care about and let them know what you are thinking! We need to decide whether we want to sell the business, give it to one of his brothers, just walk away........ We will wait a few weeks before we decide anything, but major changes seem to be in the wind for us.

That is it for me today. I am going to try to catch up on everything left on my desk from last week. Had banana bread for breakfast and brought a yogurt for snack. I think I'll get a salad for lunch. And I need to push my water!!!! Time to get back in the grooove of eating healthy. It will probably help me to feel more energetic as well.

TTFN- Sharon
Dear Sharon, I'm so sorry to hear about your FIL. My thoughts and prayers are with your family now and throughout the coming months as decisions are made. :hug:

Don't worry too much about strict diet or exercise. You've created some very healthy habits, like drinking your water and eating those fruits & veggies, that will help see you through this rough time.

Do the best you can, Sharon. It will be enough. :daisy:

I think that you are doing an amazing job keeping things together considering everything that is going on. As for the business, I hope you an find a solution that works for everyone. I will continue to pray for you guys.

Take care of yourself,


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