Sister Wives

I don't know that they've ever admitted it, but I think the move was largely about getting Robyn to Flagstaff so Dayton (or David if that's what he's going by now) could live at home while attending NAU. I'm sure Gabriel sees the timing worked out perfectly for Dayton but not so much for him. I can understand him being resentful about that. Then whether it's a good idea for covid precautions or not, compound that with Kody spending so much time with Robyn & kids and none with Janelle & kids, and I think I can overlook a little teen snark.

I know a lot of people like Christine and respect her for standing her ground. Normally I'm all about that as well. Not so much in this situation. I find her insistence on never living together incredibly annoying. She knew what plural marriage was, chose that lifestyle, but now seems to have very little interest in actually living or functioning as a plural family.

I used to think some of the drama was overplayed or staged to create interest for the show. Now I'm not so sure. What a mess!
I totally agree with both of these. Christine is driving me nuts with her whining. What happened to, “I didn’t want the man; I wanted the family” or however she said it? Kody is acting like a jerk about all of his wives. It seems like he doesn’t want to be married to one woman, let alone four.
Kody's conversation with Meri made me cringe. Yes, she sought male companionship outside the marriage and that hurt Kody. I get it. He has three other wives to get his needs met. Meri is clearly not getting her needs met and wants to repair the relationship with Kody. He clearly has no interest, but he refuses to come right out and tell her to look elsewhere. She seems stuck between this small glimmer of hope that he might someday return her feelings and actually walking away. She needs to give up on Kody and decide what she wants. If she wants to be a wife in name only and stay near the family, then she needs to accept that role. If she wants to pursue a new relationship and live her own life, she needs to leave. Heck, she has a huge house. She might as well find herself a new man and move him in. She could still go to family gatherings and see the kids. Kody doesn't want to be a husband to her, so how could he possibly object?
Kody and Meri's anniversary picnic was classic gaslighting. Meri's fault fault for not being loveable. Meri's fault for not making the first move. Meri's fault for not courting him. Meri, Meri. Meri. Ugh. This guy's ego is ridiculously overblown.
That whole conversation was awful. But revealing. He's not capable of getting over the catfishing episode. But his ego won't allow for him to just break it off with her completely. I think he's found his way of dealing with it, by stringing her along and making her pay on a recurring basis. What a jerk.
I don't know that they've ever admitted it, but I think the move was largely about getting Robyn to Flagstaff so Dayton (or David if that's what he's going by now) could live at home while attending NAU. I'm sure Gabriel sees the timing worked out perfectly for Dayton but not so much for him. I can understand him being resentful about that. Then whether it's a good idea for covid precautions or not, compound that with Kody spending so much time with Robyn & kids and none with Janelle & kids, and I think I can overlook a little teen snark.

I know a lot of people like Christine and respect her for standing her ground. Normally I'm all about that as well. Not so much in this situation. I find her insistence on never living together incredibly annoying. She knew what plural marriage was, chose that lifestyle, but now seems to have very little interest in actually living or functioning as a plural family.

I used to think some of the drama was overplayed or staged to create interest for the show. Now I'm not so sure. What a mess!
I heard that rumor and find myself wondering about it more and more. I mean, we all chat and wonder about the real reason for the move. I'm sure those kids do the same (if they haven't been told off camera). The 2 kids who were uprooted going into their senior years have to see how "convenient" it was for Dayton to end up close to the college he chose. I can't even imagine the resentment all of that could cause.
I heard that rumor and find myself wondering about it more and more. I mean, we all chat and wonder about the real reason for the move. I'm sure those kids do the same (if they haven't been told off camera). The 2 kids who were uprooted going into their senior years have to see how "convenient" it was for Dayton to end up close to the college he chose. I can't even imagine the resentment all of that could cause.
Having been raised with a profoundly handicapped sibling (albeit not quite the same situation as Dayton), I realized practically from birth that our family revolved around doing what was best for him. Nobody ever discussed it with me; it just was that way. I don’t think it’s uncommon in families with similar circumstances but then again most families don’t have 17 other kids whose needs/wants are being subjugated. And yes, no matter how much you love that sibling, it’s impossible as a child not to be hurt, angry and resentful sometimes.
Having been raised with a profoundly handicapped sibling (albeit not quite the same situation as Dayton), I realized practically from birth that our family revolved around doing what was best for him. Nobody ever discussed it with me; it just was that way. I don’t think it’s uncommon in families with similar circumstances but then again most families don’t have 17 other kids whose needs/wants are being subjugated. And yes, no matter how much you love that sibling, it’s impossible as a child not to be hurt, angry and resentful sometimes.

