Sister Wives

According to the article in the link posted above, the whole family was worth $1.6 million in late 2018. When you think about it, that's not much! Some kids are married and off on their own, but they still have quite a few to feed, clothe, put through college, pay for weddings, etc. Then they have to consider retirement for 5 people. I wonder if they have anything put away for that? And that $1.6 million isn't all liquid. It's invested in houses and can't be readily spent.

I can't believe they left Las Vegas in such a hurry and left the houses empty. What about buying and building on the land in Flagstaff while still living in Vegas? They would avoid the rents and let Janelle's son finish high school there. Why the rush to get to Flagstaff, only to split the family into rentals and take on the extra expense? Or why not rent out the houses in Vegas to get some income from them? None of it makes any sense. And why oh why does Meri need a huge house with an elevator?
According to the article in the link posted above, the whole family was worth $1.6 million in late 2018. When you think about it, that's not much! Some kids are married and off on their own, but they still have quite a few to feed, clothe, put through college, pay for weddings, etc. Then they have to consider retirement for 5 people. I wonder if they have anything put away for that? And that $1.6 million isn't all liquid. It's invested in houses and can't be readily spent.

I can't believe they left Las Vegas in such a hurry and left the houses empty. What about buying and building on the land in Flagstaff while still living in Vegas? They would avoid the rents and let Janelle's son finish high school there. Why the rush to get to Flagstaff, only to split the family into rentals and take on the extra expense? Or why not rent out the houses in Vegas to get some income from them? None of it makes any sense. And why oh why does Meri need a huge house with an elevator?

Do you really expect any of the family to make sense?
OK, came back, saw all the activity, so I watched the episodes and didn't delete future scheduled recordings.

Just need to reiterate how cringe worthy that pond scene was. For Cody in his underwear - absolutely! But also for how giddy he got over water in a ditch on property they own. That was just strange! Besides which, I'd say own is being generous. If you only put 10% down, and aren't even keeping up with property taxes, how much ownership do you really have?

Disclaimer: not sure how accurate the info is, but I found this about the Coyote Pass land:

"Sister Wives patriarch Kody Brown and his four wives bought approximately 12 acres of land in Flagstaff known as Coyote pass. Collectively they paid $820,000 for the land which is separated into 4 parcels, 3 approximately 2.5 acres and one approximately 5 acres.

Kody Brown paid $170,000 for two parcels, $180,000 for one parcel and $300, 000 for the large parcel. The family put 10% as a down payment. Mortgages on the four parcels run about $4,000 a month plus property taxes. Keep in mind this is for raw undeveloped land. Kody and the Sister Wives will likely need construction loans to build on the land."

Note: according to the article the above figures came from the Coyote Pass land has appreciated considerably. If that's the case I predict they'll sell sooner rather than later instead of actually building, especially since it seems they've bought several other properties in Flagstaff.

Apparently Lizzie's Inn is doing well. According to Meri's blog, the inn was voted Best Country Inn two years running.

Although just for fun I pulled a few dates I thought would be reasonably popular travel times (not sure when high season in Parowan, UT is - LOL) and every room was still available.

I missed a lot of last season. Why did they move out of the last houses? Especially since they are just sitting empty now. I’m thinking I missed something 🤔

Nah, you didn't miss anything. They wanted to leave Vegas and felt it was a reasonably good time as far as getting kids into new schools. There was a mad rush to go during summer so kids could get settled before school started. Flagstaff seemed to be a pretty random choice actually. It definitely was if looking at it from a financial standpoint since COL there is higher than in Vegas.

Side note: we've moved a fair bit and have found moving mid year (especially if it can be timed between semesters, or quarters, or whatever the school system runs on) is often easier than being the new kid at the beginning of a school year. JMHO

i wonder if the whole idea is a pipe dream given the properties they bought. i don't know how it works where they bought but around my rural area there are strict regulations on how many bedrooms/bathrooms can be on a single 'lot'. a 'lot' can vary in acreage but just b/c someone buys adjacent lots doesn't mean they can take all the allotted bedrooms/bathrooms add them together and build one super house. we also can't build on lot lines even if you own adjacent properties-it has to be on one of the lots period, and that house has to be a single family home, not a multi family dwelling.

when he was first buying the land and made the comment that one of the costs of building would be on them to connect to the utilities where they currently ended (acres and acres away) and it 'won't cost that much' dh and i nearly died laughing. we've had neighbors pay tens of thousands to hook up a fraction of that distance.

you can pay an architect to design anything. they don't look at the zoning, the easements, the costs of construction. they just design what you ask them to do.

I just shook my head at the plans for the grand house because I couldn't figure out how it was going to work, and on so many different levels.

Even if there aren't neighborhood CC&R's, there are zoning regulations.

There was a hub-bub not far from me when the city wanted a whole neighborhood previously on septic to connect to sewer. I want to say the cost was going to be $25,000-$35,000 per parcel, and that was with minimal construction needed as some lines were already there and others just needed to be extended from the outer streets (a couple of blocks away at most).

