She's Going Coast 2 Coast......That Girl is CRAZY!......BOSTON MARATHON UPDATE 4/27

I am slacking again! So much to update on!

I started my new job and I absolutely love it! It doesn't have all the old perks of my old job (like huge discounts on cleaning/kitchen appliances), but it has a commute that saves me appx $40 a week in gas, and 40 minutes each way in time, sooooo that alone balances out my product loss......can you tell I'm an accountant?

In other HUGE news.....I got the call on Tuesday! I will officially be running the Boston Marathon with the Mass General Pediatric Oncology team :banana::woohoo::yay::cool1:! My cousin who is now 23, was diagnosed with leukemia when she was 5. Her dad was one of the founders of this team and I will be running in her honor and continuing the "family tradition". I have one major obstacle to overcome for this race and it is a foot injury. I ran 5 miles on Saturday and it hurt quite a bit. I went home and iced it for a couple hours, but it definitely needs to be looked at. I don't have health insurance until January 1, so I will just keep doing what Im doing and run smarter not harder until then. I have been doing lots of zero impact barre classes as a cross train and that has helped with the flexibility portion of this task at hand. But anyway I am super stoked for April 20th. I am just waiting for my fundraising information, not sure if I get it this week or next or if I have to wait until the team meeting on Dec 1. Who knows :confused3. I probably should ask more questions.

Wow! You've been through a lot in just a few short months. But, it does sound like you've come on out the other side and all is going well which is fantastic!

Yeah it was a lot. I am glad it is over. Trying to stay positive was the hardest part, but I do feel things happen for a reason. Just takes a while to find it sometimes.

Katie, I'm finally here to catch up...please forgive me for my tardiness.

I'm sorry about the job, but I vaguely remember you not being happy. So glad you have a new one lined up and wishing you the best when you start on Monday.

And I was exhausted reading about all your back and forth for weddings, etc.

You are forgiven! I seem to be even tardier!

Thank you. I was definitely not happy and my new job is so amazing.

Haha I was exhausted writing it! I am very glad things have calmed down since then!

wow, what a month you've had since I saw you in DL!

Things do happen for a reason and though it was super stressful it sounds like it has all worked out wonderfully. So glad your cousins son is ok and that you made it to both weddings!

This is my second Boston reference today, so wierd! At a work function and a client just qualified last week. Big deal! He's missed this years registration cut off but is going to apply for 2016 and do the new crazy challenge where you do Big Sur the week after. Now THAT is crazy!


Congrats on the new job, very exciting!

Yeah things just got way more complicated after DL! I am very glad to have all that stress behind me.

Haha getting the BQ is a huge deal! I just go the charity route because I will NEVER qualify for the Marathon! I am going out with a friend who ran it last year tonight to start getting my tips in! Oh my! Had to look up Big Sur, two marathons two weeks in a row??? Oh man! I thought the Dopey was insane!

The last couple months sound pretty draining! I am so sorry you lost your job but it sounds like it worked out nicely. And you have since started your new one? I hope that is going well.

It was so nice to see you in CA in August. I just wish that there was more time to spend together. We will definitely have to do some more serious planning when it comes to our next meet! :goodvibes

Thank you. It did work out nicely. Like I said everything happens for a reason. I am so much happier now than I was 2 months ago!

It was great seeing you and Cynthia as well! I know. It was such a smushed together weekend. Like I said I will be in FL the 20-24th so we def should get together for a meal or a park when I am there!
[QUOTE="Woth2982, post: 52603206, member: 214361"

It was great seeing you and Cynthia as well! I know. It was such a smushed together weekend. Like I said I will be in FL the 20-24th so we def should get together for a meal or a park when I am there![/QUOTE]

Can you believe how little I have been on dis since November. Looks like you haven't been on much either. So looks like our paths should cross again. I would really like to meet up. If you still have my number. (I am sure I still have yours.) Please shoot me a text if you have a free moment during phm weekend. I will do the same.

Hope all is going well for you. :)

Oh yeah... and I plan to post this on each thread that I am sub'd to that is active but OMG, this new dis is hard to navigate. I am thinking I am just starting fresh..and not trying to get caught up at this point. :rolleyes:
I am slacking again! So much to update on!

I started my new job and I absolutely love it! It doesn't have all the old perks of my old job (like huge discounts on cleaning/kitchen appliances), but it has a commute that saves me appx $40 a week in gas, and 40 minutes each way in time, sooooo that alone balances out my product loss......can you tell I'm an accountant?

Haha getting the BQ is a huge deal! I just go the charity route because I will NEVER qualify for the Marathon! I am going out with a friend who ran it last year tonight to start getting my tips in! Oh my! Had to look up Big Sur, two marathons two weeks in a row??? Oh man! I thought the Dopey was insane!

I am SO glad to hear the new job is going well and glad you could finally get that darn foot looked at. OMG on qualifying. My co worker was just telling me about which race his wife is going to try to use to BQ. I knew she was going for it soon. She has to get a 3:40! I can't even imagine. She's amazingly fast but even with that, she's got her work cut out for you.

It was so cute though, he actually emailed me last weekend after Big Sur as he finally broke 5 hours on his full's. I was so happy for him! There is an odd segment of people that do halfs and fulls on a pretty regular basis. I mean there are folks that did Dopey followed immediately by Rebel Challenge.

No thanks. Are you kidding? I ran 8 on Sat and 12 on Sunday. That is enough. EVER. For me.


I mean it was fine for the most part but really, the idea of doing that on a regular basis? No way!

[QUOTE="Woth2982, post: 52603206, member: 214361"

Can you believe how little I have been on dis since November. Looks like you haven't been on much either. So looks like our paths should cross again. I would really like to meet up. If you still have my number. (I am sure I still have yours.) Please shoot me a text if you have a free moment during phm weekend. I will do the same.

