Single Family Homes On WDW Property


<marquee><font color=red>I'm a huggin' fool</marqu
Sep 2, 2006
A little over a year ago Disney announced a large project for a Four Seasons resort, condominiums, timeshares and potential homes to be built on the northeast corner of WDW property.

An article appeared in today's Orlando Sentinal discussing the project in more detail. I felt compelled to create this thread because like all of you I'm a WDW fanatic. The article gives the impression more homes than originally planned will be built. Which is very alarming to me.,0,2316702.story

The fact that Disney will allow million dollar and multi-million dollar homes to be built on a large portion of their property disturbs me. Let's face it, only the rich will be able to afford these homes. This does not fall within Walt's vision at all. He wanted his Disneyland & Disney World to be for everyone, for all families to enjoy. By segragating the rich I feel like the execs at Disney are selling out, part of Walt's vision is lost. In my opinion that can't be good for the company in the long run.

What's worse is we are saying goodbye to one, and possibly two of Disney's premier golf courses. Eagle Pines will have homes built on it and another could be privatized. I know Eagle Pines has been closed for a while now and that was a very nice course.

Looking at the WDW map this project will take up a pretty big chunk of land. There is so much going wrong with the use of this land, in my opinion; Disney selling out to the rich, more 3rd parties building a resort, great golf course(s) going to the waste-side.

Anyway, I wanted to get my feelings about this out and was curious what other DISers thought of this. I hope the podcast crew will discuss this during an upcoming show in either the news or a short segment because to me hearing this will happen makes for a sad day. :headache:
It makes me sad :sad2: .... I really don't understand the reason for doing this. It seems like such a weird idea to me. Why can't they just leave well enough alone. I hope they discuss it in the podcast too!
Geez, that doesn't sound good at all.:sad1: I'll have to read up on this, thanks for posting.
Wow, if all that is true in the article, it's really sad.

Since when does Disney think it's a good idea to promote elitism to that degree? Multi-million dollar homes built on Disney property? Property that Walt bought to be sure there was enough room to create something for everyone to enjoy?

And besides, WHY would Disney want to sell off parts of it's property to individuals? That is very weird to me.
Very interesting article. Thanks for posting. I hate to see any part of my beloved WDW sold. :sad2: But I would love to own a house in the midst of the 'world'. I gotta start playing Lotto. ;)
Is this going to be another Town like Celebration? If so, didn't they learn from the past?

I read a similar artcle on and they are pretty much aiming these prices toward foreign buyers who can afford multi million dollar homes in america. Because seriously, what Americans can afford these homes, and in Orlando no less?
When I saw this article I got all fired up. I honestly and starting to realize that sometimes Disney cannot leave the good things alone. Personally for me, I think that Disney is going way over their heads. The worst part is that they want to aim these houses at those who have millions. I highly, highly agree with the poster who said that this was not what Walt Disney dreamed of. I shake my head at this :mad:
ITA. WDW property is like sacred land to many of us. I don't like the fact that Disney is selling out and what they are selling is out of reach for most of their loyal guests.

Not sure where my envy stops and my disgust begins.
Not sure where my envy stops and my disgust begins.

Well put. Selling Disney out to the wealthy is NOT what Walt envisioned when he got the idea for WDW. Wouldn't it be strange to see a gated neighborhood while walking down Main Street USA? (OK, I don't know where either of these golf courses are :confused: )

~Simon :wizard:
Dis Boarders should join together and buy Disney stock and give their proxy vote all to one person and vote this down.
I'll kick in 31.02 for a share!:thumbsup2

News like this makes me conflicted. Part of me thinks "you sad people, destroying Walt's vision." Another part of me thinks, "I wish I had that kind of dough!"
While I was listening to the podcast and Pete was talking about these homes being built starting this year, I wanted to hurt somebody. This has got to be the WORST idea in Disney history. They are literally going to destroy WDW by selling homes to rich people. What will they do next? Sell the parks to them?


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