Assuming they do actually build the monstrosity Cody is envisioning, can you imagine trying to sell that thing some day? Who is going to buy that... and in Flagstaff? Some people don't need to worry about that because they build their dream home and stay until they die. I don't know that I see that for the Brown family, and even if they do settle and stay, how do they afford it when the TLC gravy train dries up?

Ya'll have helped suck me back in. 🤪
Mortgages on the four parcels run about $4,000 a month plus property taxes.

let's not forget insurance. where we live it can cost more to insure bare, uninhabited acreage than the identical property with a home on it. reason being is uninhabited-unless it totally fenced off and secure-it's unsupervised and any yahoo can wander on to it and either injure themselves or take action that damages the property/adjacent property (and that 'pond'-looked like a run off pond to me which usually means water running off the higher levels of the property through the critter poop-could be considered an attractive nuisance which would drive insurance much higher).

i can't imagine what payments would be between p/i/mpi/insurance/property taxes with only 10% down on $820,000 before any closing costs.
Meri has such a victim mentality! I feel like the other wives are much better at taking responsibility for their actions. Like Janelle’s weight, Christine’s jealousy, etc. they own it. They’re like “this is MY problem,” Meri is always blaming everyone and anyone for her stuff.

Or when she does apologize she gets huffy and passive-aggressive. And if anyone disagrees with her at all it’s an attack. For someone who “needs independence and alone time,” she seems the most emotionally needy and clingy. I was so proud when Christine told her “you bring a black cloud with you wherever you go.” So true!

She seems very smart and if she would just listen to others instead of constantly fighting against every little thing (although outside of the family she’s weirdly submissive like with the catfish and her Flagstaff neighbors), she could really have some emotional growth.

She'd be fun here on the DIS!! :rotfl:
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I can't believe they left Las Vegas in such a hurry and left the houses empty. What about buying and building on the land in Flagstaff while still living in Vegas? They would avoid the rents and let Janelle's son finish high school there. Why the rush to get to Flagstaff, only to split the family into rentals and take on the extra expense? Or why not rent out the houses in Vegas to get some income from them? None of it makes any sense. And why oh why does Meri need a huge house with an elevator?
As someone with OCD, I definitely see some obsessive-compulsive behavior with Kody when it came to this move. He got this idea in his head that he needed to move to Flagstaff and he could. not. let. it. go! He had this ridiculous NEED to get to Flagstaff and did a lot of stupid things to make that happen. I do believe it was partially due to anxiety from the shooting in Las Vegas (they said some of the kids were supposed to be at the concert and changed plans last minute), and partially just Kody’s wanderlust kicking in.

Meri needs a huge house with an elevator because she needs to prove that she’s not “less than” the other wives just because she only has one biological child. Which is true! But also kind of impractical when you have one person in a gigantic house. I think she’s definitely the most materialistic and has the most stuff for the sake of stuff so she probably can fill that giant house on her own.
This is all just confusing and a lot. I still don't understand the move? I understand the Las Vegas shooting situation, but that clearly can happen anywhere and at any time in today's climate. Was there another reason? Were they being chased out, protested against? Honestly, I think the house setup in Las Vegas was ideal. Outside of being in the same house, it was perfect and if I were a Sister Wife I'd be totally happy with that. Now everything seems like it's a mess and, based on the map they showed, are the furthest apart they have ever been.
This is all just confusing and a lot. I still don't understand the move? I understand the Las Vegas shooting situation, but that clearly can happen anywhere and at any time in today's climate. Was there another reason? Were they being chased out, protested against? Honestly, I think the house setup in Las Vegas was ideal. Outside of being in the same house, it was perfect and if I were a Sister Wife I'd be totally happy with that. Now everything seems like it's a mess and, based on the map they showed, are the furthest apart they have ever been.
The shooting was kind of the (pardon the pun) trigger, but they never really planned to stay in Las Vegas because it “doesn’t line up with their morality.” When they first moved there, they did say that it wasn’t permanent, but building homes all together and everything they did contradicted that. I think it’s really stupid because their lifestyle was a non-issue in Vegas. They were not harassed or threatened there that I’ve ever heard of. Most people there were pretty unconcerned about it from everything The Browns said. But they consider themselves “too conservative” for Vegas.
As someone with OCD, I definitely see some obsessive-compulsive behavior with Kody when it came to this move. He got this idea in his head that he needed to move to Flagstaff and he could. not. let. it. go! He had this ridiculous NEED to get to Flagstaff and did a lot of stupid things to make that happen. I do believe it was partially due to anxiety from the shooting in Las Vegas (they said some of the kids were supposed to be at the concert and changed plans last minute), and partially just Kody’s wanderlust kicking in.

Meri needs a huge house with an elevator because she needs to prove that she’s not “less than” the other wives just because she only has one biological child. Which is true! But also kind of impractical when you have one person in a gigantic house. I think she’s definitely the most materialistic and has the most stuff for the sake of stuff so she probably can fill that giant house on her own.