Yup. My oldest is a child with special needs. We do what is best for him but we honestly to try to maintain what is best for others. It is anot always easy BUT I also would never uproot my entire family for one child. Especially a family THAT big. Maybe Kody should have just moved Robyn down there for 4 years and then move her back when Dayton was done with school. But you know that would have been so rough on KODY so let's uproot everybody for Robyn's son.
Having been raised with a profoundly handicapped sibling (albeit not quite the same situation as Dayton), I realized practically from birth that our family revolved around doing what was best for him. Nobody ever discussed it with me; it just was that way. I don’t think it’s uncommon in families with similar circumstances but then again most families don’t have 17 other kids whose needs/wants are being subjugated. And yes, no matter how much you love that sibling, it’s impossible as a child not to be hurt, angry and resentful sometimes.
Yes, I can see how that would happen in some families. But Dayton doesn't really appear to be profoundly handicapped. And it's another matter entirely when you're talking about uprooting 17 other kids.
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Yes, I can see how that would happen in some families. But Dayton doesn't really appear to be profoundly handicapped. And it's another matter entirely when you're talking about uprooting 17 other kids.

I agree. I have a son with Asperger's. His level of functioning is different than Dayton's, but I can see some similarities. My son did well enough academically, but the whole school experience was difficult for him. He has no interest in college, but if he did, he would definitely need one nearby so he could live at home. That said, I think we would have started him at a community college and ensured that services were in place to make it accessible for him. Perhaps Dayton was capable of going straight into a university setting, but moving the whole family so he could go to college seems quite extreme.
I'm truly convinced Meri is only staying on and Kody associating with her is because they're under TLC contract. Their situation does add some drama.

With uprooting the family for Dayton to go to college, they used the Oct. 1 mass shooting as the reason why. Like I said before, the rumor is they did some creative financing with their homes and I do agree with others that they moved to keep the story going. It also seems that their older kids who were already adults weren't onboard with continuing the show like the adult kids are in Counting On. Yet read with Counting On, Jim Bob controls all the $$$$ and dishes out to the kids how he sees fit.
Yes, I can see how that would happen in some families. But Dayton doesn't really appear to be profoundly handicapped. And it's another matter entirely when you're talking about uprooting 17 other kids.
I've always thought Dayton had some sort of neuro delay. Has anything been confirmed? And I agree with others that Robin should have moved with Dayton and let the 1 other kids finish their schooling.
It was soooo cringey. It’s pretty clear that Kody wants nothing to do with Meri anymore but he wants her to be the one to initiate the split.
Honestly I don't see Kody wanting anything to do with any of the wives except Robin. Maybe its just me, but he doesn't seem to enjoy being around Janelle or Christine. I really like Janelle and Christine.
I think I might be an episode behind but I just finished watching the anniversary episode. Oh my gosh. Kody made me so mad. Like he has done nothing wrong, and if only Meri had done this or that. And the “you’ve got to be lovable” statement was horrible. Especially in a religious culture where the man is generally seen as the “head” or “authority.” Like don’t tell you wife to leave on your freakin’ anniversary. Sheesh! I have more thoughts, but that’s the general summary.
Well seems I’m the odd one out on that episode. I felt like Kody was at last being honest. Brutally honest but honest. If you listen to what each are actually saying Meri never owns her part in all of this. Having been married forever and a day (32 years) when I’m asked how we make it work I say, “You have to be willing to hear your own crap.” I feel like Meri isn’t willing to do that. She just wants to move on without really examining it and they’re stuck. When he said “Meri needs to figure out if she really wants to be with me or if she’s just lonely” it really struck a nerve for me. I hate to say it but he’s right. She does this with the whole family, puts all the issues on them but never really makes the effort to solve the actual problem.
My heart really went out to Meri on her anniversary. I think if I were her I'd focus on making my relationships with Robyn & Janelle better. Maybe the way to his heart is through Robyn. Haha. I'm not sure what else she could do to get Kody to be interested again. It seems like he shuts down her attempts with him.
I don't take from Kody's brutally honest anniversary rant is that he wants singular marriage now. He wants rid of 3 wives, starting with Mery. And I can likely 100% guess which other 2. And I kinda blame Christine with her refusal to live all together or even do stuff together as giving Kody his out.


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