Smoking Ban

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Welp, maybe it was just my high school. All girls Catholic high school in Chicago, our smoking lounge was the washroom.
Folks fly long flights everyday without smoking. People have jobs where no smoking is done for a 12 hour shift It’s a non issue to go a day in the park without smoking. Deal with it. I’m not anti smoking. I love cigars. But going say 12 hours without a cigarette is nothing. I know plenty of smokers that do just that. Disney has a new policy. Deal with it. Leave the park and smoke. If one doesn’t like that. Then don’t come. No one cares. No one will feel sorry for you. We all have things we deal with. So deal with it.
Wear a patch or whatever. But if you want to smoke. You’ll have to head on out. Life goes on. I happily wait till evening to have a cigar. Always have.
Note:can we now get jorts banned,? Lol
Do I have to tell you again to stop trying to ban profitable items, we just lost out on the 16.00 profit we were making on cigarette sales.
The same thing happened in my city. When they banned smoking, even in bar and grills, the businesses that were so concerned about losing customers actually got more business. The die hard, chain smokers are a minority and people were happy to be able to go out and enjoy themselves without breathing in someone else's smoke. People will just go outside to smoke if they want one.

Here you can't smoke with in 100 meters to the entrance of any business or private residence. Which makes it almost impossible to find a place outside that you can smoke as well. Not a lot of places that aren't 100 meters from an entrance to something.
Imagine how many more limited edition cupcakes you can buy if you quit smoking!
Thats the problem with many smokers who quit or try to. Many gain weight sometimes a significant amount.

Ive seen multiple posts about all the places in the world that smoking is banned. The small issue I see with Disneys announcement (I dont smoke, but the smoking areas never bothered me so really I dont care either way) is the date. Its awfully short notice to give a smoker when they already have their vacation booked. People can avoid areas (stadiums, Hawaii, downtown city districts) when they know, but the way Disney has everything set up with 180 or 60 advanced planning, not to mention flights, they are taking these peoples money and not giving them what they expected. Leaving the parks for a cigarette is a hassle some may not want to do. If Disney wants to ban smoking, they should give a date before someones 180.
I have tried the gum and it simply does not work. In truth it makes me physically sick.

If you haven't already, and you are in a place where you cannot take a smoke break, you could try the nicotine pouches that go in your snus. My father in law was a smoker, after DS continued to have health problems Everytime we visited them he tried the gum, patches, but said that snus helped a lot. He never smoked in the house, but the carcinogens on his clothes would really effect DS if he hugged he quit smoking, but still does snus.
I am not low income and college educated... unfair statement

I don't have any stats to back it up, I've commented numerous times that it seems like 90% of people that smoke can't afford to smoke. At $16-$17 per pack now I figure a person needs to make at least $150,000/yr to honestly afford that luxury. Most of the smokers I know make less than 30% of that.
Multi-billion dollar companies are made on the habits, some very bad habits that kill people. Hello... Perdue Pharma.

If there ever comes a day when alcohol or fattening foods is not profitable... It will become the next fashionably undesirable cause. Then we will see how many people will be pitching a fit over not having a "Wine Festival" or a fattening and delicious MM Ears ice cream.

Apologies, but alcohol and "fatty" foods have medically acceptable moderate limits. I don't think there's any medically acceptable moderate limit on smoking beyond zero.

In other words, you can enjoy those things in moderation without consequence. I don't believe smoking has that quality.
Banning smoking in other areas across the country hasn't backfired yet so I am not sure it would here.

And again they are still giving you options, sure maybe less ideal ones but it's something. They could've said no smoking at all anywhere.

I can only speak for myself, having been a considerate smoker and spending tens of thousands of dollars to visit Disney World over the last nearly 30 years.
Of course, they could've said no smoking anywhere, and it is likely that they will do that at some point in the future.

Hanging out in a parking lot, just isn't for me. I don't know what other smokers, their families and friends will decide, but I've made up my mind.
As with any entertainment, I seek out a certain comfort level with the amount of money I pay. Disney has made it all very, very clear with this announcement a mere 30 days before its implementation.
Thats the problem with many smokers who quit or try to. Many gain weight sometimes a significant amount.