I sometimes wonder if Kody doesn’t hold Meri to the same standard because she only had one child. It seems like he’s so over her. I feel like her little cat fishing thing was his easy out and divorcing her so he can adopt Robin’s kids played into his plan. But keeping her on the show keeps ratings up.
Meri has such a victim mentality! I feel like the other wives are much better at taking responsibility for their actions. Like Janelle’s weight, Christine’s jealousy, etc. they own it. They’re like “this is MY problem,” Meri is always blaming everyone and anyone for her stuff.

Or when she does apologize she gets huffy and passive-aggressive. And if anyone disagrees with her at all it’s an attack. For someone who “needs independence and alone time,” she seems the most emotionally needy and clingy. I was so proud when Christine told her “you bring a black cloud with you wherever you go.” So true!

She seems very smart and if she would just listen to others instead of constantly fighting against every little thing (although outside of the family she’s weirdly submissive like with the catfish and her Flagstaff neighbors), she could really have some emotional growth.
Right on! You read my mind. She is totally passive/aggressive. I'm sure she drives everyone crazy!
The shooting was kind of the (pardon the pun) trigger, but they never really planned to stay in Las Vegas because it “doesn’t line up with their morality.” When they first moved there, they did say that it wasn’t permanent, but building homes all together and everything they did contradicted that. I think it’s really stupid because their lifestyle was a non-issue in Vegas. They were not harassed or threatened there that I’ve ever heard of. Most people there were pretty unconcerned about it from everything The Browns said. But they consider themselves “too conservative” for Vegas.
At the time, that's exactly why they moved to Las Vegas. They were (or felt they were) under threat of arrest in Utah for violating the polygamy laws there and they needed a place where the "morality" of one guy having 4 wives wouldn't raise any eyebrows. Can't have that cake and eat it too though, I guess. If it was really a priority they would have headed somewhere that polygamists congregate relatively undisturbed and those places definitely do exist in the US, Canada and Mexico.

As for the move, I got the impression the idea started as a mistaken attempt at making money. Early on when it was first discussed, Kody seemed to think there was substantial equity in the 4 houses. The "plan" seemed to be to sell them, take out the equity and move to a place with a lower COL, thereby realizing a profit. This is ideally how investing in real estate works, but seriously - the way it's played out makes them all seem really, really stupid. Did none of them actually run the numbers? Heck, Janelle's a realtor - was she really so completely out of touch with the realities of the market? Needless to say, the result sure hasn't been what they expected and AFAWK, their financial situation is quite a bit worse-off now than it was before they started.
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Last night's episode was filmed during Christmas 2018. Has anyone heard whether or not they've started building on the land in Flagstaff during the past year? Are they going forward with the big house or four smaller ones? I can't imagine that Christine budged one bit on the idea of one house.
Last night's episode was filmed during Christmas 2018. Has anyone heard whether or not they've started building on the land in Flagstaff during the past year? Are they going forward with the big house or four smaller ones? I can't imagine that Christine budged one bit on the idea of one house.
I have tried to look it up since I don’t really mind spoilers. All I can find is that Robyn and Kody bought a house in Flagstaff, I couldn’t find anything about them breaking ground on the land. He also tweeted something about houses and people went nuts like “Oh so one big house didn’t happen” and idk if he ever responded at all. Last I had seen he hadn’t.
Pretty sure someone dug up numbers indicating they were likely in financial trouble on the Vegas properties, not surprising if info about TLC drastically cutting the amount paid per episode was correct, so maybe Cody jumped more quickly than he might have otherwise trying to cash in while he thought the market was hot?

Note: I didn't fact check at all, just went with figures I found posted online, and I only ran numbers for all 4 properties as a group, not individually.

As a whole:
The Vegas properties were purchased in 2012/2013 for a total of $1,779,071
Held for an average 6.5 years
Original asking price total: $2,542,900
10% price drop to get them sold (this would vary widely if figured for each house individually)
Sold price total: $2,287,900
Closing dates ranged from Feb - Sept 2019
As a whole that averages annual appreciation rate right around 4%.
They certainly didn't make a killing, but had they been smart when buying and selling, they should have been OK. (I know, I know :rotfl:)
I think, given their religious views, they should all live in one big house for the sake of the kids, so they can have regular contact in their giant family living room. And the kids can have regular contact with their father. Whether or not anyone agrees with their lifestyle, the kids all have one father. The wives would still have their privacy. I really don't understand the objections, according to their own lifestyle/religious views.
I think, given their religious views, they should all live in one big house for the sake of the kids, so they can have regular contact in their giant family living room. And the kids can have regular contact with their father. Whether or not anyone agrees with their lifestyle, the kids all have one father. The wives would still have their privacy. I really don't understand the objections, according to their own lifestyle/religious views.
I agree with this! I’m not understanding the point of the plural marriage if they all live separately and do their own thing. Isn’t that just sharing a husband then? I have no judgement on the lifestyle just don’t understand how they are choosing to live it
I agree with this! I’m not understanding the point of the plural marriage if they all live separately and do their own thing. Isn’t that just sharing a husband then? I have no judgement on the lifestyle just don’t understand how they are choosing to live it
Exactly! I wish I knew more about their reasons, not just, I don't ever want to live together again. And if they want the best for their kids, why not have them closer to their father. It's pretty screwy.


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