Hope all is going well for you. :)

Oh yeah... and I plan to post this on each thread that I am sub'd to that is active but OMG, this new dis is hard to navigate. I am thinking I am just starting fresh..and not trying to get caught up at this point. :rolleyes:

LOL! I just emailed Ann earlier today about the chat and tentative Sunday night plan on my thread.
It has been FOREVER since I have been here! So much has happened that has kept me away.

In November I was granted a number for the BOSTON MARATHON!!!! I was accepted onto the Mass General Pediatric Oncology team! This is the hospital that saved my cousin's life when she was 5 years old. Her father along with one of the doctors founded the team in 1998. They have grown from 10 runners to over 100! I am so honored to be a part of this team and continue the family legacy.

Then on December 1st, I lost my beloved puppy Nixon (ok he wasn't a puppy he was 9)....he also was NOT named after the President but my favorite baseball player Trot Nixon. He passed suddenly and it just about killed me. As anyone who has lost a pet knows, a part of you goes with that pet. We had him cremated and I still have not been able to take him "home" to my house. He is still at my parents and will remain there until I am ready.

My work continues to keep me busy. I absolutely love my new job and am so thankful to be happy at work and feel like they really appreciate me being here.

In February right BEFORE my birthday I broke my foot. When it rains in my life it pours. I was off my foot for 6 solid weeks of training. Adding insult to injury we had record amounts of snow! Due to the foot and the weather I developed some pretty bad Seasonal Affective Disorder this winter. I had to scratch the PHM due to the broken foot, but getting to Florida for a weekend was just what the doctor ordered. I got to speak with Jeff Galloway who gave me some AMAZING advice on how to approach Boston. I would only have 5 weeks to train for a full marathon by the time I was out of the boot. I also got to visit with Anne and Cynthia. It was so great seeing them and catching up! I look forward to doing several more races with them in the future!

I got my boot off March 11th. I ran 3 miles on the 14th. Experienced quite a bit of pain and was afraid the foot would not hold up. The following Saturday I made it 11 miles before I had to call it quits. This made me very nervous. The 28th was the LONGEST run. 20 miles. This run is basically make it or break it. I was incredibly nervous. I have never run 20 miles ever, never mind 3 weeks after breaking my foot. It took me 5.5 hours to finish the 20. This included a complete mental breakdown at mile 16. It was snowing, I was cold, I was wet and I wanted to be DONE! I met a very kind mailman who offered me a ride and talked me back to reality. I declined his offer knowing that if I did it, I would NOT be able to run Boston. It was all mental. I did manage to finish the 20 and then went home and tormented myself with the foam roller!

It took a few days to recover, but the following week I had to modify my training. This time due to work. I ran 6 miles Saturday morning then had to go into the office. We have a very strict 3 day accrual schedule and given I am covering for a co-worker on her maternity leave it is taking me a bit longer to get through all I have to. The next day I did 10 miles and naturally developed a shin splint. I ignored/treated this as best I could, but I was out of time. I did my final "long run" a mere 8 miles (which felt like cheating) on April 11th. After that maintenance.

Before I knew it Marathon day was here. I had so many friends in town to watch me run. Because it is me, and I cannot do anything without a little added drama, I had an accident on Sunday morning.

Before my first half marathon I fell and broke my toe. Before the 2014 PHM I fell in my parents driveway and scraped up my leg and knee. Before the Boston Marathon, the biggest race of my life, I fell down my stairs. Slid right down, landed on my bottom and left arm. Thankfully I was OK, my neck still hurts and I am seeing the doctor on Wednesday, but other than that I was ok.

Race morning came and I was dropped at a friends house and got a ride up to Hopkinton to get to the starting line.

Fun fact about Boston. It is more than 26.2 it is more like 29.5 miles. It is a mile to the start, a mile at the finish and a mile to your car! Makes for a long day.

What also makes for a long day....having a sore hip from falling and RAIN!!! Yes rain! Marathon Monday was a big bucket of rain and a 30 mph head wind! I swear I cant win. Part of the marathon were like running into a wall and having someone dump a bucket of water on your head. Think of it as a 26.2 mile ice bucket challenge!

I must say though, despite the rain people were amazing. Crowds were thinner than normal but still out there. A stranger helped me remove my sock and shoe and put a dry sock on. People handed out orange slices, pretzels and chips all day. Kids had bottles of water. Everyone was amazing. I saw my family and friends at mile 16 and stopped for hugs and words of encouragement. They met me again at mile 20 and two of my friends then ran with me to the finish line. They coached me up Heartbreak hill, and through the flooded streets of Brookline, we took the right on Hereford and I got my second wind. When we took the left onto Boylston I was charged. My friends hopped out of the course and sprinted to the finish to take pictures. When I was done I just cried. I was cold, I was soaked, and I didn't even care. I got my medal and cried again when it was placed on my neck.

For 6 hours and 23 minutes I ran 26.2 miles in the rain. It was the most miserable yet rewarding day of my life and I cannot wait to do it again.
I'm so sorry about your puppy (they will always be a "puppy" in our eyes).

You have the worse luck with your health and hurting yourself.

And congratulations to you on finishing the marathon. You should be extremely proud of yourself!
I'm so sorry about your puppy (they will always be a "puppy" in our eyes).

You have the worse luck with your health and hurting yourself.

And congratulations to you on finishing the marathon. You should be extremely proud of yourself!

Yes he will always be my puppy. I still miss him a lot.

I really do! One of my friends said "I think you and the marathon are in an abusive relationship" I said, no Im in an abusive relationship with me. The marathon is an enabler!

Thank you so much! I am so proud. It still almost doesn't seem real!


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