Ive seen multiple posts about all the places in the world that smoking is banned. The small issue I see with Disneys announcement (I dont smoke, but the smoking areas never bothered me so really I dont care either way) is the date. Its awfully short notice to give a smoker when they already have their vacation booked. People can avoid areas (stadiums, Hawaii, downtown city districts) when they know, but the way Disney has everything set up with 180 or 60 advanced planning, not to mention flights, they are taking these peoples money and not giving them what they expected. Leaving the parks for a cigarette is a hassle some may not want to do. If Disney wants to ban smoking, they should give a date before someones 180.

My guess is the date has to do with the opening of SWGE at DL. They want these new policy's in place and being enforced before it opens.
I can only speak for myself, having been a considerate smoker and spending tens of thousands of dollars to visit Disney World over the last nearly 30 years.
Of course, they could've said no smoking anywhere, and it is likely that they will do that at some point in the future.

Hanging out in a parking lot, just isn't for me. I don't know what other smokers, their families and friends will decide, but I've made up my mind.
As with any entertainment, I seek out a certain comfort level with the amount of money I pay. Disney has made it all very, very clear with this announcement a mere 30 days before its implementation.

You're going to find it more and more difficult to find a place to smoke as time goes on.
Apologies, but alcohol and "fatty" foods have medically acceptable moderate limits. I don't think there's any medically acceptable moderate limit on smoking beyond zero.

In other words, you can enjoy those things in moderation without consequence. I don't believe smoking has that quality.

There's also the issue of consent. If I sit and eat five pounds of chicken wings and a half gallon of ice cream, it is highly unlikely you will be forced to inhale some of my ice cream from ten feet away while you're walking to Space Mountain.
Ultimately I think Disney is thinking about ALL guests with this ban. If they can get smokers to quit - that would be a great thing for smokers and those that love them (even if they do not want to admit it). I understand free will and all but think about how much heathier one could be and the reduced costs for the masses - but I do digress as that is a far more deap and complicated discussion! :)

I honestly do not think they care one whit about helping anyone other than their bottom line and those they are entrusted to care for. If they have been inundated with complaints concerning smokers wo wander out of the DSA, or by guests who have been affected by the smoke drift, and if the cost to clean up has become higher than they want to absorb, then it makes sense to shut the option down. I also believe they may care about these employees stuck with the cleanup. I find it hard to believe they honestly look at the overall health of their guest population and are hoping to improve it.

If wheelchairs were only available to physically handicapped people, and not to obese (food addicted) people...Would you perceive Disney as being biased and unwelcoming of obese people?

Disney makes this announcement one month before it's implementation. It doesn't announce these DSA locations, because there probably isn't any work to be done, i.e. installing seating. For all the public knows at this time, is that there's going to be an area somewhere probably nearer to the parking lot.

It may not seem like a big deal to a non-smoker. But it's the culmination of the prevailing atmosphere at the Disney parks, where minimal, out of the way DSA's still managed to create an antagonistic anti-smoker atmosphere. <self edited>

Okay, I understand you are upset. No one is stopping a non smoker from joining the smokers in a DSA. I have followed my DDIL but left because I hated it. No one asked me to leave. If you want to rent a wheelchair, or eat more cupcakes then you should to remain slim, have at it. You are trying to make this a discrimination issue and for the life of me I cannot understand how it is that. This is a business decision, pure and simple. If you made a decision that would improve the overall satisfaction of 85% of your business patrons, would you say, "Sorry, no can do Buckeroo."?

I understand that you feel like a pariah. I understand you think that the atmosphere is antagonistic towards smokers. It probably is. I know my own home is antagonistic towards smokers. I won't have it in my home. I discourage anyone from smoking on my front porch, and I would prefer they do not smoke in my yard. I imagine there is a small percentage of people who do not like my decisions, however I prefer to make the majority of my family and friends happy, myself included, then indulge one smoker who does not want to move away from my windows. WE all have our thing, and yours happens to be one that makes a large percentage of people uncomfortable in one way or another.

I think we all have choices in terms of where we visit. I will never visit a park outside the US that allows smoking freely. I do not feel my preference outweighs the mindset there, but I choose to stay away. I rarely step foot in casinos that allow smoking, but when I do, I do not feel anyone in my area need to accommodate my preference, and if I want a smoke free area ( No matter what they say, smoke travels there) I will take the long hike and head to the outer regions in the North 40.

How difficult would it be for multi-billion dollar Disney to install the smokers zones like they have in Europe, so that the smoke is contained and doesn't drift?

If Disney had done that, it would have marked a real solution effort to maximize the comfort of non-smoking guests, and treated smokers with a modicum of respect.

Disney has chosen to just basically said to smokers, "you're very welcome to leave...the park, and enjoy our parking lot."

But why should they?

I grew up in a time where smoking was accommodated everywhere, then limited, and now nearly eliminated, at least in CA. I tell my kids about smoking sections on airplanes and in restaurants and they just don't believe me. These are VERY good changes, and I can't ever imagine going back. Think about it; you used to be able to smoke on airplanes, in any seat, regardless of who was sitting next to you. That's CRAZY is today's world! I'm sorry if you feel as though you are in an antagonistic atmosphere, but it really is more than a little surprising that Disney has been so accommodating to this point - not the other way around.

I agree. I grew up during that time and boy have things changed since then!

When they banned smoking here the small corner lounges saw a drop in business for the first few months, but everything soon went back to normal. A lot of restaurants actually reported an instant increase in business from non smokers who didn't have to breathe in smoke anymore.

The same occurred in my area. A big hoopla that amounted to nothing really. I know we started dining out more often once I did not have to compete with smoke to enjoy my food.
I have a hard time believing that. The legal age for smoking in 1987 was raised to 18. I can't believe a high school would condone smoking for anyone under 18, if at all.

my high school had a smoking section ... I graduated in 1996
Thank you! I have nothing against smokers at all, only rude inconsiderate people. I really hope people will follow the rules, but with that said, I really hope that this ban doesn't discourage families ( with a smoker in them) from visiting. Example: mom or dad smokes and doesn't want the hassle of having to leave the park to smoke, so they don't want family to vacation at Disney anymore.) Just because a few people break rules, doesn't mean the majority will.
I could be 100% wrong but I think this will create more people breaking the rules and sneaking a smoke in corners. As of now, there are at least 2 spots we can "legally" go. Now people are going to sneak one whenever they think they can get away with it. A lot will depend on how Disney deals with the rule breakers, if they simply tell you that you have to put out the cigarette and move on with no consequences people will continue to do it over and over again. I always planned my fast passes around where the smoking areas were when I knew we would have time to kill.

I truly don't know what I would do as a parent with small children. I hope that I would suck it up and still go for them but I'll be honest and say that I would not be a pleasant mom to be around after a few hours.
These last trips will be very different as we will do our 3 fastpasses and leave the park. I have cancelled all of our ADR's within the parks and eat at restaurants off site. We kept CG brunch & the boathouse as our only Disney reservations.
There's also the issue of consent. If I sit and eat five pounds of chicken wings and a half gallon of ice cream, it is highly unlikely you will be forced to inhale some of my ice cream from ten feet away while you're walking to Space Mountain.

There are lots of factors at play in this situation. I was merely trying to redirect the straw man argument about other potential vices in this case.

That said, I wouldn't mind inhaling some of your ice cream on my way to Space Mountain, but you're going to need way more than a half gallon (temporal moderation be darned). :D
You're going to find it more and more difficult to find a place to smoke as time goes on.

I quit back in January for the 297th time (exaggerating, of course). And I'll be trying for the 298th time again soon.

I consider a freedom to make personal choices, (especially when playing by all the rules, and not harming others health and well being), to be of importance.
It's a slippery slope when a personal privileges and personal choices are taken away.
I could be 100% wrong but I think this will create more people breaking the rules and sneaking a smoke in corners. As of now, there are at least 2 spots we can "legally" go. Now people are going to sneak one whenever they think they can get away with it. A lot will depend on how Disney deals with the rule breakers, if they simply tell you that you have to put out the cigarette and move on with no consequences people will continue to do it over and over again. I always planned my fast passes around where the smoking areas were when I knew we would have time to kill.

I truly don't know what I would do as a parent with small children. I hope that I would suck it up and still go for them but I'll be honest and say that I would not be a pleasant mom to be around after a few hours.
These last trips will be very different as we will do our 3 fastpasses and leave the park. I have cancelled all of our ADR's within the parks and eat at restaurants off site. We kept CG brunch & the boathouse as our only Disney reservations.

All it will take to stop that is to have the police issue a few tickets at $200 a pop and the sneaking of smokes will stop quickly.
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